INDEX Abambo: see Mbo Peoples; Mkhize Arms: Abaqulusi: see Qulusi assegais: 212, 317, 326 Abataka:f;i: see Supernatural firearms: 23, 35, 37, 57, 58, (wntha.kathi) 149, 257, 258, 292, 296-7, Abesutu: see Sotho Peoples 303, 305, 310, 318, 326, 328 Abstention s: see Avoidances and shields: 105, 318-19, 326 Prohibitions Armstrong, G. W. : 119 Afrikaners: 23, 38 Asians: 29, 156, 259 African attitudes and Assegais: see Arms reactions t o: 155 Avoidances and Prohibitions: 63, Africans in service of: 27 130, 144, 154, 161, 170, 218, 'apprentices' and slaves: 227 228, 246, 247, 285, 298, 302- attitudes to Africans: 28, 288 3, 324, 325, 326 control of Africans: 28 [See also Food and Drink (avoid­ Voortrek.kers: 7, 28 , 122, 129 ances and pro hi bitions); 149, 257-8 ukuHlon.ipha..; Marriage (pro­ Zulu kingdom, relations with: hibitions ) ; Sexual Relations 28, 106, 146, 201, 205-6 (avoidances and prohibitions); [See also Port Natal Settle­ Warfare (preparations for; ment, 1824-42] rituals and practices after Agriculture: 148, ·162, 167, 225, fighting)] 228 , 302, 315, 324-5, 326 beans: 325 Baca: see Bhaca conabele: 148, 153, 297, 309, Bacela: see Bbacela 310, 325 Bacwali: 14, 19, 20, 42 imfe reed: 325 Badlu: see Bhadlu gourds: 325 Baleni: 14, 15 groundnuts: 325 Bambata: see Bhambatha maize: 148, 228, 259, 325 Bangiz.we: 19- 20 marrows: 225 Barker, F.W.: 235 melons: 325 Basuto: see Sotho Peoples unyaluthi millet: 325 Bathabile~ 103, 104 uprioko millet: 325 Bathengi, J.: 128 pumpkins: 302, 325 Bathonyile: 103, 105, 232 tubers: 325 Bayeni: 109 Amadhloz.i: see Supernatural Bebe: see Mbengi (amadZozi) Bebeni: 83 Amakanda: see imiZi, Zulu Royal Bece: see Bhece Beja : see Bheje Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902: 23 Bejane: see Bhejane Anglo-Zulu War, 1879: 151, 153, Bekameva: see Bhekameva 155, 156, 179, 187, 296, 301, Bekiwe: see Bhekiwe 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307- Bele: see Bhele 8, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, Bengu: see Bhengu 323, 327, 328 Bennett, T.: 35, 126 .337 INDEX Beyisile: 119 chiefs and notab l es: Mathomela, Bhaca: 75 12; Nzombane, 12; Somhashi, _7; Bhaca (amaBhaca): 8, 38, 57, 64, Soshenge, 12 65, 135, 166, 264, 269 u'/<JA,Bonga:1, 15, 16, 17, 32, 58, chiefs and notables : Madikane, 66, 78, 85, 87, 104-5, 106, 38; Ngcaphayi, 38 107, 108, 109, 170, 179, 196, Bhacela: 33, 42 198, 202, 205, 214, 215, 216, Bhadlu: 76 226, 240, 259, 260, 263, 266- isiBhalo: see Natal 1843 7, 272, 287, 313, 314, 318, (Africans in service of 325, 326 whites) Bongela, Bongeya (amaBongeZa, Bhambatha kaMancinza: 106, 141, abasemaBongeZeni): 269, 272 142, 234, 235, 301, 308, 320, chiefs and notables: Dlamuka, 322, 323, 324, 328 269 Bhambatha kaShabase: 7, 8, 19, 42 Bongoza: see Bhongoza Bhece; 38 Boshongweni: see Bhoshongweni Bhejane: 152 , 305 Bosman, W.: 139 Bheje (Beja): 215 Bovu: 327 Bhekameva: 30 Bovungana: see Bhovungana Bhekiwe: 103 Bubesi: see Bhubesi Bhele (amaBhele, abasemaBheZen.i): Bubul a: 16, 20 42, 56, 134 Budu: see Bhudu chiefs and notables: Noma­ Buildings and Structures : 6, ntshali , 106; Siguyana, .51- 2, 184, 185, 247, 248, Sigulana , 106 262, 269 Bhengu (cunaBhengu): 55 Bungane : see Bhungane (See al so Ngcolosi] Bunu: see Ngwane Bhibhi: 199 , 200 Burials and Burial-places: 