f 12.04.2021 oT ahgT fta 27.02.2021 frT Trea ifa, F7 h Aara a farta ard 2021-22 T 1. 2. Facility wise Janani Surashka Yojna Achievement 2020-21 up to Mar2021 - frT sH yys IU.H. HfAfT Facility wise Janani Surashka Yojna Achievement 2020-21 up to Mar 2021 ar saa oaT f Facility wise Janani Surashka Yoina Achievement 2020-21 up to Mar'2021 Name of Delivery Point Target JSSY Achievement Mar'2021 % Annual Achievement DCH Sambhal 8950 6409 71.61 CHC Sambhal CHC Chandausi 3324 2759 83.00 CHC Narauli 1204 948 78.74 CHCBahjoi 4068 2985 73.38 CHC Pawansa 1664 1433 86.12 CHC Asmoli 2183 1772 81.17 CHC Gunnaur 3121 2660 85.23 CHC Rajpura 3634 3054 84.04 CHC Junawai 4082 3361 82.34 Total 32230 25381 78.75 a 3. Comparative Total delivery 2020-21- fo 7Tdogor H f Comparative Total delivery 2020-21 up to Mar 2021 a aa r f Page 1 Comparative Total delivery 2019-20 and 2020-21 upto March Delivery Sr.no Name of Mar 20 Mar'21 Difference Point DCH 5388 4166 -1222 Sambhal 2396 2243 153 Chandausi_ 2956 2759 197 Naroli 1007 948 -59 Babjoi 3353 2985 -368 Asmoli 1828 1772 -56 Junawai 3360 3361 Gunnaur 2554 2660 106 Rajpura 3131 3054 -77 0 Pawansa 1531 1433 98 Total 27504 25381 -2123 4. R J RT ZUT HTAA 2020-21- foOT 7R54 TaE y1.YELVH. 2021 T 25375 T EI 22587 Tauat a yraTm f T f89.01 ufdTT Block wise JSY payment Information 2020-21 upto 31 Mar'2021 % of s.No NameName of Block Total deliveriesotaldeliveries Payment Pending payment Payment to beneficiaries of beneficiaries beneficiaries DCH Sambhal 4166 4071 95 97.72 2 CHC Sambhal 2243 2037 206 90.82 CHC Chandausi 2759 2385 374 86.44 CHC Narauli 948 852 96 89.87 5 CHC Bahjoi 2985 2601 384 87.14 6 CHC Pawasan 1433 1165 268 81.30 CHC Asmoli 1772 1596 176 90.07 3 CHC Gunnaur 2654 2184 470 82.29 9 CHCRajpura 3054 2778 276 90.96 10 CHC Junawai 3361 2918 443 86.82 Grand Total 25375 22587 2788 89.01 Page 2 2020-21 r 7AN HMIS Portal Data Apr. to Mar. GGI uh Z.UH Mar. 2020-21 3TR À 3TT 7TT f5 N HMIS Potal Data Apr. to NEW HMIS Portal Data Apr. to Mar. 2020-21 PW tested for PW received 4 or more Sr. no. Name of Facility Haemoglobin (Hb) 4or % ANC check ups more than Asmoli 4313 3560 83 Bahjoi 3661 2773 76 Banlyakheda 7449 5483 74 Gunnaour 5691 4617 81 Junawai 4020 3274 81 Panwansa 6763 5572 82 Rajpura 7668 6651 87 Sambha 6058 3552 59 9 DHQ 2082 1858 89 Total 47705 37340 78 6. Full Immunization Children Apr. to Mar.2020-21 fo 7r s7yag H.HfAfa Full Immunization Children Apr. to Mar.2020-21 a 3aTT 7TT f Full Immunization Children Apr. to Mar.2020-21 Children fully % Children fully S.No Name of Block Target children immunized immunized Asmoli 6969 5850 83..94 Bahjoi S027 4277 Gunnaur 5907 4728 .04 Punawai 5039 4668 92.64 Naroli 7750 7202 92.93 Pawansa 7474 5280 Rejpura 5700 5348 93.82 Sambha 8461 6232 DHQ 9904 6595 Total 63231 50180 79.36 Page 3 to Mar. 2020-21 fiol T5H aec TgaA, HAA