2020 CPS Report

2020 CPS Report

Corporate & Strategy Reports Committee Consideration – 11 February 2020 Council Resolution – 25 February 2020 Table of Contents Item No. Page No. CPS01.20 List of Accounts Paid – November 2019 ................................................................... 2 CPS02.20 List of Accounts Paid – December 2019 ................................................................... 4 CPS01.20 List of Accounts Paid – November 2019 Committee 11 February 2020 Council 25 February 2020 Applicant City of Nedlands Employee Nil. Disclosure under section 5.70 Local Government Act 1995 Director Lorraine Driscoll – Director Corporate & Strategy Attachments 1. Creditor Payment Listing November 2019 2. Purchasing Card Payments November 2019 (November 2019 – December 2019) Executive Summary In accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Administration is required to present the List of Accounts Paid for the month to Council. Recommendation to Committee Council receives the List of Accounts Paid for the month of November 2019 (refer to attachments). Discussion/Overview Background Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a list of accounts paid to be prepared each month, showing each account paid since the last list was prepared. This list is to include the following information: 1. the payee’s name; 2. the amount of the payment; 3. the date of the payment; and 4. sufficient information to identify the transaction. The list is to be presented to the Council at the next ordinary meeting of the Council after the list is prepared and recorded in the minutes of that meeting. Risk Management The accounts payable procedures ensure that no fraudulent payments are made by the City, and these procedures are strictly adhered to by the officers. These include the final vetting of approved invoices by the Manager Finance and the Director Corporate and Strategy (or designated alternative officers). Conclusion The List of Accounts Paid for the month of June 2019 complies with the relevant legislation and can be received by Council (see attachments) Consultation Required by legislation: Yes No Required by City of Nedlands policy: Yes No Budget/Financial Implications Nil. CPS01.20 - Attachment 1 CITY OF NEDLANDS Database: LIVE All Payments 1/11/2019 to 30/11/2019 Page: 1 Chq/Ref Payee Date Amount Tran Description Amount Westpac - Municipal Acct CHEQUE 70377 R B BOYKETT 08/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND BOND VERGE REFUND - 25 LEURA ST NEDLANDS 1,700.00 70378 MITCHELL 08/11/2019 -1,700.00 CONSTRUCTION (WA) PTY LTD 70379 OMEGA HOMES PTY LTD 08/11/2019 -1,650.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 18 HOOLEY ST 1,650.00 70380 M A CHEVERALLS 08/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 12 PORTLAND ST 1,700.00 70381 MENCHETTI 08/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 6 SELBY ST 1,700.00 CONSOLIDATED PTY LTD 70382 DAWN EXPRESS 08/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 8-10 STIRLING HWY 1,700.00 PARTITIONING AND CONST 70383 J KESTEL 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - J KESTEL 80.00 70384 MR R M BINKS 