Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 12-7-1966 Herald of Holiness Volume 55 Number 42 (1966) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser, W. T. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 55 Number 42 (1966)" (1966). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 467. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/467 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Decem ber 7, 1966 Something Happened in Berlin By W. T. Purkiser (See pages 16-17.) General Superintendent Williamson The Word of Life The Bible is the Foundation of our Chris­ All Christendom is indebted to the Ameri­ tian faith. God was revealed in Christ, the can Bible Society and others engaged with it Word made flesh, and the Eternal Spirit in the publication and distribution of the makes known the living Saviour. Neverthe­ Bible. Seven hundred and fifty million vol­ less this word from Abraham Lincoln is true. umes of the Bible have been sent forth in “All that the Good Saviour gave the world 400 languages by the American Bible Society was communicated through this Book.” The alone in the last 150 years. There is demand wide circulation of the Bible is the most hope­ now for 75.000,000 copies annually for the next ful omen of our times. But its availability ten years. This is as many in a decade as in is not sufficient. It must be read in faith the last century and a half. and obedience. The tragedy of Isaiah’s time seems to be reenacted today. He lamented, The Church of the Nazarene is debtor to the “The vision of all is become unto you as the American Bible Society for aid to evangelism words of a book that is sealed, which men de­ in this and other lands. Our task, in reducing liver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, spoken language to writing, translating and I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is producing the Bible in other tongues has been sealed: and the book is delivered to him that made possible by this great benefactor. is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; Much of the support for the American Bible and he saith, I am not learned” (Isaiah 29; Society comes from the churches whose cause 11-12). Now as then people hear and under­ it serves. For years past the Nazarene Young stand not, they see and perceive not. They People’s Society has sponsored the annual of­ draw near with their mouth, and give honor fering received on Universal Bible Sunday. with their lips, but the heart is far removed L ast y e a r a new record of $.‘>7,500 w as re­ from God. It is time for the concerned to ceived. In this one hundred fiftieth anniver­ intercede in prevailing prayer that God's sary year it would be appropriate for our Word mac find entrance to men's minds and societies and churches by universal and gen­ His Spirit awaken their consciences through erous participation to give $50,000. This is the penetration of the Sword of the Spirit. an investment in eternal values. Holiness and Homan Sulierlng • B y Roy J. Yeider Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada certain amount of suffering seems to be strengthen him and hold him steady in this the common lot of man. “Why?” is a ques­ sorrow? Would he be bitter, resentful? My heart A tion that tears through the fiber of the ached for him and I searched for words. heart and mind. There is no sin in the asking, My friend instantly felt my concern and before but we dare not tarry there, for the horizons I could say a single word he went on to say, “But of our understanding are too limited. it is all right, Brother Yeider. It is all right. God’s Some of the most difficult suffering is that grace is sufficient, and we know that God sees which seems to be undeserved or is not under­ that this is best.” stood. If the mystery is removed, much of the pain is also gone. I knew that he spoke the truth. Peace and I was called to a large city hospital one night. trust were like a fragrance about him. This was I met a young man in the corridor who a little made possible for him because the “big” ques­ over a year before had knelt in the church where tions had already been answered. He was sure I was pastor. He had been wondrously saved that God was all-wise, all-loving, and all-powerful. then, and a little later was sanctified. Soon after He was equally sure of his own dedication and he was married to a lovely bride at the same altar. the presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore it was He strode towards me this night with tears not difficult for him to have perfect confidence streaming down his face. He said, “Brother Yei­ and peace in the midst of his sorrow. der, the baby is dead. We had so hoped . and One of the “perfections” that the Holy Spirit the doctor said that we cannot have another.” brings to the sanctified is perfect trust. We may My eyes searched those of the young convert. ask, “Why?”—but in the next breath we say with How would he react? What could I say to confidence, “I do not know why, but I know that DECEMBER 7, 1966 • (827) 3 God does, and I also know that He Not my will, but Thy will be desires the best for me.” By the done, Lord, in me. cleansing of the Holy Spirit, doubt May Thy Spirit divine fill this and unbelief are destroyed and in being of mine. 50 Years Ago their place is an unwavering con­ Not my will, but Thy will, be I n th e Herald of Holiness fidence in God’s Word and His done, Lord, in m e* On Infidelity promises to us. The answer to this prayer will en­ Science has been at work Sometimes we sing a song (by able us to sing: Dr. Hugh C. Benner) with those now for two thousand years, NOW Thy will is mine; NOW seeking the Lord that I often wish but it has never been able to Thy will is mine; had another verse: lift the smallest corner of the Now Thy will as my will is veil which hides the mystery Not my will, but Thine; not done, Lord, in me. of reproduction and growth. my will, but Thine; May Thy Spirit divine live in Not only have we not discov­ this heart of mine. ered the origin of life, but we Now Thy will as my will is know practically nothing as to done, Lord, in me. its method. We stand helpless Holiness is further shown in the before it—only able to take MY BIBLE life of a saintly mother who suf­ with a confident hand the fered great physical pain. Her frail splendid results of this miracle body was slowly being destroyed. because we have become so ac­ Book of my youth Before she was seized by the can­ customed to its unfailing oc­ Whose blessed truth cer, all of us who knew her thought currence. And yet there are Captured my roving heart, of her as a beautiful saint of God. men—you will find them in al­ Thou Spirit’s Sword, The weeks dragged into months most every walk of life—who Life-giving Word, and excruciating pain was her con­ will plant a seed in the spring May I ne’er from thee stant companion. A spiritual aura and pluck the ripe grain in depart. hovered in the room where she the autumn and y£t deny the lay. When in her presence, all my possibility of w hat we call Book of the ages, own cares and problems seemed “miracle.” Such men, it seems Whose blessed pages to vanish. to me, lack not only intelli­ Are bathed with light di­ The day before she went to gence and logic and power of vine! heaven she said to me, “Brother inference, but a sense of hu­ Book from God above, Yeider, I have great physical pain mor.—Dr. J. K. Fraser. Whose wondrous love but also wonderful peace and joy. Is revealed in every line! I do not ask Jesus to relieve my On the Individual pain because ‘he knoweth the way One of the most remarkable Book of creation, that I take’; and if He sees that facts about the early life of Peerless revelation, this is best, then this is the way our Lord, is that the greater God spake and it was that I want it. I almost asked the part of His ministry was to in­ done! Lord to take me home today; but dividuals. He did not heal the Yet there’s greater glory I didn’t, for I know that He will sufferers in a mass—He In redemption’s story take me when He wants me.
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