09/30/21 ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: Futurism and Modernity | University College London ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: View Online Futurism and Modernity Not all books listed are in the UCL Library. You may need to use the library at the Estorick Gallery or the Art History Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum. I can issue students letters for these institutions on request. Altshuler B, ‘Chapter 2 Cubism Meets the Public’, The avant-garde in exhibition: new art in the 20th century (Harry N Abrams 1994) ——, ‘Chapter 5 The Last Futurist Exhibition, Petrograd, December 1915-January 1916’, The avant-garde in exhibition: new art in the 20th century (Harry N Abrams 1994) ——, ‘Les Peintres Futuristes Italiens, Paris, 1912’, Salon to biennial: exhibitions that made art history : 1863-1959 (Phaidon 2008) Antliff M and Leighten PD, Cubism and Culture, vol World of art (Thames & Hudson 2001) Antonello PP, ‘Beyond Futurism: Bruno Munari’s “Useless Machines”’, Futurism and the technological imagination, vol Avant garde critical studies (Rodopi 2009) Apollinaire G, ‘L’anti-Tradition Futuriste’, Marinetti e i futuristi, vol Strumenti di studio (1 ed, Garzanti 1994) Apollonio U, Futurist Manifestos, vol [The world of art library ; modern movements] (Thames and Hudson 1973) Balla G and others, Balla, Depero: Ricostruzione Futurista Dell’universo (Fonte d’Abisso edizioni 1989) Balla G and Depero F, ‘Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe’, Futurist manifestos, vol [The world of art library ; modern movements] (Thames and Hudson 1915) Banham R, ‘Arts in Society: “Fiat: The Phantom of Order”’ (18AD) 72 New society 86 ——, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (2nd ed, MIT Press 1980) ——, ‘Sant’Elia’, Design by choice, vol Ideas in architecture (Academy 1981) Bartram A, Futurist Typography and the Liberated Text (British Library 2005) ‘Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library’ <http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/> Benjamin W, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, Illuminations (Cape 1970) 1/9 09/30/21 ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: Futurism and Modernity | University College London Berger J, ‘Cubism’, The moment of Cubism: and other essays (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1969) Berghaus G, Futurism and Politics: Between Anarchist Rebellion and Fascist Reaction, 1909-1944 (Berghahn Books 1996) Berghaus G, ‘Futurism, Dada, and Surrealism’, International futurism in arts and literature, vol European cultures (Walter de Gruyter 2000) Berghaus G, International Futurism in Arts and Literature, vol European cultures (Walter de Gruyter 2000) ——, International Futurism in Arts and Literature, vol European cultures (Walter de Gruyter 2000) ——, Futurism and the Technological Imagination, vol Avant garde critical studies (Rodopi 2009) Berghaus G, ‘Futurism and the Technological Imagination: Poised between Machine Cult and Machine Angst’, Futurism and the technological imagination, vol Avant garde critical studies (Rodopi 2009) Berghaus G and Society for Italian Studies, The Genesis of Futurism: Marinetti’s Early Career and Writings 1899-1909, vol Occasional papers (Society for Italian Studies 1995) Berman M, All That Is Solid Melts into Air (Simon and Schuster 1982) Bishop C, ‘Bring the Noise’ Tate Etc. 30 <http://search.proquest.com/docview/1320338266> Blum CS, The Other Modernism: F.T. Marinetti’s Futurist Fiction of Power (University of California Press 1996) Boccioni U and others, ‘Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto’, Futurist manifestos, vol [The world of art library ; modern movements] (Thames and Hudson 1910) ——, ‘Manifesto of Futurist Painters’, Futurist manifestos, vol [The world of art library ; modern movements] (Thames and Hudson 1910) Boccioni U and Fezzi E, Umberto Boccioni, vol Collana disegnatori italiani (A Martello 1973) Bourke J, An Intimate History of Killing: Face-to-Face Killing in Twentieth-Century Warfare (Basic Books 1999) Braun E and others, Italian Art in the 20th Century: Painting and Sculpture 1900-1988 (Royal Academy of Arts 1989) Braun M, Picturing Time (University of Chicago Press 1992) Carra C, ‘The Painting of Sounds, Noises and Smells (11 August 1913)’, Futurist manifestos 2/9 09/30/21 ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: Futurism and Modernity | University College London , vol [The world of art library ; modern movements] (Thames and Hudson 1973) ‘Centre Pompidou’ <http://www.centrepompidou.fr/> Coen E and Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), Umberto Boccioni (Metropolitan Museum of Art 1988) Cooper H and others, Medardo Rosso: Second Impressions (Yale University Press 2003) Danchev A, 100 Artists’ Manifestos: [from the Futurists to the Stuckists], vol Penguin modern classics (Penguin 2011) Dondi L and De Maria L, Marinetti E I Futuristi, vol Strumenti di studio (1 ed, Garzanti 