University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-6-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-06-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-06-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1563 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBU QUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION l lliwn -- SKVIATII YluAU. t X1.I X. .No, 37. SIXTEEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO.SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1916, SIXTEEN PAGES 1'alljr by Carrier or Mall, 6(nj a Month. Single (Vtplca, to THE WEATHER Munitions Plant L AUGHLIN named MRS. MQHR P RED DRIVE AGAINST WE.vnircu foiuecast. fs Destroyed at GERMANY IS EXPECTED Denver, Feb. &. N'ev Mexico: 10 and Monday gem rally fair; Jardim, Canada AS CHAIRMAN BY southeast portion Sunday. WO NEGROES ARE SALON Kl I .my MO R NINO JOURNAL DPKCIAI. CSf AI LOCAL H'ttYTlIKK KF.I'OUT. Ottawa, out., Feb. i.. report that twenty-fou- r Mi's-pele- For hours, ending at the J. inline munitions fa, lory at r, DISAVOW INTENTION TOKILL S p. ni. yesterday": Waterloo county, Maximum temperature, 45 ilfsrpm; Onlarlo. has THE DEMOCRATS FOUND GUILTY, COMMENCED BY been blown up, has been received b minimum, 1!U degree; runge, --'2 de- the military depart nienl. A grees; temperature in ti ji. ni., 43 de- reiiuest grees; southwest wind; partly cloudy. has been made to have ordered out an ovorsens regiment stationed in the; ON LUSITANIA; OF NEW MEXICO REPORTS TEUTON ALLIES neighborhood. ' IEIAIS CITY IJ.WK CI.IUIUXGS. JURY Yesterday llespeb i Is situated in a remote ' :j - ? h a , a 7 a i . part of Waterloo county and the ml- litiu department has be, n unable thusj CleiiringH for the Week. far to obtain details ia yarding the re-- ; BALKS AT WORD ILLEGAL' Unexpected Happens, as ?S15,4S4.93 Woman Charged With Con- Heavy Artillery Duel Is in ported explosion. The town is tweUe. miles southwest of r.ci'lin, which 1st Hus- Usually Does When the spiracy to Murder Her Progress Between British sixty-tw- o wc-- l Tliej sort of a needol ok thai are reniitiispeni miles of Toronto. is ,,,nn() Unterrified Get Together of li'll-billi- of the ozarks, made band Collapses When Ver- and Germanic Forces at population about and thcr no was aguiusi are several factories In the place. secret of the fact that lie Is and1 Talk Things Over, Walton because Wulton was a frieiul dict Misunderstood, Doiran on Greek Border, BERNST0RFF OPTIMISTIC THAT of Jim iMinklc, and that he was just uturally "again" Jim lllnkle. Mr. liil-lie- rt 73 SUITS STARTED led CRISIS WILL PASS WITHOUT WE SHOULD WORRY' IS the movement against Walton RELEASE FOLLOWS FRENCH BOMBARDMENT AGAINST RAILROADS among tin; Pceoa valley committee-men- . REPUBLICAN ATTITUDE TRIAL OF ONE MONTH GROWS IN INTENSITY , RV MG NI NO JOURNAL iPlXIAL lCAEO WlR Some aniii-emen- t was caused on the BREAKING OFF RELATIONS St. , .Mo., Feb. ,"i. Seventy, final roll-ca- ll whi n a I allot for both ;; three suits against railroads were in and-- and Lniiglilin was called Ann) hpi Indictment, Alleging' Austrian-Italia- n From Northern No Simis of y Members us at lirst supposed that stituted In the circuit court lure alleging of Eastern New Mexico More m ere had been a mistake, but Judge Assault With Intent to Kill! Deadlock Being Broken; violation the maximum Communication From Germany to Be Sent in Which All Grantham, of Kddy county, who be freight rate statute. Sixl.t-hln- e of the Miss t Bur-- , Bent on Defeating Walton u own In com- Burger, Likely to Be Turks Rcpoii Another Vic- cases nre against the hbago, Contentions of United States Are Met Except Decla- sides vole of his the llngton mittee held a proxy, explained that he and tjuincy, three against the! Than Electing Anybody Else Dismissed, tory Near ra, Chicago, Itock Island and I'neifie, and' ration That Submarine Commander Exceeded His Au- had never met either .Mr. Walton or and! Judge Laughlin, and, being strictly one against the Atchison, Topeka thority and Is, Therefore, Repudiated by His Govern- Santa Fe. There ale nine hundred' neutral, he had cast one vote for each RV MORNINO 9PICIAL DISPATCH to MORNING JOURNAL J&URNAL IRICIAL LIARfcD WIRB) (V MORNINQ JOUHNAL PliCI AL LtAICO Wl.ltl 'separate counts. ment; President Wilson and Con- of them. Providence, It. 1 Uic Secretary Lansing to Santa Fe, Feb. 5. It would hardly Feb. Tho lung looked for offensive of The total or the chums is Ji;,.,(iiHi. unexpected The