Te Ao Mäori The Mäori World Räpata Wiri TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 1 19/4/07 4:34:59 PM A RAUPO BOOK Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) 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Designed by Mandy Sidhu DVD Production by Emissary Media & Film Ltd Map by Outline Draughting Printed in China through Bookbuilders, Hong Kong All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. ISBN: 978 0 14 301030 2 A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand. www.penguin.co.nz TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 2 19/4/07 4:35:18 PM NGÄ WÄHANGA CONTENTS He Mihi – Acknowledgements 5 Hei Kupu Whakataki – Introduction 7 1 NGÄ HONONGA KI TE MOANA NUI A KIWA 9 THE CONNECTIONS TO WIDER POLYNESIA Te kiteatanga o Aotearoa e Kupe 12 Kupe’s discovery of Aotearoa New Zealand Te hekenga mai o ngä waka ki Aotearoa 15 The migration of the canoes to Aotearoa New Zealand Te iwi Mäori inäianei 16 The Mäori people today 2 KO NGÄ TIKANGA O TE MARAE 19 MARAE PROTOCOL Ko te wero 21 The challenge Ko te karanga 22 The call of welcome Haka pöhiri 23 Welcoming dance Poroporoaki 23 Farewell to the deceased Mihi tïmatanga 23 Speech of welcome Whaikörero 25 Speech by visitors Koha 25 Donation Mihi whakamutunga 25 Final speech from the hosts Hongi 26 Pressing of noses Häkari 26 Feast TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 3 19/4/07 4:35:19 PM 3 KO TE WHARENUI O TÄNE-NUI-A-RANGI 27 TÄNE-NUI-A-RANGI MEETING HOUSE Te tähuhu – Ko ngä atua o te ao Mäori 32 The ridgepole –The gods of the Mäori world Ko ngä pou o te whare 34 The pillars of the house Ngä poupou o te whare 36 The carved fi gures of the house 4 TE KAPA HAKA 43 MÄORI PERFORMING ARTS Ngä pütake o te kapa haka 44 The origins of Mäori performing arts Waiata ä ringa 45 Action song Poi 47 Poi dance Haka 48 War dance Hei Kupu Whakakopa – A Closing Word 50 He Kähui Whakatara – Bibliography 51 4 Opposite: Tamatekapua meeting house, Ohinemutu, Rotorua. TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 4 19/4/07 4:35:22 PM HE MIHI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Karangahia mai te mana o te wähi ngaro, kia piri mai, kia tata mai, nä te mea i hangaia mai tätau i te wähi ngaro, e te mea ngaro. Whakatöngia mai te hä o Ihowa kia noho tahi ai te wairua, te tinana me te hinengaro i runga i te rangimärie. Ö tätau tini aituä kua pïtahitahi nei i te ara tauwhäiti, i te ara namunamu, ki te karanga a te kuia nei, a Hinenuitepö, haere atu rä. Ki töku kuia, e te kurupounamu kämehameha, e Meri, näu nei ahau i penapena, i whängai ki ngä kai tüturu a öku tïpuna, moe mai rä. Huri tonu mai ki a tätau nei te hunga ora, tätau e pïtakataka nei i te mata o te whenua, tënä tätau katoa. Taka rawa mai ki te kaupapa o te wä. Nä te heke o te werawera me te tautoko a te takitini i oti ai tënei rauemi. Mei kore ake i puta ai tënei rauemi hei ako i ö tätau mätauranga tuauriuri, whäioio ki roto i tënei ao hurihuri, tënei ao hangarau. Nä reira, me huri ki te reo Päkehä ki te whakamihi atu i te hunga nä rätou nei au i opeope kia tutuki pai tënei taonga a tätau, o Aoteroa nei. There are many people to whom I am greatly indebted for their contributions to this book and DVD. Without their help this resource would never have been completed. First, a special acknowledgement to the producer of the DVD and the original version of the book, to Mike Hennessy of Emissary Media & Film, thank you for your expertise 5 TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 5 19/4/07 4:35:27 PM and for your belief in this project. A special acknowledgement also to the narrator of the DVD, Julian Wilcox, who donated his