.-v.y', • *■ •;' - , ■■■ *-,-:t i *(;&<~- *• t-V '*ivK£ . •?. ;.Vj>A M ■: ‘v -. \ . r. g £2 •4 5s& 5 ■&. rS >V iMlllM: ■• - i wm■V —feaav^ I.’ a 4c »s i^-"'«:'.v ■. V: \ JlBBBfc->-- .;... .' W . is ■ ■■■■' ■■■;■ . '/ - - .--.vvr. „ - ,-. *-.; . ./• ■ .2 c /vyii'V- 39 "2 m ‘'■RMillMMItammMm•i«T., mmmBm t#m“' hJsSJ qMpg •* •': .pjfeg' u "• mssmar V i ^ •' V '. : j*», ,Wfe j 7 s r V* £ L -y,^« Bap* i> *:■ ,.;MP xm iMmsmmm^m ., ■: ......... fiRSR^HKHninl^Mer « ^vsKTjey'- ■ i? SB8g^^S^js^^?^HWp«i ii . : - - ^j6^SafeL« .h& i. 2 Wmsi - ; -........» $ .:. ; : :. er.:s^» r V’ !§§; sv^ * y. i-’. •■;. »■ ; :■; ■ '.vr. ■ : . , * g m ^1 > . MIS-•f .:» BBi=y?. ; » ' aEs-v ) % ■■.':V.;.vp:rP • t 5?’ ;V r-' |Mb t ! t || I • •' i ZLbe (falhlanfc 3-slaitbs ‘i , ? t I l I p--: flfcagasme anb Cburcb fbaper. r « •; m No. 9. vou XXlt. jANtTARY J 911 Price Foorpenck. r-v CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, ■ ‘ STANLEY. k Bishop anh Dean. I Right Rev. Laurence Frederick Devaynes Blair, D.D. (1910). * . ; Chaplains, tiT ,». Rev. Canon E.J. Seymour, /1908). Rey. J, Meredith Bate, M. A. (i909.) i\ II. Hrcbbeacon of Stanley. m The Yen. D. W. Hobson, M.A. St, Paul’s Valparaiso. ' 4 £ IbononnY Canons. ReV. E.J.Seymour, (1908). Vacant fi. Vacant 1 Vacant ;i ! Select ll)estr\>. Mr. W. C. Girling, ( Churchwardens. V Captain I. Watt. J Mr. J. G. Poppy. (Hon. Treasurer) • :>• Mr. R. B. Baseley (Hon. Secretary) i Mr. F. H. Barling, Mr J. Kirwan. Camp Ikepcesentatlves. East Falklands, A. L. Allan, Esq. Darwin Harbour. i West Falklands, W. Wickham Bertrand, Esq. Roy Cove. RY Cvoanist. Ocvacv anb Seyton. V Miss V. Lellman. Mr. J. F. Summers. l muifKD by ul and a. wilju*, f. ix Ih January, 1st. 5- Circiiincision of Our Lord. Ilvinns M. 73. 165. 317. K. 27 4. 540. 173. 4 79. 2nd. M. 3rd. Tu. 4th. W. Erelong 7. p.m. 5th. I’ll. 6th. F. Tho Epiphany 7th. S. 8th. S. l*t. §:inhfy after Epiphany. Ilyinns. &J. 218. 7Q. 4SS. E. 219. 78. 225. 79. 9 th. 2VI. [First Qt4-.61i.20m.A.M. 10th. T. nth. w. Q at ward Mail R. M.S Eyensoug 7.p.m. 12th. Th : 13th. F. i 14th. S. Full Moon, 1Oh.26m.P.M. 115th. ‘r. 2nd Suuday after Epiphany. Hymns. M. 220. 177 273 E. 82. 76,. 176. 179. 116th. M. !i7th. Tu. I8th. W. Evensong 7.p,m , 19tb. Th. 20th. F. (21st. S. |22nd. is, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. Hymns. M. 160. 207. 214. E. 260. 2q5. 266. 219. ■23rd. M. [IVJoqn, Last Qtr. 6h.21m.A.M. 124th. Tu. 25th. W. Conversiqn of St. Paul. Homeward Mail R M.S. Evensong 7.p.m. 26th. Th 27th. F. 28th. S. >'*th. S. 4th Sunday after Epiphany. Ifymtis. M. 163. 238. 248. E. 300. 270. 277, 20. 30th. M. New ijoon, 9h.45m.A.M. list. Tn. LIRTilS. IIQLY BAPTISM. Qecickshan>:. At Cozhajqqp. Rio Cysen, Chili, Qsbqrns. Qn D,ec. 11th, Eleaqor Maud ^Ioqe Sept. 10th? 191<>, thp wife of C. W. Osborne. Cruiekshank, formerly of Walker Paick. Qn Dec. 25tl>, Emily Sarah Anq Crpek, of a daughter. Pa ice. JJaKVET. At Enst Soath'V.T. Hants, Nov. 5th, OaWALE). Qn Dec. 27 th, Denis Geoffrey the wife of A. Uarvev of a son. Qswald. Perrin, The Male. Nov. 11th, the \yife of VV. M. Perrin, of a daughter. QFFERTQRY RECEIPTS kqk DECEMBER. Date £. 