Second Session -Thirty-Seventh Legislature ufthe I_.Jegislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Official Report (Hansard) Publi.\·hed wuler the authority of The Hmwurable George Hickes Speaker Vol. LI No. 14- I :30 p.m., Wednesday, April 18, 2001 MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-Seventh Legislature Member Constituency Political A fliliation AGLUGUB, Cris The Maples N.ll.P. ALLAN, Nancy St. Vital N.D.I'. ASIITON, Steve, lion. Thompson N 1>1'. ASPER, Linda Riel N.l>l'. BARRETf, Becky, lion. Inkster N.I>.I'. CALDWELL, Drew, Hon. Brandon East N.IH'. CERILU, Marianne Radisson N.D 1'. CIIOMIAK, Dave, lion. Kildonan N.D.I'. CUMMINGS, Glen Ste. Rose PC'. DACQUAY, Louise Seine River I'.C. DERKACII, Leonard Russell I'.C. DEWAR. Gregory Selkirk N.D.!'. DOER, Gary,llon. Concordia N.D.P. DRIEDGER, Myrna Charleswood I'.C'. DYCK, Peter Pembina P.C. ENNS, llarry Lakeside P.C. FAURSCIIOU, David Portage Ia Prairie P.C. FRIESEN, Jean, lion. Wolseley N.D.P. GERRARD, Jon, lion. River Heights Lib. GILLESIIAMMER, Harold Minnedosa P.C. IIELWER, Edward Gimli PC. IIICKES, George Point Douglas N.D.!'. JENNISSEN, Gerard Flin Flon N.D.P. KORZENIOWSKI, Bonnie St. James N.D.I'. LATIILIN, Oscar, Hon. The Pas N.D.P. LAURENDEAU, Marcel St. Norbert P.C. LEMIEUX, Ron, lion. La Verendrye N.D.!'. LOEWEN, John Fort Whyte P.C. MACKINTOSH, Gord, lion. St. Johns N.IJ.P. MAGUIRE, Larry Arthur-Virden P.C. MALOWAY, Jim Elmwood N.D.!'. MARTINDALE, Doug Burrows N.IJ.P. McGIFFORD, Diane, lion. Lord Roberts N.D.!'. MIIIYCIHJK, MaryAnn,lion. Minto N.D.P. MITCHELSON, Bonnie River East P.C. MURRAY, Stuart Kirkfield Park PC. NEVAKSIIONOFF, Tom Interlake N.D.P. PENNER. Jack Emerson P.C. PENNER, Jim Steinbach P.C. PITURA, Frank Morris P.C. PRAZNIK, Darren Lac du Bonnet PC. REID, Daryl Transcona N.D.!'. REIMER, Jack Southdale P.C. ROBINSON, Eric, lion. Rupertsland N.D.P. ROCAN. Denis Carman P.C. RONDEAU, Jim Assiniboia N.D P. SALE, Tim, lion. Fort Rouge N.D.!'. SANTOS, Conrad Wellington N.ll.P. SCIIELLENBERG, llarry Rossmere N.l>.l'. SCIIULER, Ron Springfield I'.C. SELINGER, Greg, lion. St. Boniface NDP SMITH. Joy Fort Garry I'.C'. SMITII, Scoll, lion. Brandon West N.I>P. STEFANSON, Heather Tuxedo P.C. STRUTHERS, Stan Dauphin-Roblin N.ll.P. TWEED, Mervin Turtle Mountain PC. WOWC'IIlJK, Rosann, lion. Swan River NIH. 537 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Wednesday, Apri118, 2001 The House met at 1:30 p.m. area are fa lling as a result of cool weather. Much snow remains in higher ground in the Dauphin PRAYERS area and Swan River area. A fast melt with some rain would create some flooding. This situation ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS will be watched very closely for the next several weeks. MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS The Roseau River has crested, and no Flood Conditions fu rther difficulties are anticipated unless heavy rain develops. The Souris River is presently Hon. Oscar Lathlin (Minister of cresting at levels significantly lower than in Conservation): I have a statement to make to 1999. Low-lying areas are flooded from the the House. international boundary through Hartney. Flooding from Melita to Hartney should end I have the latest update here. Levels of the within a few weeks, but flooding at Coulter will Red River from Emerson to Morris rose one last through much of May. The crest on the third to one half a foot since yesterday. There Pembina River is approaching La Riviere today. was little rise from St. Adolphe to the floodway Minor flooding of the valley from Swan Lake to inlet due to lowering of the gates of the Windygates will continue fo r the next 10 days or floodway structure. The fo recast for the Red so. Flooding from Rock Lake to Swan Lake will River remains unchanged although some minor continue until mid-May based on average adjustments have been made at St. Adolphe and weather conditions. Levels of the Whitemud Ste. Agathe. Further rises should be less than River at Westbourne and the Fisher River at two fe et. Peguis continue to fall. Overland flooding has subsided in the St. Laurent area but continues in A minor closure in the Emerson-Noyes area the Ashern area. The weather outlook is still will commence later today. It is unlikely that quite favourable although some precipitation is closures will be required in other towns or that fo recast over portions of the Red River Valley PTH 75 will be closed. Levels of the Assiniboine from Morris to Grand Forks late Thursday to River rose in the Baie St. Paul area overnight Friday. At the present time it appears that due to increased flows coming from Portage la rainfall will not be heavy enough to have a Prairie. Flows in the lower Assiniboine