AADELAIDEDELAIDE UUNITEDNITED February 2012 Medical Learning and Teaching In this issue: MLTU Win! 1 Unit Win What We Achieved in 2011 2 Our 2012 plan 3 Annual Meeting of the University Community 4 Campus Delegates and Contacts 5 SA Unions Reconciliation Breakfast 6 Membership form 7 UniSuper 8 First Aid Allowance 8 National Casual Academics Survey 8 The Medical Learning and Teaching Unit (MLTU) are celebrating more job security and the promise Branch contact details of additional staff as we start 2012. When they were notified of a potential restructuring of their area, they were naturally nervous about what this meant for their jobs and their Unit. Industrial Officer ................Cheryl Baldwin “As most of us are NTEU members, we sat down with our union and decided on a group response,” Branch Organiser ........................Kate Gale said Jill Brooking, the NTEU delegate. “We stuck together and as a result, we had a real voice at Admin Officer .........................Karen Soang the table.” 15 Paxton Walk, Palais Apartments Many MLTU staff engaged in the formal change management process, making submissions 281 North Tce, Adelaide SA 5000 about their work, their area and how well their team functioned. Most importantly, they all gave Phone ...................................08 8227 2384 one clear message about what the Unit needed - more staff to match rising student numbers and Fax .......................................08 8227 0997 more job security by moving contract staff into permanent positions. Email ....................... [email protected] They also said they wanted the Unit kept together in the new structure, something we’ll www.nteu.org.au/adelaide continue to work towards. Given how well acting as a cohesive team has worked for them so far, who could blame them? Congratulations MLTU! A Look at 2011 and a Plan for 2012 It is now more than a year since our last round of bargaining finished. And with another year to go before we start negotiations again, now is the perfect time to reflect and plan. In this magazine, we have a look at what we’ve achieved over the last two years. We also focus on what we can do in 2012 to improve things even further. Published by National Tertiary Education Union, University of Adelaide Branch. Authorised by Rod Crewther, President. 2 University of Adelaide NTEU Branch Magazine, February 2012 What we achieved in 2011 2012 promises to be an exciting year for our union. Our branch continues to grow at a rate of knots. We have new staff, officials and delegates on our team, bursting to contribute. But before we plunge in to the next 12 months, it’s worth thinking about all that we achieved together in 2011. Our industrial officer, Cheryl Baldwin, compiled this list. Job Security CLPD In collective agreement bargaining we won: In November 2011, the DVC(A) proposed a major change in the • Rights to convert from fixed-term to permanent contracts. Centre for Learning and Professional Development (CLPD). The • Rights to more reliable, continuing work for researchers proposal disestablished the CLPD and threatened the future of reliant on external funding. staff members, and of this highly effective and respected area • A system of Teaching Fellowships for long term casual tutors. within our university. While there is still much to do in this area, these gains have given With guidance from our union, staff took on the change process more secure employment to many staff in our university. Some with a collective, cohesive approach. They spoke with “one voice” tutors have now received fellowships and we’re working for more. and, as a result, the majority of their proposals were supported in Permanent or continuing contracts have taken the weight of the final decision. uncertain employment off many peoples’ shoulders. One staff University Policy member had been on fixed-term contracts for 22 years! Working together, NTEU members have influenced a number of university policies for the better. The most recent example of this Quick Stats for 2011 was our successful campaign on parking fees. In 2011, our union helped over 120 individual We have also been able to incorporate good policy into our collective agreement, making sure that policy can’t be changed members in resolving work issues. unilaterally by management. Flexible working arrangements are now protected in this way. ‘Tutor-gate’ In collective agreement bargaining we won separate payment for marking done by Casual Tutors. An hourly rate now has to be paid for work which was done for little or no money in the past. To recoup on this new cost, the Faculty of Humanities cut the number of tutorials which were going to run, passing the problem on to students in the form of lower quality courses. NTEU members strongly opposed this move, standing alongside