IZ pue psodord eq1lo pudrm eq1eururolap ol alenbepe q pepuord sl uo!"EroJq eql 're^er\oH .sr.€l tou lsr truepue IDuoIaeJ ',{cgo4 rp}$ sI ss 1411y3 tuelsrsuoc ?€srtflqnd Jo luauqsrlq?tsJ-eJoqt sJJprsqoJosp ralduq: s suonepdod ggq ro; uorlenrroyu {eppr 1ou ftqecol eqJ pasmJslp eq IFr Dar? mense'I eql Jo esoql pa|Ielep eql emsua ol ploqql!$ uaaq a,req ,{eu t"ql pue uor€ar aql ;o sercadscrurapua pup CU61 eql uo '?rog ulep qrns'dl4tdg Jql u1paluasard loo s ?rou u \otrl luaudole,rap pasodord eql yo pedur eq; eql ot ,(pood pue er?d pelelooo 6urdd"u pelslao Jo urulrad pq1 614199lcelor4 re^ld 1IH eqt Jo suollros esoql lueussesse ue sspr,rord relduqe srql 'sans$ Jo esaqlJo toqlro queuodord passeJppe,{lelznbapu lou a,r.uq aqa '(9661'7n n agytg) urJurlsny urelsaly uJaqlnosw uorlu^rJsnoJ?JoU JoJ s?aJ" lu?uodur '(9 reser d'I lueurqte v dINUA) "se lsortr eerql eql Jo euo sE s{u?J adeser uollB rssuo, uolearasuoJ ur ,qunr:s JJeqt uo slssqdua reFcrupd qr!^ mansel pasodord aqJ lJylqq rrl,t\rl _- I?Jruulog ErolJ rdou! Alood to aJer Jo snlc$ uoledesuoJ eql reprsuoJr eql rn DeJ?,(uu go lseq€q eql eru se8uu.rcqde.GoaE 'ggq rreqt ;o a8pa a$ l? sxel pue scnuopue 'slErrt :ol pnu Jo sraqunu oqJ JPuornqulqp uraqnos Jo uJaquouraql lu uxsl I8 eJeDerD ,ql urqlh\ Suummo 'l (/ d lseuqteuv dI{ug) .sot$ds u,soul oslv 'elqere[Iln ro peueleeJqleq ol peJeprsuotsxPl llrood ss IIe,{ se salrads erer fraD.ze8 Jo Surdderu pelretap. u,uou1 ,(Food St puB (ddq) erold or"U parplceq se pellaze8 ueoq o^eq pq1 ser:ads ua,ras 3qpn1cu1 'srnuapua :ajo \ puo6sr ueEuo,nrl urerpJou 6gZ oql 'Ja 'lrlJlsrq aII ldg 43ql ur slueuodordlceford eq1,{q pesserppe Jo III supluor ?oJ?aql oaJolI prnl"log eq ol sanssrr(04 o,ra1erog u.noul ,tFood pue elBu ulrul eql q punoJ srPl ar[ Jo p{qt ? pue erou '(I par?peq o1 preEer qtl1\ 1ueEq.?DV dll1ag) rupcsu,r pasrdorar s<el?lser Jo o7"91tletl-w..lxofide 'uxel ydg eql ,(q peugap su seqlepm8 ;o .raqrunue ,!s1us SuNasardar IZ8 Jo eJog rulmse,\ u \ou)l o1 permbor s pafor4 ra^lU IgH €$ roJ dlAIUg aqJ u s?q mense'I le eareseJuollellesum pesodord eql dI IUfl UHr dO JNUWSSSSSYrg NOIIJNOOUINI I'g 'sluruodord eql,{q pe&plsuoJ uoeq lou e eq $ueSold/ftJ 'uotpnporlut-ar roJ pesodord exet lueu Jo Ied rns aql prpa.rd ,{lluapguoc ot luolrr.JJnsule.re papr,,ro:dse8olopoqleru pue elep rqt 'eer? palord eql ut punoJ sJrurepualeuodor raqlo pue dtc qsrlqers+ar o1 sosodo:d 4141g9aqt q?noq411 'EtII'afJqE?5ld 'd{C E5{8tr pue llprdlmlfip ErsElo:ntfsgroJ,{lrBlnrlIed Jo slenpl lpur Jo sJoqurnu uo ;roford aq13oredul oql Jo tuoussosseS.I\ITVC pue ,slueuodord aq1uear$Joq aru?prorsrp eurogsr e.reql 'eeternrnsrl aqt ol anblun,JJnosrJ rFeueS ? tues der,{eql qSnoqlle dI e{a eqt u! pelml ueaq 1ou aaeq sapeds lenpqar pue a6oer rraql ;o lF4l aql 1EexDl Jo suogeFdoa sntsts uogearasuorfieql Jo luams$ssz euros a4nbe.rqclgn eere pelord aqr 'Eaqt u! Suprnrro sxpl rlurapue d[?uo6er 9Sraquig e oqe ar? oralll pauluualap uaeq pu seq uo Faford 'snl€ls aqt Jo lJedul pue uopDdasuor pu? uolnqlr$lp rroql ,(nuenbasuorpue pala,rrns pu are,\l're e,roq 'uxDl eseql Derprnense'I eql ul rnJro qJlq,r rexpl alqe$ulnA, B' slsrl dl lllg eql lsD(ool u,rorq ore leql qenphtput pue suoqelndod Jo sJequnu oql ot Surltlat elep luelJgJnsul oIe araql