INDEXRUNNING HEAD VERSO PAGES 715 Sights and monuments in larger cities (Athens and Thessaloniki) are listed as sub- indices of that city. For the Parthenon, for example, look under ‘Athens: Parthenon’. In general, explanatory or more detailed references (where there are many) are given in bold. Numbers in italics are picture references. Dates are given for all artists, archi- tects and sculptors. Ancient place names and works of art are listed in italics. The stressed syllables of modern place names are indicated. A Ag. Andrèas (Pàtras) 404 Abdera 688–90; (finds from) 662, 693 Ag. Apòstoloi (Kastorià) 641 Abdul Hamid, sultan 596 Ag. Apòstoloi (Leondàri) 277 Acarnanìa 485, 488, 500 Ag. Apòstoloi (Seliàna) 408 Acciaioli, Franco 64 Ag. Athanàsios (Chalandrìtsa) 414 Achaea, Roman province 19, 154, 300, 399 Ag. Athanàsios (Geràki) 319 Achaea, region (see Achaia) Ag. Athanàsios (Kastorià) 641 Achaeans 154, 204, 271, 485 Ag. Athanàsios (Leondàri) 277 Achaean League 18, 274, 400, 405, 407 Ag. Charalàmbos (Kalamàta) 343 Achaìa 399ff Ag. Charalàmbos (Maròneia) 695 Achaia Clauss winery 404–05 Ag. Dimìtrios (Chr`ysafa) 317 Achelòös, river 488, 540, 542 Ag. Dimìtrios (Mistrà) 312 Achèrondas, river (Acheron) 527, 528, 529 Ag. Dimìtrios Katsoùri (Plisioì) 506 Achilles 536, 563, 564 Ag. Dion`ysios (Olympus) 580 Achladòkambos 254 Ag. Geòrgios (Androùsa) 344 Acrocorinth 178–80, 179 Ag. Geòrgios (Nàfplion) 235 Actium, battle of 19, 485, 499–500 Ag. Geòrgios (Sithonìa) 681 Adrastus of Argos 190, 222, 419 Ag. Geòrgios (Stemnìtsa) 282 Adrianople (see Adrianoupolis) Ag. Geòrgios (village in Thessaly) 576 Adrianoùpolis 41, 47, 702 Ag. Geòrgios (Vasilikò, Epirus) 526 Aegeiai, site of 325 Ag. Geòrgios, monastery of (Tsamandàs) 510 Aegeus, father of Theseus 76 Ag. Geòrgios tou Kàstrou (Geràki) 319 Aegisthus 206 Ag. Ioànnis (Areòpolis) 328 Aeschylus 16, 67, 99, 116, 146 Ag. Ioànnis (village in Pelion) 568 Aetolia-Acarnania 485ff Ag. Ioànnis Chrysòstomos (Geràki) 319 Aetolian League18, 485, 492 Ag. Ioànnis Eleìmon (Ligouriò) 229 Aetolians 447, 485, 500, 582 Ag. Ioànnis Pròdromos (Laconia) 325 Aëtòs 349 Ag. Ioànnis Pròdromos (Chr`ysafa) 317 Àfytos 680 Ag. Ioànnis Pròdromos (Kalambàka) 546 Agamemnon 206, 215, 216, 225, 298. 341, Ag. Ioànnis Pròdromos, Plàtsa (Mani) 334 357, 399, 436; (mask of) 68, 94, 94 Ag. Kyprianòs (Mani) 332 Agathon, architect (4C BC) 449 Ag. Kyriakì (village in Messenia) 356 Aghià 571 Ag. Kyriakì (village in Pelion) 570 Ag. Anàrgyri (Ermiòni) 255 Ag. Làvra 410, 411 Ag. Anàrgyri (Mani) 334 Ag. Marìna (Kissòs) 568 Ag. Anàrgyri (Trìkala) 538 Ag. Marìna (Ligouriò) 230 Ag. Anàrgyri Varlaam (Kastorià) 641 Ag. Michàïlis Taxiàrchis (Mani) 330 716 INDEX Ag. Nikòlaos (Karìtaina) 279 Agrìnion 488 Ag. Nikòlaos (Mistrà) 317 Agriolèfkes 566 Ag. Nikòlaos Dilios, monastery of (Ioannina) Agrippa 19 517 Agrosikià 623 Ag. Nikòlaos sta Kàmbia (Arcadia) 273 Aïdònia 198, 200 Ag. Nikòlaos Kambinàri (Mani) 334 Aigai (ancient Vergìna) 587, 588, 625, 632 Ag. Nikòlaos Karyàs, monastery of 290 Aigeìra 407; (finds from) 406 Ag. Nikòlaos Kasnìtzis (Kastorià) 641 Aiginion 545 Ag. Nikòlaos tis Rodias (Plisioì) 506 Aìgion 405–06 Ag. Monì, church of (Argolid) 229 Aigìtio 476 Ag. Pàndes (Chr`ysafa) 317 Aigòsthena 