Index Nominum Abualcasim, 50 Alfred of Sareshal, 319n Achillini, Alessandro, 179, 294–95 Algazali, 52n Adalbertus Ranconis de Ericinio, Ali, Ismail, 8n, 132 205n Alkindi, 304 Adam, 313 Allan, Mowbray, 276n Adam of Papenhoven, 222n Alne, Robert, 208n Adamson, Melitta Weiss, 136n Alonso, Manual, 46 Adenulf of Anagni, 301, 384 Alphonse of Poitiers, 193, 234 Adrian IV, pope, 108 Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d’, 35, 46, Afonso I Henriques, king of Portu- 50, 53n, 93, 147, 177, 264n, 303, gal, 35 308n Aimery, archdeacon of Tripoli, Alvicinus de Cremona, 368 105–6 Amadaeus VIII, duke of Savoy, Alberic of Trois Fontaines, 100–101 231 Albert de Robertis, bishop of Ambrose, 289 Tripoli, 106 Anastasius IV, pope, 108 Albert of Rizzato, patriarch of Anti- Anatoli, Jacob, 113 och, 73, 77n, 86–87, 105–6, 122, Andreas the Jew, 116 140 Andrew of Cornwall, 201n Albert of Schmidmüln, 215n, 269 Andrew of Sens, 199, 200–202 Albertus Magnus, 1, 174, 185, 191, Antonius de Colell, 268 194, 212n, 227, 229, 231, 245–48, Antweiler, Wolfgang, 70n, 74n, 77n, 250–51, 271, 284, 298, 303, 310, 105n, 106 315–16, 332 Aquinas, Thomas, 114, 256, 258, Albohali, 46, 53, 56 280n, 298, 315, 317 Albrecht I, duke of Austria, 254–55 Aratus, 41 Albumasar, 36, 45, 50, 55, 59, Aristippus, Henry, 91, 329 304 Arnald of Villanova, 1, 156, 229, 235, Alcabitius, 51, 56 267 Alderotti, Taddeo, 186 Arnaud of Verdale, 211n, 268 Alexander III, pope, 65, 150 Ashraf, al-, 139n Alexander IV, pope, 82 Augustine (of Hippo), 331 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 311, Augustine of Trent, 231 336–37 Aulus Gellius, 329 Alfarabi, 334 Avendauth, 45, 46, 48–49, 53–55, 58, Alfraganus, 35 168n 473 474 Index Averroës, 59, 61–62, 113, 191, 230n, Boniface of Lausanne, saint, 276 273, 320n, 328 Bono, Pietro, 239, 307, 312, 323, Avicebrol, 47–48 327, 330–32 Avicenna, 51, 55, 112–13, 121, 145, Bourdin, Maurice, archbishop of 228n, 234, 245n, 311, 319, 320, Braga, 40, 42 323, 334 Bozoun, Simon, 215n, 268 Bradwardine, Thomas, 249–50, 260, Bacon, Roger, 1, 17, 92, 95, 99, 288–89, 307, 312, 315, 322, 125n, 142, 146n–47n, 149n, 150, 328–31 155, 167n, 172, 173n, 175–81, Brinton, Thomas, 260 190, 192–94, 195, 203, 204n, 207, Bromyard, John, 253 214n, 234, 237–39, 242–45, 247, Brown, J. Wood, 65–67 250, 256, 267, 279, 282–86, 288, Büchler, Alfred, 63–64 300, 304–8, 311, 315, 330, 331, Burgh, Benedict, 257n 399 Burgundio of Pisa, 91, 114n, 169n Badawi, Abdurrahman, 181 Buridan, Jean, 243, 246, 285 Balumreccir, Thomas, 374 Burley, Walter, 274, 306 Bar-Hebraeus, 140 Burnett, Charles, 37, 42, 53n, 56, Baroncelli, Giovanni, 219n 64n, 124, 137n, 159, 307n Bartholomew of England, 268 Bartholomew of Messina, 318 Cadden, Joan, 274n Bartholomew of Salerno, 184 Campanus of Novara, 114 Bartholomew of Vicenza, 119n Capocci, Raniero, cardinal, 123, 138 Bédoret, H., 46 Carey, Hilary M., 256n Behaim, Albert, 82n, 123–24, 126, Castellomata, Giovanni, 126–28 131n, 142, 143n, 144n, 146n, 182, Cato, 70 396 Chanca, Diego Alvarez, 233 Benedict XIII, pope, 211n, 223–24 Charles II of Anjou, king of Naples, Benoît d’Alignan, 110n 259 Bernard of Chartres, 316 Charles V, king of France, 350 Bernard of Valence, 108 Charles VIII, king of France, 242n