CHINESEIHINE$E MANDARINI'IANDARIN INSTRUCTIONIII$TRUCTION LAMMTNGIIAGE LABORATORYTAMMTORY PRO6MI{ /WOW InstituteInstitute ofof FarF'ar Eastern Languages (IFEL)(IFEL) Yale University,Univers ity, llewNew Haven, ConnecticutConnect icut 1950-19651950-l 965 CLASSROOMCLASSROOTT TNSTRUCTTONINSTRUCTION AND RESOURCERESOURGE I{ATERTAL-TEXTSMATERIAL- TEXTS AND TAPESTAPES This collection consists of Chinese languageIanguage course materials, includingincluding textstexts and complementing, supplementing,supplement ing, and enriching 7" reel to reel magneticmagnet ic tapes.tapes . The great majority of thethe tapestapes were recordedredorded by RobertRobert N. Tharp between 195?,1952 andand 1965.1965. ThoughThough 3030 oror 4040 yearsyeara old,old, andand storedstored forfor thethe past 1515 years or so,sor theirtheir soundsound seemsseems good and clear, but the actual qualityqual ity of the tape itselfitself isis questionable and shouldshould definitelydefinitely bebe keptkept inin mind.mind. AllAIt ofof these classroomclassroom tapes were scheduled to be brought up toto date and completelycompletely revisedrevised before 1970,t97O, but circumstancescircumstances made this impossible. TheThe AirforceAirforce programprogram waswas discontinueddiscontinued at the InstituteInst i tute of FarFar Eastern StudiesStudies at YaleYaIe andand moved toto the Defense Language Institute,Inst i tute, PresidioPres idio of Monterey, CA. ThereIhere are basically threethree categoriescateElories ofof tapes;tapes: 1.1. Tapes of course books' printed texttext as recorded andand voiced by Robert N. Tharp. 2.2, Tapes of original materialruaterial created andand recorded byby Robert N. Tharp toto expand thethe languagelanguage coursescourses suchsuch as exercises,exercises, drills,dri I 1s, and tests,tests, associatedassociated withwith vocabulary, comprehension, andand "Rapid"Rapid Fire"Fire". Additionally,AdditionaIly, there are specialspecial recordingsrecordings designeddes igned toto enrichenrich andand challengechal lenge thethe more advanced Airforce students inin preparationpreparat ion forfor theirtheir ultimate assignments,assiEnments, as well as specific vocabulary material for collegecol lege students, doctors, nurses, missionaries, reporters, and those inin diplomaticdiplomat ic services,services, etc..etc. 3.3. Tapes recordedrecorded byby RobertRobert N.Tharp ofof otherother situationssituations under his supervision, such as other FarFar Eastern languages,languages , general discussdiscussions, ions , dialectsdialects, , culturalcul tural lectures,lectures , and miscellaneousmi sce I I aneous broadcasts.broadcas t s . I DISTRIBUTIONDI STRIIil..TII ON OF CLASSCI.,ASS HOURSHOIJRS FOR USAF ACC , BASICBAS]C MANDARINI,IAND.ARTN CHINESECHI NESE COURSE AuditoriumAudlt orl um ControlledControlLed Uncontrolled DrillDr1 11 WeekWeek# 1]" Class(:Iass SPSI'li$K AK CHINESECHINBISE Drillftrj l I classesclassets 154rt4 GrammarCrrrmmar 282B TranslationI'rn.nglrr.tlon 242I+ Comprhensionflomprlhet ns I on 30 RapidRaptd FireI'1rt: 23 GeneralG:IreI&l classese Lasses 55 * AccumulativeAccumuiat ivtr tests 1010 DICTIONARYII C.IIONARY 65 12L2 13 "B'f classCHINESEClasslHINtS! DIALOGUESllALOGLES DrillDri -Li