ISSN 1898-8784 Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture No 36 ISSN 1898-8784 1898 8784 2015 Agriculture (Agricultural and Forest Engineering) Animal Science Forestry and Wood Technology Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Land Reclamation Editorial Board Bogdan Brzeziecki Ewa Dobrowolska Włodzimierz Kluciński Anna Kołłajtis-Dołowy Andrzej Lenart Małgorzata Łobocka Józef Mosiej Jan Niemiec Arkadiusz Orłowski Maria Parlińska Aurelia Radzik-Rant Stanisław Stępka Marek Szyndel Czesław Waszkiewicz WARSAW UNIVERSITY Distribution OF LIFE SCIENCES PRESS Annals are distributed by the Bookshop 166 Nowoursynowska St., 02-787 Warsaw of Warsaw University of Life Sciences Poland, tel. (48 22) 593 55 20 Press, 166 Nowoursynowska St., Warsaw, e-mail: [email protected] Poland. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture No 36 Warsaw 2015 Contents ILCZUK A., JAGIEŁŁO-KUBIEC K. GAJEWSKI M. Sensory characteristics The effect of plant growth regulators and of two parsley (Petroselinum sativum ssp. sucrose on the micropropagation of com- crispum L.) cultivars depending on stor- mon lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.) 3 age conditions 33 NOWAKOWSKA K., PACHOL- SKRYPCHENKO N. Fruit characteris- CZAK A. The effect of auxins on the root- tics of Actinidia cultivars obtained at the ing of cuttings in several species of Fa- M. Grishko National Botanical Garden baceae 13 of the Ukrainian NAS in Kyiv 47 ROSŁON W., GONTAR Ł., KOSA- DOMANOWSKA M. Social initiatives KOWSKA O., OSIŃSKA E. Yield and as a means of participation in the trans- quality of plantain (Plantago major L.) formation of city space 57 herb in the second year of cultivation KACZYŃSKA M., SIKORA D. The 21 church garden as an element shaping SITAREK M., RADZANOWSKA J., the quality of city life – a case study in WTULICH J., DOBRZYŃSKI J., southern Warsaw 71 REVIEWERS 2015 Mária Bihuňová Sandra Costa Honorata Danilćenko Oksana Dzjuba Ellen Fetzer Monika Grzeszczuk Elvyra Jariene Agnieszka Jaszczak Nilgül Karadeniz Agnieszka Kępkowicz Piotr Latocha Bożena Matysiak Bogusz Modrzewski Piotr Muras Peter Seemann Anna Staniewska Roberta Štěpánková Paweł Szot Daniel Załuski Paper version of Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture is a primary version of the journal. EDITOR IN CHIEF WARSAW UNIVERSITY Renata Giedych OF LIFE SCIENCES PRESS THEME EDITORS e-mail: [email protected] Barbara Łata, Katarzyna Michalska – Horticulture Małgorzata Kaczyńska – Landscape Architecture STATISTICAL EDITOR Wojciech Hyb LANGUAGE EDITOR ISSN 1898-8784 John Catlow EDITOR STAFF Dominika Cichocka Anna Dołomisiewicz Druk: POLIMAX s.c., ul. Nowoursynowska 161 L, Laura Szczepańska 02-787 Warszawa Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture No 36, 2015: 3–12 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. Life Sci. – SGGW, Horticult. Landsc. Architect. 36, 2015) The effect of plant growth regulators and sucrose on the micropropagation of common lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.) AGNIESZKA ILCZUK*, KATARZYNA JAGIEŁŁO-KUBIEC Department of Ornamental Plants, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Abstract: The effect of plant growth regula- Eastern Europe. The most common spe- tors and sucrose on the micropropagation of cies widely planted in parks and gardens common lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.). Common is the common lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.) lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.) is an attractive plant with colourful and fragrant fl owers, often used – a shrub or small tree which can grow in urban areas. Although the main method of up to 7 m high and 3–4 m wide. Lilacs propagation of the shrub is budding or grafting, are suitable for formed hedges since it is also propagated by tissue culture. The aim they tolerate pruning. Due to the numer- of the study was to determine the effect of the ous root suckers (secondary shoots) the presence and concentration of IBA or NAA on rhizogenesis in ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ and ‘Sen- shrub expands rapidly, and hence it can sation’ lilac microcuttings. Shoot proliferation be successfully used for the reforesta- was dependent on the type and concentration of tion of slopes, roadsides and banks of cytokinin in the medium. For both cultivars the reservoirs. Lilacs are also cultivated for highest shoot numbers were obtained on medium cut fl owers, because they can easily be –3 supplemented with