Committee resolved itself into a Elizabeth F. Mohr was admitted to- against may i... neriiriite tn kiiv that the Teutonic allies Sulouiki The thirty-si- x hundred plaintiffs are fer Monday for Final Draft of What Washington Will committee this morning for the pur night by Jury in superior An i,n,.n..fl in the election today of a the court now he on or near at hand. composed of farmers, livestock ship-- pose of finding out what It wanted to of a charge of having instigated re- ' Regard Ultimate Be Judge N. 1!. Laughlin us chairman of the agency dispatch from .Saloniki pcrs and commission merchants of' as Position to Assumed Regarding central commit- do and reporting buck to itself in a murder ot her husband, Dr. t". Frank- - ports that an artillery duel has been the democratic state northwest .Missouri, ; committee what it had decided upon. lin Mohr. ('. Victor lien- - Doiran, Activities of Teutonic Submarines During War. tee. The unexpected almost always itrown and in progress fur two days near The petitions allege that the plain- - At the suggestion of Judge K. V. Long, ry 10. Spcllman, negroes, were i,ni.i,i.nu tn ilmiiricrjttli1 meetings con- who where strong force of the ccntrul tiffs were overcharged on livestock' was Xae-fou- . ...,(i ii - i,u ..viiei ti il This a "straw ballot" taken uceuscd of the actual killing, were powers for sometime have been shipments pending an appeal by rail-- ' (By Morninij Special not binding upon anybody, in which guilty. The Jury reported at lug positions of entente allies. , Journal Leased Wiie.) may seem to be arguing in a circle, the the roads to the 1 'nited Stales nuprcinej the members of the committee ex- 6:07 o'clock after having been VA but that's the way democrats usually out Such u bombardment might well he court, which held the law to be Valid ashiugtMl, Feb. the word the wanton net of Its nnval comman- - pressed themselves as to their first, since 10:30 o'clock this morning. prelude to un movement i "illegal" tlermnny was unwlll- argue. the advance und that the amount of the over-- ! which der in sinking Ihe I.itsltaiiia," second choice. The result Mrs. Mohr fore- - The genius for disorganization that und third swooned while the by the Teutons and their allies, which, charges never was ing to Incorpornte in the tentative It imis asserted loilny that the stat man was announcing verdicts, returned. has t hurncterized the democratic par- (t unlliiiiril un rage 'I mo.) the according to recent reports from the draft of the l.usllanla agreeiiient, the deiiartineiit had shown a completo (Her dropped tier-maiiy- ty from the time of Thomas Jefferson head forward and she Balkans, was set for about the middle Berlin foreign office has substituted readiness to fall hi line with 's : was slipping her i when present nmy n , to the time of William Jennings Bry- from halr her of the month, but which phrase which certain hll'.h authorl-- ideas so far us it e,uild With-o- ul attorneys grasped mij supported her, even now be In progress. WALTER NELSON an was never more strikingly mani- T SLAVERY ties In a position to be familiar with sail If Icing the main issues com while a court officer rushed for a1 According' to the message through the status of the liecollatlous colisld- - fested than at the meeting of the 'glass of water. report lug opening ! 1' d ' no-ix- mittee which took tip two days 01 me, entente sources the er covers all th rlneiples Involv (litinnn officials here are in -t j re any charge against I'.riti.-O-: - time of a number of responsible bust-- 1 "Is tin other of the bombardment, the In the question of siiliinarlne war- cord with the official opinion I (these defendants?" inquired Justice heavy guns Were doininal lug those of fare, hi- licss men here in Santa Fc. There! SUICIDES; T pressed In Berlin yesterday that were logical candidates for the CHARGE AGAINST Stearns; the Germans and Bulgarians oppnsud The language subtitll ute, ',n-- the llciniiin government believes it ll a three j "There is, your honor," replied to tenia-th- e ( of them. objerlional word "Illegal" In a gone as far as it possibly can to hnirmnnship the committee. Theyj . I (ieneral Bice, I were Arthur Sellgman, of Santa Fc, "but Mrs. Mohr Artillery .iigngoiiicni-t- communication now being con- bring its viewpoint in line vvlth that j is on bail on the other charge." Klsewhere along the many lighting C. 11. Kohlhauscii, of Katon, and W.
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