The original documents are located in Box 37, folder “Ford, Betty - Fashion - American Industry” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. ~.;· , ,,,..,. ... ,.,.._ - nn..,,..,,.,, ELENI EPS~ FASHION J!tS'iTOR Washington Star-news 2211 VIROINIA AVENUI:, S. E. WABHINO"l'O'N, 0 . C. 2006 I C202 I 484-43!59 Digitized from Box 37 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library • Reprinted From The Washington (D. C.) Star July 10, 1960 Winning Entry, J.C. Penney-University of Missouri Fashion Writing Competition FASHION NOTEBOOK Is the White House a Fashion Display Case? venson could make her his other than the ones she used material enough for one dress. By .ELENI constantly during the past l!ltar Fashion Writer official hostess. That conpept went out with The Star has polled a eight years. ~he has a right the Middle Ages. I believe A lot of women in our land number of the count1·y's to her personal preference, that if a woman wears clothes may not be aware who the leading fashion personalifJH!li but the responsibility of her well and is well-groomed, Seeretary of State is, but regarding the role they feel position obligates her to take what she paid for .a dre.ss they sure do know that American fashion should play the different dei;igners' offer­ doesn't matter. Before Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower's milliner in the White House. ings, to help and recognize Eisenhower there was little is Sally Victor. Her suits Do they feel the 1''irst Lady true creators of fashion. It real fashion interest out of and dresses by Mollie Parnis would be obnoxious to spon­ and inaugural ball gowns by ought to be a style pace­ the· White House. <Ed. note· setter? Should she i·eftect sor a foreign designer when Dolly · Madison cut many i Nettie Rosenstein have also there are American sources rotten their fair share of the best that our many de­ fashion caper in the WhitE signers create in various price available. House.) AnYWaY, the gar· press coverage. i·anges? Should it be an "My idea. of an ideal First When newcomer to the de­ ment industry is much morE "All -American" wardrobe? Lady of fashion would be one grown up than just wanting signing team, Arnold Sc.aasi, who was refreshingly chic, a desimed the , formal white Would a White House cou­ a fashion plate in the White lace sheath evening gown for turier similar to Norman woman who possesses imagt­ House. We care. much more the First Lady to wear to the Hartnell, who designs by na tion, one who could .·en" to get the right President in." dinner honoring President de "Appointment to the Queen," courage designers by taking . PAULINE TRIGERE Gaulle, headlines heralding be the answer to the creation a chance and launching ''Definitely the White House the switch in silhouette from of originals and not di·esses something new but doing this is 'a showcase for American full to narrow were on wom­ that can show up at a recep­ always in good taste. The fashion. not because of the en's pages throughout the tion worn by the First Lady Ffrst Lady should have some lady who is there or will be land. as well as one of her guests? one competent to simplify there but because of the dig­ The public's fascination Should the First Lady's ward­ the clothes question for her nity of the position. A wom­ with the First Lady's fashion robe be included in the White very varied life in the White an should certainly prepare House budget since so many House. It would depend on preferences finds i·eporters her age and her ability to a special wardrobe for her scurrying to find out.. her of the expensive ballgowns life ~1 the White House. I'v_e are worn for official State wear clothes whether the wardrobe plans. Male re­ First Lady would qualify as a never . been there. but cer­ porters give the nod to their entertaining? tainly the social demands of Here are some of their pace-setter or be the epi• female colleagues, and fre­ tome of elegance and refine­ entertaining for fo1·eign heads quently run to them for answers: of state, greeting groups from help in describing "that CHARLES JAMES-"The ment." all over the United States, thing on her head." When presidential mftce was not ARNOLD SCAASl-"Tht being photographed constant­ news of what Mamie would invented in Gen. Washing­ President's wife is the fore­ ly, would have to be consid­ wear to the second inaugural ton's time to promote the most lady in America. She's ered. ball was ready to be an­ garment center. I don't see the most seen, most pqoto­ "F o r e i g n Ambassadors' nounced at the White House, it as a fashion position. graphed and is always in wives certainly· play up the the reporters were closeted America. has an untapped, the news. The White House .finest designers of their coun­ in a. guarded room. unlimited source of couture is a terribly important ·show­ tries. We should put our best The breathless one who talent. But you must dis­ case. I naturally feel Amer­ foot forward. I am opposed won the 50-yard dash to the tinguish it from commercial ican designers ought to star to any form of subsidy. No phone after the reporters design. There ,is no Ameri­ there. free wardrobes, no discounts, were let out, gave her office can couture. It's been mur­ "Events shape her fashion from the fashion industry. the word. It was: "Mamie's dered by commercialism." policy. Designers of quality The First Lady should pay wearing a yellow satin, Nettie SALLY VICTOR - ~'If a clothes are in a better posi­ for her clothes like every Rosenstein ball gown." woman is smart enough to tion to be advocates of good other citizen. It would be nice·· Many designers have open­ be the First Lady, she's smart taste rather than manufac­ to have her see a speCial ly stated that they wished enough to be selective in her turers in America. who tend showing of the new offerings they, too, could have enjoyed ·Clothes. I don't think a. First to be copyists. Fashion of designers each season. She the publicity attendant in Lady needs a 'secretary of should never dominate the could then make a selection dressinr the First Lady. the wardrobe.' It's up to the First Lady but should be a and have a well-balanced They are all agreed Amer­ American fashion industry to well-thought-out part of her wardrobe· composed by spe­ ican fashion never had it provide the interest. whole life in the White cialists in their particular so good. House. I believe a. subsidy "It's difficult for the First would make the designer's fashion spheres. Hi&'h Hopes Lady to get out and shop lot easier. · "Out of courtesy I would normally as other women do. hold back the fabric until They view the new admin­ I don't believe we'll ever have "The First Lady's wardrobe ist1·ation with hirh hopes. ~hould be of the best qualit~ the First Lady had a chance Whoever the new First a First Lady who won't fur­ and created by people whc to wear her dress first; It Lady will be, they hope she ther the aims of American specialize in either suits, might help if her wardrobe fashion. I believe the first were planned in advance with will continue to use the thing the President's wife dresses, coats or ball gowns. White House as a display The Que e n of England competent help. What the case for the design talents should be is charming. Ttre First Lady wears should not fashion role is minor. wouldn't have a ready-made ot the people who make up dress. be such a great secret. It our country's ·second largest "Would I like to design might clue guests a.s to what hats ·for the new First Lady? MOLLIE PAR NI S-"It's they ought to wear. I wish industry. good for our industry to~bave Who will it be? The young I hope to retain Mrs. Eisen­ for the future First Lady, 11ophisticate, Jackie Kj!nnedy hower 'but it's always inter­ a Fii·sf Lady who is inter­ unless she has a. distinct who loves to buy elegant esting to gain a new cus­ ested in fashion. It makes Iashion personality like Jackie French clothes as well as tom~r." America conscious of Ameri­ Kennedy, the best chamber­ t.hose "Made In America?" OLEG CASSINl-"A de­ can designers.
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