423 Ag. Panteleìmon (Aghià) 571 Aimyalòn, Our Lady of (Monastery, Lousios Ag. Panteleìmonos (Katochì) 492 Gorge) 284 Ag. Panteleìmonos, Athos (see Roussikò) Ainos (see Enez) Ag. Paraskevì (Geràki) 319 Aitolikò 489 Ag. Paraskevì (Kassàndra) 680 Akanthos 666; (finds from) 678 Ag. Paraskevì (Kìpi) 524 Akràta 407 Ag. Paraskevì (Macedonia) 665 Akrìni 634 Ag. Paraskevì (Mani) 331 Àktio 499 Ag. Paraskevì (Monodèndri) 524 Alaric 20, 41, 119, 147, 267, 300, 432, 436, Ag. Pàvlou (Athos) 675 500 Ag. Pètros (Mani) 331 Albanian, Albanians 475, 497, 498, 502, Ag. Photìni (Mantìneia) 270 509, 510, 512, 528, 646 Ag. Procòpios (Mani) 330 Alcestis 562 Ag. Simeòn, monastery of 491 Alèa 268 Ag. Sòstis 478 Alepòtripa Cave 297, 329 Ag. Sotìris (Mani) 333 Aleuadai, ancient tribe 536, 575 Ag. Sofìa (Andravìda) 394 Alexander the Great 17, 70, 146, 419, 434, Ag. Sofìa (Mistrà) 316 582, 588, 619, 622, 683 Ag. Sofìa (Monemvasià) 324 Alexander IV (son of Alexander the Great) Ag. Sofìa, basilica of (M`ytikas) 495 633, 681 Ag. Sofìa, village (Aetolia) 487 Alexander of Pherai 536, 562 Ag. Spyridon (Nàfplion) 236 Alexandroùpolis 697 Ag. Stefànos (Kastorià) 641 Alexius III, emperor 563 Ag. Stefànos (Metèora) 549 Ali Pasha 51, 499, 503, 511, 512, 515, 516, Ag. Stratigòs (Mani) 330 517, 528, 543 Ag. Theodòra (Arta) 503 Aliàkmon, river 643 Ag. Theodòroi (Mistrà) 312 Alìfira 392 Ag. Theodòroi (Sèrres) 63 Àlika 330 Ag. Theodòros (Mani) 330 Alipheira, site of 392–93 Ag. Triàda (Anìlio) 568, 568 Alkamenes, sculptor (5C BC) 77, 376 Ag. Triàda (Evrytania) 478 Almyròs 563 Ag. Triàda (Kranìdi) 255 Alonìstaina 287 Ag. Triàda (Metèora) 547, 549 Alpheiòs, river 363 Ag. Varvàra (Arcadia)273 Alyzia, site of 495 Ag. Varvàra (Mani) 330 Amasis painter, the (6C BC) 34, 34 Ag. Vasìleios (Arta) 503 Ambracia (ancient Arta) 502, 504–05 Agorakritos, sculptor (5C BC) 77, 96, 141 Ambracian Gulf 494–95 Àgrafa region 479 Amfilochìa 494 Agrapidhochòri 396 Amìntaio 626 INDEX 717 Amphiaraion 142–43 Aratos of Sikyon, general 159, 177, 400 Amphiaraus 142, 419 Arcadia 263ff Amphictyonic League 445, 446, 588 Arcadian League 263, 267, 271, 300, 419 Amphilochian Argos, site of 494 Archaìa Epìdavros 253 Amphipolis 653–56; (finds from) 662 Archaìa Olimbìa 368 Àmphissa 472–73 Archelaus, king of Macedonia 582, 588, 619; Amyklai, ancient site 309; (finds from) 303, (palace of) 622 304 Archons (governors of Athens) 88 Anakasià 557 Archontikò 623 Anastasioupolis, site of 691 Areòpolis 328 Andravìda 394 Arèthousa 621, 684 Andrew, St 401, 404 Argalastì 570 Andrìtsaina 279 Argithèa 540 Andronicos, astronomer 90 Argive Heraion 225–26; (finds from) 96 Andronicus III 575 Argolid 196ff Andronikos, Manolis 632 Argonauts 555, 559, 564 Androùsa 344 Argos 218–25 Anìlio 568 Argos Orestikòn 643 Anjou, Charles of 46 Argyssa, Homeric city 577 Àno Figaleìa 282 Aridaìa 626 Àno Trìkala 192 Aristides (the Just) 85 Àno Vòlos 556, 557 Aristocles, sculptor (6C BC) 190 Anta Maura, castle of 495 Aristodikos, statue of 95 Antheia, Homeric city 344 Aristomenes 341 Anthimos Gazi 567, 568 Aristophanes 117, 430 Antigonus Gonatas 588, 619 Aristotle 67, 435, 627, 683 Antinous 151, 466 Armènio 570 Antipater 477, 576, 588 Arnaìa 666, 682 Antiphanes, sculptor (5C BC) 449 Àrta 