ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 18 Volume 35 of the European Communities 24 January 1992 English edition Information and Notices Notice No Contents Page I Information Council 92/C 18 / 01 Resolution of the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 16 December 1991 concerning a Community action programme on the accessibility of transport to persons with reduced mobility 1 Commission 92/C 18 /02 Ecu 2 92/C 18 /03 Authorization for State aid pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the EEC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections 3 92/C 18 /04 List of the natural mineral waters recognized by Greece 13 92/C 18 /05 List of the natural mineral waters recognized by Spain 13 92/C 18 /06 List of the natural mineral waters recognized by Italy 14 92/C 18 /07 Inapplicability of the Regulation to a notified operation (Case No IV/M.176 — Sunrise) 15 1 24 . 1 . 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 18 / 1 I (Information) COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL AND THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL, of 16 December 1991 concerning a Community action programme on the accessibility of transport to persons with reduced mobility (92/C 18 / 01 ) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL, Whereas the completion of an internal market without frontiers may be expected to increase opportunities for mobility for all the people of Europe ; Whereas persons with reduced mobility, as citizens enjoying the same rights as other citizens , must also be able to benefit from these opportunities ; Whereas the increase of average life expectancy for the population of Europe will manifest itself in an increase in the number of persons with reduced mobility ; Whereas Community action to promote the accessibility of transport to persons with reduced mobility should form an integral part of a common transport policy, Request the Commission : — to formulate, taking account of the proposal which it has submitted to the Council for a Directive drawing up minimum requirements to improve the mobility and the safe transport to work of workers with reduced mobility (') and also of the principle of subsidiarity and in cooperation with the experts from the Member States, a Community action programme including proposals for concrete measures designed to improve accessibility to all modes of public transport and to the access points thereto , — to submit a draft of this action programme to the Council if possible before the end of September 1992 . O OJ No C 68 , 16 . 3 . 1991 , p. 7 . No C 18 /2 Official Journal of the European Communities 24 . 1 . 92 COMMISSION Ecu (') 23 January 1992 (92/C 18 /02) Currency amount for one ecu : Belgian and Portuguese escudo 175,988 Luxembourg franc 42,0423 United States dollar 1,28246 German mark 2,04142 Swiss franc 1,81019 2,29881 Dutch guilder Swedish krona 7,42289 0,712043 Pound sterling Norwegian krone 8,01731 Danish krone 7,91792 Canadian dollar 1,48086 French franc 6,96184 Austrian schilling 14,3661 Italian lira 1536,84 Finnish markka 5,55947 Irish pound 0,766289 Japanese yen 158,320 Greek drachma 235,729 Australian dollar 1,71843 Spanish peseta 128,925 New Zealand dollar 2,37010 The Commission has installed a telex, with an automatic answering device which gives the conversion rates in a number of currencies . This service is available every day from 3.30 p.m . until 1 p.m . the following day. Users of the service should do as follows : — call telex number Brussels 23789 ; — give their own telex code ; — type the code 'cccc' which puts the automatic system into operation resulting in the transmission of the conversion rates of the ecu ; — the transmission should not be interrupted until the end of the message , which is marked by the code 'ffff'. Note : The Commission also has an automatic telex answering service (No 21791 ) providing daily data on calculation of monetary compensatory amounts for the purposes of the common agricultural policy. O Council Regulation (EEC) No 3180/78 of 18 December 1978 (OJ No L 379, 30 . 12 . 1978 , p. 1 ), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1971 / 89 (OJ No L 189, 4 . 7 . 1989 , p. 1 ). Council Decision 80/ 1184/EEC of 18 December 1980 (Convention of Lomé) (OJ No L 349 , 23 . 12 . 1980, p . 34). Commission Decision No 3334/ 80/ECSC of 19 December 1980 (OJ No L 349 , 23 . 12 . 1980, p. 27). Financial Regulation of 16 December 1980 concerning the general budget of the European Communities (OJ No L 345 , 20 . 12 . 1980 , p. 23). Council Regulation (EEC) No 3308 / 80 of 16 December 1980 (OJ No L 345 , 20 . 12 . 1980 , p. 1 ). Decision of the Council of Governors of the European Investment Bank of 13 May 1981 (OJ No L 311 , 30 . 10 . 1981 , p. 1 ). 24 . 1 . 