Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-24-1952 The Ledger and Times, July 24, 1952 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 24, 1952" (1952). The Ledger & Times. 1046. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1046 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • a Why Not Weather !ALLOWAY commis ONLY Do All Kentucky - Fair and warm EXCLUSIVE AMBULANCE this afternoon. Clear and Your Shopping cooler tonignt. lowest 60 t SERVICE 68. Friday :air, 'high middle In Murray or upper 80's. HE • J. It CHURCH- FUNERAL HOME WALD United YOUR PROOMIEVII SO= NEWS. Afternoon, uly 24,1952 MURRAY POPULATION — 8.000 CBURCHILL,'0%161. Press ear= FOS OVER RALF A 431111TEELY Murray, Kentucky, Thureaay "Service Since 1886" 1311011e 7 S CLIMAX TODAY DELEGATES AT THE TRAIN Dublin Buick S-1*---tove Plant Strike Settled v. ii Convention Is ENERGETIC KEFAUIRK MEETS Nomination Of Russell Will Several Called Back Yesterday Stirred By Lead Off Series Of Speeches Company Th e at thE Murray Manto A meeting was called by the By United Press may be put over on the second fact Company has been agree- union on Tuesday, at which time Barkley Talk The entire coultry isNvatehing ballet . ably d accarding to Howard the membership voted to return to me man today as the Democratic McN president of local 1068 work. The strike was in its fourth National Convention nears its Stevenson hirnselt is remaining MPLETE AUW-C10. which repre- week when the settlement was By United Press in seclusion at a Chicam hideaway. ONE Democratic National -STOP employees at the stove reached. The 31st Adlai Stevenson has 'anly a few His aides-have denied reports that all last night bout sixty-six men were During the period ad the strike Convention 'gave its hours left in which to say no for he promised to accept the nomina- heartfelt hail-and-farewell to esiledck to worm yesterday the company reported the loss of in a keeps to a possible nomination tion jf tit, were oifered to him. SERVICE" Paducah. - by the cianpany, siithou0 the va- a war contract anWanting- to over the squire of Kentucky dract. He remains the top favorite 74-year old Albeit W. Barkley. ThealE is talk today of drafting cationaperiod is now being held $2,000.000, due to the strike. Wages to win the Denmeratie presidential President Truman or Vice Presi- The Kentucky railaplitter who Phone 560 Is not orreomraon however lost by employees duriag the same prize. dent Barkley-if a deadlock de- rose to the vice presidency of his as ingiotainanee %sorts has to be period amounted to over $125.000 . The Illinois gm ernor is continu- velops and Stevenson rejects a country bowed out of the conven- Contained at all times. The plant will not officially open ing to pick up votes at a steady draft. But a Whae Hsuse official tion two nights agoettoth a bitter again' Instil August-4. -the end of pace. His managers claim that he in Chicago predicts the chief ex- statement 'blanfin labor leaders the vacation period ecutive will,, take hem steps to for wrecking his ghance,. to get his _ The disagreement . _originally stop his name tram teing placed party's presidential noadnation. - ardse over a clause in the present in nornination. The official says But he came back last night for Ssan & Heard contract which referred to the ab- Demo Platform Mr. Truman plans to tell delegate a fighting speech in the golden- sence of an employes The com- William Green of Philadelphia that phrased. wide-swingiag oratorical , pany plated one interpretation on his name must not oe offered ito, Compliments style for which he it famous. For the clause while the anion inter- the convention. Green disclosed Around he had served the Is Adopted preted it in another manner. half a century Of Company officials osuld not be Democratic party. Last night's The names of Senators Estei reached today to: a statement. triumphal come-hack probably was By United Press appearance befere a Demo- Kefauver and itichard Russell MURRAY his last, The rmoeratic natilnal con- cratic convention. have been placed in nomina- vention adopted a party platform Mac Filled With • The delegates and packed bal- tion at the Democratic National (arty today that included a com- conies knew that. alai they packed Convention at Chicago Senator B. W. James of Hazels route three Hate And Venom promise civil rights plartk. their feelings into a booming Walter George of Georgia sublicribed again yesterday for the But a threatened southern flooa lug's Claims Rayburn ovation. of Georgia spoke fir Russell Gulf 49th time. Thanks Mr. James. He's fight