sing Home Deliveries Apr. 2020-21 TR H GFATT 7YTAT 5 Nursing Home Deliveries Apr. to Mar. Pvt Nursing Home Deliveries Apr. to Mar. 2020-21 Institutional Deliveries conducted(Including C- Name of Block S.No Sections) 1 Naroli 7306 2 Gunnaur 2124 3 Sambhal 7135 Total 16565 8. RCH Portal Coverage Sambhal District upto 09 Apr°21 fiI a7H yares yyÀ HAA TI RCH Portal Coverage Sambhal District upto 09 Apr 21 aT RCH FEEDING STATUS SAMBHAL (PW) as on 09-04-2021 Total PW %Yearly S.N. Block Target Registered Registration Baniakhera 8655 7435 85.90 Asmoli 8731 6314 72.32 3 Panwasa 8444 5887 69.72 Sambhal 8642 6435 74.46 Bahjoi 7092 5254 74.08 5 Rajpura 5275 4601 87.22 Gunnour 7800 6361 81.55 3 Junawai 5507 4340 78.81 9 Urban units Sambhal 7429 50034 67.76 10 Chandausi 3795 2912 76.73 Total 71370 54573 76.46 Page 4 ACH FEEDING STATUS SAMBHAL (Children) as on 09-04-2021 Total Children % Yearly Registration S.N. Block Target Registered Baniakhera 7750 7143 92.1 Asmoli 6969 6447 92.51 Panwasea 7474 5154 68..96 Sambhal 8461 6471 76.48 Bahjol 6027 5435 90.18 Rajpure 5700 4961 87.04 7 Gunnour 5907 5098 86.30 Junawai 5039 4585 90.99 Urban units Sambhal 6295 5221 82.94 10 Chandausi 3609 2806 77.75 Total 63231 53321 84.33 9. RCH UPDATION STATUS SAMBHAL (Children) as on 09-04-2021 T TA JAErc i. ag HtAA Ti RCH UPDATION STATUS SAMBHAL (Children) as on 09-04-2021 aTR FTTT RCH UPDATION STATUS SAMBHAL (Children) as on 09-04-2021 % Children S.N. Block Children RegisteredAll Vaccination 2019-20 Updation Baniakhera 7644 7071 92.5 Asmoli 6954 6177 88.83 Panwasa 6919 5628 81.34 Sambhal 7044 6956 98.75 Bahjoi 5238 4027 76.88 Rajpura 5789 4862 83.99 Gunnour 5339 4805 90.00 3 Junawai 4558 4022 .24 Urban units Sambhal 4926 4796 97.36 10 Chandausi 3454 2895 83..82 Total 57865 51239 88.55 Page 5 PMSMA Progess DATA District Sambhal Up to Mar. 2021 ra 7Ta4 uaPyas gA.y7,gH À TAA PMSMA Progess DATA District Sambhal Up to Mar. 2021 ar 3r7T7 7VTAT fa5- PMSMAProgess DATA DistrictSambhal Up to March.- 2021 Total number of Totel No.Of pregnant Totel number of pregnent pregnant women Received PMSMA Name of Facility women registerd for women Received PMSMA S.NO services (in 2nd or 3rd ANC As Per HMIS services trimester) for 1st time Bahjoi 4269 770 18.04 440 14 Narauli 8517 447 5.25 380 8501 Sambhal 6138 588 58 374 6361 Chandausi 3614 444 12.29 249 56.08 Asmoli 5631 638 11.33 502 7868 Gunnaur 6728 711 10.57 459 64 56 Junawai 4450 45 ,49 218 .80 Pawansa 6851 501 7.31 463 9242 Rajpura 7312 836 11.43 353 42.2 10 Chandausi semartola 957 75 7.84 68 90 67 1 Hamumangedi 560 S1 11 5 9.3 Saray tarin 731 38 5.20 20 63 Hatimsaray 1079 42 3.89 24 14 DCH Sambhal 57.1 2955 923 .24 247 26.76 District Total 59792 6709 11.22 3802 S6.67 0 13 3 0 1 1300 5 0 3000 3 0 1800 4200 5 3000 13 2 4200 34 5 3000 142 39 35 8 24 22800 Page 6 THTTT 3 42 fe 