700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. JANUARY 13, - -- . By Mr. EVANS: Petition of Central Woman's Christian Tem­ Mich., urging the passage of House bill178, for the reduction o.f perance Union, of Johnstown, Pa., for the passage of a bill to for­ the tax on alcohol-to the Committee on Ways and Means. -' bid the sale of intoxicating liquors in all Government buildings­ By Mr. SNOOK: Paper to accompany House bill granting an to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. increase of pension to Ethelbert Crouse-to the Committee on · By Mr. FOSTER of Vermont: MemorialoftheReunionSociety Invalid Pensions. · of Vermont Officers, asking for action in recogi:rition of the serv­ Also, paper to accompany House· bill granting an increase of · ice of Gen. William F. Smith-to the Committee on Military Af­ pensi9n to Aaron Taylor-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. i fairs. Also, resolution of Buckeye Lodge, No. 35, Railroad Trainmen, By Mr. GARDNER: Papers to accompany House bill 9456, to in favor of Senate bill 3560, to promote the safety of employees · correct the naval record of Charles Amos-to the Committee on and travelers upon railroads-to the Committee on Interstate and ­ Naval Affairs. Foreign Commerce. By Mr. GRAHAM: Resolutions of the Allegheny County Grand By Mr. STARK: Petition of M. E. Schultz and others, of Army Association, and of the National Fremont Association of Beatrice, Nebr., urging the reduction of the tax on alcohol-to · Pittsburg, Pa., favoring the- erection of a monument to the the Committee on Ways and Means. memory of Maj. Gen. John C. Fremont-to the Committee on the By Mr. THAYER: Resolutions of the Methodist Episcopal Lib1~ ary. Church, Woman's C11ristian Temperance Union, and other Also, resolution of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg Pa., societies, ·of Millville, Mass., in favor of an amendment to the · indorsing the Appalachian Park bill-to the Committee on the Constitution defining legal marriage to be monogamic, etc.-to Public Lands. the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, paper to accompany House bill granting an increase of Also, resolutions of· the Chamber of Commerce of Boston, pension to Alexander Caldwell-to the Committee on Invalid Mass., in favor of a tariff commission-to the Committee on Pensions. Ways and Means. Also, petition of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadel­ Also, resolutions of -Worcester Lodge, No. 212, 0. B. A., in· phia, Pa., urging the establishment of a department 6f commerce relation to immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and and industries-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Naturalization. · merce. By Mr. TIRRELL: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce Also, paper of W. H. Smith. of San Francisco, suggesting an of Boston, Mass., in favor of a tariff commission-to the Com­ amendment to section 4921 _of the patent law-to the Committee mittee on Ways and Means. - on Patents. Also, petition of John Farrand two others, committee of West India trade. in relation to the treaty with Cuba-to the Commit- SENATE. tee on Foreign Affairs. _ By Mr. GRIFFITH: Papers to accompany House bill for in­ 'TUESDAY, January 13, 1903. crease of pension of Austin Kerrigan-to the Committee on In- Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington.· valid Pensions. - - · · - Mr. JoHN P. JONES, a Senator from the State of Nevada, ap­ By Mr. GROSVENOR: Petition of members of the Farmera' peared in his seat to-day. Institute. Meigs County, Ohio, in favor of a parcels-post system­ T~e Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ceedings, when, on request of Mr. CULBERSON, and by unanimous By Mr. HASKINS: Petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with. perance Union of Jamaica, Vt .. for the passage of a bill to forbid RAILROADS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. the sale of intoxicating liquors in all Government buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com· Also, petition of W. B. EastmanandotherdruggistsofSt. Johns­ munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response bury, Vt., urging the passage of House bill178, for the reduction to a resolution of the 5th instant, certain information as to the of the tax on alcohol-to the Committee on Ways and Means. effect a system of railroads in the Philippine Islands would have By Mr. HEDGE: Resolution of Typographical Union No. 75, on the cost of maintaining law and order and protecting life and Burlington, Iowa, for the repeal of the desert-land law-to the property in those islands, etc.; which was referred to the Com­ Committee on the Public Lands. mittee on the Philippines, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. KEHOE: Petition of sundry citizens of Kentucky for GEORGETOWN BARGE, DOCK, ELEVATOR AND RAILWAY 'CO:liPANY." reduction of tax on distilled spuits-to the Committee on Ways The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the an­ and Means. nual report of the Georgetown Barge, Dock, Elevator and Rail­ By Mr. KNAPP: Papers to accompany House bill12236, grant­ way Company for the year ended December 31, 1902; which was ing an increase of pension to Martin Petrie-to the Committee on referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia, and ordered­ Invalid Pensions. to be printed. By Mr. LEVER: Petitions of druggists of St. Matthews and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. , in favor of House bill178, for reduction of tax on distilled spirits-to the Committee on Ways and Means. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W . J. By Mr. LIVINGSTON: Petition of heir of James Freeman BROWNING, its Chief Clerk. announced that the House had dis­ deceased, late of Fulton County, Ga., for reference of war claim agreed to the amendment of the Senate to the amendment of the to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. House to the bill (S. 2296) to amend an act approved March 2, By Mr. MOODY of Oregon: Petition of G. E. Williams and 1895, relating to public printing; asks a conference with the Sen­ Charles N. Clarke, Hood River, Oreg., for reduction of taxon dis­ ate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had tilled sphits-to the ·committee on Ways and Means. appointed Mr. HEATWOLE, Mr. BOREING, and Mr. TATE managers By Mr. MORRIS: Remon trances of citizens of the State of at the conference on the part of the House. Minnesota, against the repeal of the stone, timber, desert land, and ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED, homestead commutation acts-to the Committee on the Public The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had Lands. signed the following enrolled bills; and they were thereupon By Mr. MOON: Petitions of retail druggists of Athens, Chat­ signed by the President pro tempore: tanooga, Pikeville,- St. Petersburg, and South Pittsburg, Tenn. , A bill (S. 2210) relating to Hawaiian silver coinage and silver m·ging the passage of House bill 178, for the reduction of the tax certificates; - on alcohol-to the Committee on Ways and Means. A bill (S. 4616) to grant title to the town of Juneau, Alaska of By Mr. PALMER: Resolution of Victoria Lodge, No. 293, 0 . land occupied for school pilrposes, and for other purposes; and B. A., of Hazleton, Pa., for a modification of the methods and A bill (H. R. 16066) to amend an act entitled "An act to pro­ practice pursued by the immigration officers at the port of New vide for use of timber and stone for domestic and industrial pur­ York-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. poses in the ~dian Territory," approved June 6, 1900. By Mr. ROBERTS: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Boston, Mass. , in favor of a tariff commission-to the Commit­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tee on Ways and Means. Mr. HOAR presented a petition of sundry citizens of the By Mr. SHERMAN : Paper to accompany bill relating to the United States, praying for the enactment of legislation providing conection of the military record of Henry Cool-to the Commit­ for such collection of statistics of and relating to marriage and tee on Military Affairs. divorce as shall bring the report on this subject down to the latest By Mr. SIBLEY: R e olution of the Presbytery of Butler, Pa., pr~ct.icable date; which was referred to the Ccmmittee on Appro­ favoring the establishment of a laboratory for the study of the pnations. criminal, pauper, and defective cla ses-to the Committee on the He also presented a petition of the Young Men's Progressive Judiciary. Lodge, of Lawrence, Mass., praying for the enactment of legi lation By Mr. HENRY C. SMITH: Petition of R. B. Honey, Dexter, to modify the methods and practice pursued by the immigration 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 701. officers at the port of New York; which was referred to the gamated Wood Workers' International Association, of Clinton, all Committee on Immigration. ~ in the State of Iowa, praying for the passage of the so-called eight­ Mr. FOSTER of Washington presented a petition of sundry hour bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. citizens of Tacoma, Wash., praying for the passage of the so- Mr. LODGE presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce called immigration bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. ofBoston_,Mass.,prayingfortheavpointmentofapermanenttariff . He also presented petitions of Local Union No. 98, United commission; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, of Spokane; of Local He also presented a petition of the Boston Fruit and Produce Union No.
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