Is 13. PAGES 1 TO S. PAES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JULT 2. 1S55. VOL. XXXIV., NO. G0C2. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS. ;5 i Sill WHEN THE JURY WAITS, L01IE SOLDIERS 17 ... AT THE v. '.. I? p HP EXTOLLED CAPITAL Capt Tilley Has Chats With Secre- Praise for tary Wilson on i ... Them. Hawaii. 4 I OFFICER TO BE FALL IN LOCAL COURT-MARTIALE- D STOCKS ON COAST n- - Members of Board and Accused Due to Reports of Drouth on the Governor Sail lor Samoa on Plantations and to Labor ir Different Ships. Troubles. ii ti. 15. F. TILLEY of the L.OWRIE, manager o CAPTAIN States Navy, recently WJ. plantation, Ma- - from the rank"' of com- ul, returned yesterday on tho mander, arrived yesterday cn the So- Sonoma from a three months' vacaUo noma, en route to Pago Pago, island of on the mainland, during .whiJh thpe Tutuila, the American possession in the ?7TVTTyYTTTTTTTTTHTTTfTTTTT?T77TTTTTT?TTTTTVTTYTTTTYTTT?T7VTTVTTTTTTTTTTT he visited Washington, New Ycrk, Bos- 4; Samoan group. Mrs. Tilley accom- and a turban of red and make a very a chance to get on the B-it- ish steamer ton, Quebec, Montreal, Minneapolis, re- ij- imposing appearance. Abbey, which was to go to panies her husband on the present trip. They have been SMITH scheduled coast on the Canadian i AGUINALDO" TRIES turning to the . in service about a year and from re- Batangas for hemp. The cargo was gen- - He is on his way to .answer to the accompanied ports of them they are among the best l eral merchandise for the planters. Smith Pacific railway. He was charges preferred against him for al- drilled men in the navy. In the bayonet went along, but he said he found the by Mra. Lowrle, Miss Clara Lowrle and they excel, they go TO SEE ADMIRAL GLASS cargo was of rifles, and he deserted the leged misconduct while1 in command of drill and through HENRY ship Master Lowrle. Miss Lowrle is much the an i and travelled overland through a the naval station at Pago Pago. The entire drill without order, and jteriitory he" did not know, so as to show improved in health. They are register- all in perfect unison. They are a re- V-- battleship Wisconsin with members of jhis devotion to the country, and to tell Hawaiian Hotel and will re- markable body of men. the army. This looked good, and I turn- ed at the the court-marti- al board has already "Honolulu has changed much since I The Hero of Batanzas and Naval Officer ed him over to the army, and he was main here until next Tuesday when ;' passed through Honolulu on her way to was here as executive officer on the thtT investigated and the ship taken. they will leavfe for Maul. .While in Samoa, and naval transport Solace cruiser San Francisco, and I can see I "Then he was the vward of the army. visit to Secre- the All Vila fiflla vera ri'.Irl a - .1 rrnin Washington he made a that some magnificent buildings are be- Who Could "Not Succeed in mtnutes' with Admirals "Bob" Evans and Henry ing erected. Honolulu was not so active and lived well. He was sent ; on to tary Wilson and had a fifteen Glass, will proceed to Pago Pago this before the overthrow and the suburbs Hongkong to make his statement in the chat with him about Hawaiian affairs. Eluding Him. suit against the people who were ship- afternoon. The Sonoma will reach that were not so well built up. I have not ping arms into the Filipino country. "Secretary Wilson la very much In port at about the same time. Capt. had time to go to Pearl Harbor .oday, Then I missed him until he turned up favor of beet sugar," said Mr. Lowrle S 1:: 1! but remember very well as I went Tilley was stationed Honolulu about it in San Francisco with a plan to get the evening. "He thinks that at all over it was yesterday 1 when I here before. It is ! management of Sailors' Home NLY FORTUNE, which sometimes Ipolnt along the line of his chase of the the here. years machin- V, nine years ago as executive officer of a magnificent site for a. naval station, and he asked my testimonial to aid him, within a few that the i is Inscrutable, prevented a meet-- tunas. gave ery for th cultivation of beets, will be the cruiser San Francisco, but left the and with the bar dredged out and the "I never saw a man who seemed so and I it. All he talked about was sugar men channel cleared of obstructions the navy o