their colleagues and students in the faculty. Their campaign in the media and on campus forced a reversal of the decision to cut tutorials. Worker's compensation, incapacity and sick leave issues - 10% Reviews and Restructurings Disciplinary - 7.5% In collective agreement bargaining we won much firmer rules about what has to happen when management wants to review or Individual grievances, complaints, bullying restructure an area of our university. These include requirements - 14% that all affected staff and our union be formally notified and be Workload - 7.5% given time to respond in writing. Another requirement is that management hold 2 meetings Leaving the university - 15% with affected staff and our union, to discuss and respond to the feedback they have received. Reclassification, appeals and position In 2011, the NTEU and its members participated in 10 major description support - 11% restructurings, affecting over 100 staff. In all restructurings, our Contractual problems - leave, loadings, union was able to support staff to push for the outcomes they flexible hours, underpayment - 35% wanted. There were no targeted redundancies. University of Adelaide NTEU Branch Magazine, February 2012 3 Our 2012 Plan 2012 is a great opportunity for our branch to consolidate on the wins of the past few years, gain even more members, IImportantmportant DatesDates delegates and activists, and to prepare for the collective agreement bargaining in 2013. We have many new members, largely thanks to the 22012012 work of enrolment offi cer, John Kempf. This year John will continue to meet with staff at all campuses, talking to them AAprilpril 1133 & 1144 - NNTEUTEU NNationalational about joining our union. This will continue the trend set late CConferenceonference oonn BBargainingargaining last year and our membership numbers will keep growing quickly. MMarcharch 2020 - HoweHowe IInquirynquiry intointo We also have a number of new NTEU Delegates and IInsecurensecure Work,Work, AAdelaidedelaide hearinghearing Contacts who will be working to make our union a day to day part of university life. They will keep our offi ce and branch MMarcharch ttoo NNovemberovember - AArearea & GGrouproup committee much more closely connected with members all MMeetingseetings oonn 22013013 BBargainingargaining over the university, ensuring that communication between members is quick, reliable and meaningful. AAprilpril - CConsultationonsultation mmeetingeeting wwithith We will be doing a lot more to inform members about NNewew MMembersembers the rights we have already won. As well as the advice we off er individual members, we will be running larger MMayay & SSeptembereptember - RReclassifieclassifi ccationation information sessions on Reclassifi cation and Pre- IInfonfo SSessionession Retirement Contracts amongst other things. We will also be publishing more info sheets on frequently used AAugustugust - PPre-Retirementre-Retirement CContractontract parts of the collective agreement, so that members can IInfonfo SSessionession quickly and easily fi nd their rights and entitlements. One of the main things to do this year is to prepare for OOctoberctober - NNTEUTEU PPinkink BBreakfastreakfast bargaining in 2013. By talking with delegates, activists and other interested DDecemberecember - NNTEUTEU UUniversityniversity ooff members we will maintain a network of people who AAdelaidedelaide BranchBranch AAGMGM are very well informed about how bargaining works and how it is progressing. Along with the usual e-bulletins, these people will mean that good information is close at 22013013 hand for all members. We will also be holding many meetings all over our JJanuaryanuary - FinaliseFinalise LogLog ofof ClaimsClaims ((listlist university, asking for as much feedback as possible: How could things be improved? What changes need to ooff tthingshings wwee wwantant iinn bbargaining)argaining) happen for people in this work area? What new ideas do people have for ways to run things at our university? FFebruaryebruary - BBeginegin nnegotiationsegotiations wwithith These meetings will be held by area, but also with groups UUniversityniversity ManagementManagement of staff such as casuals, researchers, technicians, bike riders and working mothers. MMarcharch 3131 - NominalNominal eexpiryxpiry datedate ooff By the end of 2012 we will know exactly what Adelaide ccurrenturrent ccollectiveollective agreementagreement University staff want to get from the next round of bargaining. Then we can concentrate on winning it. 4 University of Adelaide NTEU Branch Magazine, February 2012 Annual Meeting of the University Community At noon on Monday February 13, the Now that the new position of What is the university proposing to Flentje Lecture Theatre
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