1994) Doordan DP, Building Modern Italy: Italian Architecture, 1914-1936 (Princeton Architectural Press 1988) Dottori G and Duranti M, Gerardo Dottori: Catalogo Generale Ragionato (Effe 2006) Elia A D’, L’universo Futurista: Una Mappa, Dal Quadro Alla Cravatta, vol Nuova biblioteca Dedalo (Edizioni Dedalo 1988) ‘Estorick Collection’ <http://www.estorickcollection.com/home.php> Facos M and Hirsh SL, Art, Culture, and National Identity in Fin-de-Siècle Europe (Cambridge University Press 2003) Foster H, Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism (Thames & Hudson 2004) Fraquelli S and others, Radical Light: Italy’s Divisionist Painters, 1891-1910 (National Gallery Company 2008) Fraser M and Kerr J, ‘Motopia: Cities, Cars and Architecture’, Autopia: cars and culture (Reaktion 2002) ‘Futurism and the Past Project’ <http://www.futurismandthepast.com/page6.htm> ‘Getty Museum (Los Angeles)’ <http://www.getty.edu/index.html> Gherado D, ‘Chapter 6 Inventing the Palazzo Del Corte in Ferrara’, Donatello among the Blackshirts: history and modernity in the visual culture of Fascist Italy (Cornell University Press 2005) Gilloch G and Benjamin W, Myth and Metropolis: Walter Benjamin and the City (Polity Press, in association with Blackwell Publishers 1996) Golding J, Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, vol Tate modern masterpieces (Tate Gallery 1985) 3/9 09/30/21 ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: Futurism and Modernity | University College London Gramsci A, ‘Marinetti the Revolutionary?’, Selections from cultural writings (Lawrence and Wishart) Greene V, Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Divisionism, Neo-Impressionism: Arcadia & Anarchy (Guggenheim Museum 2007) ‘Guggenheim (NYC)’ <http://www.guggenheim.org/> Hanson AC and others, Severini Futurista, 1912-1917 (Yale University Art Gallery 1995) Howlett J and Mengham R, The Violent Muse: Violence and the Artistic Imagination in Europe, 1910-1939 (Manchester University Press 1994) Hulten P, Futurism and Futurisms (Thames and Hudson 1992) Hultén P, Palazzo Grassi and Futurismo & futurismi (Exhibition) (1986 : Venice, Italy), Futurism & Futurisms (Thames and Hudson 1987) Humphreys R and Tate Gallery, Futurism, vol Movements in modern art (Tate Gallery 1999) Kern S, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918: With a New Preface (Harvard University Press 2003) Kolocotroni V, Goldman J and Taxidou O, Modernism (Paperback, Edinburgh University Press 2004) Korner A, ‘Chapter 10 Conclusions and Epilogue: Modernity, the Political Power of Culture and the Collapse of Liberal Democracy’, Politics of culture in liberal Italy: from unification to fascism, vol Routledge studies in modern European history (Routledge 2009) Le Bon G, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (Ernest Benn 1896) Levi E, ‘Futurist Influences on Early Twentieth-Century Music’, International futurism in arts and literature, vol European cultures (Walter de Gruyter 2000) Lista G and Estorick Collection, Futurism & Photography (Merrell 2001) Lunn F, ‘City of Angles. Kirchner’ [2003] RA: The magazine for the friends of the Royal Academy Lynton N, The Story of Modern Art (2nd ed, Phaidon 1989) Lyttelton A and Parmée D, Italian Fascisms, from Pareto to Gentile, vol Roots of the Right, readings in fascist, racist and elitist ideology (Cape 1973) Malvano L, ‘De « La Fiumana dell’Umanità Assetata Di Giustizia » à La Foule Consensuelle Du Fascisme : à Propos de La Représentation de La Foule En Peinture’ [1AD] Laboratoire italien 95 Marchio R, ‘The Vortex in the Machine: Futurism in England’, International futurism in arts 4/9 09/30/21 ELCS6005: Raging Broom of Madness: Futurism and Modernity | University College London and literature, vol European cultures (Walter de Gruyter 2000) Marinetti FT, ‘Le Futurisme’ (20AD) 55th year, 3rd Series Le Figaro 1 ——, ‘Battle Weight + Smell’, Selected poems and related prose (Yale University Press 2002) Marinetti FT, ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism 1909’, Modernism (Paperback, Edinburgh University Press 2004) Marinetti FT, ‘Electric War’, Critical writings (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux 2006) ——, ‘War, the Sole Cleanser of the World’, Critical writings (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux 2006) Marinetti FT and others, Selected Poems and Related Prose (Yale University Press 2002) Marinetti FT and others, ‘Against Passeist Venice’, Futurism: an anthology (Yale University Press 2009) Marinetti FT and Berghaus G, Critical Writings (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux 2006) Markov V, Russian Futurism : A History (MacGibbon & Kee 1969) Martin MW, ‘Futurism, Unanimism and Apollinaire’ 28 Art Journal 258 <http://www.jstor.org/stable/775248?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents> ——, Futurist Art and Theory 1909-1915 (Clarendon P 1968) ‘MART (Rovereto)’ <http://www.mart.trento.it/>
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