Knights of Columbus, Council 7450, Concord, NC Charity * Unity * Fraternity * Patriotism June 2020 2019-20 Officers Council 7450 Meeting Tuesday June 9, 2020 Worthy Grand Knight Charlie Anzalone Worthy Chaplain Knights Blood Please con- Food Dona- Fr. Jerome Chavarria, C.Ss.R. Drive tions can still tact Joe Amodeo Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Next drive is be made to (980)781- Joseph Amodeo Sunday, June CCM. This 4428 to vol- Worthy Chancellor 7th. Come give the gift months needs unteer for one of our stand- of life! Tell your friends are Any kind of canned ing committees for service Jeff Mathews and neighbors, all are vegetables (except programs. See the commit- Worthy Recorder welcome! THIS IS green beans) Baked tee names to the right. Al Servicky STILL PLANNED TO Beans (ideally 15 or 16 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED if Worthy Financial Secretary HAPPEN! oz. cans) Canned Meat we are to help in our parish and community!. “In service Bob Wheeler (tuna or chicken) You can still to one, In service to all” Worthy Treasurer As always, we especial- Joe Andruzzi support ly seek low sodium Next Knights Breakfast Worthy Advocate LAMB. Dur- items, no-added-sugar ing this time items, and whole grain Rick Manning You may write a check items. And we can al- Worthy Warden to LAMB Foundation. ways use more plastic Matthew Telera Mail the check to St. grocery bags! Thank Worthy Inside Guard James c/o KofC 139 you for your continued Manor Av. Concord Bobby Klimas Jr support and generosity. Worthy Outside Guard 28025. Our Crisis Center at Keep our Broth- Vic Haugen 246 Country Club Drive PENDING er Knights and NE in Concord serves as Worthy Trustees Please come and help us all those affect- the warehouse for most John Green, Gerard Mc Elroy, ed by Covid 19 in your serve the parish. Bring the Andy Olszewski of the food. We are ac- family and friends and enjoy prayers. cepting donations at the best breakfast in town that site from 10 am to for the price! Service Programs 1 pm Monday through Program Director Friday . Joe Amodeo 980-781– 4428 Council Director Knights of Faith Dennis DeVito Faith Director Gustavo Gallo 704-491-0876 Community Director Do you know a Knights have Adoration of Blas Esparza 980-621-8454 good Catholic always been the Blessed Health Services Director gentleman that dedicated to Sacrament Joe Amodeo 980-781– 4428 is not yet a Our Lady. Pray occurs EVERY Family Director Knight? the Rosary dai- Monday between 9:00 Tim Chase (608)695-6678 Talk to them about all that ly….. Select AM and 6:45 PM in the Life Director the Knights of Columbus do your intention . Church. What a won- Joe Andruzzi 704-796-0075 for the parish, community Membership Pray as a family or by derful gift you can give and our families. Let them Jeff Mathews 704-890-4237 know what being a Knight yourself. to yourself to spend Retention means to you! time with Jesus! Ted Cormier 704-608-4357 Page 2 Knights of Columbus News, Council 7450, Concord, NC Month of the Sacred Heart—June As May was the month of Mary, had felt these delightful pulsations, “Behold the Heart that has so loved our Blessed Mother, and June is the why he had never spoken of the fact. men…instead of gratitude I receive Month of the Sacred Heart of Je- Saint John replied that this revela- from the greater part (of mankind) sus, does it not follow that as May tion had been reserved for subse- only ingratitude…” Jesus then asked leads into June, Mary leads us to quent ages when the world, having for a feast of reparation on the Fri- her the love of her Son, symbolized grown cold, would have need of it to day after the octave of Corpus Chris- by His Heart? rekindle its love. ti bidding her to consult Father de la Colombiére, then superior of the From the thirteenth to the six- History of the Feast of the small Jesuit house at Paray. He rec- teeenth century, the devotion was ognized the action of the Spirit of Sacred Heart of Jesus practiced as a private, individual God and consecrated himself to the devotion of the mystical order. In Sacred Heart and directed Sister Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a the sixteenth century, the devotion Margaret Mary to write down her In the Sa- form of devotion to the person Je- took an onward step and passed account and to circulate it through- cred Host sus, and especially to His Love. from the domain of mysticism into out France and England. Sister Mar- that of Christian asceticism. It was The Catholic Encyclopedia details a