Bull. zool. Surv. Ind,'a, 5 (2 & 3): 7-17, 1984 NOTES ON SOME DERMAPTERA PRESENT IN ZOOLOGISK MUSEUM, COPENHAGEN O. K. SRIVASTAVA Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta ABSTRACT Altogether 36 species (excluding one determined up to generic level) under 28 genera are dealt with, of which two species are described as new. A new combination Geloto/abis /ormosae (Borelli) is proposed. INTRODUCTION Material examined.-JAvA: 1 &' (genitalia mounted between two coverslips and pinned The present paper is based on a small with the specimen), 1908 (Hj. Jensen). collection of Dermaptera, mostly from various countries in the Oriental Region with a few exception from Palaearctic Region. Altoge­ Subfamily ECHINOSOMATINAE ther 36 species (excluding one identified upto Echinosoma horridum Dohrn generic level which is represented by female Echinosoma horridum Dohrn, 1863, Stettin. en!. Ztg., only) under 28 genera are recognised of 24 : 66. which one species each under the genera Material examined.-JAvA: 2 C 0 (geni­ Euborellia and Forficula are described as new talia mounted between two coverslips and to science. Besides, Euborellia formosae pinned with the specimen), 1904 (Hj. Jensen). Borelli is transfered under the genus Gelo­ tolabis Burr. Echinosoma burri Hincks Echinosoma burr; Hincks, 1959, SYSf. mono. Family PYGID1CRANIDAE Dermaptera: 158. Subfamily PYGIDIC~ANINAE Material examined.-JAVA: Buitenzorg, Cranopygia vicina Hincks 1 c (genitalia mounted between two cover­ Cranopygia vicina Hincks, 1959, Syst. mono. slips and pinned with the specimen), 1 ~ , Dermaptera: 85. 1904 (Hj. Jensen). s Bulletin of the Z.,ol",ical Survey Df India 8 6 7 5 12 1 10 " ,I "~. 11 3 Figs. 1-12. Euborellia burmensis sp. n. Holotype 0', 1. A few basal antennal segments, 2. PronotulD, 3. Posterior margin of penultimate sternite, 4. Ultimate tergite and forceps, S. Genitalia, 6. Paramere enlarged; Paratype &" 7. Genitalia, 8. Paramere enlarged; Gelotolabis formosae (Borelli) 0, 9. Pos"terior Magin of penultimate stornite, 10. Ultimate tergite and forco,s, 11. Genitalia; Euborellia anulipes (Lucas) 0, 12. Paramere. SRIVASTAVA: Notes on some dermaptera 9 Subfamily PROLABISCINA'B metanotum transverse, former with hind Prolabisca infernal is (ButT) margin straight and latter concave. Legs ChDetospania in/ernalis Burr. 1913, Ertt. Mitt., 2 : 6. typical for the genus, hind metatarsus almost equal in length to pro- and mesotarsus toge­ Material examined.-SuMATRA : Goal, ther. Elytra and wings absent. Abdomen 1500 m, 1 0 , 1.xi.1916 (0. Hagerup). moderately depressed, punctulate, enlarging posteriorly up to 9th tergite, si.des of segments Family CARCINOPHORIDAE 5th to 9th acute angled but longitudinal Subfamily CARCINOPHORINAE carina present on 6th to 9th only and Euborellia burmensis sp.n. rugosely punctate. Penultimate stemite (Figs. 1-8) narrowed posteriorly, hind margin in middle truncate with faint emargination in the Male: General colour brownish blacks centre, sides oblique and straight. Ultimate mouth parts, sides of pronotum, and legs tergite transverse, more strongly punctulate yellowish brown, abdomen and forceps above, laterally with an oblique carina, shaded with black. median sulcus distinct along the whole length, Head longer than broad, hind n1argin hind margin in middle straight, thickened slightly emarginate in middle, frons convex, and area just above forceps depressed and smooth, sutures feebly marked. Eyes slightly striate, sides oblique and concave. Forceps shorter than post-ocular length. Antennae with branches remote at base, trigonal above IS-segmented or more, a few preapical seg­ in basal on third, afterwards narrowed, 'ments yellow, 1st segment slightly shorter depressed, right branch more strongly curved than the distance between antennal bases, than the left, inner margin serrated. Geni­ narrowed at base; 2nd small, about as long talia with parameres of Euborellia type i.e., as broad; 3rd long and slender; 4th and 5th about as long as broad, outer apical angle subconical, remaining segments gradually rounded and internally near apex concave ; increasing in length successively but each parameres of Paratype c slightly longer than segment narrowed basally. Pronotum slightly broad but basic structure same. longer than broad, gently widened posteriorly, Female: Agress with males in most sides straight, gently reflexed, anterior margin characters except that the sides of abdominal straight, hind margin rounded, median sulcus segments obtuse, penultimate sternite trian­ distinct, prozona raised and well differentia­ gular, ultimate tergite narrower posteriorly ted from flat matazona; mesonotum and and forceps simple and straight. 2 10 Bulletin of the Zoological Survey Df India Measurements.