February ,17, 1993. The Orion Clinton service loans could ease student debt Wilson: centage of the recipient's accumu­ . person for the Financial Aid Of­ i:'romises lnay lated loans would be cancelled af­ fice. continued tereach completed year ofcommu­ Although the plan sounds ex­ (ipst govt. $20,000 nity service. Mitznerexplained that tremely appealing, it docs have its from page 3 during the time students are en­ problems. per student rolled in school or completing the "The concept is great, but the community service, they would not practicality will be very expensive," Chico State be required to pay interest on the said Dottie Griffen, administrative John Wu debt. programs specialist for the not taking part in Staff Writer Ltlw enforcement, teaching, Chancellor's Office. "Each partici­ child counseling and health care pating student will cost the federal recall effort ,-. Students burdened with pil­ are a few community service jobs govemment about $20,000." ing educational loans may soon which may be offered. The $20,000 will cover living be able to breathe a deep sigh of Program officials have not set a expenses, the amount of the loan "We're trying to coordinate as relief. date for the National Service Plan forgiven and a small stipend, she much as possible. Olle and a half .. During his presidential cam­ to begin. explained. miilion students Cllil make a big paign, President Bill Clinton prom­ "It's pretty early in the game," Another problem lies in the impact." Monmv said. "Actually it ised to create a National Service Mitzner said. "I don't think stu­ amount of community work avail­ can make a huge impact:' Trust Fund that would allow col­ dents will hear anything until next able, said Beth Buehlmann, Cali­ The college recall effort of Wil­ lege students the ability to repay fall at the earliest." fornia State University's director son was initi'lted because he sup­ their debts through community ser­ Beverly Staples, a Chico State of federal relations. ported cutting thc financial support vice. That plan is currently on the University financial aid adviser, There will not be enough com­ for schools ,II all levels, and the drawing board, said Marc Mitzner, said she does not be lieve the pro­ munity service jobs available for state failed to complete a baillilccd student representati ve for the Cal i­ gram will begin until ufterthe 1994- nil of the students receiving federal budget by the deildlinc last year. fomia Student Aid Commission 95 ucudemic year. aid. The remaining recipients will Someone who und!:rstands these (CSAC). The Financial Aid office was have the opportunity to repay their charges well is Ma~wcll Leung, . If Clinton's plan is imple­ unable to offer specifics on how loans in monthly payments relative vice president of the San Francisco mented, any student requiring fi­ Chico State students might be af­ to their income, she said. State Associatcd Studcnts. lie said nancial assistance would be offered fected. Similar community service pro­ he is preparing for action. a'federally subsidized aid package, "We do 1I0t receive information grams have nlready been used on "Onc of the things that we arc ~hich would consist mainly of (on these types of programs) until several campuses including Union doing is a march from San Fran­ loans, he said. six months after the date of enact­ College in New York and Stanford cisco to Sacramento." Leung said. , Following graduation, a pcr- ment:' said Steve Irving, spokes- Law School in California. "It's about an SO-mile walk." Besides orgilnizing the march for San Francisco State students. Leung is working with other col­ ,-KCHO expands, reaches Redding leges including University of Cali­ fomia Davis, University of Cali­ neer at KCHO, "The good thing is McConnell foundation of Redding. forniaBerkeley, University of Cali­ :Transmitter will the transmitter will provide wider "Their efforts further Shasta fornia Santa CnlZ, University of and better coverage," Birdsill said. county," Brown said of the foun­ California Santa Barbara, San Di­ allow more KFPR will be located in the same dation. ego State University, Haywmd building as the public television Besides the transmitter being State University, and Humboldt Weaving through time. Patti Mix, descendant of the Cherokee tribe ~coverage for station, KIXE. built in Redding they're plans for State University. makes traditional baskets as part of the American Indian Club's Winter Students will have a chance to translators to be constructed which "People are kind of fed up with Symposium. Mix. whose name means Buffalo Woman in Indian said '~north valley work at the new station Brown will enable outlying counties such what is going on," Leung silid. she strives to Mmake each pine needle spriritual basket unique.