garet Mary Alacoque was canonized dwells the constituted an objective devotion history of this devotion. It observed in the 20th century. God-man, with prayers already formulated and that from the time of Saint John and Jesus; in His special exercises of which the value Saint Paul there has always been in Love for the Eucharist was extolled and practice commend- Person puls- the Church something like devotion ed. Christ's Sacred Heart of love is ex- es His Heart to the love of God, Who so loved the pressed most profoundly in the world as to give it His only-begotten The devotion to the Sacred Heart through Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist, Son, and to the love of Jesus, Who developed further during the seven- which we God's giving of Himself, is celebrated has so loved us as to deliver Himself teenth century. Ascetic writers are loved joyously the Feast of Corpus Christi, up for us. But, accurately speaking, spoke of it, especially those of the which typically falls within the with the this is not the devotion to the Sacred Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Alvarez de month of June. How appropriate this perfection Heart, as it pays no homage to the Paz, Luis de la Puente, Saint-Jure and is! Devotion to the Eucharist and to Heart of Jesus as the symbol of His Nouet and Father Druzbicki, small of His hu- the Sacred Heart are as inseparable love for us. From the earliest centu- work “Meta Cordium, Cor Jesu“. manity, the as devotion is to the mystery of ries, Christ’s open side and the mys- fullness of The devotion was greatly increased Christ's human and divine love. In tery of blood and water were medi- by the visions Sister Margaret Mary the Sacred Host dwells the God- His God- tated upon, and the Church was be- Alacoque (1647-1690), a French Visi- man, Jesus; in His Person pulses His head, one held issuing from the side of Jesus, tandine nun at the convent of Paray- Heart through which we are loved as Eve came forth from the side of Person who le-Monial. She had a vision of with the perfection of His humanity, Adam. But there is nothing to indi- not only Christ’s Heart on the feast of Saint the fullness of His Godhead, one cate that, during the first ten centu- loves but is John that was similar to that of Saint Person who not only loves but is ries, any worship was rendered the Love. Gertrude. Jesus permitted her to Love. wounded Heart. rest her head upon His Heart, and St. Peter Julian Eymard instructs us, It is in the eleventh and twelfth cen- then disclosed to her the wonders of “Let us learn to honor the Sacred turies that we find the first unmis- His love, telling her that He desired Heart in the Eucharist. Let us never takable indications of devotion to to make this known to mankind and separate them.” the Sacred Heart. Through the to diffuse the treasures of His good- wound in the side the wounded ness, and that He had chosen her for Use the month of June to get ac- Heart was gradually reached, and this work, (probably 1673, Dec. 27). quainted or re-acquainted with the the wound in the Heart symbolized In June or July o f 1674, Sister Mar- Sacred Heart of Jesus. You'll be glad the wound of Divine Love. In the garet Mary said, Jesus asked to be you did! Benedictine and Cistercian monas- honored under the figure of His teries devotion arose, although it is Heart of Flesh and asked for a devo- -From Aquinas & More impossible to say what where the tion of expiatory love — frequent first texts. Saint Gertrude (d. 1302) Communion, Communion on the had a vision on the feast of John the first Friday of each month and the Evangelist. She was resting her head observance of Holy Hours. near the wound in the Savior’s side In another vision, on the feast of and hearing the beating of the Di- Corpus Christi 1675, Sister Margaret vine Heart. She asked Saint John if Mary reported that Jesus told her, on the night of the Last Supper, he Knights of Columbus News, Council 7450, Concord, NC Page 3 June 2020 A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic Most Merciful and Triune God, We come to You in our weakness. We come to You in our fear. We come to You with trust. For You alone are our hope. We place before You the disease present in our world. We turn to You in our time of need. Bring wisdom to doctors. Give understanding to scientists. Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity. Bring healing to those who are ill. Protect those who are most at risk.
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