V to Consider a Lighted Ba SEE STORY, PAGE 3 The Weather FINAL Partly sonny today, dear Red Bank, Freehold tonight. Tomorrow fair and Long Branch EDITION cool. r 42 PAGES Momnouth County's Outstanding Hoim* Newspaper TEN CENTS VQL.95 NO,61 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20,1972, --^-^-•^••••••••••••imBiHiiiiiiiMiiniiininiimiiiiiniMnimiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiliininnillllliilillinilinii to Get Rival: and there will be no "door-to- for a 24-hour period every day delay in collecting the (2,500. By JAMES H. RUBIN Cahill conceded that the Winning numbers will be daily lottery will have "handi- door" service. Also, it is up until five minutes before cheaper to play the numbers, each daily drawing at 4 p.m. posted within minutes of the TRENTON (AP) - The old- caps and shortcomings" for drawing at the ticket outlets the bettor who is accustomed with the average wager about Winners of the $2.50 prizes est established daily lottery — 25 cents or less. can collect immediately from and will also be available in the numbers racket — will to "playing the numbers." the ticket agents; the other newspapers and by calling Bnt, the governor said, Cahill stressed the following have a new rival on the block features of the state's new op- prizes, with the exception of special te.lepb.one numbers. beginning Nov. 29. "even if yon lose, your mon- the $2,500 tickets, can be The Cahill Administration is ey is going for a good purpose eration: That's the date New Jersey Prizes will be ?2.50, $25, $225 claimed within one hour of the also seeking federal legisla- wiU become the first state in rather than an evil purpose. drawing from the agents.. The tion to permit the number to Unlike the numbers racket, and $2,500. There will be 3,819 the nation to operate a legal possible cash winners for ev- top prizes must be collected be broadcast daily on radio daily lottery. New Jersey's daily lottery after the ticket is certified by and television. will not provide credit, the ery 100,000 tickets sold each Gov. William T. Cahill an- day. lottery headquarters in Tren- Cahill estimated that the nounced yesterday that the customer will not be per- ton, which will cause some See Dally, Page 2 state will enter into direct mitted to pick his own number Tickets may be purchased competition with organized crime in hopes of luring bet- tors to an operation that will award a top prize of $2,500 each day. Tickets will be priced at 50 cents. The state's weekly lottery, New County Charter which began nearly two years ago with unexpected success , but has suffered lately be- cause of tougher competition from neighboring states will continue to offer a top prize of $50,000 for a accent ticket Law Is Hit by Irwin CabiU told a special news FREEHOLD — Freeholder *pie measure, known as the jections expressed by county conference that the new daily county optional charter bill, freeholder boards. " ANNOUNCES DAILY LOTTERY — Gov. William T. Can! 11 announces the offering will rejuvenate inter- Director Joseph C. Irwin charged yesterday that a bill was opposed by stanch de- The changes would provide start of a daily lottery at a press conference In Trenton yesterday* The est in the state lottery, pro- fenders of home rule who for more frequent referenda dally play is to begin Nov. 29 and the price of the ticket will be fifty cents. vide additional revenue, cut permitting counties to adopt new charters could possibily feared that counties may to alter a plan previously ac- into organized crime's take cepted by the voters. The and give the people what they keep county governments in usurp power from municipal- want. "chaos and confusion." ities. time limit would be reduced The bill was signed yes- The new law will give the from a five-year waiting peri- "Many respected leaders, voters of each of the 21 coun- od to three years. including legislators, have terday by Gov. William T. Cahill. t ties the chance to revamp the Also, Cahill said he wanted been arguing that the citizens government structure and the time that elapses before want more opportunity to Asked for his comments on ( the bill, Sir. Irwin said he has pick one of four optional submitting a second plan to gamble," Cahill said. "Every the voters, following rejection legitimate avenue for revenue been opposed to it from the forms. The new forms would must be explored." beginning. Monmouth County all create a county executive of a first, to be increased lawmakers expressed heated or administrator with varying from one to three years. Is for Sale Again The governor said that one degrees of power and the The voters will be empo- opposition to the