APPENDIX 1 Chronology of Plays Discussed in the Book Premiè re Title Company Playwright Director Stage Designer/Scenographer 1980Hezhu’s New Match Lan-ling Theatre Workshop Jin Shijie Jin Shijie Xu Rongchang (prop/cos- tume design) 1982 Absolute Signal Beijing People’s Art Theatre Gao Xingjian, Liu Lin Zhaohua Huang Qingze Huiyuan 1993 Can Three Make It? Part Ping-Fong Acting Troupe Li Guoxiu Li Guoxiu Zhang Yicheng III—Oh! Three Diverged Paths 1996 Shang Yang Shanghai Dramatic Arts Yao Yuan Chen Xinyi Huang Haiwei Centre 1996 Peking Opera: The Ping-Fong Acting Troupe Li Guoxiu Li Guoxiu Nie Guangyan 242 Revelation 1998 Three Sisters & Waiting for Lin Zhaohua Theatre Studio Anton Chekhov/ Lin Zhaohua Yi Liming Godot Samuel Beckett 1999 Field of Life and Death Central Experimental Tian Qinxin (adapter) Tian QinxinXue Dianjie and Theatre Wang Hanyi 2001 Richard III Lin Zhaohua Theatre Studio William Shakespeare Lin Zhaohua Huang Haiwei 2001 We Are One Family Hong Kong Repertory He Jiping Fredric Mao Ho Yingfung Theatre 2003 Sweet & Sour Hong Kong Hong Kong Repertory He Jiping Fredric Mao Ho Yingfung Theatre 2005 The Ballad of Yellow Earth Drama Troupe attached to Meng Bing Hu Zongqi Huang Haiwei the Political Department of the PLA 2006 The Master Builder Lin Zhaohua Theatre Studio Henrik Ibsen Lin Zhaohua Yi Liming 2006 Flowers in the Mirror, Moon National Theatre of China/ Xi Chuan (poems); Meng Jinghui Feng Jiangzhou (visual on the Water Meng Jinghui Studio Liao Yimei (drama- design and multimedia) turgy); cast with contributions by Shen Shaomin, Jiang Zhi, Jiang Jie, Oliver Lyons 2006 The Savage Land Tianjin People’s Art Theatre Cao Yu Wang Yansong Liu Kedong 2008 The Story of the Deer and Shanghai Dramatic Arts Ning Caishen He Nian Sang Qi the Cauldron Centre 2008 Lu Xun 2008 Grass Stage, Body Phase Adaptation by Zhao Chuan, Zhao Chuan Studio (Taiwan), Da-M Company members Wang Molin, Theatre (Tokyo) and Clash Hiroshi Theatre (Hong Kong) Ohashi and Tong Sze 243 Hong 2008 Squat Grass Stage Li Ang, adapted by Zhao Chuan Zhao Chuan Zhao Chuan 2009 Archives of Life Drama Troupe attached to Meng Bing Gong Sun Dong the Political Department Wang Hong Xiaodong of the PLA Xiao Li 2009 The Little Society Grass Stage Zhao Chuan, Feng Zi, Zhao Chuan Zhao Chuan Hou Qinghui, Yu Kai, Wu Meng and others 2009 The Story of Gong and Penghao Theatre Wang Xiang and Wang Wang Shaojun Liao