· said. as Trinity, Siskiyou. Modoc, and "We hope to provide an oppor­ Shasta too receive the signal as Art: continued from page 1 ~Chrlstlan Betts tunity for some of our north state well. Translators enable the trans­ .!':lews Staff students, they may be able to get mitter signals to be "picked up" cide how it is going to respond to hired back, because the CSU sys- as we thought we did." internships," he said. Brown added over a larger area, over mountains those cuts." tcm ga vc us 'lcademic recovery Kopp said the school will not be ~- Public radio will be making its that community volunteers would for ex.ample. The deans have two weeks to funds just for the purpose of in- able to bring as many shows to the : debutin Redding this summercour­ help staff the station as well. The broadcasting power of the send a memo to the Provost with a creasing the numberof courses that campus as it has in the past. Univer­ :'iesy of KCHO, Chico State Brown said the Redding area is new station will be the medium for list of names of people who will be would be offered to students. That sity Public Events is a non-aca­ :University's federally licensed one of the fastest growing regions interactive distance learning laid off if the cuts go into could happen again this year and demic agency that brings entertain­ "public radio station. in the state and that it is one of the classes as well as a reading service effect.Heinzsaidan increase in stu­ that tends to make people a little ment and cultural eventsto the cam- KCHO is expanding into the largest cities in California without for the reading impaired. "This is a dent fccscould lessen the depths of cynical." pus. Redding area with a new station a public radio station. three facet project," said Brown of the cuts, and predicts there will be Heinz said the confusion of lay- "We are looking at 45 presenta- _thiifwill be playing its own format "The people of that part of Cal i­ the public radio, distance'learning, another fee hike. ing offand rehiring is unavoidable. tions this year for the college and as well as simulcasting some of fornia arc excited about this. They and reading services . that,. KEPR i".: ,'~Thore, are, ~ many· fllcto~~tlu\t " "We,can 'l ~cem to.think of <l.»'UY the :c'o.~.. ui1_lihitY ," ~9.Pl> .s,!~d:~·l.s"7e KCHO's present programs. hnve been overlooked, that's a will provide. make it an imperrect process, hut to avoid that. because we arc re- us doing 15 next year." '. "It's a natural part of the growth growing part of the state," Brown Brown said that this particular we can't seem to think ofa way to quired if we are going to lay somc- Kopp sHid that there are six of this station," said Jack Brown, said. project has been in front of the make it any better," Heinz said. one off to give them a considerable --(J;ince-prcsentillions a year. How­ station manager at KCHO. The project is being made pos­ FCC for a long time and that it has "Of course, there is a tremen­ period of notice," Heinz said. ever, this number may be reduced : The new station, KFPR, will be sible by two grants that are provid­ taken a long time to get the go­ dous indefinitenessubout it," Heinz "When we do that we really have to two next year, and music presen­ broadcasting from Redding via a ing almost $500,000 Brown said. ahead. said. "Last year, we scnt many, told them more than we know, be- tations related to classes at Chico transmitter that should be insta\)ed One is a federal grant from the "It will enhance the quality of many lettcrs to people saying cause the Legislature in July or State arc in question. Kopp said a by this summersaid Mike Birdsill, Department of Commerce, the life [in the region]," he said. 'you're laid off and by August a August might mitigate the cuts so reason for the cuts, other than the project manager and chief engi- other is a private grant from the very strong numher or them we we don't have as serious a problem budget, is that "ticket sales haven't met the mark in the past few years." ~~~ Owner and Professional Tattooist Since 1979 Featured in, "Tattooing by Women" Or in any of over 70 developing devclopment, engineering. the sciences, March 1993 countries in Asia. AtHctl. Latin America. and more. With a degree or experience in or Ccntral Europe. 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