![A World Revision of the Seaweed Fly Genus Thoracochaeta DUDA (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) Part 2: Palaearctic Species](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
-_.- .1 u ROHACEK8 MARSHALL: 31 3-372 Studia dipterologica 7 (2000)Heft 2 0 ISSN 0945-3954 A world revision of the seaweed fly genus Thoracochaeta DUDA (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) Part 2: Palaearctic species [Revision der tangbewohnenden Dungfliegen der Gattung Thorucochuetu DUDA der Weltfauna (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) Teil 2: palaarktische Arten] by Jindiich ROHACEK and Stephen A. MARSHALL Opava (Czech Republic) Guclph (Canada) Abstract Thc Palaearctic species of the seawecd fly gcnus Thomcochaera DUDA. 1918 are revised; the 13 species recognized in the rcgion are keyed, (re)described and thcir male and female genita- lia illustrated. Thomcochaera nigripennis (DUDA.1918), L rudis VANSCHUMBROECK, 1951, firrknui (REMMERT,1935) and Z tunísica PAPP,1978 are synonymised witb Z bmchysroma (STMHAMMAR,1855), and ZpoipebrLr CARLES-ToLRA,1994 is synonymised with Z medirenunea MUNARI,1989. The following seven new species are described Thoracochoeta accola [Gnece, Ukraine, Georgia]. Z acinoces [China, Japan]. Z cercuILr and Zgemina [Rusia: Kuril Is.]. T. miranda [Japan], Z Qnx [England], and X valentinei [Great Britain, Belgium]. Variability of sorne spccies is discussed. Notes on the relationships, biology and distribution (including new - records) of al1 species are given. T. bmchysroma is newly recorded ñom indonesia (Sumatra). Key words Diptera, Sphaeroceridae, Thomcochoeta, taxonomy, nnv species, new synonyms, key, distri- bution, Palaearctic, marine shorelines, supralittoral Zusarnmenfassung Die palaarktischen Arten der tangbewohnendcnDungfliegen der Gattung Thomcochaera DUDA, 1918 wcrden revidiert. Es handelt sich um insgcsamt 13 valide Spezies. Ein Bcstimmungs- schlüssel diescr Arten wird vorgestellt; die Artcn werdcn detailliert beschrieben und dic mhlichen und weiblichen Genitalien abgcbildct. Thomcochaera nigripennis (DUDA,1918), T rudis VANSCHUYTBROECK,1951, tfiftkaui(RE~~ER~, 1955) und L tunisica PAPP, 1978 wrden mit L brachysroma (STENHAMMAR,1855) und Z paipebris CARLES-TOLLA,1994 mit L medi- rermnea MUNARI,1989 synonymisiert. Es erfolgi die Beschreibung von sieben neuen Arten: Thoracochaeru uccola [Gricchenland, Ukraine, Georgien], Z acinaces [China. Japan], Z cercalis und T. gemina [Russland: Kurilen], Z miranda [Japan], Z knr [England] und Z vafenrinei (GroBbritannien, Belgien]. Die Variabilitgt ciniger Arten ist Gegenstand der Diskussion. Anmerkungen N denVewndtschaftsbczichungen, der Biologie und Verbreitung (nebst neuer Fundmeldungen) von allen Artcn erganzen dic Ausführungen ZUT Taxonomie. Thomcochaeta bMChyStoma wird erstmals aus Indonesien (Sumatra) gemeldet. Stichwarter Diptera, Sphaeroceridae, Thomcochaeta, Taxonomie, neue Arten, ncue Synonyme, Bestim- mungsschliissel, Verbreitung, Paliiarktis, Meercsufer, Supralitoral Introduction h4hs1.1~~(1 982) revised the Nearctic species of the genus Thomcochuetu DUDA, 19 18 and MAR- SHALL & RoHÁ~(2000) studied the world species with the exception of species found in the Holarctic Region This paper revises the Palaearctic Thorucochaetu species, thus completing a world revision of the genus. Many of the Palaearctic species now placed in Thomcochuetu(Limosinu zosteme HALJDAY,1833; L.fulvipes MEIGEN,1838; L. setulosu ZETERSTEDT,1847; L. bmchystomu S~~AMMAX,1855; L. piligera STEMM&IAR,1855; L. ciliosa RONDA,,,1880 and L. undalusiuca STROBL, 1900) were descnbed in the 19th century, and problems in establishing the identity of 7 313 scrratc apex. Fciiiaie tcrgite 7 enlargcd and bulgiiig dorsolaterally (Fig. 75), steriiite spine-like sctac iii front of a largc, postcriorly angular, posteroiiicdial lobc; iiialc 7 posteroiiicdially coiicavc aiid stcriiitc 8 (Fig. 76) spatulate (Great Britaiii: Eng- ccrci large, proiniiieiit aiid richly sctosc (Figs 80, 81); surstylus (FIg. 87) unilobatc, laiid) ................................................................................................ I: farix spec. nov. with 2 strong ventral spines. Feniale tergitc 7 (Fig. 84) with incdial unpigmcntcd Arista loiig-ciliate; male f, and t, ventrally simply setulose, t, with only 1 vu seta. stripe; sternite 7 (Fig. 85) with inembranous, traiisvcrscly roundcd postcromcdial Male sternitc 5 with posteromedial bifid lobe and stout spines in front of it; surstylus area (Russia: Kuril 1s.) .............................................................. T. cercafis spec. nov. witli botli anterior and posterior lobes slendcr. Feiiiaic tergite 7, sternite 7 and sternite 4 (2+2) long dc; sc setae longer (laterobasal sc 1.1 X as long as scutellum). Male 8 simple (Figs 43, 50) ................................................................................................ 