USft Port of pitteburgf). SIXTY-TWO! 2turtion Sales. for Sale oat ito 4 ?VET WATU IS THC CHANINCL Valuable Real 'state at Auction. rrtiVO Farms ofLand, "hunts on the Steubenville MORNING, APRIL 8, 1845 ARRIVED. AND NEW A T 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening the 15th instant, A. Road, Robinson Township, each conUllbsing about New Page, Cincinnati; LATEST CHEAPEST CASH STORE! - Davis' Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and 125 acres, and well im proved. :OH OF TRADE. England, 4 1 L at A BOARD Mail. Logan, Ffth streets, will be sold reserve, TWO Tract of Land in Fast Deer Township, contain- do without ing about 237 COUNIITTIt 7011. APRIL. Massacensetts, Bennett, Brownsville; SIMPSON'S ROW, MARKET STREET, VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, situate in the city acres, of which, about 50 nom* me of cleared ane under fence. Josh* Hanna, W. Thaw, J. W. Lightner . Louis MtLane, J'cobs, Brownsville; 0T our doors below FOURTH STREET, is being received anextensire Allegheny, fronting on Bank Lane and therenn'a. Michigan Buie*, Beaver; Canal, being Lots.No 8 and No 9, in Brown and Loth- ONE ACRE of ground in the City of Allegheny. of situate on the bank of tips Ou air outside form will be found a poem en. Luke Erie, Campbell, Beaver. STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS, rop's plan Lots; a teculded the day of Novem- Ohio, on which is erected a tided ber, 1837, in Deed Book E 3d, volume 54, 435 large and commodious Brick House. "Isadore," by Albert Pike,—"A Queer Object" DEPARTED. page New Bought of the Manufacturers and Importers, at the lowest Cash rates—NOT AT of the records of Allegheny County. Terms at sale. Eight Lots in Troy, each 46 feet front 4240 —"Afair bet fairly won,"and other interesting matter. Hibernia,Rlinefelter, Cincinnati; depth. Defiance, AUCTION—aII of which will be warranted sound and ■p 5 J. D. DAVIS. A nctioneer. feet io Duval, Louisville; perfect. The unexpired term of a Lease of 4 1-2 actin, hav- are indebted to Mr H ILLN DS for valuAle Utica, Pour BuildingLots st tarlVe Clark, Wheeling. Auction. ing 3 years to run, enclosed with board fence, seer Louis McLane, ['lain Silk.; French, and T Davis' Legislative documents. Jacobs, Browns% ille Ladies' Black ; Scotch American Dingbams, from to A Commzrcial Auction Rooms, corner of the new Reservoir, Pitt Township. Michigan, 12i Buies. Beaver; Watered and Stiird do 41 cents. tILWood and sth sts, on Friday, April 11th, at 3 o' FOR LEASE—Six lots of ground, in the City of Tat clock, will be : WEATHER fur the last 48 hours has been such Lake Erie, Campbell, Beaver. India and French Satin: Cambric, Jaconet, Mull, Swiss, Bishop Lawns, Nan- sold Pittsburgh, each 25 feet front by 100 feet deep. To as and Lawns; sook, Victoria, Four we usually have in mid-winter. Warm overcoats Marquesias, French Scotch i Netts, Wash Blond and Fig'd valuable building lots, situated in Pitt town- be leased for 15 years. Mayer Packet. Cashmeres, De Lains, Alpacas; Swiss, from to ship near the residence of 0. Metcalf are ; decidedly comfortable, and the gentlemen who t. 31c $3 50; Esq., and Dr. Six lots of ground, in the City of Pittsburgh, each Coburg Cloth, French. British and American Chintzes . Jaconet, Mull, Swiss, and Thread Edgings and Unfold, suitable fur private residences, being within 20 feet havedefed their winter toggery and come out in "sea- Inset. !Ibo ofthe front, by 100 deep, for 15 years. Lupin's Bombazines; Barago and Tarlton Shawls and tinaa, yards new City basin. On the premises ALSO FOR Mill, on • is SA LE.—A large Stearn Saw eonableelotbing," because they think the"spring time jaLl Scarfs, tillpetiOr ritnlilly; • Plain, Bright Colored De Lillis, for Children's Dres- there erected two double frame tenementa in good the bank of the Jai Silk, Embroidered Do Lain; Allegheny River, near Pittsb of the Satin, sea, etc. order, together with t.t.me fruit trees, year is coming," have a most cold and miser- THt KIM' ♦ND VICKY surtntort STEAM PACKET Etc. A Lot of ground, in Allegheny City, 1 feet Thibet and Ckshmere Shawls; A plan of the property may be seen 7 able aPpearince. at the Auction wide by 60 deep, on which a neat Brick °ren- LAKE ERIE, Stole of the subscriber. where any house it further information ted. Apply to Every body is sending forth lamentations fur the fate Capt. THeN Ai C•MPBELL, has commenced her that may be desired will be given. Title indisputable. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, BLAKELY & of the fruit. The warm weather preceded regular trips, daily, (Sundays excepted,) between Terms at sale, J D MITCHEL, that the English Black, Blue, DAVIS' Real Estate Agents and Convie)aneerir, "cold Pittsburgh and Baser. French and Olive. Bronze and Invisible Green Cloths: a. superior stock cf French, ap 4 Auctioneer. present snap," brought forth the buds very rap- English, Cassimeres—Vestings, new corner of 4th and Smithfield sta. and Penn Pittsburgh 10 A. and Americnn Buff' Cassimeres. style Albert Stripes, Marseilles, Merino at. idly, and many of the Leaves at o'clock. M. and Sewn—Silk, Cotton and al' 5 near the Canal. trees in the neighborhood " Merino. Linen Shirts and Drau.ers; Stocks, Cravats, Adjourned peach Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Scarfs, Linen Cambric Sale ofLots, on Fourth St Road. of the city, were in full bloom. The had frosts of the Handkerchiefs, French Silk always Elastic Suspenders, Goodyear's do; Lawn Cravats; superior Silk Hand• consequence of the savorily of the weather, the Por neat, The Proprietors of the Luke Erie are prepared to a of last, kerchiefs, gaud assortment Hoesery, etc. Lots advertised and otherwise one tar several two nights, have we think, fixed their fate, and receive and forward at low rntes,freight and passen- IN by handbill to be yenta, a very commodious sold on the 22d inst., is until 10th of FORBrick Howse, on we are very apprehensive it may gers on Cross Cut to SON 1W 111E0 "MU ~_; • postponed the day situated 7th street, bemoan that have likewise and Erie Extension Canals. War- Msy (*Luther ren, next. for information enquire of Mr David Smithfield and Grant streets. Apply to injured to a great extent, cherry Ohio, New Castle, Peansylvanin, &c., &c. For Persian Florence the arple and buds, Lace; Transparent Lace, Pr lid; Dovon, Arch Gimp, &c. ell of the latest Fashion, oval Beeleron Fourth Street Road, or to tip 2 P. DELANY, freight orpassage, apply at the office, No. 55, Water 49 Liberty it. which were also very forward. Crowns and extra edges; Uupressed and withcu . stiffening, warranted to out wear any other make of Bonnets street. next door to Plush,.rgh Hotel. .INFICENN A, now in use. Bonnet Lawns, Hernnani Embreidered Ribands, lastest style, Sdtin and m 21-sl&wtd Auctioneer To Let. ap 2 THOMAS LYON, Agent. Mantua Bonnet Rib- ORbcritits —James Benny, Jr., a fine assort- bands, from 12, to 37,ic. per yard. large and convenient two story Crams has N. B.—The Lake Erie leave at will promptly the SPRING AND SMINIER zitAdsrelliag House, 'Waiteon Front, noar ment of family Groceries at his new store, Liberty hour as ahovo Feiry PARASOLS, ESQ QZ) street street, which he will sell at very !educed prices. UMBRELLAS, PARASOLETTES AND SUN SHADES, Oa 7E:2 LIU II 'Zil Cia ALSO—A large and very 1845. MONDAY CINCINNATI PACKET. 1845 Trish Linens, convenient three story superior make, warranted all Flax; Bird Eye. Scotch and Russia Diaper Napkins; Crash; ITEM Brick dwelling House, on Wylie street. censure having teen cast on The new and Splendid Steamer, nr'Much the Rev. Border Damask Sinirirg; 12-4 Barnsly Sheeting, Cotton Sheeting from 5 to 12-4, Unbleached 5- 4 Welsh Gime ALSO—A two Thoth*ld story Brick Warehouse. on Ferry Mathew for incurring liabilities which he U.S. MAIL MONONGAHELA, Flannels. THREE BIG DOORS! ■tteet. Apply to was' not able to discharge, Mr Joseph Sturge has STOW F., Master, has commenced run- No. 151, LIBERTY STREET. mar 13 JAMES MAY. writtan to the papers to explain that Mr Mathew hnd ning regularly, and will continue to LADIES' SHOES. PITTSBURGH. ion the genAon as a To Lett. b en prom's 41 by a rich relation a sum ofmon- through Weekly Ryan's make, for which ho was awarded the Medal at the late Franklin Institute large Packet between Pittr.burgh and Cincinnati, exhibition, warranted not The of STORE on the corner of Fifth and Union leaving to rip; if they do, a new psi, will be given on the retut n ofthe old ones. proprietor this highly favored Establish- ey, but that relation soddenly died intestate, before every 10 THEstreets now occupied by J. Patterson. Pittsburgh Monday morning at o'clock, and ask ail who wish to enll ment, announces to the public The Subscriber purchase to and examine; as his stock is entirely new, he confident- that his stock of Apply to the amount wag paid. Cincinnati every Thursday morning at the Janie hoar. it JAMES MAY. ly believes will be to their advantage to do ae. His facilities fur be) ing are to those of SPRING AND SUMNER mar 6 Fair freight or passage a pply on board. m26. equal any other House in the city, READY MADE CLOTHING, Died, For New Orleans. For Sale. On Trenhy evening last, Mrs WFARLAND, wife Is now prepared for the inspection and excellent farm The. new Imo Steam Schr. Hooter. 61r62 ABSALOM MORRIS. of his friends of of land in Wow of Jahn Nl'Farland, aged 38 yrars.
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