8. d. Object. MARRIAGE, Dec. 4th. 1. IQ. IQ. Church Expense*. „ 11th. 1. 10. 1. »» » „ 18th. 1. 11. 11. w Suariez. At Punta Arenas. Chili, „ 25th. 4. 13. 0. £niLD3— )? »» Dec. 3rd. P. G. Childs to Mrs. Ci Suariez. £9. 11. 10. F. X. MAGAZINE AND CHURCH PAPER. 361 • G frii8 Falkland Islands Magazine and Church Paper: (Ne^ Issue No 44). No. 9. Vol. XXII. .January 10 li Nb'flCES: C. K. ISlotint. We offer Hint dnf he inib't COll- ijnitillrtt itii'if*: Tliis Magazine is published Inbiithlv, ai\d can b ' obtained from the Editor, the Parsonage; Stanley NEW YEAR'S DAY. Falkland Isluiids: Shbscriptibn 4/- per atihtifn, or fly post 4/6: partible ill advddcfe*. ‘*TIS eusioitJe jboitli, till- dav t<» seini A gift to everv .idllgar friend; OAfifteiMAL sfcnVicES: And shall 1 find ii<> gift for tl.ee. That art tlie best of friends to mb? §L*Ni>Ar: tin-re’s nothing ddiieli nlv ilioifglirs survey; 8: (I d.nl iloi.Y Ctiilaluflilo^ My life; lily so'iil. the light; tile dav ; i i: 0 Mattins and St-:u.4off I5.it the}' are dllTiiv gifts to" me; ilot.Y Cushion Ion (First Sillidil}' Yea. Lout), behold i Here cnifen r in the Month) it Htioti. My life. mv soli I; and wltatsmneYe Cihi.i>ukn’§ Sei:vi< k ::: .:. £.80 pp.m. tliv liberal liatld liatli given id me. kvKNSOtW SKit.MON 7: 0 jf.m. Rack as a iicw-\ear’s, gift mi Thee; WlCKKDAtS: Sav’d, I a gift ? All j ’Us Hot. so. Ma itins .:. 1(1: 0 tii: Alas* Imtil ilifeu and Angels kiibw kvKNSONO (Wcdtlfesday) 7. 0 p. in. that all llie.-a* tilings tliv Clltil-T liatli Hmiglit; iloi.Y ]?aptIsXIs dii Smidily at 3: 30 p: ni.; atld And therefore t c.ad gibe Tiled ndngbi”. Ov arrangement. CitUttcniNGs; hfeforb aily service: F'rdnt imT/ic 176!u CMtWltr". k}/ X. Eaton. Doctor oj I’AUo'-jth'i dill Medicine, iiiht l ftj.r'r <>f Vis/iOps Can He. 1661. Gathedral notes, Tick Bishop of ilie. Falkland fsiauds buu oj rein uxnits: innd liis Chaplain the Revd. XV. S. Bowden are expected to arrive .here front Pmtta Arenas on iVllEX C^ueon Victoria’s .J n'nilee u as « ele- January 2oth. IlU Lordship' rniicli reg els illu United; the symliiil of it w as the ll*it*.raphic his stnv in the Falkiands will only on this menage which the Qne«*n seju a't ihe sam«5 occasion last a fortniglit. he Ins to-ctnrn to the instant friin Buckingham P lace to e\erv b .a** again to ln'.lll some * m[j rt tit engage Kiiglisli colbnv mi me lace ot iij • earth. Am .‘I meats. the Colonics respond. Tm-v are liei'"ii;Idg more ami more proud of i cir mother con id "v; thev he I)\v was T CATlIkbttAi: ' on Chri.-t-mU arc becoming aline! el to ns hy il •ser ties, theb < oilsigiimenl of hot decorated as iisnal: A i*.: I e omiiig mine n b .tifii il with us in lan- Plants was kindiv sent from Government House. gnage. in law. in c.istnms, in tiaditiolis. and t.» .