time and energy to this project, thank you, e hoa. I turn now to the actors who appear on the DVD. Special thanks to the Waipapa Mäori cultural group of the University of Auckland, and in particular to Valance Smith for his support and guidance with the DVD footage, kia ora koutou! I also thank Donna Grant for allowing me to fi lm her students of the Manaakitanga-Aotearoa Trust, Rotorua, tënä rä koutou. For the photography contained within the book, I acknowledge the expert skills of Krzysztof Pfeiffer. For the photographs of performers within the book I must acknowledge Wetini Mitai, of Mitai Mäori Village in Rotorua, ngä mihi nui ki a koutou. I would also like to thank Te Kunenga o Rotowhio Mäori cultural group and Te Puia (formerly the New Zealand Maori Arts and Crafts Institute) at Whakarewarewa as well the people of Papaiouru marae, Ohinemutu, thanks for the photographs, tënä hoki koutou. Finally, this book and DVD would not have been possible without research grants from the University of Auckland, where I lectured between 1994 and 2002, as well as the University of Hawai'i at Manoa (Honolulu), where I was a professor of Mäori language between 2002 and 2006. Thank you all. Nä reira, me hoki mai pea ki te whakatauäkï nei ki te whakatutuki i ngä mihi nei: ‘Nä täu rourou me täku rourou kua ora te iwi.’ Heoi anö rä mö tënei wä. 6 Opposite: Kapa haka performers, Te Puia, Rotorua. TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 6 19/4/07 4:35:38 PM HEI KUPU WHAKATAKI INTRODUCTION E ngä uri o ngä hau e whä o te ao, tënä koutou, tënä koutou, tënä koutou katoa. Tënei rä te mihi atu ki a koe e ako nei i te reo me ngä tikanga o te ao Mäori o Aotearoa. To the descendants of the four winds of the earth, greetings, greetings, greetings to you all. I pay tribute to you in learning the language and the traditions of the Mäori world of Aotearoa New Zealand. E whai ake ana ko ëtahi pitopito körero e pä ana ki te ao Mäori o Aotearoa. E whä ngä wähanga o tënei köpae ataata. The following provides some useful information about the Mäori world of New Zealand. 7 TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 7 19/4/07 4:35:44 PM There are four parts to this book and DVD: 1. Ngä hononga ki Te Moana nui a Kiwa The connections to wider Polynesia 2. Ngä tikanga o te marae Marae customs 3. Ko te wharenui o Täne-nui-a-Rangi Täne-nui-a-Rangi meeting house 4. Te kapa haka Mäori performing arts Nä reira, kia kaha ki te ako mai i ngä kaupapa e whai ake nei, kia mau, kia ü, kia matära! So, be vigilant in learning the topics which are to follow, be patient, be attentive and be alert! Räpata Wiri Hamilton, 2007 8 Opposite: Polynesian homeland of the Mäori. TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 8 19/4/07 4:35:53 PM 1 NGÄ HONONGA KI TE MOANA NUI A KIWA THE CONNECTIONS TO WIDER POLYNESIA 9 TheMaoriWorldofNZ_INSIDE.indd 9 19/4/07 4:36:08 PM e tïmata mai täua i ngä körero e pä ana ki te ahunga mai o te iwi Mäori. Let’s begin with the traditions concerning the origins of the Mäori people. I ahu mai te iwi Mäori i hea? E ai ki ngä körero i ahu mai te iwi Mäori i Hawaiki. MEngari kei hea rä a Hawaiki? E kïia ana ko Hawaiki te käinga tüturu mö te hunga kua whetürangitia. Ko täku e kï ana, ko Hawaiki ko Te Moana nui a Kiwa whänui tonu. He nui tonu ngä körero e pä ana ki te hekenga mai o ngä tïpuna Mäori i Hawaiki ki Aotearoa nei. E whai ake nei ëtahi o aua körero. Where did the Mäori people come from? According to the oral traditions, the Mäori people came from Hawaiki. But where is Hawaiki? It is said that Hawaiki is the fi nal home for those who have departed.
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