2019-06-20 Major Brands Summer 2019 Beer Austria Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg SKU Name Frontline One case 13417006 Dopplebock Dunkel (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.08 $74.00 13417112 Samichlaus · 25 L keg × 1 $350.00 $350.00 13417113 Samichlaus · 30 L keg × 1 $350.00 $350.00 13417106 Samichlaus (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.92 $94.00 13417116 Samichlaus Helles (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.83 $92.00 Hirter Brewery 4492006 Privat Pils (Units of 6) · 11.2 oz × 24 $1.51 $36.25 Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg 4490246 Goldbräu Premium Lager (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $1.97 $47.30 4490225 Pils (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $1.97 $47.30 4490201 Stiegl Radler Grapefruit · 50 L keg × 1 $209.00 $209.00 4490205 Stiegl Radler Grapefruit (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $1.97 $47.30 4490206 Stiegl Radler Grapefruit (Units of 6) · 11.2 oz × 24 $1.51 $36.25 4490261 Stiegl Zitrone Lemon Radler · 50 L keg × 1 $209.00 $209.00 4490266 Stiegl Zitrone Lemon Radler (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $1.97 $47.30 Stift Engelszell 1536716 Trappist Gregorius · 11.2 oz × 20 $4.00 $80.00 Vienna Hirter Brewery 4492026 Morchl (Units of 6) · 11.2 oz × 24 $1.51 $36.25 Belgium Biéres de Chimay S.A. 7314524 Cinq Cents (White label) · 750 mL × 12 $10.46 $125.50 7314603 Dorée · 20 L keg × 1 $224.00 $224.00 7314532 Grande Réserve (Blue label) · 1.5 L × 6 $39.50 $225.00 7314534 Grande Réserve (Blue label) · 750 mL × 12 $11.83 $142.00 7314517 Grande Réserve (Blue label, Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $5.10 $122.35 7314544 Première Ale · 750 mL × 12 $9.58 $115.00 7314549 Première Ale · 20 L keg × 1 $251.00 $251.00 7314557 Première Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.38 $105.00 Brasserie Caracole 1854006 Nostradamus Brown Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.00 $96.00 1855806 Saxo Blond Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.79 $91.00 Brasserie Du Bocq 6431500 Blanche de Namur (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $2.00 $48.00 6437801 Saison 1858 · 30 L keg × 1 $189.00 $189.00 Brasserie Dupont 3655530 Brewers' Bridge Saison Ale · 750 mL × 12 $8.33 $100.00 3655532 Brewers' Bridge Saison Ale · 5.16 G keg × 1 $229.00 $229.00 3655536 Brewers' Bridge Saison Ale (Units of 4) · 11 oz × 24 $2.71 $65.00 2405514 Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Belgian Farmhouse Ale · 750 mL × 12 $7.49 $89.88 2405511 Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Belgian Farmhouse Ale · 15.5 G keg × 1 $430.00 $430.00 2405516 Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Belgian Farmhouse Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $2.60 $62.50 3655502 Saison Dupont Vieille Provision Cuvée Dry Hopping Styrian Wolf Belgian Farmhouse Ale · 5.16 G keg × 1 $170.85 $170.85 Brasserie d'Orval 6433806 Trappist Ale · 11.2 oz × 12 $4.12 $49.40 Browse our portfolio online at sevenfifty.com/majorbrands 1 2019-06-20 Major Brands Summer 2019 Brasserie de Rochefort 6436006 Trappistes 6 Red Cap · 11.2 oz × 12 $4.12 $49.40 6436016 Trappists 10 Blue Cap · 11.2 oz × 12 $4.87 $58.40 6436026 Trappists 8 Green Cap · 11.2 oz × 12 $4.12 $49.40 Brasserie de Silly 1827004 Port Barrel Aged Scotch Ale · 750 mL × 6 $10.83 $65.00 1826004 Scotch Silly Barrel Aged · 750 mL × 6 $10.83 $65.00 1827013 Silly Sour · 30 L keg × 1 $230.00 $230.00 1827016 Silly Sour (Loose bottles) · 11.2 oz × 24 $2.92 $70.00 1827021 Stupid Silly Sour · 50 L keg × 1 $356.00 $356.00 1827023 Stupid Silly Sour · 25 