![Que Hebdomadaire Weekly Epidemiological Record](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Relevé épidém. hebd. 1 9 0 , 38, 497-508 N» 40 Wkfy Epidem. Sec. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et infonnations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sam'taire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPIDNAUONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic address: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE 4 OCTOBRE 1963 38® ANNÉE — 38* YEAR 4 OCTOBER 1963 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés au 3 octobre 1963 — Infected areas as on 3 October 1963 Notifîcatiojis reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the IntemaUonal Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 506). diseases was reported (see page 506). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 à la ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, S et 9 a): under ArUcles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A » pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A » during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B SS antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de diaquo maladie; B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; * = territoires nouvellement infectés. * = newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGXJE VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU INDE — INDIA Madhya Pradesh, State VIET-NAM, REP. OF Calcutta (PA)' . 17.ni.56 Raîgarh, District .... ■ 31.VU Nhatrang (PA )................A 28.IX Karikal(P) . 14.IX 15.tX-3.X Madras, State Madras (PA) . , 14.IX > Coimbatore, District ■ 14.IX CHOIJRA — CHOLERA Nagapattinam (P) 21.1X Madurai, District. ■ 24.VI11 TiruchirapalU (A) . 24.vm Afrique — Africa 15.IX-3.X North Arcot, District ■ 25.X.62 Andhra Pradesh, State Salem, District . B 31.VIII South Arcot. District ■ 31.1 Asie — Asia Chittoor, District . • a 9.XT.62 CONGO (LéopoldviUe) Tanjore, District . ■ lo.vn i BIRMANIE — BURMA Cuddappah, District. a io .vni TiruchirapaUi. District East Godavari, District B 10. VIII ■ lO.VIII Kivu» Province Akyab(PA) Tirunelveli, District ■ 10.VUI Nord^Kivu, District Guntur, District . a 31.XU.59 (excl. airport) .... ■ io .v m Hyderabad District. a 7.H Maharashtra, State Lubero, Terr.................... B 10.IX Moulmein ( P ) ................ ■ 20.IX Karimnagar, District a 21.IV Ahmednagar, District ■ i .v n Rangoon (PA) (excl. air­ Khammam, District. a 24.V1U Chanda, District . ■ 3o,vm port) ........................... ■ 4.VI Kurnool, District . a21.VlIl.62 East Khandesh, District ■ 13. vu Am^que — America Arakan, Division Mahbubnagar, District a 12.X.61 Nagpur, District . B lO.VlII Akyab, District............... ■ 20.IX Medak, District . a 28.vm.6l Nanded, District . ■ 14. VH • Nalgonda, District . a 14.IX Irrawaddy, Division Parbhani, District . ■ 12.IX ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Nellore, District . a 31.Vtn Poona, District. ■ 28.VIU Myaungmya, District . B 7.IX Srikakulam, District. a 1I.V1.60 Sholapur, District ■ 27, VII Manabi, Province Pegu, Division Visakhapatnam, District a 5.V West Khandesh, District ■ 22.VU PortQviejo, Canton Hanthawaddy. District. B 14.ÏX Warangal, District . a lo.vn i Mysore, State Portovlejo, Parr. .... ■ 1JQL62 Pegu. D.: P egu............... B 7.IX West Godavari, District a 27.XU.59 Prome, District............... A 21.IX Bidar, District .... I9.VII Bihar, State Bijapur, District . • . 13.VU Sucre^ Canton Tharrawaddy, District. B 7.IX Bhagalpur, District . 3.vm Gulbarga, District . 3.VH.61 Bahia de Camquez, Farr. B 17.VT1I Tenasserim, Division Champaran, District. 25.V.61 Kolar, District .... 7.IV Charapato, Parr. .... ■ 1.XII.62 Amherst. District .... B 14.IX Darbhanga, District. l.Vl.61 Orissa, State San Vicente, Parr.. ■ 1 JCU.62 Thatôn, District............... B 14.IX Gaya. District . 18.V Hazaribagh, District Balasore, District .... i.xn.61 Karen, State .... ■ 20.IX 28.VII.6l Cuttack, District .... 8.11.58 Monghyr, District 31.V1U Ganjam, District .... Muzaffarpur, District 9.V.61 30.VII.62 Asie — Asia CORÉE, RÉP. DE Puri, District................... 14.IV KOREA. REP. OF Patna, District . 20.V Santal Parganas, District 3.vra Tripura, Territory , , 25.V.59 INDE — INDIA • Inchon (P) . ■ 24.1X Pusan (P) , . , . ■ 21.IX Shahabad, District . 7.EX Uttar Pradesh, State Andhra Pradesh^ State Seoul (excl. airport) ■ 23.IX Jammu & Kashmir, State * Aligarh, District .... 24.1X Chittoor. District .... ■ 17.Vni ♦ Yosu (excl. port) . ■ 30.IX Bailla, D istrict.................. 