Open Comput. Sci. 2020; 10:369–395 Review Article Thasnimol C M* and R. Rajathy The Paradigm Revolution in the Distribution Grid: The Cutting-Edge and Enabling Technologies https://doi.org/10.1515/comp-2020-0202 SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisi- Received Aug 09, 2019; accepted Jan 21, 2020 tion Abstract: Bi-directional information and energy flow, re- RTP Real Time Pricing newable energy sources, battery energy storage, electric SDN Smart Distribution Network vehicle, self-healing capability, and demand response pro- MAS Multi Agent System grams, etc., revolutionized the traditional distribution net- DG Distributed Generator work into the smart distribution network. Adoption of SG Smart Grid modern technologies like intelligent meters such as ad- BSS Battery Storage System vanced metering infrastructure & Micro-phasor measure- DN Distribution Network ment units, data storage, and analysis techniques and DSM Demand Side Management incentive-based electricity trading mechanisms can bring PV Photo Voltaic this paradigm shift. This study presents an overview of CNN Convolutional Neural Network popular technologies that facilitate this transformation, giving focus on some prime technologies such as real-time RNN Recurrent Neural Network monitoring based on Micro-phasor measurement units, Multi-SVM Multi Class Support Vector Machine data storage and analytics, blockchain technology, multi- PCA Principal Component Analysis agent systems, and incentive-based energy trading mech- anisms Keywords: Big data, Energy market, Demand response, 1 Introduction Micro-phasor measurement units, Internet of energy, Blockchain Technology, Cloud computing Today’s grid is characterized by high penetration of Dis- tributed Energy Resources (DER) and two-way energy and information flow. DER includes Renewable Energy Sources Abbreviations (RES) like wind and solar generator, Electric Vehicles (EV), Battery Storage System (BSS) and customer loads that can take part in Demand Response (DR) programs. The bene- DER Distributed Energy Resources fits of RES include zero marginal cost of power production, RES Renewable Energy Sources practically nil carbon emission and minimization of trans- DR Demand Response mission power losses due to the generation of power near EV Electric Vehicle to the consumer centers. ESS Energy Storage System The widespread assimilation of DER has many draw- PMU Phasor Measurement Unit backs. The output of DER is seasonal. The output of so- Micro-PMU Micro-Phasor Measurement Units lar and wind generation is weather dependant and hence AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure the dispatch of this generation to the load is more uncer- WAMS Wide Area Monitoring System tain. Meantime, the exact prediction and control of the customer load pattern are also not feasible. The charg- ing pattern of EV is also uncertain. The two-way flow of energy creates congestion and voltage stability problems *Corresponding Author: Thasnimol C M: Research Scholar, if not controlled properly. The electrical energy output of Dept.of EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, India; DER should be known to the utility provider. Otherwise, Email: [email protected] R. Rajathy: Associate Professor, Dept.of EEE, Pondicherry Engineer- the utility produces more power than necessary, and this ing College, Puducherry, India; Email: [email protected] contributes to high electricity prices. Open Access. © 2020 Thasnimol and Rajathy, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attri- bution 4.0 License 370 Ë Thasnimol and Rajathy The integration of DER and EVs causes a change in to prosumer trading, etc. can enhance the reliability and the supply-demand patterns at the distribution level of efficiency of the distribution system, can assist the net- the grid. Maintenance of supply-demand equilibrium is a work operator to maintain supply-demand equilibrium critical issue in a highly DER penetrated distribution grid. and helps to optimize the grid assets. To manage the effects of these distributed supply and de- Proper monitoring is needed to ensure the safe and re- mand patterns, distribution grid operators and regulators liable operation of the distribution system. Conventional are adopting modern technologies and methods. The tra- transmission grid monitoring through the SCADA and En- ditional approach of energy management is to utilize large ergy Management System (EMS) gives only local aware- power plants for maintaining supply-demand equilibrium ness, which is not sufficient to prevent blackouts. Wide by increasing or decreasing their power production. One Area Monitoring System (WAMS) gives a snapshot of the way to keep the supply-demand equilibrium in a grid with entire transmission system through Phasor Measurement significant penetration