pu? soAresorprsodord ro Sugs1xruo ,{lunms qtql ot etude;er ou si ereql pe,,aer,o.r,(gegq sr9161 Jo snlep uollelrasuor oql q8noqlIv 'exEl 'uo tluapiie puotSar pue G.UC) ?tou eJsU parqrec Dedrll pue lo sntE$ uoqudesuor aql Jo luaussossestl u! lpsFqued sau1apFSVdg aqt ssarppellalenbepe lou smp dl\lUg lrolord ra N IIIH orll frs4sqv 'ooreuuP^\ 'IS 5909 V A{ xog 'O 'arlueC d q eesaUeJrtplr^\ uulls.rlsnv uIelsell\ luouta3eupN pus-I pue uor1e,,r.tasro3;oluaugedaq 'f uosqlc IIaN puB sol€oJ pl^eo 'uedanee"Iu€a uaqdals 'reddoH 'C ueqdelsfq YUOf.{ g raldsqJ there is no indication that any such mapping was on these taxa nor theh security on conservation carried out. Although the conservationstatus of the reserves.This omissionis of someconcem to CALM DRF is briefly mentioned,there is no referenceto given the large number of species involved and the tleir security on existing or proposed conservation very restricted distribution of many. All have a reservesald there are iasufficientdata relating to the geographicrange of less than 160 km with twenty six numbers of populations and iadividuals that exist. For o{ these beiag very geographically restricted with a example,the approximatenumber of plants klown for range of less than 50 km. In addition to the ,E Asterolssia drummondii, Banksia tricuspis and Hakea "wlnembleta\an and seven DRF species there are a megalospermaare provided (ERMP Section4.2.1.5), further 56 regionally endemic taxa (Grifiin et al, L990) but numbers for each populatioa and the distribution which occur wifhin thc project area aad also require of populationsboth within and outside the project suwey and an assessmentof their conservationstatus. area are not presented. Details on the numbersof plants, their distribution anong populations and the The ERMP guidelinesalso require the issue of distribution of these within the project area and the relic populationsto be addressed(ERMP Attacbment proposed conservationreserye at Irsueur are not 1, p 3). Thesepopulations are often of specialinterest presentedfor tle remaining DRF species,namely because of genetic divergence from mahstream Acacia forrestiana, Eucalypns lateitica, Eucalpus populations and can be a valuable genetic resource subereaand Thelymifia stellota. (Hopper and Coates 190). The 48 \uherabletaxa" referred to in the ERMP are stated as including The proponentsmake a number of statementsin SpeCreS'at thelimits of theirlange or in areasoutside their the ERMP in relation to the conservatioustatus of normalranges or habitats"(ERMP Section4.2.1.5, p 4-2A); DRF which require clarfication or are inaccurate. that is, the list includes species which have relic ThesestatemeDts are that: populations in the Irsueur area. AJthough some speciesin this categoryhave beeu listed there are Other suitable sites for Acacia forrestiana eist matryothers, includ.i-ng more commoDspecies, some (ERMP Section,p 4.17); however,they fail disjunct, which are at the limit of their range. Typical to mention where these sites are located or their examplesare Jarta\ (Eucalyptusmarginata), Swamp conservationstatus. Ba*sia (Batksia littoralis) al:.d.Br:d\ Batksia (Banksia grundis) (Grrffn et al. 1990). Populations of such Banksia tricuspis