-ini I- the west end including tile window w.is a mmvrllolis de*»r« e in religion; A l these decorated ,by the GUrdfeiters from Stanley iiiiiigs ate foil lii re dee hi v tli n they were Cottage. ^Ve take this o'pp’ •rtiinity of-fhankiUg iiefid-e; dial ft*It in increasing measure. And those « lio kindly sent contributions . of Mower-* , w i c.t dUe:$ il mban, but that there, is gathered id tllaliklhg the Dulles d ho etc. and also j together Here a jiower for the propagation of arranged them: j tiie Gospel such ns never existed before in the world; Even the Apostles at the beginning, Many of our readers will be inteixisted io although possessed of miraculous powers, hau hear that the Btteuos Aires ‘•Herald” announces tiot, nevertheless, the same opportunities that wo that the English Chaplaincy at Monte Video have.—Arciiijisiioi* Tempi.k. {Sermon iii has bfefeh offerfed to; htid accepted by the Revd. Canterbury Cathedral). S66 . At-.-/INK A.VI) CHURCH PAPER. ITINERARY of the and left that port with practically a fresh crew. REV. CANO E : TMOUR. Ac the beginning of December the ship un­ fortunately had very bad weather. The hur­ * ricane (“The real thing” as one of the crew Oot. 27 loft Stanley in »S. S. “VailT for Fox graphically described it) was so severe thattho Hay. in linmast snapped in two almost Hush with the ,, 28 arrived at Fox Bay. deck and smashed two life boats and the main „ 29 left Fox Bay and arrived at the j pump. The wreckage tore holes in the deck, “Chartres.” I and through these a great volume of water .,31 visited Goring House and arrived at poured into the lower parts of the ship. And Black Hills. this led to an even more 9erions calamity. Nov. 1 left Black Hills and visited the Saddle The water tanks were just under the damaged and Green Hills and arrived at the part of the deck, and through great careless- Chartres. 1 ness on the part of the part of the carpenter „ 3 left the Chartres and visited Teal these had been left uncovered. The salt water h i L * River and Crooked Inlet and arrived pouring down into the hold filled these tanks at Roy Cove. so that the water becaino quite unsuitable for 4 visited Crooked Inlet (Roy Cove). drinking purposes. The carpenter probably r > „ 5 visited Port North. was not responsible for his action* as he has „ 7 left Roy Cove and arrived at Hill Cove. since developed mental trouble and is under 1 1 visited Shallow Bay and Main Foint. medical observation in the gaol at Stanley. ,,14 left Hill Cove and visited Byron Sound Five of the crew were endaavouring to make and arrived at the Warrah. the deck once more water tight by covering „ 15 left the War rah and visited the Plains the damaged parts by a sail, when a fresh and arrived at Port Howard.
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