Bessarion, cardinal, 293, 296n, 341 Chaucer, 228, 290–91, 350 Bianchi, Luca, 273n Cicero, 27, 304, 332 Birkenmajer, Aleksander, 3n, 183 Clement IV, pope, 83–84 Biter, Henricus, 217n Clement V, pope, 238 Bizzarri, Hugo O., 148n Clement VI, pope, 117 Blackman, John, 220n Clement VII, pope, 223n Boethius, 41, 258 Colonna, John, cardinal, 121 Boethius of Dacia, 156 Comes, Nicolas, 243 Bohemund IV, prince of Antioch, Comes of Casati, cardinal, 267–68 139–40 Commenus, Manuel, 150 Bonaventure, 315, 317, 321 Constable, Giles, 184n Boniface VIII, pope, 156 Constantine, 66, 304–5 Index 475 Copale, Servais, 258 257–58, 271, 301, 304, 310–11, Coplestone, Frederick, 147n 389, 408 Cosimo de’ Medici, 340 Enoch, 313 Costa ben Luca, 36, 46, 59, 311 Erasmus, 340 Courtenay, William, 197n Erghome, John, 221n Cristoforo de Onesti, 231 Eugene III, pope, 115n Curione, Celio Secondo, 341 Eugene of Sicily, 91 Curtius, Ernst Robert, 88n Cyrcetur, Thomas, 262n Fabricius, Johann Albrecht, 343 Fauceby, John, 236n Dante, 275–76, 350 Fayreford, Thomas, 188 Dastin, John, 239 Ferdinand II of Aragon, king of Davidiz, Sisnando, 50–51, 54 Spain, 233 David of Dinant, 116, 120, 123, Ferrari, Teophilo, 336 156 Fieschi, Opizo, 82 David the Jew, 334 Filangieri, Richard, 139 Davis, Charles T., 252n–53n, 393 Filelfo, Francesco, 335–36 Denys the Carthusian, 248, 288–89, Fillastre, Guillaume, 293, 403 322 Fink-Errera, Guy, 197 Despars, Jacques, 231, 334–35 Floris V, count of Holland, 256 Deusing, Anton, 296 Folsham, John, 215n De Vere, Guy, 92–94 Förster, Richard, 4, 62n, 68, 93, 129, Diocles, 22 130n, 132, 134n, 151n Diogenes Laertius, 27–28, 329 Franconi, Frederick, 259 Dolnikowski, Edith Wilks, 260n Frederick II, Holy Roman emperor, Dominus Castri Goet, 125–29, 227, 65, 112–14, 121–23, 124n, 126, 233n, 236, 237 132, 135–39, 345, 350 Donati, Corso, 186n Frederick of Antioch, 140 Donatus, 70, 76n Durand, Guillaume, 85n Gaddesden, John, 228 Dytheri[?], Master, 403 Galen, 135n, 305, 311 Gallego, Pedro, 91 Eamon, William, 292–93 Gambacorta, Pietro, 260 Edward I, king of England, 235 Gamper, Rudolf, 148n Edward II, king of England, 228n Gaster, Moses, 61n Edward III, king of England, 256, Gatewyk, Ralph, 266 260, 394 Gaufridus, archdeacon of Tours, Edwards, Glenn M., 135 100–101 Eichmann von Calw, Jodocus, 247 Gaufridus, bishop of Tripoli, Elias of Cortona, 121–22, 238 100–101 Emden, A. B., 263n G. de Naste docteur en medecine, Émile de Lautrec, 268 406 Engelbert of Admont, 198n, 254–55, Geber, 304 476 Index Geoffrey of Cosenza, 112n Guglielmo da Pastrengo, 306–7 Geoffrey of Meaux, 243 Guglielmo of Treviso, 267 Geoffrey of Waterford, 17–18, 256, Guibert of Tournai, 207, 254, 315 258, 275, 279, 304, 305, 307, Guido, archdeacon of Caesarea, 107 309–10, 313, 318, 321, 322, 334 Guido, bishop of Tripoli, 64–65, Geoffroi du Plessis, 268 91–108, 109–10, 138, 152, 160, Gerald, patriarch of Jerusalem, 106, 345 108 Guido, papal notary, 107 Gerard of Cremona, 58, 66–67, 91 Guilelmus de Pleurre Priceii, 401 Gerard of Cusereyo, 198, 394 Guillaume of Ortolan, 208n Gerard of Sabbioneta, 67n Gundisalvi, Dominicus, 45–49, Gerard of San Donnino, 155 51–52, 54, 55, 168n Gerard of Utrecht, 384 Gesner, Conrad, 340–41 Hadrian, 265 Giacomo, canon of Pisa, 263 