classesc las su's 100r00 ComprhensionCompr-:hensj on 3030 24*2l+* GrammarGranrru.rt' 30 GeneralGrrte)r&1 classesc la.sses 4l+ RapidRapi,i FireFi re: 3635 IIATI PALMHA! t r)COMM11N1CATTONS .jrolltr4llN i oNS I Count.t lou rrt, ()t'f'nfr 16IO HIII i Vil,'i 16Lo Ditrtirr,q 20orl ;ho1.1Shor.ll; t,Jj rig rrg 2020 * Wad/GilE:slrrllitl,':/ Gi i..:S 4 AccumulativeAccumu lattve Tests'Iests 13t? 5, I 24 25 "Aff ClassCiass BLUEBLUU II 1I Drillt,r1 lJ rc iasseslasses 42\z DialectsDia leets l+ 5 ComprAInsionCompr',-.hi'ts ion * 30?n RapidRapi,J FireFlre , 10t0 2020 Vocabulary/IntroductionVocs. bu I ary/ I nt rod uct 1on 202A AccumulativeAceumu.latlve tests 5 RADIORADIt. COMMUNICATIONS(IOMI{IJNICAT] ONS III I Vocabulary/IntroductionVoeabu-iary/Introduetlon ** 2020 Area Talks 2020 *tt ShoutingShout i ng 2020 tF StaticStatle 2020 tf RapidFapld Fire 2020 iF InterrogationI nterrogatlon 2020 l+ Totalrotal- 219& Ae286 g99 &296 323e GrandGrand. Total:Total: 900oO0 HoursHours AuditoriumAudltorium - LectureLectr:re classeselasses in whichwhlch neithernelther tapes nor headsetshead.sets are requlre6.required. ControlledClontrolled. -- Tape classesclasses in1n whichwhlch studentsstud.ents must use headsets, but not tape recorders.record.ers. Uncontrolled -- Tape classesclasses in1n whichwhlch studentsstud.ents must use both headsetshead.sets andand tape recorders.record.ers. IndicatesIndlcates that somesone oror all ofof these hourshorrrs may fallfall intolnto thisthls categorycategory - also, dependingdependlng onon thethe availabilityavallab111ty ofof labs latrs sna_r.nyn,--4----4... nnrl ..nn'rrran.faqa^ *- ar 1.1. I.I. CHINESECHINBSB LANGUAGELAI{GUAGE TEXTSTEXTS ANDAITD TAPESTAPES **MANDARIN**T{I{IYDARIN COMPREHENSIONCOI{PRBHENSION COURSE Speak ChineseCtrinese (S.C.)( S, C. ) Text:by Gardnern";5:"":":"i:i;i"{r-z. Tewksbury Tapes:Til:;?" Lessons 1-10, 11-24 (2(z tapes)tapes) Dictation 1-101-10 (1(1 tape) ComprehensionComprehens ion 1-24t-24 (3or4( 3or4 tapes)tapes ) Rapid Fire Tests (24(24 tapes)tapes ) ReviewRev iew PatternsPat terns by HH.Fenn . Fenn (4( 4 tapes)tapes ) Interim Tests (2(2 tapestapes) ) Vocabulary,t"aerimt/ocabu l ary (2(2 tapes)tapes ) Review Patterns (5+ tapes) Translationsl::::I":::::";; by P.K.Lil:; i?":Z' (4 tapes)..o"" , ChineseChineee Dialogues (C.D)(C. D) Text:byIext ; by Fred Fang-yuFang-yu Wanghlang Tapes:Tapes: LessonsLessons (3(3 tapes)tapes) ComprehensionComprehens ion (24(24 tapes)tapes ) Rapid Fire Tests (12(1.2 tapes) Remedial teststests Out of thethe Blue (C.P.)( C . P, ) Text:byIext : by IFELIFEL Staff Tapes:Iapes : VocabularyVocabu lary (1( 1 tape)tape ) ComprehensionComprehens ion (5( 5 tapes)tapes ) RapidRapid FireFi re (5( 5 tapes)tapes ) MiscellaneousMi sce I laneous (20(2O tapes)tapes ) Air Procedure (A.P.)