8 sternite 5 (Figs 105,110) sparseiy and shortiy setose, with a row oferect or proclinate Larger (wiiig ieiigth 1.5-2.0 inni); veiiis on wing brownish; dc macrosetae (1+2) long. setae in front of posteriorly rounded posteromedial lobe; male cerci rcduced; surstylus Malc sternite 5 (Figs 34,36) with a coinb of dense stout spines in front of posterome- trilobatc (Figs 108, 117), with only 1 posteroventrai stout spine. Fcmale tergite 7 dial lobe; surstylus (Fig. 33) witli anterior lobe slightiy bent and apically tapcred; and sternite 7 simply pigmented .............................................................................. 12 postgonite (Fig. 3 1) niore slender, siiglilly sinuously margined. Femaie postabdominal 12(11) g seta about 1.5 X as long as subvibrissa. Posteromediai iobe of inale sternite 5 (Fig. sclcrites (Figs 40,43) narrower and ccrci (Fig. 40) longer and more slender (Balcaric 105) with bare and slightiy emarginate posterior margin; inale cerci ventrally rouiidcd Is., Pantelleria I., Malta, Croatia) ............................... Z rrreúiterrariea MUNARI,1989 (Fig. 104); surstylus (Fig. 108) long, witli small antcrior lobc; postgonite (Fig. 102) Sinaller (wing lengtli 1.2-1.6 min); veins on wing (cxcept for C) strikingly pale, dirty with naiyow apcx. Female sternite 8 (Fig. 109) rounded-hexagonal with deep postero- wliitisli; dc macrosetae (2+2) sliorter. Male sternite 5 (Figs 47-48) with only scveral inedia1 incision; spermathecae (Fig. 107) traiisvcrsely oval, witli groovcd surface and scattcred spines in front of posteromedial lobe; surstylus (Fig. 52) witli anterior lobe distinct cup-shaped basa1 part (Holarctic) ......................... 3: seticosta (SruLm, 1925) sinuous and blunt on apex; postgonite (Fig. 46) more robust, with broadened middle - g seta about 2 x as long as unusually sliort subvibrissa. Posteroinedial lobe of male stemite and apical parts. Feinaie postabdominal scierites (Figs 49,50) broader and cerci (Fig. 5 (Fig. 110) witli spinuiose and medially deepiy emarginate posterior iiiargh; surstylus 49) sliort and stout (Greece, Ukraine, Georgia) ........................... T. accofa spec. nov. (Fig. 117) short, with largc flat antcrior sabre-sliaped lobe; inalc cerci ventrally angular Eyc uiiusually iarge and convcx (its Iieight about 3.6 x as long as genal height); poste- (Fig. 113); postgonite (Fig. 112) with broad rounded apex. Fcmale sternite 8 (Fig. 1 15) rior notopleurai seta conspicuously reclinate. Male stcrnitc 5 (Fig. 93) with 4 robust broad antcriorly and tapered posteriorly; spermathccae (Fig. 118) almost spliaerical, with spines in front of a narrow rounded posteromedial lobe; surstylus (Fig. 91) with pointed sparsely and fiely wrinkled surface (China, Japan) ...................... Z aciriaccs spec. nov. antcrior lobc and 2 robust ventral spines; dista1 portion of basipiiallus with lateral wing-like, toothy projections. Female postabdomen (Figs 94, 95) very slender, with cerci tapcrcd in the niiddle (Russia: Kuril 1s.) ............................ Z gcrniria spec. nov. Descriptions and notes o11 tlie species Eye sinallcr and flatter (its height at most 2.8 X as long as genai height); posterior notopieurai seta erect (as usual in Tltorucoc.haefa).Male sternite 5 with different Tlioracocliaeta bracliystorria (STENHAMMAII,1855) postsromedial lobe and more nuinerous spines in froiit of it; surstylus either with (Figs 4.9-22) only 1 posteroventral spinc or no anterior lobe developed. Female postabdoiiien Liniosina bmchystorrra STENIIAMMAR,1855: 393. broader and cerci different ....................................................................................... 10 Lirtiosina (Thomcochaeta)bruchystoma. -DUDA,1918: 100; DUDA, 1938: 98; REMMERT,1955: 471. Leptocem (Thoracochaeia)bmchystorna. -DUDA, 1Y25: 198, SruLER, 1925: 120; TENORIO, 1968: 183,190;RICHAKOS, Both presutural dc sctae slroiigiy inclinate (never reclinate); 1 ac microseta present 1973: 329; MARSHALL, 1982: 69-71. between prescutellar ac and dc setae (Fig. 2); male f, and t2 ventrally witliout special- Leptocern bmchystoma. - Sttiuv, 1934: 464. ized sctae or spines. Male sternite 5 (Fig. 63) with 2 separate combs of spines in front Thomcochaeta bmclrysioma. - FREY,1941: 26; Pm,1973: 34; Pm,1984: 85;MARSIIALL & ROIIACEK,2000: 268-273. Limosino anúalusiaca STROBL,1900: 69; DUDA, 1918: 100 [synonymy]. of sinall posteromedial lobe; surstylus (Fig. 69) posteroventrally witli only 1 long seta Limosina (Thomcochoefu)bmcliysfon~a var. nigripennis DUDA, 19 18: 102 syn. nov. in addition to usual stout spine; postgonite (Fig. 65) robust and apically bilobed. Fe- Thomcocliaeta nigriyennis. - Pm, 1984: 86. maie tergitc 8 projecting on ventral side of abdomen (Fig. 70), ccrci (Fig. 67) with Leptocem ruJa SruLER. 1925: 122; MARSHALL.1982: 69 [syiionymy]. Lepfocem (Thomcochaeta)m/o. - RICHARDS,1973: 329. sliort thick
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