27.VII Kyongsang-Pukto, Pro Kashmir Valley .... a 20.X.60 Madras, State Banaras (Varanasi), District 20.VII ■ 26.IX Deoria, District .... is.v m Salem, D istrict................■ 30.V.62 ' A l’exclusion de la circonscription de Ghazipur, District. l.VU Mysore, State HONG KONG l’aéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Jaunpur, Distnet .... lO.VIlI Kolar, D istrict................ ■ 11.VH.61 Hong Kong (PA) . 29.YI local area of Dum Dum airport. Mathura, District. 17.VIU — 498 — West Bengal, State SIERRA LEONE . a IJC.56 CONGO (Brazzaville) Itift Valley, Province A 14.R Bankura, District . » . • 15.V Brazzaville (PA) (aéro^rt Biibhum, District. m 4.1X SOUDAN — SUDAN exclu)................................ A 15.IX Kenebo, District .... A U .K Burdwan. District. ■ 6.1I.S8 Pointe-Noire (PA) . ■ 26.XL62 * Cooch Befaar, District. ■ 24.VIÏI Territoire situé au sud du Hooghly, District .... ■3.111 12® N. — Territory South Bouenza-Louesse, Prif, Western Province . A 7.K Howrah. District .... ■ 9.1II.62 of 12® N ....................... 1 7 .X n .5 6 Sibiti ............................. A IJX Midnapur. District . ■ lO.VlU Djoué, Préf, Murshidabad. District. ■ 24.IU Nadia, District............... ■ 7.111 Brazzaville, S. Préf. Amériqae — America LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . 24-Pargaiias, District . ■ 2S.U (PA exclus)................... A 15.IX B ts.ni.» INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Léfim, Préf, M akasar(P).................... B 7.1V.62 La Paz, Dep. D jam bala....................... A 15JX Sulawesi, Province MOZAMBIQUE Larecaja, Province Lïkouaia, Pr^. ■ 16.X.62 Baru, Regency ..... B 10HI.62 Tipoani, Canton .... B 16JV Mossaka, S. Préf* Monica e Sofaîa, MACAO Nor Yungas, Province Aut......................... ■ 13.Vn.62 D istrict................ A 7.K Macau (P )....................... ■ l.VU Caianavi, Canton. B 29.V Moçamhique, Sud Yungas, Province Niort, Prif. District ..... A 14.K MA1-AISÏE — MALAYSIA La Asunta, Canton . B 29.V D o U sie........................... A 21.DC Niassa (Logo), Sarawak Santa Cruz, Dep» Kibangou, S. Piéf* . ■ 5.X.62 District Kuching, Division. ■ l.v n i Ichilo, Province NUvUBouenza, Préf* Vila Cabral, Coacclho . B 29.Vn41 Simanggang, Division . ■ 30.VIII Puerto Villarroel, Canton B 31.III M adingou....................... A 21.IX PAKISTAN 7 « « , District.... B 4.X161 Dacca ( A ) ....................... B Sl.Vin BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Nyangortouesse, Préf, Zanbézia, District , B 28.in.Q East Pakistan Amazonas, State Mossendjo....................... A l.DC Chittagong, Division Sao Paolo de Olivença, Dep................................ B 27.XI.62 NoakhaU, District. B 17.Vni Pool, Préf, Dacca, Division MindouU, S. Préf. I3.vn.62 NIGER Dacca, D istrict................ B 31.VUI COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Calclas, Dep. Dosso, Cercle PHILIPPINES La Dorada, M.................. A 16.VII CONGO (Uopoldvme) Manila (PA) (excl. drport) ■ 12.VII Samana, M....................... B 21.V1 .Dosso, Subdiv.................. A22.K iMZon, Croup Norfe de Santander, Dep. Albertville (PA) .... ■ 7.V.62 Cachira, M.............................A Î3.VH Bbiha (P) ; ...................... ■ 23.1.52 Niamey, Cercle P asa y ............................... ■ 27.V1I Léopoldviüe (PA) . ■ 20.IX.61 Q uezon.......................... ■ 13.V1I Matadi ( P ) .........................■ 25.XI.6l Niamey, Subdiv. .... A 16JX Bulacan,Province. ■ 13.V11 PÉROU — PERU StanleyviUe (A ).....................■ 27.1.62 Camarioes Sur, Province. ■ 24.VIII Cavite, Prov. (excl. Saogley Ayacucho, Dep. Equateur, Province . ■ 6.X.62 Zinder, Cercle Point ( P ) ) ................... ■ 17.V1U De La Mar, ^ovince Kasat, Province . ■ 6.X.62 ♦ Zinder, Subdiv.................. A22.K Laguna, Province .... ■ 14.TX Âyna, District ..... B 19.IV Pampanga, Province . ■ 21 .IX Huanuco, Dep, Katanga Nord, Province A 14. IX Rizai, Prov. (excl. Manila Katanga Sud, Province A 14. IX (A))............................................ Huacrachuco, Province NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA B 6.n.S7 Rizai, Prov.: Caloocan. ■ 13.VII * Monzon, District. A 22.VHI Kivu, Province . B 24.VIII ♦ Sorsogon, Province . ■ 21.IX Sud-Kivu, District Huamalies, Province Mindanao, Group Bukavu, T e r r . ............... ■ 18.vm.62 Agusan, Prov.: Butuan . ■ 24.VHI Monzon, District .... B 13.IV UopoldvlUe, Province m 18.Vm.62 Visayas, Group Leoncio Prado, Province OUGANDA — UGANDA Damaso Baraun, District. B 21.V Orientale, Province ♦ Samar, Province .... ■ 24.VIII B 3.VT Hemilio Vaidizan. District Kibali-Ituri, District Buganda, Province THAÏLANDE
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