Shifu Drum Lane Shaojun and Mu Du 2010 The Yellow Storm National Theatre of China Tian Qinxin and An Tian Qinxin Xue Dianjie and Ying Wang Hanyi 2011 Searching for Li Dazhao Hebei Provincial Spoken Meng Bing Gong Zhang Wu Drama Theatre Xiaodong/ Jiang Tao APPENDIX 2 Glossary of Names, Titles, and Specific Expressions in the Main Text English/Romanization used pinyin ∝ᄫˋ⓶ᄫa in the text Absolute Signal Juedui xinhao 㒱ᇍֵো Alley/ hutong hutong 㚵ৠ A Chinese Grammatical Guanyu “Bi’an” de yihui ݇ѢljᕐኌNJⱘϔಲ∝䇁 Discussion of “The Other Hanyu cixing taolun 䆡ᗻ䅼䆎 Shore” a son paying back his fuzhai zihuan ⠊؎ᄤ䖬 father’s debt amateur drama aimeiju ⠅㕢࠻ Amber Hupo ⧹⦔ An Ying ᅝ㦍 approval systembaopi zhi ᡍࠊ Archival Museum of the Zhongguo Renmin ЁҎ⇥㾷ᬒݯḷḜ佚 PLA Jiefangjun Dang’an Guan archive or personal record dang’an ḷḜ Archives of Life Shengming dang’an ⫳ੑḷḜ Army for Revolution Gemingjun 䴽ੑݯ Arts Ensemble of the Chinese Wujing Wengongtuan ℺䄺᭛Ꮉಶ People’s Armed Forces Association of Dramatists, Zhongguo Xijujia Xiehui/ Ё៣࠻ᆊणӮ࣫Ҁ᭛ National/under the Beijing Beijing Wenlian Xijujia 㘨៣࠻ᆊणӮ Federation of Literary and Xiehui Art Circles Aurora Borealis, The Beiji zhi guang ࣫ὉПܝ avant-gardexianfeng ܜ䫟 avant-garde theatre xianfeng xiju ܜ䫟៣࠻ Ballad of Yellow Earth, The Huangtu yao 咘ೳ䇷 Bei Dao ࣫ቯ Beibingmasi Hutong ࣫݉偀ৌ㚵ৠ Beijing’s first popular, Beijing diyi jia minjian ࣫Ҁϔᆊ⇥䯈݀Ⲟ not-for-profit little theatre gongyi xiaojuchang ᇣ࠻എ Beijing International Beijing Guoji Dujiaoxi ࣫Ҁ䰙⣀㾦៣៣࠻㡖 One-man Play Festival Xijujie Beijing Nanluoguxiang Beijing Nanluoguxiang ࣫Ҁफ䫷哧Ꮛ៣࠻㡖 Performing Arts Festival Xijujie 246 APPENDIX 2 English/Romanization used pinyin ∝ᄫˋ⓶ᄫa in the text Beijing People’s Art Theatre Beijing Renmin Yishu ࣫ҀҎ⇥㡎ᴃ࠻䰶 Juyuan Beijing-Shanghai Dual City Beijing-Shanghai ࣫ҀϞ⍋ঠජ䆄៣࠻Ѹ Theatre Exchange shuangchengji xiju ⌕⌏ࡼ jiaoliu huodong being between alike and si yu busi zhijian ԐϢϡԐП䯈 unlike being the character, and not ji shi renwu, you bushi ᮶ᰃҎ⠽ˈজϡᰃҎ⠽ being the character renwu Body Phase Studio Shenti Qixiang Guan 䑿ԧ⇨䈵佚 Bootleg Faust Daoban Fushide ⲫ⠜⍂ᖋ Bus Stop Chezhan 䔺キ butting oxen dingniu 乊⠯ Can Three Make It? Part I Sanren xingbuxing I ϝҎ㸠ϡ㸠, Can Three Make It? Sanren xingbuxing II— ϝҎ㸠ϡ㸠,,üජᏖ Part II—City Panic Chengshi zhi huang Пᜠ Can Three Make It? Sanren xingbuxing III— ϝҎ㸠ϡ㸠,,,ü2+ϝ Part III—Oh! Three O! sanchakou ቨষ Diverged Paths Cao Yu ⾎ Capital Theatre Shoudu Juchang 佪䛑࠻എ Central