Innovations-Information 2018 EINTRITT KOSTENFREI FAVOURITES SustainableSustainable production Manicure, pedicure and cosmetic instruments – Made in Solingen production Special award for The award environmentally-friendly, Ethical Style resource-saving production stands for The family-owned company Becker Solingen has • Eco-Friendly Materials, Re-/Upcycling De- • Handmade Manufacturing: Products that been specialised in the production of cuticle sign and Lifecycle Design Concept: Products are handmade and preserve and promote scissors, nail scissors, tweezers, nail nippers, made of environmentally friendly materials craftsmanship. cuticle pliers and sapphire nail files since 1930. or products that are intended for recycling Becker Solingen products are expertly sharpened or that can be repaired. by master craftsmen from Solingen. Solingen, Managing Director Michael Becker considers en- The steel and plastic materials used for produc- the „city of blades“, is known worldwide for its vironmentally-friendly, low-emission and energy- tion can be completely remelted and recycled. craftsmanship. saving work processes to be very important: The products themselves can be repaired or re- „All of our plants are equipped with state-of-the- ground. art exhaust air systems and a treatment plant for the reuse of consumable water. We also have • Eco-Optimised Production: Optimised ma- our own cogeneration plant, which supplies hot nufacturing process for resource conservati- water and covers 45 per cent of the electricity on, e.g. energy, water, waste required for our production. With the hot water, Use of a combined heat and power plant, water the tanks in the electroplating shop are main- treatment plant and recycling of the production tained at a constant temperature and the entire residues. company building is heated by underfloor hea- ting,“ explains Michael Becker, who is a member • Fair & Social Production: Products which of the 3rd generation to manage the company. are manufactured in social facilities and/or under socially acceptable conditions His father and grandfather were particularly The Becker Solingen products have been reliably keen on resource-saving working processes. „My packaged for decades by Lebenshilfe eV - An as- father would have been very proud of this year‘s sociation for the support of people with a mental „Ethical Style 2018“ award received for this,“ disability. asserts the Managing Director. 2 Manicure, pedicure and cosmetic instruments – Made in Solingen Contents PageInnovations 2 Sustainable Production Page 4-5 ERBE® - Relaunch Page 6 - 7 YES® - Relaunch Page 8 ERBE® Pastel Series - Pedicure Page 9 ERBE® Pastel Series - Manicure Seite 10 ERBE® Ceramic Foot Files Page 10 ERBE® 360° Nail Clippers Seite 10 ERBE® Corn Plane Page 11 - 13 ERBE® Manicure Cases Page 14 ERBE® Travel Razor Cases & Razors & Brushes Page 15 ERBE® Shaving Accessories Page 16 - 17 ERBE® Shaving Accessories - New Products in 2018 - Modular Systems Page 18 Taylor of Old Bond Street Pre Shave Oil Page 19 Taylor of Old Bond Street and Mondial Antica Barberia Pre Shave Oil Page 20 Trade Fair Dates Product-Catalogues Downloadhttp://www.becker-solingen.de/service DIE WELT DER MANICURE Die italienische Kunst der Rasur DIE KUNST DER RASUR DIE KUNST DER RASUR NEUHEITEN COLLECTION 2016/2017 SHAVING SHOP SHAVING SHOP PREMIUM DESIGN - MODULAR LUXURY GENTLEMEN'S SHAVING PRODUCTS E R U C I N A M - R E K C E BECKER-MANICURE SELECTION B COLLECTION C A F EXKLUSIVER VERTRIEBSPARTNER EXKLUSIVER VERTRIEBSPARTNER BECKER SOLINGEN B BECKER SOLINGEN D M T 3 ForERBE significantly in a new look Attractive packagings, display stands and shelf system solutions from 2018 on more turnover 91081 91795 2980 29781 29771 ERBE RELAUNCH 2018 Targeted staging of products for demanding requirements The family-owned company Becker Solingen ding to DIN EN ISO 9001 and IFS. Strict controls keeps its finger on the pulse. In the recent The new brand image with an updated product of the production processes and logistics proce- history of the company of the premium range and revised packagings and sales aids goes dures guarantee the high quality of the products brand Erbe, which stands for daily care in hand in hand with additional sales promotion, and ensure reliable, punctual deliveries – even in the field of manicure, pedicure, cosmetics e.g. using decorative materials or elegant shop large quantities. and shaving, a comprehensive facelift has shelf systems. been carried out. Thanks to its modern and Furthermore, new placement solutions such as Environmental protection is not neglected by customer-oriented appearance, this opens wall systems, displays and floor displays are avai- Becker Solingen either – just the opposite in up intelligent solutions for retailers to in- lable to the retail