MOHAWK COUNCIL OF AKWESASNE 2012-2013 Annual Report AKWESASNE 2012-2013 OF COUNCIL MOHAWK Mohawk Council of Akwesasne 2012-2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 Annual Report Overall Philosophy Tetewatén:ro tánon ska’nikón:ra kén hak Let us be partners and use one mind. Vision Statement Tetewaie:na* Honoring the past, facing today’s challenges, building a strong future. Mission Statement “The Mohawk Council engages in dialogue with Akwesasronon about Kionkwahteron:hon*. Mohawk Council enacts Boards, Commis- sions, Committees, Agencies and Departments to develop mandates, deliver services, protect Aboriginal rights and assert jurisdiction consistent with the strategic directions and Vision of Council.” *Tetewaie:na - The kanien’keha or Mohawk translation of tetewaie:na means “work together.” *Kionkwahteron:hon - The kanien’keha or Mohawk translation of kionkwahteron:hon means “we will be partners.” Table of Contents Ohen:ten Kariwatehkwen 1-2 Message from the Grand Chief 3 Message from the Executive Director 4 Mohawk Government Grand Chief and Council (2012-2015 Term) 5-25 Government Support 26-30 Executive Services Administration 31-36 Aboriginal Rights and Research Office 37-42 Communications Unit 43-44 Entewatatha:wi (Nation Building Process) 45-47 Iohahi:io 48-49 Core Services Human Resources 50-52 Informational Support 53-54 Operational Support 54-57 Department of Health Administration 58-60 Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefits 61-68 Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance 69-70 Community Health 71-72 Iakhihsohtha 73-75 Long Term Care 76-77 Tsiionkwanonhso:te 78-80 Wholistic Health and Wellness 81-84 In Memory 85 Department of Community and Social Services Administration 86-91 Department of Technical Services Administration 92-94 Building and Maintenance Operations 95-96 Roads Program 97-98 Waste and Wastewater Infrastructure 99 Department of Housing Administration 100-102 Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Administration 103-105 Akwesasne Head Start Program 105-106 Food Services Program 106 After School Program 106 Transportation 107 Post-Secondary Assistance Program 107-108 Secondary School Services 108 Page IV Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Annual Report 2010-2012 Table of Contents Justice Department Administration 109-114 Akwesasne Mohawk Court 114 Conservation Program 115 Native Inmate Liaison Officer 116 Tax-Exempt Cigarette Program 116 Parole Services 117 Canada Border Service Agency Complaints 117 Jury Duty 117 Tehotiiennawakon Administration 119-120 A’nowara’kowa Arena 120-121 Economic Development 122-123 Environment 124-126 Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services Administration 127-131 Finance Report 132-153 Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Annual Report 2010-2012 Page V Ohen:ten Kariwatehkwen s is customary among our people, we begin each meeting or of the creation we have seen the various forms of plant life work gathering with the Ohenten Kariwatekwen, or Thanksgiving many wonders. We hope that we will continue to see plant life for Address. In this greeting, we acknowledge the contributions the generations to come. Now our minds are one. ofA all elements of creation and say thank you. At the end of each meeting we close with similar words. We give a greetings and thanks to the strawberry plants. We see them when the wind becomes warm again on the earth; the The following version of the Thanksgiving Address was sent by the strawberries are indeed hanging there. And it is also true that we Mohawk Nation and the Haudenosaunee Grand Council via Chief use them, that we drink the (straw)berry water. Now our minds Jake Swamp to the Fourth Russell Tribunal, Rotterdam, The Nether- are one. lands, November, 1980. The Three Sisters The People We have been given three main foods from the plant world-they We who have gathered together are responsible that our cycle con- are the corn, beans, and squash-the Three Sisters. For this we give tinues. We have been given the duty to live in harmony with one thanks and greetings in the hope that they too will continue to re- another and other living things. We give greetings that our people plenish Mother Earth with the necessities of the life cycle. Now our still share the knowledge of our culture and ceremonies and are minds are one. able to pass it on. We have our elders here and also the new faces yet to be born, which is the cycle of our families-for this we give The Waters thanks and greetings. Now our minds are one. We give thanks to the spirit of waters for our strength of well being. The waters of the world have provided many things-they quench The Earth our thirst, provide