6, 29, Bhidla: 40 30, 67, 74, 88, 108, 109, 110, Bhobhobho: 31-2 158, 168-9, 173, 184, 202-3, Bhodeyana: 12 212, 239, 240, 242, 259, 261, Bhongoza: 129 268, 304 Bhoshongweni: 25, 26, 27, 40, 41 ukuButha: 37, 84, 92, 123-4, 128, Bhovungana: 54, 62, 63 145, 146-7, 150, 152, 164, Bhubesi: 314 260, 315, 322 Bhudu: 103, 104, 105 [See also amaButho, Zulu Female; Bhungane: 124 amaButho, Zulu Male; Marria ge Bhunu: see Ngwane (ukujuba); Warfare] Bibi: see Bhibhi Buthelezi (abala.JaButheZezi): 42, Bidla: see Bhidla 45, 81, 159, 196, 211, 258-9 Biggar, R. : 223 chie£s and notab l es: Ngqenge­ Biya (arnaBiya): 62 l ele , 159; Phungashe, 196 imizi: 159 Biyela: 111 Butbo: 223 Biyela (abakwaBiyeZa): 42 amaButho, Zulu Female : 145-6 chie f s and notables: Mvundlana, formations: imBenge- kaKhwini, 151; Nonzamo, 145 146; umChekecheke, 146; Bobobo: see Bhobhobho iChenyane, 146, 270; inDlov u­ Bodeyana: see Bhodeyana kayiphendulwa, 103; amaDlu­ Boers: see Afrikaners ndlu, 328; amaDuka, 328; Bombo (abala,Ja,Bombo): 42 inGcosho, 146; inGcugce, 146 , Bomvana (amaBomvana.):39, 57 150; isiGqoko-sikaKhwini, 146; chiefs and notables : 39, uGudludonga, 146; isiHla­ Gwadiso, 39 bathi, 146; inKehlela­ Bomvu (ama.Bomvu,abasemaBomvini): mncwedeni; 146; umKhanda­ 7, 12, 13, 39, 65, 107, 165 , ndlovu, 103; iKhwani, 146; 166 izi nKwelemba, 328; iMbabaza ne, 338 INDEX 146; uNkisimana, 146; uThi­ inKangala, 271; u.Khandempemvu, yane, 146, 270; isiTimana, 124, 149, 303, 306, 307, 315, 146; inTshuku, 146, 150; 319, 328; umKhingoma, 315; umVuthwamini, 146, 150, 270; uKhokhothi, 141; imiKhulu­ inZawu, 146, 150 tshane , 72, 146, 149, 150-1, amaButho, Zulu Male: 72, 73, 123- 223, 249, 260; arnaKhwentu, 4, 12&, 14,8-9, 165, 296, 297- 329; lllllKhweyantaba, 293; isi­ 308, 313, 314-16, 318-20, Klebhe, 271; uMavalana, 328; 321, 326, 328-9 uMbonambi, 102-3, 146, 148, ' cadets': 296, 299, 301, 312, 299, 303, 305, 307, 312, 329 329; amaMboza, 51, 151, 162, ceremonial and ritual activi­ 196, 329; iziMpohlo, 73, ties: 298, 299, 300 146, 148, 149, 163, 260; cries: 319-20, 329 iMpunga, 329; iNdluyengwe, discipline and punishment: 299, 272, 299, 329; iNdluyenyo.ni, 306, 307, 314 296 ; uNgangezwe, 329; dress and insignia: 45, 75, iNgcobinga, SS; uNgqobolondo, 148, 216, 293, 305, 317, 318- 149; iziNgulube, 16, 152, 293, 19, 326, 328, 329 329; iNjanduna, 92; amaNke­ formations: 165, 328-9; isAngqu, ntshane, 149; iziNkone, 329; 145, 146, 147, 163, 165, 170, iziNkonkoni, 102, 315, 329; 180, 257, 260, 272, 292, 293, uNokhenke, 103, 211 , 299, 329; iziBawu, 149; umBele­ 307-8 , 329; uNomdayana, 149; bele, 17, 149, 271; uBhodlu­ uNomendeya, 268; iNsewane, kufa , 296; imBokodwebomvu, 128; iNtabingenaliba, 328; 309, 317, 328; uBulawayo, iziNyosi, 16, SS, 145, 146, 148; umCijo, 329; inDabaka­ 149, 150, 161, 248, 269; wombe, 152, 260, 293, 329; amaPhela, 329; isiPhezi, 51, UDakwa-ukwesutha, 195, 328; 52, 84, 148, 270, 271; uPhoko, uDlambedlu, 16, 55, 123, 128, 149; iziMpisi, 293; amaShishi, 146, 149, 259., 260, 329; amaTshitshi, 329; iziSongo, uDlangezwa, 148, 271; uDla­ 315; uThulwana, 16, SS, 71, ngubo, 149, 271; umDlenevu, 102, 146, 180, 184, 240, 243, 105, 122, 123, 260, 293, 329; 254, 272, 291, 315, 318, 319 , uDloko, uDlokwe, 102, 319, 329; isiThunyisa, 149; inTo­ 329; inDlondlo, 102, 105, 106, ntela, 