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - R M BINKS 80.00 70385 P N POLIWKA 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - P N POLIWKA 80.00 70386 J GOLAWSKI 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - J GOLAWSKI 80.00 70387 S L DERRY 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - S L DERRY 80.00 70388 S L POLIWKA 08/11/2019 -80.00 RFND NOMINATION FEE REFUND - S L POLIWKA 80.00 70389 AMANDA SWIFT 08/11/2019 -220.00 INV REIMBURSEMENT FOR DRY CLEANNING OUTDOOR 220.00 FURNITURE 70390 CITY OF NEDLANDS - 08/11/2019 -1,579.52 INV MODEL MONEY TRESILLIAN - TERM 4 2019- WEEK 1-4 640.00 CASH CHEQUE / PE INV TRESILLIAN - MODEL PAYMENT - WEEK 5-8 - T4 2019 640.00 INV RECOUP PETTY CASH - ADMIN - WE 3 NOV 2019 268.02 INV RECOUP PETTY CASH - NCC WE 3 NOV 2019 31.50 \\admauthority01\Nedlands\Reports\AP\payment_listing_by_date.rpt CPS01.20 - Attachment 1 CITY OF NEDLANDS Database: LIVE All Payments 1/11/2019 to 30/11/2019 Page: 2 Chq/Ref Payee Date Amount Tran Description Amount 70391 WATER CORPORATION 08/11/2019 -2,717.66 INV ROUND ABOUT AT CNR SMYTH ABERDATE RD-8/8/19-11/10/ 15.11 INV RESERVE AT 16 VICTORIA AV- 1/8/19-7/10/19 9.96 INV 1/8/19-7/10/19 - SPORTS GROUND AT BEATRICE RD 377.99 INV WATER CHARGES ROAD VERGE OUTSIDE 23 VINCENT ST 7.55 INV DAYCARE CENTRE 100 PRINCESS RD-22/8/19-22/10/19 240.82 INV WATER CHARGES - ROAD VERGE CNR STIRLING DALKEITH R 83.09 INV ROAD VERGE AT 76 STANELY STREET- 20/8/19-22/10/19 12.46 INV WATER CHARGES ROUNDABOUT CNR PRICESS DALKEITH RD 7.55 INV MEDIAN STRIP AT STIRLING FLORENCE - 20/8/19-22/10/ 12.53 INV GARDEN AT PRINCESS RD - 20/8/19-22/10/19 12.59 INV HALL AT 62 STIRLING HWY - 21/8/19-23/10/19 299.54 INV WATER CHARGES - RESERVE AT 60 STIRLING HWY 304.17 INV CAR PARK AT 17 COOPER ST0- 20/8/19-22/10/19 47.84 INV WATER CHARGES - CENTRE 21-23 TYRELL ST 887.84 INV RESERVE AT GRANBY CR - 20/8/19-22/10/19 398.62 70392 T A BAUER 15/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 20 DALKEITH ROAD 1,700.00 70393 K C D'SILVA 15/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 82 VICTORIA AVE 1,700.00 70394 GMF CONTRACTORS 15/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND - 76 LOUISE ST 1,700.00 70395 MEGAN MCCAFFREY 15/11/2019 -250.00 INV YOUTH GRANTPAYMENT 250.00 70396 WATER CORPORATION 15/11/2019 -1,632.03 INV WATER CHARGES - CENTRE AT MELVISTA AVE 772.14 INV HOUSE AT 110 SMYTH RD 16/7/19-17/9/19 262.16 INV BOWLING CLUB AT SMYTH RD- 15/7/19-17/9/19 369.64 INV DRAPER ST FLOREAT - 23/7/19-23/9/19 228.09 70397 MERCEDES GROUP PTY 15/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 7 CROSS STREET 1,700.00 LTD 70398 N L DUNCAN 15/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 8 VIEWWAY 1,700.00 70399 MR A PACKARD 22/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 32 LOUISE STREET 1,700.00 70400 KPS BUILDING GROUP 22/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 3 KINGSTON STREET 1,700.00 PTY LTD \\admauthority01\Nedlands\Reports\AP\payment_listing_by_date.rpt CPS01.20 - Attachment 1 CITY OF NEDLANDS Database: LIVE All Payments 1/11/2019 to 30/11/2019 Page: 3 Chq/Ref Payee Date Amount Tran Description Amount 70401 WESTSTYLE DESIGN & 22/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 