of RES is to use Energy Storage Sys- Units (PMU) located at important system buses. PMUs tem (ESS) for storing the surplus energy from RES. There gives a time-synchronized measurement of voltage and are several challenges to the widespread implementation current phasor of all nodes of the transmission system to- of ESS like high investment cost, lack of experience in im- gether with frequency and rate of change of frequency. plementation and further current utility regulations which Distribution phasor measurement units, otherwise known were worked out for the conventional electricity system as Micro-Phasor Measurement Unit (Micro-PMU) and Ad- [1]. All these circumstances necessitated advanced control vanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), are the widely used techniques for effectively managing DER. monitoring system nowadays to monitor the DN. Micro- DERs like wind, solar, Combined Heat & Power (CHP) PMU monitors medium voltage distribution network and plants and EV can supply power to the grid and thereby AMI monitors low voltage distribution network. helps to meet the load demand. EV can function as a dis- One of the fundamental issues in the distribution net- tributed energy resource and further has a role in the ancil- work management is the effective treatment of massive lary service market by providing various services like grid chunks of information accessible to the network operator. frequency regulation, voltage, and reactive power support, This data includes measurement data from AMI & Micro- etc. Grid-connected equipment like home energy man- PMU, forecasting data such as weather, load & genera- agement system, smart thermostat, and customer smart tion forecast, and historical data. Decisions of the dis- appliances can provide flexibility services to the grid by tribution network operator in emergency conditions de- scheduling or curtailing their demand in response to De- pend on quick and explicit recognition of abnormalities mand Response (DR) programs and thereby enhancing from the data available to them. Since distribution net- grid reliability. The use of DERs and DR programs for main- work data falls under the category of big data, advanced taining energy balance is more favorable than the conven- storage and analytic techniques are desired for efficiently tional scheme as the former can accomplish the balancing handling these data. operation more promptly than the latter [2]. The most important responsibility of a distribution Owing to the ever-rising demand for electrical en- system is to assure safe and reliable supply to all of its ergy and high penetration of DER the distribution lines consumers, which can only be attained through a fast are obliged to carry power more than their rated carry- self-healing process. The areas without supply can be fed ing capacity and cause congestion problems. The devel- by appropriate service reconfiguration or by creating is- opment of additional infrastructure is not a practical op- lands with Distributed Generator (DG). It is imperative that tion due to the high cost involved. Another solution is to throughout these operations, the system variables such enforce demand-side management and demand response as bus voltage and feeder current should be within the programs, which is much recommended owing to its low permissible limits, the radial topology of the distribution implementation cost and reasonable response time re- network should be maintained carefully and fast restora- quired. The demand response is the readjustment of con- tion of supply after the clearance of fault are the key is- sumer’s load through load curtailing, shifting to off-peak sues which draw more attention to be taken care of. The hours, etc. in return to utility signals like price, penal- complexity of the restoration process increases as the pen- ties, and incentives. Incentive-based Demand Response etration level of DER in the system increases. Currently, (IDR) [3, 4] forces customers to willingly cooperate in DR DGs are disconnected from the system as soon as a fault programs by offering some incentives in return to their is detected. However, this cannot be done for a system flexibility services. Market-based methods like Real-Time with high penetration of DGs because without DG supply- Pricing (RTP), incentive-based DR program and prosumer demand balance will not be met. DGs interconnection to a The paradigm revolution in the distribution grid Ë 371 feeder causes voltage increase because of the active power smart grid. Industrial wireless sensor network and Inter- injection and may contribute to voltage violation. There- net of Things based routing protocol for SDN communi- fore, it should also consider the voltage profile and capac- cation is discussed
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