-(in mm) \vith oblique apical margin make the parame­ res look like 'a trian~ular plate in upper Holotype Paratypes half.. &' d' 3~ ~ Length of body 13 .. 7 12.1 13.2-13.9 Anisolabis maritima (Bonelli) Length of forceps 3.00 2-3 1.9-2.75 Forjiful" marililllO Bonelli in Gene, 1832, Anll. Sci. Regno Lombards.. Veneto, 2 : 221. Material examJned.-THAILAND : Rangoon, Holotype 0 (genitalia mounted between two Material examined.-EoYPT; Quati, 1 C (genitalia mounted between two coverslips coverslips and pinned with the specimen), and pinned with the specimen), x.46 (Lathea). Para types 1 0, 3 ~ ~ and 1 nymph, Res­ Remarks.-Probably due to the immature landing fra (Lovendal) , no further data; all condition of speci.men, both the distal lobes types deposited in Zoo1. Mus. DK Copen­ of genitalia are flexed forward. hagen, except Paratypes 1 0', 1 ~ with the author at the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Gonolabis electa Burr Gonolabis electa Burr, 1910, Fauna Brit. India Remarks.-Amongst the apterous species Dermaptera : 79. of the genus Euborellia Burr, known from the Material examined.-MAuRITIUS: 16 Oriental Region, the described species comes (genitalia mounted between two covetslips close to E. aunulipes (Lucas) and E. rajas­ and pinned with the specimen) ; 15~ix.1929 thanensis Srivastava (1977) but it can be (Th. Mortensen). easily separated from both by its larger size and distinctive parameres in males which are about as long as broad with apical margin Gelotolabis formosae (Borelli) comb. nov. slightly oblique and forming a rounded angle ( Figs. 9 .. 11 ) at the point of junction with the lateral margin and the inner apical concavity deep Anisolabis jormosae Borelli, 1927, Boll. Lab. Zoot. gen. agr. Portici. 20: 69. and shott. Parameres in case ,of E. annulipes are about as long as broad but inner concavity Material examined.-T AlWAN: Shanghai, is feeble whereas in E. rajasthanensis inner 1 6' (genitalia mounted between ~vo cover­ concavity is broad but not so deep and slips and pinned with the specimen), 1 ~ , oblique inner Inargin in apical half togethet 2S.ii.05 (ex. colt Houschild). SRIVASTAVA: Nofes on some: derm(lptera .11 Remarks.-On account of projecting Forficula lividipes Dutour, 1828, AIlII~ Sci. Nat., 13 : 340 (new name proposed). external apical angles of parameres it is trans­ ferred to the genus Gelotolabis Burr. Material examined.-INDIA: Karnataka, Mudigera area, ca 900 m, 2 &' 6, 14 ~ ~, Subfamily BRACHYLABINAE 2-10.xi.1977 ; Bihar, Santa! Parganas, 1 0, Isolabis ocellata Srivastava 1 ~, 20.xi.1929 (Dr. Boghded). Iso/abis ocellata Srivastava, 1978, Annali JlIlus. cil'. THAILAND: Bangkok, 1 d', 4.ix.ll. Store nat. Giacomo Doria, 82 : 325. SUMATRA: Padang, 1 ~, 2.iv.82 (Klein) ; Material examined.-JAvA: 1 c (genitalia Vedi, Klathen, 3 6 6 ".3 S ~ , (SkoDgcad). mounted between two coverslips and pinned with the specimen), 1904 (Hj. Jensen). Nala basalis Bey-Bienko Remarks.-Hitherto described from Burma Nala basalis Bey-Bienko, 1970, Zool. Zshllrll., 49 : and is recorded from Java for the first time. 1841. Material examined.-SlAM? (now THAI­ Family LABlDURIDA'E LAND): 1 0 (genitalia mounted between two Subfamily ALLOSTETHINAE coverslips and pinned with the specimen), 1 Allostethus setiger Verhoeff ~ , no further data. Allostethus seliger Verhoeff, 1904, Arch. Natllrgesch., Remarks.-First record from the area. 70 : 117. Material examined.-JAvA: 2 d d (1 d Subfamily LABIDURINA'E with genitalia mounted between two cover­ Labidura riparia (Pallas) slips and pinned with the specimen), 1 ~ and 1 nymph, 30.iii.1908 (Hj. Jensen). Labidura riparia Pallas, 1773, Reise Russ. Reichs., 2 : 727. Remarks.-Wings are yellow and scarcely l?rojecting beyond the elytra. Apical third Material examined.-BuRMA: Inlakka, of femora is yellow. marines feusen, 1901, Tailen, Redn., 2 dO'; JAVA: 1 S (no further data); SOUTH INDIA : Gonolabidura piligera (Bormans) Karnataka, Mudigera area, ca 900 m, 3 ~ ~, Anisolabis piligera Bormans, 1899, Anna/i Mus. civ. 2-10.xi.1977; Jersopa (Jog falls), 1 0, Store nat. Giacomo Doria, 20: 453. 19-24.xi. 1977. Met erial examined.-SuMATRA: Somban, Forcipula quadrispinosa ( Dohm) Djollo, 1200 m, 1 d, 1 ~ and 1 nymph, Sept., 1916 (0. Hagerup); JAVA: 1 J Forcipuia quadrispinosa Dohro, 1863, Stetten. ent. ZIg., 24 : 311. (genitalia mounted between two coverslips and pinned with the specimen), 2 ~ ~ and Material examined.-SlAM (now THAI­ 1 nymph, 1904 (Hj. Jensen). LAND) : Prae (Paul Fough ColI. Rosenberg), 1 0 (no further data). Subfamily NALINA! Nala lividipes (Dufour) Forcipula trispinosa (Dohrn) For/icula pallipes Dufour, 1820, Alln~ Gener. ,Sci. Forcipu/a trispinosa Dohrn, 1863, -Slettin. ent. ZIg, p1zy~ 'Bruxelles, 4 : 316. 24: 310. Bulletin oJ the ZDological Survey "I 1• ...... .-......... ,I ,, I 16 I 18 ".. / 13 14 Figs. 13-18:
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