EAM Jaishankar to Brief Leaders of Political Parties on Developments In

EAM Jaishankar to Brief Leaders of Political Parties on Developments In

% !$ #!& !! &!" #"!" &!&!! # ! " !#!"#" & !"!(" # #!!&"&# "!!! '" " !( JAMMU, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.232 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 EAM Jaishankar to brief leaders of political Two militants killed in shootout with parties on developments in Afghanistan police in Jammu and Kashmir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