ing Tuesday between Admiral a medal in recognition from the govern- so far improved that the beet country islands before the overthrow of the anxious to serve his as was will be able to raise it as easily and as will be in possession o something worth Henry Glaas and "Aguinaldo" Smith when the Charleston went through ment." monarchy. cheaply as cane. With sugar coming 5 iJe." Smith, but it Is safe to say the navy here on the way said Ad- Sjnith is still hunting that reward, but It is not troubling as he is too busy Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Ri-- o, Captain Tilley stated to an Advertiser Captain Tilley was on man one regrets pass- miral Glass. "He was Insistent that ho him, from the reticent the is not the who the studying for the pulpit. He wanted to Cuba, Louisiana and Texas, and with reporter last evening at the Hawaiian subject of his coming court-marti- al at ing of ships. want- bo given a chance to get to the front, their In fact, Smith could not see Admiral Glass to talk over their vic- the development in the production of Pago Pago. but I take him at all. Then hard-foug- no was re- He met the officers of the ht Hotel that matter what the ed to lay over here to see and impress I found myself the port captain Ma- tories and battles, but it beet sugar, Mr. Wilson thinks that the court-marti- al at the Moana Hotel yes- at sult of the proceedings at Pago Pago, Admiral Glass, but could not on account nila, and one day in walked' Smith; he was not to be, as the Ventura would not United States will be able to supply its terday afternoon while driving about beaten way to Manila on a trans- wait, and he was needed in the handling he would in all probability pass through the city. of an engagement to .stuiiy at the Moody had his of the ship's pantry. own demands, without importing. He Institute, Chicago, which had to be port. He wanted something, but 1 could la fostering the industry and will do all Honolulu within a short time, as he has not be of any service to him. He did kept. he co.n to uphold it. seen two and a half years of service in not forget me, however, for I saw him "II;! SICKNESS A was astonish- several tirtKs, and was gone. He THREW A GUN was under the impression from Samoa, and is anxious to make 'a Admiral GJass the most then he letters which had been sent him from ed man in the city when he was told hail taker, another jump, stowing away change. on a ship for Hongkong. Then I heard here that the Hawaiian citizens and GOOD EXCUSE that his innocent letter of commendation IN THE HARBOR planters are opposed to man he "I was ambitious to get much of the nothing of him for sometime, but he was the 3 of Smith was being made the basis of a bound to up. sent out here to conduct the experi- work, mapped out improvement turn for the claim for $2.ri,0')' for services rendered in "I was in my office one day when I ment station Jared Smith--b- ut I told oi Pago Pago harbor, completed be- Chinese Who Ovfrstay Year's the Philippines, for when Smith asked was called to see a man of the name of Curious Actions of Two Sono- him that was not so. I to him the privilege of enlisting he said only I fore I gave up the station," said the May Cer- the his Smith, and there found the Honolulu planters and agricultural men general- Leave Beeuterou thought was to be of service to his coun- man. pretty badly off for clothes and a ma Pft8ecgers Last Night ly, officer, "but much remains to be dore. try. would be and were glad and willing tificate oi Local Cousul. Then he asked for the letter of .shave, but as lively as ever. He told me .Excited Curiosity. to assist Mr. Smith in any way they The harbor of Pago Pago is a fine one, commendation from the admiral to aid of a Ion? tramp across the country, from his aim in gevting a medal for service, thf. Luzon to Manila, could. He was glad to hear that with an entrance about half a. mile wide first extreme south of impression was not correct. He is very Assistant United States Attorney ! and later Uih position of manager of the to report that the Abbey was in the port On board the Sonoma, from San and clear' of with the ex- Home cre in- much in favor of diversified industries obst'uetions Dunne receive;? a very important rul- Sailors' here.
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