bill before the view committee had not yet but of every 28 tickets wiU be county freeholder boards wered to imposed one of the By SHERRY F1GDORE unify several scattered at- a cash winner, although the state Senate approved it last tempts at preservation. acted upon the application. AprilR would become legislative bod- following four forms of gov- Inclusion of the Phalanx as smallest prize is only $.50. ies. ernment: COLTS NECK-For the / Mr. Casey has since pur- "We know of no other lot- Mr. Irwin said there are chased another noncontrover- a federal landmark, Mr. Schil- several bad features to the Cahill also said he will rec- Creation of a county execu- second time in recent mqnths, ler said, will make available tery — legal or illegal — now tive with powers comparable 'there's a "For Sale'^sign in sial farm for his horses,, in existence that can match bill, such as the form of coun- ommend changes to the Legis- Central to the Colts Neck federal Department of Hous- ty government could be sub- lature, which returns to Tren- to those of the governor. front of the Norm American ing and Urban Development those odds of winning," Cahill See Irwin, Page 2 Phalanx property on Phalanx Historical Society's plan of said. ject to change every.flve ton in November, to meet ob- Joseph C action is inclusion of the Pha- (HUD) funds that could be Road. But individuals and The tickets will be sold by years if a small group of small groups interested in lanx oh the National Registry, crucial in saving the struc- people petition for it. •' of Historic Places. ture, all that remains of a the 4,000 agents who now sell saving and restoring this the weekly tickets and there Another bad feature, he The New Jersey State Re- thriving colony that once sup- continued, is that a small per- unique remnant of I9th cen- ported more than 200 people will be a network of 400 com- tury communal living will view Committee for the Na-. puter-controlled, coin-ac- centage of people could sign SS tO tional Registry forwarded its on 673 acres. petitions for recall of a free- have one more chance to join The Phalanx was organized tnated vending machines: The efforts in a preservation ef- approval of the Phalanx to the number of machines will be holder after he had been in of- J r: national group on July 27. As in 1843 on principles of the fort. ". •-.>'.,y::i' ^( - . expanded to 600 in February. fice for a year. Lee M. Schiller, president of of yesterday, the national re- See Phalanx, Page 2 Mr. Irwin said election for seats on the board of freehol- Seen a Court Issue the Colts Neck Historical So- ciety, said last night he will ders are conducted every SEA BRIGHT -The Mr. Bonello's statement fol- is not and will not be avail- call a general meeting for year and that he felt that this Borough Council has no offi- lowed acceptance by the able to accommodate any spe%* anyone interested in saving was enough of a recall in it- cial positiotfon the question of council of a petition signed by cific activity in the area. the Phalanx within the next 5 Towns Face Court self. who owns the seawall and the Miss Loretta C. Hanley of 216 3 — Public safety in case of twoweeks. The veteran freeholder di- question of its accessibility. Ocean Ave. giving reasons an accident would not be And Edward W. Collins, rector also expressed dis- "These legal issues," said why fishermen should be de- served because any emer- real estate broker who's han- pleasure with the provision of Richard L. Bonello, borough , nied permission to use the gency would have to be han- dling the resale for the Pha- Action Over Sewers the bill which gives an elected attorney, last night, "are not seawall. dled by hand, such as car- Forward Petition rying a stretcher over the sea- lanx* owner of two weeks, plants anil are discharging ef- The state is seeking a court administrator veto power a matter to be decided upon James B. Casey of Llncroft, By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI over the board of freeholders. by the borough. They are is- Council resolved to forward wall. FREEHOLD — Rye Mon- fluent through outfall pipes order directing the towns to the petition to Commissioner 4 — Ocean Ave., the only says he or Mr. Casey will be . into the Atlantic Ocean within form within 30 days a regional Fears Confusion sues to be decided upon by the happy to attend. mouth County municipalities Mr. Irwin said he did not ex- courts. Richard J. Sullivan, N.J, through route can accom- are under court order to ex- 1,500 feet from the mean low sewerage authority or to or- State Environmental Protec? modate no additional.traffic.
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