6 BAIRD AVE 1,700.00 DEVELOPMENT 70402 WATER CORPORATION 22/11/2019 -5,412.58 INV CROQUET CLUB AT BRUCE STREET- 1/11/2019-31/12/2019 182.91 INV GARDEN 1-9 STIRLING HWY - 20/8/19-22/10/19 159.44 INV CAFE AT 278 MARINE PDE- 29/7/19-25/9/19 3,933.60 INV CHANGE ROOMS AT MARINE PDE- 29/7/19-25/9/19 372.48 INV MARINE PDE SWANBOURNE - 25/07/19-25/9/19 15.11 INV CLUB @KIRKWOOD RD SWANBOURNE - 29/07/19-25/09/19 660.91 INV 282 MARINE PDE SWANBOURNE - 29/7/19-25/9/19 50.36 INV OPP BOWLING SMYTH RD - 15/7/19-17/9/19 37.77 70403 ********** C A N C E L L E D 29/11/2019 0.00 ****** 70404 ********** C A N C E L L E D 29/11/2019 0.00 ****** 70405 ********** C A N C E L L E D 29/11/2019 0.00 ****** 70406 ********** C A N C E L L E D 29/11/2019 0.00 ****** 70407 ********** C A N C E L L E D 29/11/2019 0.00 ****** 70408 LEE F JAMES 29/11/2019 -894.00 INV REFUND OF FB SURVELLIANCE FEE BUSINESS CLOSED 894.00 70409 MACRI BUILDERS PTY LTD 29/11/2019 -1,500.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 37 WATKINS RD 1,500.00 70410 B TROVATO 29/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 67 ALDERBURY ST 1,700.00 70411 ROOF & WALL DOCTOR 29/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 21 HALDANE ST MTC 1,700.00 70412 SUMMIT DEVELOPMENT 29/11/2019 -1,700.00 RFND VERGE BOND REFUND 103A ROCHDALE RD MTC 1,700.00 CORPORATION PTY 70413 WATER CORPORATION 29/11/2019 -1,153.42 INV GARDEN @55 HAMPDEN RD - 18/9/19-14/11/19 15.11 INV 42 LEURA ST NEDLANDS - 18/9/19-14/11/19 163.67 INV R1 HAMPDEN RD NEDLANDS - 18/9/19-14/11/19 50.36 \\admauthority01\Nedlands\Reports\AP\payment_listing_by_date.rpt CPS01.20 - Attachment 1 CITY OF NEDLANDS Database: LIVE All Payments 1/11/2019 to 30/11/2019 Page: 4 Chq/Ref Payee Date Amount Tran Description Amount INV 50 SMYTH RD NEDLANDS - 17/9/19-13/11/19 7.44 INV OPP#7 HAMPDEN RD NEDLANDS - 16/9/19-13/11/19 47.84 INV 17/9/19-13/11/19 OPP BOWLING SMYTH RD NEDLANDS 60.43 INV 15 HAMPDEN RD NEDLANDS - 16/9/19-13/11/19 42.81 INV CNR KARELLA WILLIAMS RD - 17/9/19-13/11/19 201.44 INV 282 MARINE PDE SWANBOURNE - 29/7/19-25/9/19 564.32 70414 WEST AUSTRALIAN 29/11/2019 -83.60 INV STANDING ORDER (6 MONTHS) - THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 83.60 NEWSPAPER LTD Total CHEQUE -$44,772.81 EFT PY99-10 WESTPAC - MUNICIPAL 07/11/2019 -25,016.55 ACCT PY01-10 WESTPAC - MUNICIPAL 12/11/2019 -363,107.03 ACCT PY99-11 WESTPAC - MUNICIPAL 21/11/2019 -11,283.32 ACCT PY01-11 WESTPAC - MUNICIPAL 26/11/2019 -357,587.59 ACCT 1175 EFT TRANSFER: - 01/11/2019 -243,894.13 1175.10731-01 Green Skills (Eco Jobs) 01/11/2019 INV Greenways maintenance Birdwood Parade 3,847.94 INV Fuel load reduction Shenton Bushland, 4,702.81 INV Spring weed control various location 1,891.89 1175.10786-01 Verti-Turf INV Turf renovation - Mt Claremont Oval 1,458.00 1175.10980-01 Lizzi Bee Flowers INV FLOWERS/GIFTS 315.00 1175.11252-01 Shrapnel Urban Planning INV Review the Retail Sustainability Assessment 7,689.00 1175.11410-01 Hays Specialist Recruitment Aust Pt INV Weekending 20/10/2019 - Mower 1,468.38 INV Landscape Gardener - W/E 20 Oct 19 1,524.42 INV Labourer - Water truck.

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