is stated as *occuringmosrly in rhe species,however, have not been consideredin the cair.lnerRange area' (ERMP Section4.2.1.5, p 4.19). ERMP. Lilewise, the impacts on populations of plant Current data available to CALM irdicate that this specieswhich are consideredto be relictual havenot speciesis endemicto the Gairdner Raage,i.e. it been assessed.Such speciesrepresent a valuable doesnot occurelsewhere. genetic resource. They include local eademicssuch as *sevenlhundred individuals' (ERMP Section4.2.1.5, p Dan+inia sanguinea, Hakea megalosperma, Hakea 4.2n) of Eucalyptus lateitica atd Eucaly)tus neurophylla,species with disjunct distributions (Hakea suberea exist. Less thar 200 individuals of each marginata, Isopogon sphaerocephalus) and others species are known by CALM. These individuals (hopogon lineais). are distributed among 13 arad 12 populations resoectivelv. 33 IMPACT OF'THE PROJECT ON 4. Thelynitra stellarl, has been the target of uumerous PI-ANT SPECIES surveysby the Western Australian Native Orchid From available hformation, the irnpact of reducing Study and ConservatiouGroup and botanistsfrom population numbers on the risk of extinction for CALM. The results of such surveysindicate that it almost all rare, poorly known and regionally endemic is a very rare species and not poorly known as taxa is unknown, Data on cryptogams in the Lesueur stated in the ERMP (Section4.2.1.5, p 4.20). lt area have not no "poorly known" was the nost appropriate statusfor been collected,so statementon potentialimpacts on thesegroups can be made. this species then it would not fulfil the survey requiremeotsfor declarationas a rare speciesas 331 DeclaredRare Flora outlined in CALM's Policy Statement No. 9 (Hoppere, a/. 1990). Available CALM survey data (Table 3.1) enable a The proponents list and recognisethe importance quantitativeassessment ofthe impactof the project on of 48 'wherable taxa"which occur in the proposed the numbers of the sevenspecies of DRF affected in conservation reserve at Lesuew (ERMP Table 4.7); the proposed conservationreserve at Lesueur, however, the distdbution and conservation status of thesespecies has not beendetermined. Therefore, no Within 16simpact zone (Table 3.1,Figure 1.L) all assessmenthas been made of the inpact of the project species exceptAcacia fonestiana would be affected. EZ 'selcads rnrao ol punoJ ueaq a ?q Bxpl 1q?1e cruapua 'srrurapue ',{€,rlq€rH puor8er eql lO spueprn eql ,(1puode.r 3o D(oluoa eql u1 ecuecr3rdrs uorle rasuot JO lSeA\pu? SJe^rUurnd-rl pu? oJooIAI aql uee,/iuoq ?arB prmds serceds eql Jeqrrnu e8rel z uo lcedut ;o Jo eql 'u?8uo,tq uJeqlou eql ol crEepue oro't sareads luuogrdrs p e pq plnoa{ peford aqt leql elurTpu 'to lupld tpql peururetep (OSA1) ra urJJrg sJllsq?]s aseql 'sJruepue puofeJ eql Suorue uxul 692 uaroul ,(1rood sfo,r-ms raqUq {q pelerlwlsqns 3o JI 'er3q^{eqepu" ?eJ?mense'I eql o' JrrrepunqP pq" lortnqrJlsrp asr.rardl:qt qsa|qets:r 'uotyd nlsnsy o1 de,rms raqgng ermber feql pue an8ra sr suorppdod pue un4dloutf,1od'1yu umqolotlduog'oln1nqods nr 'u,tou1 'na,t6.to 's\pru Jo sqoqurol lcuxe eqt ,{pood ere s1ue1desaql olnlnlJno nalog oluosJato{ DruoosJad
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