are being significant effe ct on the flood situation. increased as the risk of ice jamming is now minimal. The reduced flows in the Portage Diversion will help ease the pressure on Lake Mr. Frank Pitura (Morris): Mr. Speaker, Manitoba which has risen from 811.9 to 112.2 thank the Minister of Conservation fo r that fe et. Outflows at Fairford Dam will be increased statement, and of course the best thing about the from 1000 to 3000 cfs tomorrow. This should be story that he is sharing with the Legislature is enough to keep the lake from rising above 812.4 that levels are down, levels are down, levels are fe et. down, that the impact of potential flooding is minimizing each and every day. Of course, that In 1996 and 1997 the lake rose close to 813 is the good news and I think that everybody feet. Levels of the Assiniboine River are falling throughout the entire Red River Valley is from Millwood to Brandon as a result of cool certainly much more relaxed now with respect to weather on the Easter weekend. Rises will any kind of potential flood threat. There are the resume next weekend as a result of renewed spots along the Whitemud, in the St. Laurent melt, but serious flooding is not expected unless area and I understand in the Ashern area that of heavy rain develops. Streams in the Dauphin course are trouble spots yet, but they are also 538 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA April 18, 200 I having a positive downward effect, so those 200, and that the same be now received and read threats would also be minimized. a first time. Of course, I also would like to, with my Mr. Schuler: have the privilege of opportunity here to respond to this statement, representing the residents of the Springfield register the concern that we do need to move constituency. My constituency encompasses the quickly on the floodproofing fo r the R.M. of Springfield and the R.M. of East St. communities in the valley, to make sure those Paul. Both rural municipalities fe el that it is time projects are finished and that those communities fo r both R.M.s to be reflected in the name of my are protected fo r the fu ture, and I think it also constituency. I ask this House to give careful demonstrates too that as a province we should consideration to this bill, and when the time also be looking and investigating and working comes give it your support. Thank you. towards an overall water management policy fo r the province of Manitoba. So I thank the Motion agreed to. minister for his statement and the reassurance that the flood is indeed minimizing. Thank you. Introduction of Guests * (13:35) Mr. Speaker: Prior to Oral Questions, I would like to draw the attention of all honourable TABLING OF REPORTS members to the public gallery where we have from Nelson Macintyre Collegiate 25 Grade 9 Mr. Speaker: I am pleased to table the 1999 students under the direction of Mr. Andrew Annual Report of the Provincial Ombudsman Micklefield. This school is located in the with respect to The Freedom of Information and constituency of the honourable Minister of Protection of Privacy Act and The Personal Finance (Mr. Selinger). Health Information Act. Also, in the gallery we have from Maples Hon. Oscar Lathlin (Minister of Collegiate 18 Grade 9 students under the Conservation): I am pleased to table the 1999- direction of Mrs. Roberta Garton. This school is 2000 Annual Report of the Manitoba Round located in the constituency of the honourable Table for Sustainable Development and the Member for The Maples (Mr. Aglugub). Five-year Report to the Legislature of the Ecological Reserves, April I, '94 to March 31, Also, I would like to draw the attention of '99. all honourable members to the loge to my left where we have with us Jim Ernst, the fo rmer INTRODUCTION OF BILLS member of Charleswood. Bill 200-The Electoral Divisions On behalf of all honourable members, I Amendment Act welcome you here today. Mr. Ron Schuler (Springfield): I move, ORAL QUESTION PERIOD seconded by the honourable member for Beausejour, that leave be given to introduce Bill Budget 200, The Electoral Divisions Amendment Act Business Incentives (Loi modifiant Ia Loi sur Ies circonscriptions electorales), and that the same be now received Mr. Stuart Murray (Leader of the Official and read a first time. Opposition): Mr. Speaker, last week the Calgary Herald was running stories about how Mr. Speaker: It has been moved by the aggressive Alberta is trying to court Manitoba honourable Member fo r Springfield (Mr. businesses to their province. In fact, after Schuler), and a correction, seconded by the hearing about the disappointment that Brett­ honourable Member fo r Lac du Bonnet (Mr.
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