L keg × 1 $256.00 $256.00 Brasserie à Vapeur 1536973 Saison de Pipaix · 20 L keg × 1 $187.65 $187.65 1536954 Vapeur en Folie · 750 mL × 12 $8.34 $100.05 Brouwerij Bavik 1821201 Super Pilsner · 50 L keg × 1 $186.00 $186.00 1821202 Super Pilsner · 15.5 G keg × 1 $196.00 $196.00 1821207 Super Pilsner (Units of 6) · 12 oz can × 24 $1.29 $31.00 Brouwerij Boon 1821520 Geuze Boon Sélection · 20 L keg × 1 $265.00 $265.00 Brouwerij Corsendonk 4271334 Agnus Tripel Ale · 750 mL × 12 $6.83 $82.00 4271306 Pater / Abbey Brown Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.00 $72.00 4271303 Pater Dubbel Ale · 30 L keg × 1 $255.00 $255.00 4271324 Pater Dubbel Ale · 750 mL × 12 $6.83 $82.00 Brouwerij Girardin 1853006 Gueuze · 375 mL × 12 $9.83 $118.00 Brouwerij Het Anker 94211473 Gouden Carolus Ambrio · 20 L keg × 1 $205.00 $205.00 13411413 Gouden Carolus Cuvée Van De Keizer Blauw · 20 L keg × 1 $250.00 $250.00 13411411 Gouden Carolus Cuvée Van De Keizer Blauw · 15.5 G keg × 1 $440.00 $440.00 13411456 Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.33 $80.00 13411404 Gouden Carolus Noël · 750 mL × 12 $7.58 $91.00 13411436 Gouden Carolus Triple (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.33 $80.00 13416954 Lucifer · 750 mL × 12 $7.34 $88.06 13416955 Lucifer (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.33 $80.00 13416956 Lucifer (Units of 4) · 16 oz can × 24 $3.50 $84.00 Brouwerij Huyghe 9425644 Delirium Deliria A Strong Blonde Ale · 750 mL × 12 $9.17 $110.00 1895644 Delirium Deliria A Strong Blonde Ale · 5.16 G keg × 1 $250.00 $250.00 1895610 Delirium Nocturnum · 20 L keg × 1 $250.00 $250.00 1345614 Delirium Nocturnum · 750 mL × 12 $8.75 $105.00 1345616 Delirium Nocturnum (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.17 $100.00 1345603 Delirium Noël Belgian Ale · 20 L keg × 1 $250.00 $250.00 1345604 Delirium Noël Belgian Ale · 750 mL × 12 $9.17 $110.00 1345606 Delirium Noël Belgian Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.54 $109.00 9425633 Delirium Red · 30 L one way keg × 1 $242.00 $242.00 1895630 Delirium Red · 5.16 G keg × 1 $210.00 $210.00 9425634 Delirium Red · 750 mL × 12 $8.75 $105.00 1895636 Delirium Red (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $3.70 $88.75 9425636 Delirium Red (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.17 $100.00 1345623 Delirium Tremens Belgian Ale · 5.16 G keg × 1 $210.00 $210.00 1345621 Delirium Tremens Belgian Ale · 15.5 G keg × 1 $398.00 $398.00 1345624 Delirium Tremens Belgian Ale · 750 mL × 12 $8.75 $105.00 1345625 Delirium Tremens Belgian Ale (Units of 4) · 16.9 oz can × 24 $3.76 $90.20 1345626 Delirium Tremens Belgian Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.17 $100.00 94215004 La Guillotine Belgian Ale · 750 mL × 12 $8.75 $105.00 Browse our portfolio online at sevenfifty.com/majorbrands 2 2019-06-20 Major Brands Summer 2019 94215002 La Guillotine Belgian Ale · 5.16 G keg × 1 $204.00 $204.00 94215006 La Guillotine Belgian Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.17 $100.00 Brouwerij Lindemans 6433066 Cassis Lambic · 12 oz × 12 $4.54 $54.50 6433064 Cassis Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $7.88 $94.50 6433124 Cuvée René Geuze Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $9.58 $115.00 6433126 Cuvée René Geuze Lambic · 12 oz × 12 $5.25 $63.00 6433006 Framboise Lambic · 12 oz × 12 $4.54 $54.50 6433001 Framboise Lambic · 20 L one way keg × 1 $190.00 $190.00 6433003 Framboise Lambic · 25 L keg × 1 $237.00 $237.00 6433004 Framboise Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $7.88 $94.50 6433000 Framboise Lambic (Units of 4) · 8.5 oz × 24 $2.69 $64.50 6433044 