81, 146; umTshamate, 211, 315, 329; uDubinhlangu, 149; umThuyisazwe, umTwisa­ uDibinhlangu, 72; uDududu, zwe, 315, 319, 328; uVe, S, 102, 146, 291, 329; uDukuza, 296, 301, 307-8, 315, 328; 271; uDulela, 149; uFalaza, uVimbimbobo, 297, 299, 300; 328; uFasimba, 82, 83, 84, imVoko, imVokwe, 146; ama­ 106, 146, 148; uFelaphakathi, W.ombe,52, 129, 146, 151, 195, 328; uGibabanye, 72, 149; 162, 166, 260, 270, 271; inGobarnakhosi, 122, 124, 141, umXhapho, 319, 329; wnYehe, 296, 299, 301, 303, 306, 307, 149, 211; iziYendane, 45, 79, 315, 319, 328; isiGodi­ 148; amaZwayi, 296, 299 semkhonto, 268; amaGovu, 149; ukukieza; see Cattle (ukukZeza) uGubethuka, 148; inGubo­ officers: 147, 163, 257, 299, kaKhundlase, 328; iziGulu ­ 301, 316, 318, 325, 326; tshane, iziKhulutshane, 72; Butho, 223; Dambuza kaSo­ umGumanqa, 84, 148, 210, 211, phana(e), 260; Faku, 165; 216, 222, 268, 270; izinGwa­ Gobongo, 165; Gombagomba, nanda, 315; izinGwegwe, 329; 165; Hunqu, 165; Klwana, 217; imiHaye., 123; uHayelwengwenya, Luzindela, 165; Mahlanya, 328; iHlaba, 164; inHlamba­ 165; Mahlungwini, 301; masoka, 315; uHlomendlini, 82, Mahwanqa, Marwanqa, 152; 88; uJamehlungwini, 268; Maphitha, 268; Maqangu, 163, 339 INDEX 165; Mbacana, 165; Mbanda­ 104, 108, 131, 164, 168, mana, 163, 165; Mbikwana, 169, 170-1, 172, 174, 179, 268; Mbilini, 268; Mdlaka, 181, 184, 185, 186 , 199, 217, 268; Mfolozi, 301; 202, 240, 244, 260, 287, Mncongo, 165; Mnyarnana, 314; 291, 292, 296, 297-8, 299, Mpiyakhe, 165; Mpungushe, 300, 303, 304, 313 165; Mquntela, 165; Msebe, dise ases: 115 162; Mvundlana, 268; Mxamana, disputes over: 8, 13-14, 36, 268; Ndl ela, 128; Ngomane, 76, 78, 79, 92, 105, 114, 268; Ngome, 165; Nhlebo, 165; 195-6, 258, 269 , 310, 312 Nhlekwane, 165; Njakaba(ni) , fines, forfeits and repar ations: 165, 260; Nongceke, 165; 149, 163, 175, 244, 285, 308, Nsim~ni, 260; Ntshingwayo 314 kaMahole, 165, 307, 314; gifts of: 78, 116, 164 Ntshingwayo kaNkayishana, herding: 11, 41, 65 , 66, 82, 165; Ntuzwa, 305; Nyambose, 83, 105, 146 , 268 260; Phalane, 314; Qundane, homestead formation and: 195 301; Qungisibindi, 301; ukukleza: 31, 270, 296, 301, Sekethwayo, 268; Sikizane, 315 307; Sinqawuzana, 296; Sintwa­ milking: 130, 246, 270 ngu, 314; Somopho, 314; So­ reward, patronage and exchange: thobe, 268; Thunda, 165; 13, 28, 51, 78, 87, 92, IQ9, Zidunge, 268; Zulu kaNo­ 186, 198, 199, 211, 216, 266, gandaya, 223, 268 267, 305, 308, 317 , 318 [See also izinDuna] royal: 41, 65, 66, 82, 83, 88, military training of: 311, 326 266, 267, 269, 292, 297, 299, peacetime activities: 108, 315, :no, 318 , 320 320 royal cattle posts: 37, 66, 83, provisioning: 83, 107, 270-1, 245, 292, 297, 318 300, 313, 316, 325 trade in: 27, 154, 157, 170, quartering: 301, 313 195, 305, 312 [See also ukuButha; Marriage tribute in: 79, 163, 228, 320 (ulo,(,juba); Warfare] warfare and: 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, Buzi: 176 17, 18, 36, 37, 38, 43-4 , 45, SS, 66, 79, 82, 83, 92, 107, Cakijana: see Chakijana 128, 205, 210, 216, 217, 242, Calendar: see Time, Period- 245, 258, 269, 286, 292, 303, ization of 316, 318 Callaway, H.: 227 wealth in: 28, 64, 146, 152, Calverley, W.: 322 172, 180-1 Campbell, W.: 139 [See also ukuKhonza; ukuLobola] Cane, J.
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