food for the plant life, and are the source of We give greetings and thanks to our Mother the Earth-she gives us strength for the medicines we need. Now our minds are one. that which makes us strong and healthy. We are grateful that she continues to perform her duties as she was instructed. The women The Animals and Mother Earth are our givers of life. We are her color, her flesh We give thanks and greetings to the animal life. They are still living and her roots. Now our minds are one. in the forests and other places. They provide us with food and this gives us peace of mind knowing that they are still carrying out their The Plants instructions as given by the Creator. We therefore give greetings We greet and thank the medicine plants of the earth. They have and thanks to our animal brothers. Now our minds are one. been instructed by the Creator to cure our diseases and sicknesses. Our people will always know their native names. They come in The Trees many forms and have many duties. Through the ones who have We acknowledge and give greetings to the trees of the world. They been vested with knowledge of the medicine plants, we give thanks. too continue to perform the instructions which they were given. Now our minds are one. The maple trees are the symbols as the head of the trees. It is the maple trees that provide us with sap for our syrup and is the first We give greetings and thanks to the plant life. Within the plants is sign of the rebirth of spring. The trees provide us with shelter, the force of substance that sustains many life forms. From the time shade, and fruits. Long ago our people were given a way of peace Page 1 Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Annual Report 2010-2012 Ohen:ten Kariwatehkwen and strength and this way is symbolized by the everlasting tree of to address her as our Grandmother. In her cycle she makes her face peace. Now our minds are one. new in harmony with other female life. Our Grandmother Moon still follows the instructions of the Creator. Within these are the The Birds natural cycles of women. She determines the arrival of children, We now turn our thoughts toward the winged creatures. They have causes the tides of the oceans and she also helps us measure time. songs which they sing to help us appreciate our own purpose in Our Grandmother continues to lead us. We are grateful and ex- life. We are reminded to enjoy our life cycle. Some of the winged press our thanksgiving. Now our minds are one. creatures are available to us as food and they too are carrying out their responsibilities. To us the eagle is the symbol of strength. It is The Stars said that they fly the highest and can see the creation. We show our The Stars are the helpers of Grandmother Moon. They have spread gratitude for the fulfillment of his duties. Now our minds are one. themselves all across the sky. Our people knew their names and their messages of future happenings even to helping to mold indi- The Four Winds vidual character of mankind. The Stars provide us with guidance We listen and hear the voices of the four winds. We are assured and they bring the dew to the plant life. As we view the beauty of that they are following the instructions of the Creator. They bring the Stars we know that they too are following the instructions of us strength. They come from the four directions. For this we give the Creator. Now our minds are one. greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one. The Four Beings The Thunderers The four powerful spirit beings who have been assigned by the Cre- To the Thunderers we call our Grandfathers we give greetings and ator to guide us both by day and night are called the Sky Dwellers. thanks. You have also been given certain responsibilities by the Our Creator directed these helpers to assist him in dealing with Creator. We see you roaming the sky carrying with you water to us during our journey on Mother Earth. They know our every act renew life. Your loud voices are heard from time to time and for the and they guide us with the teachings that the Creator established. protection and medicine you give, we offer our thanksgiving. Now For the power of direction, we give greetings and thanks to the Sky our minds are one. Dwellers. Now our minds are one. The Sun The Creator Our thoughts now turn to the sky. We see the sun, the source of life. We now turn our thoughts to the Creator himself. We choose our We are instructed to call him our Eldest Brother. With the sun we finest words to give thanks and greetings to him. He has prepared can see the perfect gifts for which we are grateful. Our Brother sun all things on earth for our peace of mind.
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