A DESCRIPTION OF METAPHORS IN ARCTIC MONKEYS’S SELECTED SONGS THROUGH AM ALBUM A PAPER WRITTEN BY HAFNI ILYA GHAISANI REG. NO: 172202005 DIPLOMA 3 ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2020 Universitas Sumatera Utara i Universitas Sumatera Utara ii Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I am HAFNI ILYA GHAISANI, declare that I am the sole author of this Paper. Except where the references in made in the text of this Paper, this Paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a Paper by which I have qualified for awarded another degree. No other person‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this Paper. This Paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education. Signed : Date : August, 2020 ii Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION Name : HAFNI ILYA GHAISANI Title of Paper : A DESCRIPTION OF METAPHORS IN ARCTIC MONKEYS‟S SELECTED SONGS THROUGH AM ALBUM Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English I hope this Paper should be available for reproduction at the direction the Librarian of Diploma-III English Study Program of Cultural Studies USU on the understanding that users made aware to their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia. Signed : Date : August, 2020 ii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT This Paper is entitled,“A Description of Metaphors in Arctic Monkeys‟s Selected Songs through AM Album”. This Paper is aimed to describe and review the use of Metaphor and Associative Meaning found in song lyrics of AM album which was chosen as the problem of study to be discussed in this Paper and also it consisting to 12 songs. The method that used by the writer is descriptive method or qualitative research. Based on review‟s result, the writer has found 22 data for the use of types of Metaphors in accordance with theory of Leech which consisting of Concretive, Animistic, Humanizing or Antromorphic, and Synesthetic, also found 28 data for the use of Associative Meanings in accordance with theory of Leech which consisting of Connotative, Social, Affective, Reflected, and also Collocative. The album of AM is completely concerned to personal‟s love life experience in which the songwriter wanted to convey the messages into songs from this album is to express honest feelings and raw thoughts to the listeners. Hopefully, this Paper can be useful and also can be a reference for any readers in understanding to Metaphor and Associative Meaning particularly for students that interested to this subject. Keywords: AM album, arctic monkeys, assosiative meaning, metaphor, song lyrics iii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Kertas Karya ini berjudul “A Description of Metaphors in Arctic Monkeys‟s Selected Songs through AM Album”. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengulas dan menjelaskan tentang penggunaan Metafora dan Makna Asosiatif yang terdapat pada lirik lagu dari album AM yang dipilih sebagai rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam Kertas Karya ini, yang terdiri dari 12 lagu. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis ialah metode deskriptif atau penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penjelasan, penulis menemukan 22 data untuk penggunaan Metafora menurut teori Leech yang terdiri dari Concretive, Animistic, Humanizing atau Antromorphic, dan Synesthetic, juga menemukan 28 data untuk penggunaan Makna Asosiatif menurut teori Leech yang terdiri dari Connotative, Social, Affective, Reflected, dan juga Collocative. Album AM ini sepenuhnya berhubungan tentang pengalaman kehidupan percintaan pribadi yang dimana penulis lagu ingin menyampaikan pesan-pesan lagu dari album ini untuk mengekspresikan perasaan serta pemikiran yang jujur dan apa adanya kepada para pendengar. Semoga Kertas Karya ini dapat bermanfaat dan juga dapat menjadi sumber refrensi dalam memahami Metafora dan Makna Asosiatif, khususnya kepada mahasiswa yang tertarik pada subjek ini. Kata kunci: album AM, arctic monkeys, lirik lagu, makna asosiatif, metafora iv Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alhamdulillahirabbil„alamin. I praise to the Almighty Allah who always blessing and give me health, convenience, ability and also opportunity to complete my own Paper. Then, invocation and greetings I deliver to the great Prophet Muhammad SAW. The author also like to say thank you very much to people who help during finishing this paper, they are: I would like to thank you to Dr. Budi Agustono M.S. as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies. I would like to thank you to Head of Diploma 3 English Study Program, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. who gives me her time to share knowledge in my study process and also in writing of this Paper. I would like to express my special gratitude to my Supervisor, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. for his time, advice, and guidance to correct this Paper during the process of writing. I would like to thank you to all lecturers in English Diploma 3 Study Program for share brilliance knowledge, excellent experience, and also skills within the process of my study. The most greatest and special thank I dedicated to my beloved nuclear family, especially for my great Father, Ivin Zulkarnaen Lubis and my dearest Mother, Elina Sari Harahap. They always do pray and embrace all the best for me and give me their loves, times, cares, affections, advices, mental supports system, motivation, financial and attention. Also, I would like to thank you to my brother, he is Yourianda Lazuardhy Lubis and to my beloved sister, she is Qonitah Dhia Alisha Lubis. They both are always enlightening over my days and activities. I do most love you all the time, I swear. v Universitas Sumatera Utara I would like to say thank you very much for my whole beloved extended family of my Father parties and my Mother parties for always give me help, encouragement and support. I do love you! Then, I would like to say thank you very much to my kindly closest friend. She is Bin Nur Nasution who always accompany and do help me no matter what happened, who always motivate, sharing and support to finish this Paper. Keep up the good work, girl! I also would like to say thank you to my kindly pleasant friend. She is Febrina Dwi Kartika Lubis, A.md who always give me help no matter what happened, advice, encouragement, mental support and sharing about doing this Paper. You‟re rock, girl. Keep going! Thank you very much to my beloved second-self and support system. They are Listia Cahya Amini, Fambia Noor Azizah, and Andini Dwita for virtual support, advice and sharing. I miss you, girls! Thank you for Major of D3 BAHASA INGGRIS. Thank you for Student of English Diploma Association, and also to classmate of 2017 for unforgettable‟s 3 years experiences we had been through together. The last but not least, thank you for Arctic Monkeys, particularly to Alexander David Turner who inspired me to write a Paper about the songs. Also, I thank to the reader for your time to read this Paper. I welcome for any suggestions. Medan, August 2020 The Author, Hafni Ilya Ghaisani Reg. No. 172202005 vi Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ..........................................................................i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ......................................................................ii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................iii ABSTRAK ...........................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEGEMENTS ..................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1 1. 1 Background of the Study ...........................................................................1 1. 2 Problem of the Study .................................................................................3 1. 3 Objective of the Study ...............................................................................3 1. 4 Scope of the Study ....................................................................................4 1. 5 Significance of the Study ..........................................................................4 1. 6 Method of the Study ..................................................................................5 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..........................…6 2.1 Definition of Metaphor .............................................................................6 2.1.1 Types of Metaphor .........................................................................7 2.2 Definition of Semantic ..............................................................................8 2.2.1 Associative Meaning .......................................................................10 2.2.2 Types of Associative .......................................................................10 2.3 Song .......................................................................................................12 2.4 Previous Research ....................................................................................13 CHAPTER III. DESCRIPTION .......................................................................15 3.1 Metaphor that Occur in Song Lyrics Through the Album .......................15 3.2 Associative Meaning that Occur in Song Lyrics Through the Album ….23
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