猀愀洀漀愀 琀漀甀爀椀猀洀 愀甀琀栀漀爀椀琀礀 䄀渀渀甀愀氀 爀攀瀀漀爀琀 ㈀ 㐀ⴀ㈀ 㔀 眀眀眀⸀猀愀洀漀愀⸀琀爀愀瘀攀氀 28 December 201 6 The Honourable Speaker of the House Afioga Leaupepe Toleafoa Apulu Fa’afisi Legislative Assembly MULINUU SAMOA TOUR ISM AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - 2015 In accordance with Section 23 of the Public Bodies (Performance and Accountab ility) Act 2001, I have the privilege to submit before Parliament the Annual Report of the Samoa Tourism Authority for the financial year, July 201 4 to June 201 5 . Faafetai, Tuilaepa Fatialofa Lupesoli’ai Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi MINISTER OF TOURISM Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 1 Table of Contents 1.0 MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER …………………………………………………………………………………… … 3 2.0 MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ……………………………………………… ………. 5 3.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 4.0 MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS …. ................................................ ...............................11 5.0 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 6.0 RESEARCH AND STATISTICS ………………………………………………………………………………… …. …… . 3 6 7.0 POLICY A ND SECTOR COORDINATI ON.. …………………………………………… … 4 3 8.0 FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES …………………………………… …………… … . 4 7 9.0 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 201 5 ………………………………… …… 52 Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 2 1.0 MESSAGE FRO M THE MINISTER The Samoa Tourism Authority is the government agency mandated to coordinate sector development and I , together with the Board of Directors hereby present the Annual Report and A ccounts for the Financial Year July 201 4 to June 201 5 . This y ear marks the launch of a new Tourism Sector Plan for the period 2014 to 2019 on the Vision that ‘by 2019 Samoa will have a growing tourism sector, which engages our visitors and people and is recognised as the leading Pacific destination for sustainable t ourism’. The highlights for this financial year was the diligent preparations by Samoa of which the tourism sector was an integral part in the coordination of the United Nations Small Island States (SIDS) Conference in September 2014. The preparation for the Conference had g ained significant support in the improvement of national infrastructure but also towards competitive debt financing for business enhancements. Tourism continues to play a leading role in the development of Samoa with its current contri bution of more than 2 0 % to national GDP, and registered tourism earnings for this financial year at approximately $340.5m illion Tala hav ing increased by 4.73% or $15.4m , when compared to the previous financial year , or has increased by 11% or $34.1m illion whe n compared to base year 2010. This is mainly attributed to an increase in both visitor arrivals as well as an increase in average spending per visitor for the period under review. Total earnings for the Financial Year is also the highest earni ngs recorded , exceeding the previous highest target achieved in FY 2011/12 period. This financial year has witnessed the registration of new tourism investment of 23 new accommodation facilities within the various categories w here 8 are now operational with the rest at th e planning stage. One of these milestones is the opening of the Return to Paradise Resort at the famous location of the Gary Cooper Hollywood Movie “Return to Paradise” filmed at Matautu , Lefaga. Tourist Attractions are significant in telling tourists our story as a Culture and People, and one of the developments to ensure this was the further enhancements of the Samoa Cultural Village as further developed and enhanced during this reported period. The importance of sanitation in tourism development is signi ficant and has seen the promotion of a National Beautification programme that has launch ed the Garden Toilet Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 3 design by STA supported by the visit of the United Nations appointed Mr. Toilet Jack Sim who was bestowed the Chief Title Tuifalevao of the village of Falevao and thereafter in the same year launch ed the International Toilet Day on the 19 th of November of each year as per the Sanitation Project administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment. It is also within this financial year that development in the training of human resources and the building of capacities in the specialised tourism faculties was implemented with vigor and most especially in culinary to promote great dining, feasting and drinking in traditional , organic and intern ational cuisine, concoction s, infusions and beverages. The significant training programmes this year were made most important and more frequent due to the major international events happening in the country during this financial year. As I often remind, Tourism is every one’s business as the success of the development of sustainable tourism is reliant on the diligence of the tourism employees and stakeholders to provide excellent products and services that will exceed our tourists expectations, whilst gov ernment is to ensure that the governance