Academy of Drama Zhongyang Xiju Xueyuan Ё༂៣࠻ᄺ䰶 Central Experimental Zhongyang Shiyan Ё༂ᅲ偠䆱࠻䰶 Theatre Huajuyuan Chan, Peter Chen Kexin 䰜ৃ䕯 Chang, Eileen Zhang Ailing ᓴ⠅⦆ Chen Dabei 䰜ᚆ Chen Tianhua 䰜ढ Chen Xinyi 䰜㭾Ӟ Cherry Orchard Yingtao yuan ḗು Chessman Qiren ẟҎ Chiefs of Anti-Corruption Fantan juzhang ড䋾ሔ䭓 Bureau China Youth Art Theatre Zhongguo Qingnian Ё䴦ᑈ㡎ᴃ࠻䰶 Yishu Juyuan City of Sadness Beiqing chengshi ᚆᚙජᏖ City Metamorphosis Chengshi bianxingji ජᏖবᔶ䆄 Clash Theatre Zhuang Jutuan ᩲ࠻ಶ Close and Distant Scenes Jinjing yuanjing 䖥᱃䖰᱃ close-up jinjing 䖥᱃ cloud-hands yunshou ѥ Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Yunmen Wuji 䳆䭔㟲䲚 Clown Loves the Beauty Xiaochou ai meili ᇣϥ⠅㕢Б Collapse of the Great Wall Banli changcheng ञ䞠䭋ජ conception of theatre xijuguan ៣࠻㾖 conceptual theatre guannian xiju 㾖ᗉ៣࠻ constructing the alternative goujian minjian ᵘᓎ⇥䯈 APPENDIX 2 247 English/Romanization used pinyin ∝ᄫˋ⓶ᄫa in the text Contract Management chengbao zhidu ᡓࣙࠊᑺ Responsibility System corporatization of entities zhuanqi gaizhi 䕀ӕᬍࠊ Critical Point Theatre Linjiedian Juxianglu 㞼⬠咲࡛䈵䣘 Phenomenon cruel poeticism canku de shiyi ⅟䝋ⱘ䆫ᛣ Dai Wangshu ᠈ᳯ㟦 Death of the Poets Shiren si le 䆫Ҏ⅏њ De Ling & Empress Deling yu Cixi ᖋ唵㟛⽻ Dowager Ci Xi Deng Xiaoping 䙧ᇣᑇ disregard the family in dayi mieqin Н♁҆ the interests of great righteousness Ding Naizhu ϕЗノ Do not Touch My Woman Wode laopo ni biedong ៥ⱘ㗕ယԴ߿ࡼ དϔӊخDo one thing, and one thing Ren, yibeizi neng zuohao Ҏˈϔ䓽ᄤ㛑 well, your entire life, and yijianshi, jiu џˈህࡳᖋ೧ⓓњDŽ your accomplishment will gongde-yuanman le. be complete. Dongcheng District Dongchengqu ϰජऎ Dongcheng District Cultural Dongchengqu Wenhua ϰජऎ᭛࣪ྨਬӮ Committee Weiyuanhui Dongcheng Drama Alliance Dongchengqu Xiju ϰජऎ៣࠻㘨ⲳ Lianmeng Dongmianhua Hutong Dongmianhua hutong ϰẝ㢅㚵ৠ double serves erwei ѠЎ Downstream Garage Xiahe Micang ϟ⊇䗋ҧ Dragon Inn Xin Longmen kezhan ᮄ啭䮼ᅶᷜ ⊐Drama Troupe attached to Zhongguo Renmin ЁҎ⇥㾷ᬒݯᘏᬓ the Political Department of Jiefangjun 䚼䆱࠻ಶ˄ᘏᬓ䆱࠻ the PLA Zongzhengzhibu ಶ˅ Huajutuan (Zongzheng Huajutuan) dual structure acting/ Biaoyan/daoyan de 㸼ⓨˋᇐⓨⱘঠ䞡㒧ᵘ directing shuangchong jiegou Eighteen Springs Bansheng yuan ञ⫳㓬 encourage tichang ᦤ Feng Jiangzhou Є∳㟳 Fengchao Theatre Fengchao Juchang 㳖Ꮆ࠻എ Fengzi ⮃ᄤ Field of Life and Death Shengsichang ⫳⅏എ field maneuver lalian ᢝ㒗 File Zero Ling dang’an 䳊ḷḜ filing system beian zhi Ḝࠊ final assessment made after gai