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 18 / 3 Authorization for State aid pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the EEC Treaty Cases where the Commission raises no objections (92/C 18 /03) Date of adoption : 14 August 1991 Member State : Italy (Marche) Aid No : 101 /91 Title : Measures to assist organic farming Objective : Various measures to develop organic farming (compensatory aids, aids for adver­ tising and aid towards research) Legal basis : Legge regionale Budget : Lit 950 million (approximately ECU 638 000) Aid intensity : Variable Duration : One to three years Conditions : The draft law must be applied in accordance with the Regulation on organic production adopted by the Council on 24 June 1991 Date of adoption : 10 October 1991 Member State : Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg) Aid No : 527/91 Title : Amendment to the premium scheme for stockfarmers raising cattle of the Vorderwalder breed Objective : To maintain the Vorderwalder breed , which is characteristic of the Black Forest and is well suited to the severe conditions applying in that region but which is becoming rare Legal basis : Richtlinie für die Gewährung von Prämien zur Erhaltung der Vorderwälderzucht Budget : 1991 : DM 330 000 (ECU 160 500) Aid intensity : Increase in one-off premium from DM 130 to DM 150 (ECU 73) per animal Duration : Unlimited Conditions : — No C 18 /4 Official Journal of the European Communities 24 . 1 . 92 Date of adoption : 21 October 1991 Member State : United Kingdom Aid No : 431 /91 Title : Home-grown Cereals Authority Levies Objective : To revise the rate of levy on producers and processors of cereals and oil seeds (Home-grown Cereals Authority Levies), which is not collected on imported products and which is used to finance research and development, the development of cereals exports (organization of missions , information campaigns targeted at producers and involving courses , films and literature , etc.), contributions to Food from Britain (advertising) and the dissemi­ nation of information on the market to operators Legal basis : Cereals Marketing Act 1965 ; Agriculture Act 1986 ; Cereals Marketing Act (Application to oil seeds) Order 1989 Budget : — Aid intensity : — Duration : — Conditions : The Commission notes the declaration from the United Kingdom authorities to the effect that the activities of the HGCA for the development of cereals exports and the activities of Food from Britain comply with the Community framework for national aids for the adver­ tising of agricultural products Date of adoption : 21 October 1991 Member State : Germany (Brandenburg) Aid No : 539/91 Title : Launching aid for associations for joint use of agricultural machinery Objective : To establish associations for joint use of agricultural machinery in order to ration­ alize agricultural production Legal basis : Richtlinien über die Gewährung einer Starthilfe zur Förderung von Maschinen­ ringen mit hauptberuflicher Geschäftsführung Budget : 1991 : DM 60 000 (approximately ECU 29 200); 1992 : DM 350 000 (approximately ECU 170 250) Aid intensity : Cost of personnel : 90 % , ceiling of DM 25 000 (approximately ECU 12 250) per association per year ; cost of equipment : ceiling of DM 5 000 (approximately ECU 2 450) per association per year Duration : Five years Conditions : The aid falls within the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2328 /91 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures . The Commission reserves the right, where appropriate , to examine the draft aid measure pursuant to Articles 92 , 93 and 94 of the Treaty 24 . 1 . 92 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 18 / 5 Date of adoption : 21 October 1991 Member State : Germany (Baden-Wiirttemberg) Aid No : 540 / 91 Title : Amendment to the premium scheme for stockfarmers raising cattle of the Hinterwalder breed Objective : To maintain the Hinterwalder breed , which is characteristic of the Black Forest and is well suited to the severe conditions applying in that region but which is becoming rare Legal basis : Richtlinie für die Gewährung von Prämien zur Erhaltung des Hinterwälderviehs (Entwurf) Budget : 1991 : DM 300 000 (ECU 146 000) Aid intensity : DM 180 — DM 600 (ECU 88 — ECU 292) /per animal Duration : Unlimited Conditions : — Date of adoption : 25 October 1991 Member State : Germany (Lower Saxony) Aid No : 549/91 Title : Measures to combat Aujeszky's disease Objective : To apply measures vital to combat an epizootic of Aujeszky's disease , including in particular vaccination Legal basis : Ausführungsgesetz zum Tierseuchengesetz i . d . F. vom 28 . 6 . 1983 , zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom 22 . 3 . 1990 , i . V. m . der Beihilfesatzung — Aujeszkysche Krankheit i . d . F. der Bekanntgabe vom 13 . 8 . 1985 geändert durch Satzung vom 18 . 4 . 1988 Budget : 1991 : DM 22,25 million (ECU 11 million) Aid intensity : Coverage of economic losses Duration : Unlimited Conditions : — Date of adoption : 25 October 1991 Member State : Germany (Brandenburg) Aid No : 551 /91 Title : Measures for extensive use of grassland No C 18 /6 Official Journal of the European Communities 24 .
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