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 TaTHT 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 39 07 03 09 01 19 Hemorrhage 21 Sepsis 3 Abortion 0 Obstructed Labour Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy 2 Others 10 Page 7 Na of Kof UDST Chamoprophy No of Bank Na Preumpox DAbed MOR P TresupveTo HUV tound o A DeT PaymeTresmem Name ofTU Presumoo DoSsTs De 6pAs JxisBelow De pOADYE Do| Do Yr3 Avallable dagnosls 9 8 1 U BAMJO 28 7 2 12 25 11 TU CMANDAUS 519 29 57 52 51 32 32 27 0 2 TU JUNAWA 187 14 14 10 10 8 0 TU RAWANSA S7 5 12 8 7 8 7 Tu RAJPURA 41 2 34 30 29 18 18 17 0 0 u SAMBNAL 297 11 10 6 6 66 5 0 0 RURAL Tu NAROU 43 411 7 6 67 1 TU-GUNNAUR 38 TU-MANAUT 250 20 25 20 2 TUSAMBHAL 76 14 71 59 59 59 59 41 Urben) 18 11 Awerepe Total 1546 112 248 202 199 168 167 130 9 TT 5307 69 7003 176 2040 72 65115 1575 61 79 0 0 0 5035 142 523 67 2396 69 1266 79 10 2603 52 1 756 61 4326 86 0 0 0 2603 Page 8 AAL 15.Golden card report block/urban area wise froT Fay7 vu7 Tda àHfA JuRra FTFT IGR Golden card report block/urban area wise h aR aTTAT Golden Card Drive Progress Golden Card Drive Progress Report 10-31 March 2021 meG.C on G.C on Golden Card (R) Urban Golden Card (U) G.C on G.C on Made b/w 10- Made b/w 10-31 slock Name 10/03/21 Area |31/03/21 31 Mar 10/03/21 31/03/21 Mar Asmoli 12098 12220 122 Babrala 1870 1887 17 Bahjol 4893 4996 103 Bahjol 3434 3439 Banlyakher 17209 17838 629 Chandausi 8584 8698 54 Gunnaur 3295 3341 46 Gawan 147 147 Junawai 3866 3921 55 Gunnaur 1346 1347 Pawansa 7947 8848 901 Naraull 1544 1544 Rajpura 5480 5613 133 Sambhal 15089 15205 116 Sambhal 11119 11183 64 Slrs 1863 1867 Total 65907 67960 2053 Total 35877 34074 197 Total Approved Golden Cards in distriet during 10-31 Mareh 2250 Total Approved Golden Cards In distrlet = 103563 The data is taken as the difference of portal reflections of current and last recorded day."*This is only approved cards data and does not contalns pendancy.*°Current pendancy ofdistrlct 7821. ***The Data AYUSA -ARAT PRAD-A\AATAA AROGYA YO.A Page 9 tlll 1z Golden card report block/urban area wise Aprll 2021 Total Individuals Golden card PMJAY MJAA Total S.No. CHCUHCNameAJAY (Assuming generated Percentage Families| Families | Families 5 per family) 23.81 Asmoli 9669 608 10277 51385 12236 12.19 Bahjoi 8021 235 8256 41280 5032 3 Baniyakhera 17267 565 17832 89160 17950 20.13 4 Gunnaur 3096 220 3316 16580 3341 20.15 Junawai 3575 202 3777 18885 3939 20.86 6 Panwasa 204 85 289 41445 9007 21.73 Rajpura 4208 687 4895 24475 5618 22.95 Sambhal 10053 1282 11335 56675 11194 19.75 Urban 38435 130 38555 192175 35638 18.55 AYS-AN BARAT P ANAT Total 1025284014 106542332710 103955 19.51 Golden card report urban area wise till 12 April 2021 Total Individuals PMJAY Golden card generated S.No.
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