502–05; (bridge of) 505–06 Antoninus Pius, emperor 272 Artemis, myths concerning 136 Aòös, river 525, 526 Artemis, temples and sanctuaries to Aòös, lake 545 (Arcadia) 268; (Aulis) 436; (Brauron) Aphentikò (Mistrà) 312 135–37; (Calydon) 492; (Dìon) 584; Aphrodite, temples and sanctuaries of (Epidaurus) 248; (Likòcheia) 278; (Acrocorinth) 180; (Arcadia) 412; (Lousoi) 410; (Messene) 346; (Dodòna) 523; (Epidaurus) 250; (Orchomenòs) 273; (Sparta) 303, 304, (Kassope) 531; (Troezen) 257 307; (Stymphalos) 192, 193; (Thermon) Aphytis, site of 680 487 Apollo (cult of) 246; (myths concerning) Asclepius (cult of) 249; (myths concerning) 309, 445, 578 246 Apollo, temples and sanctuaries of Asclepius, temples and sanctuaries to (Actium) 499–500; (Amyklès) 309; (Alipheira) 392; (Corinth) 177; (Argos) 222, 224; (Arta) 504; (Bassae) (Epidaurus)29, 245, 247; (Gortys) 285; 23, 27, 279–82, 280; (Corinth) 168–70, (Messene) 345 (Orchomenòs) 428; 170; (Delphi) 143, 448–58, 456, 463; (Pheneos) 193; (Trìkala) 537, 539 (Epidaurus) 252; (Mesembria) 696; Asea, ancient site 274 (Thermon) 486, 487 Asine, site of (Argolid) 238 Apollonìa 684 Asine, ancient colony (Messenia) 358 Appius Claudius Pulcher 150 Àsiros 649 Aràchova 470 Asopòs 189 718 INDEX Asprògeia 563 Cathedral 90 Asprokklìsi 509 Center of Folk Art 92 Astakòs 493 Dipylon 100 Àstros 288 Erechtheion 29, 78–79, 79 Atalanta 267, 491 Frissiras Museum 91 Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) 610 Goulandris Museum 109 Athamania, ancient region 540 Grande Bretagne Hotel 124 Athanasius, the Athonite 668, 674, 675 Hellenic Academy 109 Athena 69 Hephaistos, temple of 68, 81 Athena, temples and sanctuaries to Hill of the Nymphs 100 (Alipheira) 393; (Argos) 224; (? Asea) Holy Apostles, church of 88, 115 274; (Athens) 29, 76; (Delphi) 464, Jewish Museum 92 467; (? Pallantion) 272; (Philià) 543; Kanellopoulos Museum 91 (Sparta) 306; (Stymphalos) 193; (Tegea) Kapnikarèa 90, 114 268 Keramèïkos 100–01 Athena Parthenos, statue of 29, 77, 78, 96 Kolonàki 112 Athenians, treasury of (Delphi) 452, 463 Library of Hadrian 90 Athens, general 14ff, 69ff; (colonies of) 16, Lycabettus, Mount 110, 113, 113 653, 656; (government of) 88, 99, 100; Lysicrates Monument 106, 106 (history of) 70–71; (democracy) 16, 17; Megàron Mousikìs 110 (at Battle of Marathon) 138; (at Plataea) Metamòrphosis tou Sotìra 115 433; (at Chaironeia) 434; (in Roman Metroön 84 Greece) 39; (Gothic sack of) 41; Metropolis, Old 90, 114 (Ottomans in) 71 Monument of the Eponymous Heroes 84 Athens, sights Mouseion Hill 99 Acropolis 72–80 Museum Alex Mylona 101 Acropolis Museum 79–80 Museum of Children’s Art 91 Acropolis Museum (new) 107 Museum of the City 108 Ag. Aikaterìni 114, 115 Museum of Cycladic Art 109 Ag. Anàrgyri 114 Museum of Greek Folk Art 91 Ag. Apòstoloi 68, 115 Museum of Greek Folk Music 90 Ag. Asòmaton 114 Museum of Greek Popular Art 90 Ag. Dimìtrios Loumbardiàris 100 Museum of Islamic Art 101 Ag. Geòrgios 113 Museum of Traditional Pottery 101 Ag. Ioànnis O Theòlogos 115 National Garden 105 Ag. Nikòlaos Rangavàs 115 National Historical Museum 108 Ag. Theodòroi 115 National Library 109 Agorà 68, 81–89 National Picture Gallery
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