parameters ensures the safety and tranquility of our nation to sustain the hospitality culture of our people and the ambience of the beauty and cleanliness of our country of which tourists now refer to as ‘Beautiful Samoa’ and is emanated through the positive behaviour of our people and as told by many of our international SIDS delegations. My final remarks is to thank all of Samoa which is inclusive of the Board and Staff for the work implemented in this financial year that serves another year of successfully sustaining the benefits of tourism for our country , and in the same vein also thank our Development Partners for their support . Faamalo le tauatai ma ia saga viia pea le Atua Soifua o Samoa i galuega ua o tatou faatino ona o ona tagata ma ona Viiga. Ia Manuia! Tuilaepa Fatialofa Lupesoli’ai Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi Minister of Tourism Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 4 2.0 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER First and foremost we would like to echo the sentiments of the Prime Minister in e x tending our gratitude to the Tourism Development Partners such as the N ew Z ealand Aid Programme, and the United Nations Development Programme (GEF) . I also wish to thank the G overnment of Samoa for its support rendered the tourism sector through the annua l budget allocations and other assistances provided the sector as one of government’s identified national development priorities . The sector also wishes to thank the Minister of Tourism and Prime Minister for his vision in continuing the development suppor t and direction in the coordination of the sector and the promotion of national support for Tourism. The content of this report, features in detailthe annual programme and ac tivities implemented within the reported period . This year sets out a new directi on in the i mplementation of the new Tourism Sector Plan 2014 – 2019 as well as the continuation of the consultations in setting an activity design to guide the New Zealand assistance to the sector , and noting that the thematic areas identified by the natio nal wide approach consultations comprised of Destination Marketing and Research, Product Development and HRD Training, Investment and Business Enabling Environment, and Transport Infrastructure and Access. The current Tourism Sector Plan addresses the issu es and opportunities that the sector will coordinate in activities within its short to long term programmes for the achievement of the forthcoming desired outcomes. The Minister’s Statement has provided some of the significant highlights during the reporte d period which included the preparations for major events in our country and prompting significant capacity building in tourism and hospitality services. One of the new tourism products realised during this period is in the category of holiday homes which will continue to be a strong feature in the near future. A new record number of trainees were recorded during this period and has benefitted the sector and new employees accordingly. On behalf of the Chairman and the STA Board Directors, I would like to e xtend our appreciation to the Tourism Industry and all stakeholders who together with all Samoans made this year another wonderful year for Sustainable Tourism in our country, ‘Beautiful Samoa’. Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 5 I also take this opportunity to thank the Management and Staf f whom without the work would not have been performed with much quality, and of course our combined appreciation is to God. Father w hom without nothing could be done or be possible. To Him be the Glory! Ma le fa ’ aaloalo tele lava Papalii Matatamalii So nja Hunter CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Samoa Tourism Annual Report 2014 - 2015 6 3.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Annual Report covers the Financial Year July 201 4 - June 201 5 . Government’s commitment to the development of the tourism sector in driving national economic growth remains. The Financial grant for the reported Financial Year was $10,187,000 tala budget and was a 15.6% decrease from the previous financial year. The Authority is required to report on government investment and its strategic sector positions and performance. This r eport endeavours to report on the performance of the Authority and the sector in the Financial Year July 2014 to June 2015. The report focuses on the strategic focus and work plans implemented by the Authority in establishing a sector vision that ‘by 2019 Samoa will have a growing tourism sector, which engages our visitors and people and is recognised as the leading Pacific destination for sustainable tourism’. The Samoa Tourism Sector Plan 2014 – 2019 was launched and followed closely by the Authority in c oordinating the development of the tourism sector. The report emphasize the functions of the Authority as stipulated by the Tourism Development Act 2012, and outlines the main functions of each division together with change the establishment of the Policy & Sector Coordination Division to support policy advise to the Board and the roles in Sector Coordination.
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