Halleux, Robert, 370 Gilbert of England, 185 Haly Abbas, 233 Giles of Rome, 156, 265, 298, 300, Hamesse, Jacqueline, 226n 334 Harizi, Judah al-, 61n Gillebers, 150 Harneid of Wrestede, 217n Giovanni of Tasso, 375 Haskins, Charles Homer, 4, 55–56, Godfrey of Fontaines, 206n, 274 67, 73n, 74n, 129, 190n Goffredo da Trani, 123 Hatclyff, William, 236n Grabmann, Martin, 2, 129, 274n Heinrich of Würzburg, 69n Grandrue, Claude de, 226n Henri of Mondeville, 228–29 Gray, William, 209n, 293 Henry I, king of England, 62 Gregory, Master, 230 Henry de Thompston, 269n Gregory VIII, antipope, 42 Henry of Avranches, 123 Gregory IX, pope, 73–76, 87, 90, 92, Henry of Kirkestede, 395 115, 120–23, 128n, 138, 147, Henry of Winchester, 185 148n, 149, 152, 154, 192, 196, 301 Herbert, Master, 183–84, 373 Gregory XI, pope, 223 Herebert, William, 259 Gregory of Nyssa, 289 Heredia, Juan Fernández de, 293 Grignaschi, Mario, 2n, 4, 17, 26, 28, Hermannus Alemannus, 169n 30n, 90, 98, 99n, 129, 133n, 137, Hermann von Salza, 121 147–48, 150–51, 152n, 154, 157, Hermes Trismegistus, 16, 42, 240n 158n, 161n, 162, 177–78, 190n, Hesychius, 28n 257n, 269n, 301n, 303, 306n, 344 Hippocrates, 13, 22, 246, 284, Grosparmi, Rudolph, 304–5, 311 cardinal-legate, 83 Holcot, Robert, 276 Grosseteste, Robert, 91, 124n, 169n, Honorius III, pope, 68, 71n, 72, 76n, 187n, 191, 287, 301 89, 100, 116, 120 Guaineri, Antonio, 231, 240 Hugh of Matiscone, 400 Guarnerio d’Artegna, 293 Hugh of St. Cher, cardinal, 78, 90 Index 477 Hugh of Santalla, 168n John of Dampierre, 254 Humbert of Romans, 211–12 John of Jandun, 249 Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, John of London, 263–64, 266 210n, 236n, 294n John of Milan, 184 John of Paris, 248–49 Ibn al-Nadim, 20–21 John of Salisbury, 111, 316 Innocent III, pope, 100–101, 115, John of Seville, 32–60, 88, 91, 137, 118n, 120 138, 161, 167–68, 344–45 Innocent IV, pope, 68, 71n, 75n, John of Toledo, cardinal, 126 76–82, 90, 115, 119–20, 125n, 126 John of Valence, 104–6 Iohannes baccalarius Lipsiensis et John of Wales, 214n, 251, 253, 258, canonicus ex ecclesia 265, 272, 306, 333 Wratislaviensi, 376 John Scotus Erigena, 156, 296n Isaac Israeli, 304–5 Juan Gil of Zamora, 243, 254, 272, Isabella I, queen of Spain, 233 278–79 Isabel of Brienne, 138–39 Julius of Salerno, 66 Ivo, abbot of Cluny, 126 Juvenal des Ursins, Jean, 400–401 Jacob, archbishop of Capua, 121 Kamil, al-, 139n Jacobus, archbishop of Taranto, 269 Kamp, Norbert, 127n Jacob van Maerlant, 256 Kantorowicz, Ernst, 136n Jacopo of Benevento, 251 Kauffmann, Martin, 306n Jacquart, Danielle, 231n Kedar, Benjamin, 137n Jacques of La Fosse, 404 Keil, Gundolf, 148n James, M. R., 263n Kircher, Athanasius, 144n James II, king of Aragon, 229, 235 Knorr, Wilbur, 264n James of Ascoli, 277n Konrad of Gelnhausen, 210n James of Venice, 31, 58, 114n, 169n Konrad of Wurms, 210n Jean of Berneville, 403 Kymer, Gilbert, 236n Jean of Pouilly, 274–75, 278 Jean of Saint-Amand, 228, 241 La›eur, Claude, 156n Jerome, 41 Lambertini, Roberto, 249n Joachim of Fiore, 155 Lambert von Heerenberg, 279–80, Job, 279 288–89 Johannes de Fonte, 224–25 Langlois, Charles-Victor, 91, 150n, Johannes Hispanus, 45–49, 58 268n
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