(A.P.) Text:byText: by IFELIFEL StaffStaff Tapes: Class Material (15(15 tapes) Radio Communications (3( 3 tapes)tapes ) "Sh6uting""Shdutine" (Listening(Listening In)In) (5(5 tapes) "Count"Count Off"Off" (Numbers)(Numbers) (5(5 tapes) "Timing""Timf.rg" (Name(Name Places)PIaces ) (1-2(t-Z tapes)tapes ) 2. **OTHER**OTHER RESOURCESRESOURGES MandarinItlandar in PrimerPr iuer Character Text;Text ; byby Y.R.ChaoY. R. Chao Tapes: (9(9 tapes) Chao's Primer Text:Text : by Y.R.ChaoY. R. Chao Tapes: (15(15 tapes) ChineseCh inese Mandarinllandar in (2( 2 tapes)t ape s ) Mandarinl{andarin (1( 1 tapetape byby Andrew GihGih) ) An IntermediateIntermediate Level Mandarinllandarin Chinese Refresher Course Books I,I, II,II, III,III, and IVIV Texts;Texts ; byby KirkKi rk RankinR,tnkin IIII I I and TheodoreTheodore C.M.TungG. M. Tung **CHARACTER**CHIUUTCTER ANDAI{D READING Read Chinese Texts: Books I,I, II,II, and IIIIII Tapes: (13(13 tapes) **PRONUNCIATION* *PRONIJNCIATION IntroductionIntroduction to ChineseGhinese Pronunciation Texts: 8I smallsrnaII textstexts Tapes: (3(3 tapes) T.- 3.3. Progressivereas ive ExercisesExerc ea inin ChineseChinege Pronunciation Text:Text ; byby W.C.HockettW.C . Hocket t A TalkingTalkine Book of ChineseChiReee Pronunciationpronunciation Text:Text : byby WanWan Li Book Co.Co. RecordsRecord s **NEWSPAPER**NEWSPAPER ChineseChinege Newspaper Manualllanual A PrimerPrim*r of NewspaperNesspater ChineseGhinese Supplementsupoleuent NewspaperNewgpaper Primer Tapes:Tapes : (3( 3 tapes)tapes ) Advanced ChineseChiqeae Newspaper ReadingsReadinBs Tapes:Tapes; (3(3 tapes) Worksheets **HISTORY**HTSTORY AND CULTURECULTURB ChineseGhineee LecturesLecturee (4( 4 tapes)tapes ) Topical Conversations (4(A tapes)tapes) f-- 4. Chinese History (2(Z tapes)tapee ) Read About China (Simple MilitaryI iti"l"x::;"ia1g Materials)) Tapes: byoi';T8i;,xi P.C.Lin (4 tapes) A Chinese Poet'sPoet'e Look at Life (1(1 tape)tape) Conversational Reader inin ChineseGhinese Culture and Thought (2(2 tapes)tapes ) IncidentsInc i dent s by DaDaisy i sy KwohKwoh (1( 1 tape)tape ) Happy FamilyFani Iy (5( 5 tapes)tapes ) Chinese Stories (5-7(5-7 tapes)tapes) CampusCaupus Talks (9( 9 tapes)tapes ) Talks on Chinese Culture (20(2O Lectures)Lecturee) (10(10 tapes)tapes) Kuaishu- StoriesStories withwith texttext (45-50(45-50 tapes)tapes) Recorded inin 1963-Taiwan1963-Taiwan Dept. of Health,EducationHealth, Education and WelfareWeI fare Examples;Examples ; The Shandung Story, Riding Through thethe Kuai-huo-lin,Kuai -huo- I in, The LoneLone WildUJiId GooseGoose Xiangsheng-Xiangshen8- Stand-upStand-up ComediansComedians (probably(probably purchased)purchaeed) (40-45( 40-45 tapes)tapes ) l=.- 5.5. **** RADIO BROADCASTS (86( 86 tapes)tapes ) ChineseChineae Radio (40( 40 tapes)tapes ) Voice of AnericaAmerica (in( in Chinese) (20(2Q tapes) Radio Peking (in( in Chinese)Ch inese ) (20<2O tapes)tapes ) **DIALECTS**DIALECTS Szechuan DialectDialect (1( 1 tape)tape ) LectureLecture on DialectsDialecte by Joseph KuoKu° (2(2 tapes)tapes ) **MUSIC* *l{u$ Ic Folk Songs-ChineeeSongs-Chinese MusicMusic (5(5 tapes)tapee) **SPECIALIZED**SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY ClinicalCl inical Dialo8rreDialogue (4( 4 tapes)tapes ) 6.6. **RELIGIOUS**RELIGIOUS I{ATERIALMATERIAL TAPBDTAPED IN CHINESECHINESB Bible Reader (Selections( Select ions fromfrom New Testament inin Chinese)Chinese ) W.D.ChuW.D. Chu (11( 1 1 tapes)tapes ) Lutheran Hour (3( 3 tapes)tapes ) Hymns (1(1 tape)tape) CatholicCathol ic Prayers (1( 1 tape)tape ) Parable of thethe 1010 Virgins (1(1 tape)tape) **TAIWAN**TAIWAITI Taiwan Today (2(Z
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