I- COMPOSITE INDEX TO HEARINGS, APPENDIX, AND REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS AND COMPARABLE ORGANIZATIONS EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON H. Res. 217 [Index to Select Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations, Cox Committee, H . Res. 561, 82d Cong., is a supplement to this index . See p . 135 .] UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 49720 WASHINGTON : 1955 COMPOSITE INDEX TO HEARINGS OF THE SPECIAL COM- MITTEE TO INVESTIGATE TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS AND COMPARABLE ORGANIZATIONS Key to symbols Symbol Publication Date Pagination h Hearing, Part 1 May 10, 11, 18-20, 1-943 24-26, June 2-4, 8, 9, 15-18, July 2, 9, 1954 . Appendix, Part II June 21, 1954 945--1241 r House Report No.2681 Dec. 16, 1954 1-432 Cox Committee Hearings Index pre- Nov. 1S to Dec . 1-16 pared for Russell Sage Foundation 30, 1952. by Sydney S . Spivacka I This index Supplement will be found at the end of the Composite Index. III COMPOSITE INDEX A Paso AAA r400 ABA Committee a 1054 ABA Journal a 1054 Abbott, Leonard D h 220 Abel, Theodore a 1184,1185 Aberle, S. D a 1137 About the Kinsey Report (publication) h 131 ; r 69 Abraham Lincoln Brigade h 223, 253-255, 286, 317-319, 597, 598, 603, 643 ; a 989 ; r 251, 261, 292, 294, 332, 333, 337, 347, 349, 385 . Abramovitz . (See Harrison & Abramovitz .) Abrams, Charles h 779, 793 ; a 984, 990, 995 Abrams, Frank W h 346, 349, 376 ; a 1021 Abt,John r 287 Academic Freedom Rally r 342 Academy of Pedagogical Sciences h 838 Academy of Political Science h 872 Academy of Sciences of the USSR h 838, 847, 848 Acheson, Dean h 893, 918 Across Africa on Foot (publication) h 927 Across the Gobi Desert (publication) h 927 Action Committee to Free Spain Now r 228 ADA (Americans for. Democratic Action) h 32, 41 Adamic, Louis h 34 ; a 1174, 1216 Adams, Dr h 855 Adams, Governor h 590 Adams, Arthur S a 1009, 1016 Adams, Gridley r 351 Adams, Jane h 223 Adams, John h 405, 805 Adam s,Samue9e h 311 Adams Memorial h 223 Adams School for Social Science r 349 Adamson, Ernie r 227 Adler, David h 74 Adler, Milton h 351 Adler, Mortimer h 42, 74 ; a 1042, 1043 ; r 162, 189, 227 Adult Education Association a 1165 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (film) r 164 Advertisin~g Council, Inc h 42 ; a 1031, 1043 ; r 221 Advisory Board (American Student Union) r 230, 353. Advisory Board (Film Audiences for Democracy)---- r 305, 306, 308 Advisory Board (Films for Democracy) r 305, 306, 308 1 2 COMPOSITE INDEX Advisory Board of the American Committee for Protection of Page Foreign Born r 255 Advisory Board of Frontier Films r 238, 327, 336 Advisory Committee (Ford Fund for the Advancement of Education) r 23, 38, 162 Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policies h 885, 888 Advisory Council of Soviet Russia Today r 271 Athiopica (publication) a 1241 Affiliated Schools for Workers h 34 Africa (publication) h 928 Africa: Facts and Forecasts (publication) h 929 Africa in the War (pamphlet) . r 358 African Affairs Council r 268 Afros, Jack L r 409 After Defense-What? (pamphlet) r 131 After the War-Full Employment (pamphlet) r 131 Agar, John G h 353 Agard, Walter R a 1009 Age of Jackson (publication) r 363 Age of Roosevelt (publication) r 363 Agee,James r 189 Agenda of Democracy (publication) r 132, 141 Agnes Scott College h 360 Agricultural Relief Act administration, Effects of Sales Taxes (study) r 128 Agriculture Exchange (publication) r 233 Aid to China (Washington Committee) r 289, 323 Aid to Individuals (publication) h 832 Aid Which the Social Sciences Have Rendered and Can Render to National Planning (report) h 473 Air War College h 941 Akeley, Delia J h 927 Alabama Farmers Union r 405 Alabama University a 1218 Albright, Horace M h 352 Albright College a 1229 Albu, Austen a 984 Alderman, Edwin A h 358 Alderson Reporting Co a 1035 Aldrich, Winthrop W h 353, 358, 891 ALES (American Labor Education Service) r 106-109 ALES-CIO World Affairs Institute a 1161 ALES Annotated List r 107 ALES Midwest Workers Education Conference_ _ a 1159, 1160 ; r 106 ALES Philadelphia Center r 106 Alexander, Robert J h 793 ; a 981, 984 Alexander, Wallace McK h 340 Alice in Wonderland, Or Through the Looking Glass (publica- tion) h 588 All American Anti-Imperialist League h 222 ; r 229, 232, 307 All Eisler Program (Town Hall) r 250 All Men Are Created Equal (poster) a 1048 All-Union Party Congress r 368 COMPOSITE INDEX 3 All-Union Society for Cultural Relations With Foreign Coun- Page tries (VOKS) h 273 ; 275; r 158 All Union Travel Co . (Intourist) r 158 All We Are and All We Have (publication) h 929 Allahabad Agricultural Institute a 1029 Allbaugh, Lelena G a 1073 Allen, Devere h 220 Allen, Edward W h 552 Allen, Frederick Lewis h 254, 289, 296, 301, 303, 346, 608 Allen, Raymond B h 343, 552 Allen, Froude, Hilen & DeGarmo (law firm) h 552 Allied Mission to Observe Elections in Greece h 886 Allied Voters Against Coudert a 1171 Allis-Chalmers h 752 Allport, Alexander W h 897 Allyn & Bacon h 395 Alma Egan Hyatt Foundation a 1241 Almack, John C h 214 Altman Foundation h 16 Altschul, Frank h 347 Alumni Homecoming Dinner Sponsoring Committee (Ameri- can Student Union) r 306, 353 