guan lun ding ⲪỎ䆎ᅮ the lid is placed on a person’s coffin 248 APPENDIX 2 English/Romanization used pinyin ∝ᄫˋ⓶ᄫa in the text Fisherman’s Revenge Dayu shajia ᠧ⏨ᴔᆊ Flowers in the Mirror , Moon Jinghua shuiyue 䬰㢅∈᳜ on the Water Forum on the Development of Zhongguo shichengshi ЁकජᏖ⣀ゟ࠻എ Nongovernmental Theatres duli juchang fazhan থሩ䆎യ in Ten Cities, the luntan For the Sake of the Republic Zouxiang gonghe 䍄݅ Founding of A Republic Jianguo daye ᓎϮ Founding of the Party Jiandang daye ᓎܮϮ fun haowanr ད⥽ عGao Xingjian 催㸠 gezixi ℠Ҩ᠆ give full scope tohongyang ᓬᡀ godmother ganma ᑆཛྷ Gong Xiaodong ᅿᰧϰ Gongfu (Kungfu) ࡳ good people and good deeds haoren haoshi དҎདџ government paying the bills zhengfu maidan ᬓᑰфऩ Grass Stage Caotai Ban 㤝ৄ⧁ Gu Cheng 乒ජ Haizi ⍋ᄤ Hai Rui Dismissed from Office Hai Rui baguan ⍋⨲㔶ᅬ He Jiping ԩݔᑇ He Nian ԩᗉ Head without Tail Guanyu aiqing guisu de ݇Ѣ⠅ᚙᔦᆓⱘ᳔ᮄ zuixin guannian 㾖ᗉ Hebei Provincial Spoken Hebeisheng Huajuyuan ⊇࣫ⳕ䆱࠻䰶 Drama Theatre Hezhu’s New Match Hezhu xin pei 㥋⦴ᮄ䜡 highlight tuchu さߎ Hiroshi Ohashi ḹᅣ Ho Yingfung He Yingfeng ԩឝ䈤 honey of the box office piaofang mitang ⼼᠓㳰㊪ Hong Kong Repertory Xianggang Huajutuan 佭␃䁅࡛೬ Theatre Hong Shen ⋾⏅ Hou Qinghui փ᱈䕝 Hou Xiaoxian փᄱ䊶 Hu Zongqi 㚵ᅫ⧾ huaiju ⏂࠻ Huang Haiwei 咗⍋࿕ Huang Lei 咘⺞ Huang Qingze 咘⏙⋑ Huang Xing 咘݈ Huang Ying 咘Ⲝ Huang Zuolin 咘ԤЈ I Love XXX Wo ai XXX ៥⠅;;; APPENDIX 2 249 English/Romanization used pinyin ∝ᄫˋ⓶ᄫa in the text Ice Cream Mountain Moshan 儨ቅ in the play, and not in the playji zai xi zhong, you buzai ᮶៣Ёজϡ៣Ё xi zhong independent duli ⣀ゟ independent theatre duli xiju/duli juchang ⣀ゟ៣࠻⣀ゟ࠻എ inquisition biwen 䘐䯂 insist jianchi മᣕ Ji Weiran ㋔㫮✊ Jiang Huaxuan 㫷㧃䒦 Jiang Jie ྰᵄ Jiang Qing ∳䴦 Jiang Tao ྰ⍯ Jiang Zemin ∳⋑⇥ Jiang Zhi 㩟ᖫ Jiang Zhihui ∳ᱎ Jiangnan Liguo ∳फ㮰ᵰ Jiao Juyin ⛺㦞䱤 Jiaodaokou Street Jiaodaokou Jiedao Ѹ䘧ষ㸫䘧ࡲџ໘ Administrative Office Banshichu Jin Shijie 䞥٥ Jin Yong 䞥ᒌ jingju Ҁ࠻ knight-errant xia մ Koo, Joseph Gu Jiahui 主ᆊ✛ Kong Shangren ᄨᇮӏ Lai, Stan Lai Shengchuan 䋈㙆Ꮁ Lan-ling Theatre Workshop Lanling Jufang 㰁䱉࡛ഞ Lao She 㗕㟡 Last Winter Qunian dongtian এᑈހ Lei Feng 䳋䫟 Li Ang ᴢᯖ Li Bai ᴢⱑ Li Dong ᴢϰ Li Guoxiu ᴢׂ Li Liuyi ᴢ݁Э Li Tiesheng ᴢ䪕⫳ Liangxiang /pose ҂Ⳍ Liao Shifu ᒪ䆫ᆠ Liao Yimei ᒪϔṙ Lin Biao ᵫᔾ Lin Jia-feng ᵫՇ䢦 Lin Juemin ᵫ㾝⇥ Liu Yunshan ߬ѥቅ Lin Zhaohua ᵫܚढ Lin Zhaohua Theatre Studio Lin Zhaohua Xiju ᵫܚढ៣࠻Ꮉᅸ Gongzuoshi
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