Journal of Research on Archaeometry Instructions for the Preparation of a Camera-Ready Paper in MS Word1 (Minion Pro font Bold 22) First Authora,*, Second Authorb and Third Authorb aJournal Production Department, Tabriz Islamic Art University, 51385/4567, Tabriz, IRAN bDeparment first, then University or Company name, Insert a complete correspondence (mailing) address, Including city and country Abstract. The first sentence of the Abstract should follow the word “Abstract.” on the same line. The abstract should be clear, descriptive, and self-explanatory, and contains up to 200 words. It should also be suitable for publication in abstracting services. Do not include references or formulae in the abstract. Keywords: Keyword one, keyword two, keyword three, keyword four, keyword five 1. Introduction Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are recom- This document provides instructions for style and mended to seek the advice of a native English speaker, layout, information on installing the Word template if possible, before submitting their manuscripts. and how to submit the final version. The instructions are designed for the preparation of a camera-ready and accepted paper in MS Word and should be read carefully. 2. Installing and using the Microsoft Word Prepare your paper in the same style as used in this template sample document. These instructions also contain the necessary information for manual editing. Au- Place the file in any of the directories where MS thors should realize that once the accepted paper is Word looks for templates. These directories are de- submitted for publication in the journal, the print fined within MS Word under Tools/Options/File Lo- and online version will be almost identical to the pa- cations. per submitted for publication, except for the pagina- tion, volume, and copyright year information. 1 - Footnote in title. Please ensure there is a 24 pt blank line before the title! * Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected] 2.1. Creating a new document with the MS Word template 2.2. Font In order to create a new document, do the follow- The font type for running text (body text) is 10 point ing: Minion Pro. For literal text, please use one of the Within MS Word, choose File/New. sans-serif fonts, or Courier. Use Minion Pro as de- Define the type area as indicated in Section 4.1. fault style, and keep bold and italics for section head- Select the two-column page layout as indicated ings, subsection-headings, author’s affiliations, and in Section 4.1. special emphasis. Font sizes and styles are indicated Use the styles defined in Table 1 to format your in Table 1. In order to get the correct font size and text. spacing, use the template styles as much as possible to format your text. Table 1. The styles defined to format your text file Style Name Use for Short Description Abstract The Abstract Font: 9 pt. Minion Pro. Affiliation The affiliation(s) of the author(s) Font: 10 pt. Minion Pro. Author The author(s) of your document Font: 11 pt. Minion Pro. Keywords The keywords Font: 9 pt. Minion Pro. Normal Running text Font: 10 pt. Minion Pro. References Bibliographic references Font: 8 pt. Minion Pro. Table The table text Font: 8 pt. Minion Pro. Title The title of your paper Font: 22 pt. Minion Pro. 3.2. Body of the text 3. Structure of the paper The use of first persons (i.e., “I”, “we”, “our”, 3.1. Title page possessives, etc.) should be avoided, and can preferably be expressed by the passive voice or The title page should provide the following in- other ways. This also applies to the Abstract. formation: A research paper should be structured in terms Title (should be clear, descriptive and not too of four parts, each of which may comprise of long); multiple sections: Name(s) of author(s); in the case of multiple Part One is problem description/definition, authors always indicate who is the correspond- and a literature review upon the state of the ing author; art; Full affiliation(s); Part Two is methodological formulation Present address of author(s), if different from and/or theoretical development (fundamen- affiliation; tals, principle and/or approach, etc.) Complete address of corresponding author, in- Part Three is prototyping, case study or ex- cluding tel. no., fax no. and e-mail address; periment; Abstract; should be clear, descriptive, self- Part Four is critical evaluation against related explanatory and no longer than 200 words, it works, and the conclusion. should also be suitable for publication in abstract- A review paper may skip Part Three, but should ing services; multiply Part Two and elaborate Parts One and Up to five keywords. Four. Journal of Research on Archaeometry An application paper may lightly touch Part bers and kept as short as possible. Footnotes should Two but should elaborate Part Three, with Parts be numbered in Arabic numerals. One and Four similar to what the research pa- per would. 4.6. References (APA citation Format) In any article it is unnecessary to have an arrange- ment statement at the beginning (or end) of every Please use APA reference format, follow the au- (sub-) section. Rather, a single overall arrangement thor-date method of in-text citation. This means that statement about the whole paper can be made at the the author's last name and the year of publication for end of the Introduction section. the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones 1998), and a complete reference should ap- pear in the reference list at the end of the paper. If 4. Typographical style and layout you are referring to an idea from another work but NOT directly quoting the material, or making refer- 4.1. Type area ence to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year Always select A4 as the paper size in the docu- of publication and not the page number in your in- ment settings. The following margin settings for A4 text reference. All sources that are cited in the text size paper will produce the correct result: top 3.0 cm; must appear in the reference list at the end of the bottom: 3.0 cm; left and right: 2.5 cm. paper. The text should be in a double column format with a space of 10 mm between the two 76 mm 4.7. Figures width columns. 4.7.1. General remarks on figures 4.2. General layout The text should include references to all figures. Refer to figures in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., Use single line spacing throughout the document. not with the section number included, e.g. Table 3.2, Keep the abstract, running text and long captions Figure 2.3, etc. Do not use the words “below” or justified; the chapter title, author’s name, affiliation, “above” when referring to the tables, figures, etc. the table text, section headings – aligned left. Indent Do not collect figures at the back of your article, the first line of each paragraph by 0.37 cm. but incorporate them in the text. Position tables and figures at the top or bottom of a page, with at least 2 4.3. Title page lines extra space between tables or figures and the running text. Illustrations should be centered on the Use sentence case for the title. Do not use capitals page, except for small figures that can fit side by side for author’s surname. Add “and” before the last au- inside the type area. Tables and figures should not thor. Do not add a period after the last keyword. have text wrapped alongside. Each figure should have a self-explanatory caption. 4.4. (Sub-) section headings Place the figure captions below the figure. Abbreviate ‘Figure’ to ‘Fig.’ to start the caption and use roman Apply the styles defined in Table 1 to the headings. Use sentence case in the headings. Whether or not font for the text of the caption. Keep table and figure you use automatic numbering, please check it care- captions justified. Center short figure captions only. fully. Keep headings flushed left. Headings should The minimum font size for characters in tables is 8 not have a full stop at the end. points, and for lettering in other illustrations, 6 points. 4.5. Footnotes On maps and other figures where a scale is needed, use bar scales rather than numerical ones of the type Footnotes should only be used if it is absolutely 1:10,000. essential. In most cases, it is possible to incorporate the information in the text. If used, they should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript num- 4.7.2. Quality of illustrations 4.9. Equations Use only Type I fonts for the lettering in illustra- tions. Do not use illustrations taken from the Inter- Position equations flush left with the margin 0.7 net. The resolution of images intended for viewing cm, preceded as well as followed by one blank line. on a screen is not sufficient for the printed version of Number equations consecutively, not section-wise. the journal. If you are incorporating screen captures, Place the numbers in parentheses at the right-hand keep in mind that the text may not be legible after margin, level with the last line of the equation. Refer reproduction (using a screen capture tool, instead of to equations in the text as Eq. (1), Eqs. (3) and (4). the Print Screen option of PC’s, might help to im- prove the quality).
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