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America a 977 ; r 287 Amerasia (publication) h 557, 558 America (article) a 1238 America : World Leader or World Led? (publication)--_ h 927 ; r 173 America and Asia (publication) h 929 ; r 173 America in the Changing World (publication) h 938 America Discovers Its Songs (article) h 320 America First (organization) h 787, 788 America and the New World (publication) h 929 America and the Refugees (publication) ._ _ _ h34 American (publication) h 33 ; r 121 American Academy of Arts and Sciences a 999 American Academy of Political Science h 902 American Academy of Political and Social Sciences h 74 ; r 51 American Advisory Organization h 266 ; r 152, 157 American Affairs (publication) h 36 ; a 1036 American Anthropological Association h 32, 818 ; a 999 American Antiquarian Society a 099 American Architect (publication) h 496 American Association for Adult Education h 674, 675 American Association for the Advancement of Science r 171 American Association of International Conciliation h 873, 906, 024 ; r 171 American Association of Junior Colleges a 1147 American Association for Public Opinion Research a 1036 American Association of School Administrators--_- h 74, 482 ; a 1147 American Association for Social Security h 777, 778 ; a 990 American Association of Social Workers h 32 American Association of the United Nations h 381 ; a 984, 1162 American Association of University Professors h 272, 275, 482, 681, 715 ; a 1239; r 142 American Bank Note Cc h 553 4 COMPOSITE INDEX Page American Bankers Association a 1044 American Bar Association h 196, 382 ; a 1031, 1052, 1054, 1219 ; r 111, 185, 188, American Bar Association Journal a 1238, American Bar Foundation a 1031, 1054 . American Birth Control League h 431 American Book Co h 393, 395 American Book Publishers Council h 395 American Bourgois Philosophy and Sociology in the Service of Imperialism (publication) h 838, 848 American Broadcasting Co h 386 American Business and the Independent College (article)-_-- a 1239 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) h 39, 223, 303, 390, 902 ; r 228, 229, 231, 378, 379, 409 American Coalition of Patriotic, Civic and Fraternal Societies (National Security Committee) r 408 American Commission to Negotiate Peace at Paris in 1918--- h 878 American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature a 1176 American Committee for Anti-Nazi German Seamen a 1171 American Committee for Cultural Freedom_- -- r 257 American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky--- r 328, 379 American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom_ h 222 ; a 1170, 1171, 1215 ; r 228, 233, 250, 254, 258, 301, 304, 307, 311, 327, 331, 333, 335, 354, 363, 364, 375, 390 American Committee for International Student Congress Against War and Fascism h 223 American Committee of Liberals for the Freedom of Mooney and Billings h 222 American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born h 222, 223 ; a 1171, 1173 ; r 230, 232, 240, 246, 251, 255, 265, 267, 290, 291, 307, 311, 321, 326, 331, 333, 340, 344, 348, 349, 352, 354, 373, 375, 379, 381, 390, 401 . American Committee to Save Refugees a 1216 r 248, 305, 309, 318, 335, 375, 377, 378 American Committee for Soviet Relations a 1176 American Committee for Struggle Against War a 1175,. 1176 ; r 230, 232, 258, 318, 350 American Committee for Yugo-slav Relief r 265, 308 American Congress for Peace and Democracy r 231, 232, 275, 326, 352 American Constitutional History (publication) h 524 American Continental Congress for Peace r 280, 321, 341, 381 American Contributions to Civilization (publication) a 1071 American Coordinating Committee for International Studies-_ h 900 American Council for a Democratic Greece r 269, 381 American Council on Education_-- h 21, 46, 47, 74, 269, 275, 469-471, 475, 482, 612, 618, 620, 672, 674-677, 679, 681, 682, 686, 687, 689, 695, 698, 700, 701, 703-707, 713-716, 720, 722, 808 ; a 998, 1005, 1006, 1009, 1012, 1014-1016, 1081, 1112, 1124, 1147, 1236 ; r 45, 47, 52, 53, 129, 135, 136, 142, 157, 171 . COMPOSITE INDEX 5 Page American Council of Learned Societies --------------------- h 21, 45, 48, 469, 470, 475, 476, 482, 525, 549, 556, 564, 569, 570, 580, 584, 589-592, 601-603, 612, 618, 808, 809, 894, 937 ; a 959, 998, 999, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1012, 1030, 1081, 1128, 1129, 1189, 1222, 1223, 1225-1229 ; r 26, 32, 39, 45, 47, 48, 53-57, 59, 81, 129, 137, 142, 171, 201 American Council on Public Affairs r 404 American Council on Race Relations r 329, 399 American Council on Soviet Relations h 222 ; a 1173, 1176 ; r 253, 256, 259, 318, 375, 380 American Delegation (UNESCO) r 108 American Dilemma (publication)-- h 49, 58, 578, 592 ; a 967, 969 ; r 125 American Diplomacy, 1900-1950 (publication) r 306 American Economic Association-- h 32, 818, 838, 847 ; a 993, 998, 999 American Education Fellowship h 34, 35, 388, 395, 397, 398, 493, 675 ; a 1149 ; r 146, 151, 152 American Education Under Fire (pamphlet) h 327, 388, 397 American Educational League h 322, 324 American Farm Bureau Federation h 881, 920 American Federation of Labor (AFL) h 746, 750, 751, 776, 780, 781, 784, 788, 789, 792.
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