COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE REFLECTING THE POWER RELATION IN “VICTORIA AND ABDUL” MOVIE THESIS By: Silviana Chintya Putri 14320106 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2018 COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE REFLECTING THE POWER RELATION IN “VICTORIA AND ABDUL” MOVIE THESIS Presented to Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) By: Silviana Chintya Putri NIM: 14320106 Advisor: Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D NIP: 19690628 200604 1004 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2018 MOTTO ِ إ َّن َم َع الْعُ ْسِر يُ ْسًرا “Surely, with hardship comes ease," (Q.S. Al – Insyirah: 6) v DEDICATION This thesis is proudly dedicated for my mother (Susriani) and my beloved friend (Irfan Mustofa). vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Firstly, all praises to Allah, Lord of the universe, who has given to me an inspiration, guidance and blessing to finish this thesis entitle “Cooperative Principle Reflecting the Power Relation in “Victoria and Abdul” Movie”. Peace and salutation be upon the greatest prophet and messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has taught a greatest lecture of Islam. Secondly, I would like to say thank you for my advisor, Mr. Abdul Aziz, M.Ed. Ph.D., who always give me advices and guidance. Also, he has been really patient and always supported me in each meeting. In addition, for all the lecturers in English Letters Department who has been teaching me for four-years. Next, for the best woman in this world, my mother, who always supporting me in every situations. As a single parent she never give up to give me higher education for better life. For my brother, Vicky Andy Hartadi, who always pick me up to university, especially when there any examination. Also, my big family who have supported me in achieving my dreams. And, for the one, Irfan Mustofa, who always keep me struggling in this difficult time of study. Thank you for always keep me smile and believe that there is always happy ending in every story. Finally, for all my friends at Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University of Malang. My friends in room 56 of Fatimah Az-Zahra building that always keep in touch with me. My classmate from the first semester: Laila Manzilatur Rahmah, Lailatul Hasanah, Uzlifatul Jannah, Mazma De Huwrien’in, and Arfiyan Abdul Ghoffar Ariyanto. Thanks for the support especially the unforgettable study experiments inside or outside the class. The last, if there are any errors and inadequacies which remain in this study, the correction and criticism are welcome. vii TABLE OF CONTENT COVER....................................................................................................................i STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY..................................................................ii APPROVAL SHEET............................................................................................iii LEGIMITATION SHEET...................................................................................iv MOTTO..................................................................................................................v DEDICATION.......................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................viii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study.............................................................................1 1.2. Research Question.................................................................................6 1.3. Objective of Study.................................................................................6 1.4. Significance of Study.............................................................................6 1.5. Scope and Limitation.............................................................................7 1.6. Research Method...................................................................................8 1.6.1. Research Design.....................................................................8 1.6.2. Research Object......................................................................8 1.6.3. Data and Data Source..............................................................9 1.6.4. Research Instrument...............................................................9 viii 1.6.5. Data Collection.....................................................................10 1.6.6. Data Analysis........................................................................11 1.7. Definition of Key Terms......................................................................12 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. Cooperative Principle..........................................................................13 2.1.1. Observing the Maxim...........................................................14 2.1.2. Flouting Maxims...................................................................17 2.1.3. Violating Maxims.................................................................19 2.2. Sociopragmatics..................................................................................22 2.2.1. Power Relation......................................................................23 2.3. Cooperative Principle and Power Relation..........................................25 2.4. The Synopsis of “Victoria and Abdul” Movie......................................26 2.5. Previous Studies...................................................................................28 CHAPTER III: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Findings...............................................................................................30 3.2. Discussion...........................................................................................54 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1. Conclusion...........................................................................................61 4.2. Suggestion...........................................................................................62 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX ix ABSTRACT Putri, Silviana Chintya, 2018, Cooperative Principle Reflecting the Power Relation in “Victoria and Abdul” Movie, Thesis, English Letters Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Advisor : Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D Keywords : Cooperative Principle, Violating, Flouting, Power Relation, Social Stratification, Sociopragmatics. Language is an important feature for human communication and interaction. Human can follow a certain rule to achieve a successful communication. In purpose to achieve the goals in interaction, people should makes a good cooperation in communication to interact smoothly. In study by Grice (1975) the basic elements to achieve the cooperative in conversation is called cooperative principle. In addition, the use of language cannot be separated from the social stratification in society. The aim of this study was to find out the form of cooperative principle especially violation and flouting the maxims by two main characters of “Victoria and Abdul” movie. Additionally, the researcher also found out how violating and flouting the maxim could reflecting the power relation of the speakers inside the movie. Because Victoria is a Queen of England and Abdul is a common writer from India. The data were collected from the movie video and supported by the transcript data. The researcher watched, classified and analyzed the data by using Grice’s theory (1975) and combined it by power relation theory in scope of sociopragmatics. The design of the study occupied descriptive qualitative method to answer the research question. The researcher found out 16 data inside of the movie that produced by Victoria and Abdul. Victoria produced 13 data which were consist of violating and flouting the maxims. Instead, Abdul produced 3 data which were consist of flouting the maxims. To sum up, Victoria who had higher social stratification than Abdul frequently produced flouting the maxim of relation to show her power. But Abdul was limited to produce any violating or flouting the maxim, because of his lack of power. x ABSTRACT Putri, Silviana Chintya, 2018, Cooperative Principle Reflecting the Power Relation in “Victoria and Abdul” Movie, Thesis, Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Dosen Pembimbing : Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D Kata Kunci : Prinsip Kerjasama, Pelanggaran, Pelaksanaan, Hubungan Kekuasaan, Sosial Stratifikasi, Sociopragmatik. Bahasa adalah sebuah alat yang penting dalam hubungan komunikasi dan interaksi manusia. Sehingga, manusia dapat mengikuti beberapa peraturan tertentu yang dapat meingkatkan terjadinya komunakasi yang sukses. Agar manusia dapat mentransfer informasi dalam komunikasi dengan baik, maka diharuskan membangun sebuah kerjasama selama proses komunikasi. Berdasarkan studi oleh Grice (1975) mengatakan bahwa komponen dasar dalam kerjasama percakapan dapat di sebut Prinsip Kerjasama. Dan juga, penggunaan bahasa tidak dapat dipisahkan dari social startifikasi dalam sebuah lingkungan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk prinsip kerjasama
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