partners. Additional turnover fact. The production systems are equipped with crease their turnover. is also generated by exclusive manicure cases state-of-the-art exhaust air systems and a tre- made of high-quality leathers and luxurious sha- atment plant for consumption water for reuse. ving accessories, which are now also available in Hardly any waste is generated during production Focus on the customer attractive, elegant black gift packagings with a and the sludge and plastic residues produced in Not only the new exclusive packaging design in stylish inlay. electroplating are almost completely recycled. elegant black, combined with red highlights, cre- The company received the Ethical Style Award ates an eye-catching appearance – the revised, for this. multi-language product information also contri- In-house production butes to a refined, valuable and informative pre- with a high quality standard sentation of the products. The entire manicure and pedicure range consisting of nail, skin and The steel goods are now produced with the help combination scissors, pliers, tweezers, files, pla- of state-of-the-art automation technology, robot nes and much more is presented in transparent support and an experienced master craftsman blister packs that offer the best view of Solin- from Solingen. Important working steps, such gen‘s quality products. The optimised packaging as the „finishing touch“, may still only be car- sizes create a clear structure on the sales shelf. ried out by competent skilled workers in order Furthermore, easy-to-read, understandable pro- to achieve the desired quality. Each product is duct descriptions and pictograms make product tested separately before leaving the production selection easier. halls. In addition, the company is certified accor- 4 ERBE in a new look Attractive packagings, display stands and shelf system solutions from 2018 on Parfümerien Traditionsunternehmen Becker Solingen relauncht seine Premium-Marke2970 2971 ERBE DEKO-CUBE as Familienunternehmen Becker So- Dlingen, das seit 1930 Stahlwaren für Maniküre, Pediküre und Kosmetik her- stellt und in dritter Generation von Mi- chael Becker geführt wird, bleibt am Puls der Zeit. So wurde in der jüngsten Fir- menhistorie der Premium-Marke ERBE, die für die tägliche Pflege im Bereich Maniküre, Pediküre, Kosmetik und Rasur steht, ein umfassendes Facelift verpasst – dies eröffnet dem Handel dank eines modernen und kundenorientierten Auf- Musterraum tritts intelligente Lösungen zur Umsatz- steigerung. Foto Den Kunden im Fokus Nicht nur das neue exklusive Verpa- 5 ckungs-Design in elegantem Schwarz, Mit edlen Laden-Regalsystemen kann der Umsatz signifikant gesteigert werden kombiniert mit roten Akzenten, sorgt für einen aufmerksamkeitsstarken Auf- zur Verfügung. Für zusätzlichen Umsatz Unternehmen nach DIN EN ISO 9001 tritt – auch die über- sorgen auch exklusive Manicure-Etuis sowie IFS-zertifiziert. Strenge Kontrollen arbeiteten, mehr- aus hochwertigen Ledern sowie luxuri- der Produktionsabläufe und Logistikab- sprachigen Produkt- öse Rasier-Accessoires, die nun auch in wicklungen garantieren die hohe Wertig- informationen tra- attraktiven, edel schwarzen Geschenk- gen zu einer edlen, verpackungen mit schickem Inlay gelie- wertigen und infor- fert werden. mativen Präsenta- tion der Produkte Hauseigene Fertigung bei. Das gesamte mit hohem Qualitätsstandard Maniküre- und Pedi- Die Stahlwaren werden mittlerweile küresortiment aus mit Hilfe von modernster Automations- Nagel-, Haut- und technik, Robotersupport und erfahrener Kombischeren, Zan- Solinger Meisterhand hergestellt. Wich- gen, Pinzetten, Feilen, Pinzetten, Hobel tige Arbeitsschritte, wie zum Beispiel und vielem mehr, präsentiert sich in „der letzte Schliff“, dürfen nach wie transparenten Blisterverpackungen, die vor nur von kompetenten Facharbeitern beste Sicht auf die Solinger Qualitäts- ausgeführt werden, um die gewünschte produkte bieten. Die optimierten Verpa- Qualität zu erreichen. Jedes Produkt wird Das Beauty-Sortiment ERBE steht ckungsgrößen schaffen eine klare Struk- vor dem Verlassen der Produktionshallen für professionelle Solinger Qualität tur im Verkaufsregal. Zudem erleichtern separat geprüft. Darüber hinaus ist das gut lesbare, verständliche Produktbe- keit der Produkte und sichern zuverlässi- schreibungen und Piktogramme die Aus- ge, termingerechte Lieferungen – auch in wahl der Produkte. großen Mengen. Produkte gehobener Ansprüche Und auch der Umweltschutz kommt bei gezielt in Szene gesetzt Becker Solingen nicht zu kurz – ganz im Der neue Marken-Auftritt mit aktualisier- Gegenteil. Die Produktionsanlagen sind tem Produktsortiment und überarbeite- mit hochmodernen Abluft-Systemen und ten Verpackungen und Verkaufshilfen mit einer Aufbereitungsanlage
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