over the civil rights issue To the strains of "My Old Ken- while Governor Gordon start - tin his fiftieth year With failed to explode. By United Press tucky Home" the Veep came into Browning of Tennessee carried _ the ledger and Times. The platform was House speaker Sam Rayburn has the hall. approved by the ball for Kefauver. Former convention In Chicago, energetic Senator a voice vote shortly before the accused ("general Douglas Ma:- The delegate, stood on their ADDING AN UNUSUAL TOUCH in campaigning at the Democratic Senator Robert Bulaley of Station be an editorial in the' New York Delegation Chairman Harry Hinson sixth session of the convention Arthur of breathing "hate and chairs. They waved state standards, Estes Kefauver and wife Nancy are shown greeting Washington Ohio withdrew and said he Times, the writer had this to nay earlier count showed Va of receSsed a few minutes after two venom" into the nation's foreign banners placards, hands, handker- (right) of Olympia as they met the entire state delegation at the train. An will throw his support behind about Owen Johnson, a writer of (/nternational) policy debate. chiefs. WashinFton's 22 votes favored the Tennessean for the presidential nomination. a.m. (EDT's. The delegates werc Governor Adlai Stevenson of 600 the old school. Main Re told delegates to the Demo- Barkley, natty in a double- called to order at noon 1 EDTi Illinois. cratic national convention that the breasted blue suit, shook hands today when nominations for the Senator Brien Me slahon ef !Me was whimsical without pre- Connecticut 9190 has with- Phone General should have copied the with permanent chairmen Sam Legion Ends Meeting presidency got underway. 9117 ' ity and moral without sacs There was some dissent against drawn from the race. Senator. example of General Bober t E. Rayburn and then walked to the rinity." r, Carter To Address Younz ftenator Banton. of Lee and put aside his uniform for podium. the platform from the soutia After He smiled, shook an affectionate In Lexington convention clairman Sam Ray- Connecticut, said McMahon is a life of loving instead of hating. --- IS Ow fourth day of the elenched fist at the audience, and burn slammed down his gavel and too ill to take part in the cam- Rayburn also suggests I tha t LEXINGTON, July 24 ---11.1P)- tional Democratic Convention in waved again and again. People at Youth Rally Saturday announced approval of the WO paign. Dvalzht Eisenhower, the Republi- Members of the American Legion icago. It is Pioneer Day in A cloud of 'Barkley for presi- word campaign document, Georgia The creestran of whether can presidential nominee, should have ended their annual state con- oh. marking the arrival there dent" pennants speared in front asked that it be put on the record South Carolina, Louisiana and have returned to the presidency Dr. John, M. Carter, President of he vention at Lexington by electing Brigham Young and his fol- of the rostrum, and the vice presi- attracts great throngs .of young as against the platform. ll'ireinia would vote still has of Columbia University. Campbellsville College, Campbells- people. a Louisville real estate °raker as WC1-3. dent grinned and waved down at Rayburn agreed and said he not been answered. Represent- ville, Kentucky will be the speak- corn rnander. r Kerley' the bearers. In the absence of Elm Harry woodl comply with a similiar ra- atives of each of the states Co, er at the Saturday night Youth year: Secretary 'f One delegate down at the foot Hampsher, Glenn O'Brien. Music wrote a joint letter to perma- This dale laid The new commander If Inc Le- would comply with a similiar re- Acheson audi- of the rostrum held hip)) a card- Rally, July 26. when Baptist young , Director of the Cadiz Baptist nent convention chairman Sara late Dean told an Steel Strike May gion's Kentucky Department is it wanted to vote against the plat- anniversary licard sign reading: people from all over Callaway ;Church, will be in charge ef the Rayburn asking for a ruling. /ealt'l- ence at Detroit's 250th Hansbrough. who succeeds form but' it did not get the chance LOY' "Barkley is still tha best." County will 'gather at the Memo- music. Harry However. Rayburn lira not yet celebration that American must Be Near Settlement Han ;- to have its opposition recor. Barkley's pretty wife, Jane, rial Baptist Church. The service James Warren. of Fulton. handed down a decision. not be fooled into dropping the. came At the last -Rally, which was The platform called for an in a few minutes bet.
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