Kriek Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $7.88 $94.50 6433046 Kriek Lambic · 12 oz × 12 $4.54 $54.50 6433084 Pomme Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $7.88 $94.50 6433024 Pêche Lambic · 750 mL × 12 $7.88 $94.50 6433021 Pêche Lambic · 20 L one way keg × 1 $190.00 $190.00 6433026 Pêche Lambic · 12 oz × 12 $4.54 $54.50 6433020 Pêche Lambic (Units of 4) · 8.5 oz × 24 $2.69 $64.50 6433206 Strawberry Lambic (Units of 4) · 8.5 oz × 24 $2.69 $64.50 Brouwerij Oud Beersel 9422023 Framboise · 20 L keg × 1 $275.00 $275.00 1852006 Oude Geuze · 375 mL × 12 $6.67 $80.00 1852016 Oude Kriek · 375 mL × 12 $7.50 $90.00 Brouwerij Smisje 1536806 Wostyntje · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.83 $92.00 Brouwerij St. Bernardus 1855003 Abt 12 Abbey Ale · 20 L keg × 1 $207.00 $207.00 1855004 Abt 12 Abbey Ale (Loose bottles) · 750 mL × 12 $9.74 $116.91 1855006 Abt 12 Abbey Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.12 $98.96 1855013 Christmas Abbey Ale · 20 L keg × 1 $210.38 $210.38 1855014 Christmas Abbey Ale · 750 mL × 12 $9.83 $118.00 1855016 Christmas Abbey Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.12 $98.99 1855096 Pater 6 Abbey Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.46 $83.00 1855023 Prior 8 Abbey Ale · 20 L keg × 1 $175.50 $175.50 1855024 Prior 8 Abbey Ale (Loose bottles) · 750 mL × 12 $8.25 $98.96 1855026 Prior 8 Abbey Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.71 $89.00 1855033 Tripel Abbey Ale · 5.2 G keg × 1 $178.88 $178.88 1855034 Tripel Abbey Ale (Loose bottles) · 750 mL × 12 $8.25 $98.96 1855036 Tripel Abbey Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.62 $87.00 1855061 Wit · 15.5 G keg × 1 $339.00 $339.00 1855063 Wit · 20 L keg × 1 $165.75 $165.75 1855060 Wit (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz can × 24 $1.88 $45.00 1855066 Wit (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.46 $83.00 Brouwerij Straffe Hendrik/Huisbrouwerij De Halve Maan 1821154 Brugse Zot Dubbel · 11.2 oz × 24 $4.00 $96.00 13412112 Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel · 15.5 G keg × 1 $401.50 $401.50 13412116 Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel (Units of 6) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.88 $93.00 13412126 Straffe Hendrik Tripel (Units of 6) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.67 $88.00 94212136 Straffe Hendrik ildW (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.79 $91.00 Brouwerij Strubbe 1535203 Ichtegem's Grand Cru · 30 L keg × 1 $230.00 $230.00 Brouwerij The Musketeers 1827734 Troubadour Imperial Stout · 750 mL × 6 $11.09 $66.53 1827744 Troubadour Magma Special Edition Cascade · 750 mL × 6 $11.09 $66.53 Brouwerij Van Eecke 1825503 Poperings Hommel · 30 L keg × 1 $281.00 $281.00 Browse our portfolio online at sevenfifty.com/majorbrands 3 2019-06-20 Major Brands Summer 2019 1825504 Poperings Hommel · 750 mL × 12 $7.09 $85.10 1825506 Poperings Hommel (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.00 $72.00 Brouwerij Van Honsebrouck 1821003 Bacchus Vlaams Oud Bruin · 30 L keg × 1 $270.00 $270.00 1823043 Gulden Draak · 30 L nitro keg × 1 $270.00 $270.00 1824063 Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad Belgian Ale · 30 L keg × 1 $264.00 $264.00 1824066 Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad Belgian Ale (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.79 $91.00 1824016 Kasteel Donker (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.79 $91.00 1824003 Kasteel Rouge · 30 L keg × 1 $264.00 $264.00 1824006 Kasteel Rouge (Units of 4) · 11.2 oz × 24 $3.79 $91.00 1827204 St.
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