meta-topolin: 5.0 mg·dm forced [Latocha 2006]. for ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ and 2.5–7.5 mg·dm–3 for ‘Sensation’. The addition of 30 g·dm–3of su- Lilac cultivars are generally propa- crose to the medium improved regeneration and gated vegetatively to maintain genetic stimulated shoot growth in the cultivar ‘Kath- stability. In practice, nurserymen repro- erine Havemeyer’. The largest number of roots duce the common lilac only by budding was obtained on medium supplemented with or grafting. However, the production of 1.0 mg·dm–3 IBA for ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ and with 0.5–2.0 mg·dm–3 IBA for ‘Sensation’. The large quantities of grafts is limited by use of NAA resulted in dieback of microcuttings. the season and the long period needed for rootstock production, and success of Key words: cytokinins, IBA, NAA, microcut- propagation depends on the method of tings, rhizogenesis, shoot regeneration grafting. Therefore, in vitro propagation is highly useful for rapid multiplication INTRODUCTION of this species. In recent years, tissue The genus Syringa, belonging to the ol- cultures have been used for the propaga- ive family (Oleaceae), includes about 30 tion of lilac [Concioiu et al. 2012, 2013, species originating from Asia and South Lyubomirova and Iliev 2013]. The re- generation rate of shoots is a crucial step * e-mail: [email protected] for the micropropagation of lilac in com- 4 A. Ilczuk, K. Jagiełło-Kubiec mercial production. In lilac micropropa- positive impact of 30 g·dm–3 sucrose gation, axillary branchings [Gabrysze- on the plant culture, as it induces the wska 1989, Cui et al. 2009] and/or maximum number of shoots as well as single-node explants [Welander 1987, being benefi cial for shoot elongation Gabryszewska and Warabieda 1992, in S. vulgaris [Refouvelet et al. 1998, Charlebois and Richter 2004] might be Gabryszewska 2011]. used. Axillary buds are activated by cy- Factors affecting adventitious root tokinins, which play an important role in formation include the type and concen- both methods [Charlebois and Richter tration of natural or synthetic auxin in 2004, Nesterowicz et al. 2006]. 6-ben- the rooting medium [De Klerk 2002]. zylaminopurine (BA) and 6-(γ,γ-dime Use of auxin is one of the most common thylallylamino)purine (2iP) have been and effective ways to enhance rooting the most frequently used cytokinins in of plants. For the rooting of lilac, vari- lilac regeneration by axillary branching. ous auxins have been used, in particular They increase the multiplication rate, indole-3-butric acid (IBA) [Gabrysze- but also reduce the rooting potential of wska and Warabieda 1992, Nesterowicz microcuttings [Gabryszewska 1989]. The et al. 2006, Oprea and Concioiu 2012, use of BA analogues, such as [6-(3-hyd Lyubomirova and Iliev 2013, Parvanova roxybenzylamino)purine] (meta-topolin, et al. 2015], 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) [Oprea and Concioiu 2012] and mT), could be an alternative way to avoid indoleacetic acid (IAA) [Charlebois and such side effects. Richter 2004], although the type and Sucrose is the main source of carbon concentration requirements of each of for in vitro cultures of many plants, in- these varied between cultivars. cluding lilacs. Plant cells and tissues in The aim of the present experiment a culture medium lack autotrophic abil- was to investigate the infl uence of vari- ity and therefore need an external car- ous types and levels of cytokinins and bon source for energy. The addition of sucrose concentrations on the prolif- an external sucrose dosage to the me- eration rate and growth of shoots in dium enhances cell proliferation and S. vulgaris, in vitro. The rooting po- shoot regeneration. The optimal sucrose tential of regenerated microshoots was concentration in a medium should be also evaluated. suffi cient to satisfy the basic energy re- quirements for cell differentiation with- out imposing any negative osmotic ef- MATERIAL AND METHODS fects on shoot formation. This indicates Plant material and culture conditions that sucrose acts not only as a carbon energy source in a medium, but also as The source plants of common lilac (Sy- an osmoticum [Nowak et al. 2004] and ringa vulgaris L.) ‘Katherine Have- that different sucrose concentrations are meyer’ and ‘Sensation’ for tissue culture one of the factors controlling the regen- were originally collected in February/ eration and growth of shoots [Gibson /March from three-year-old shrubs grow- 2000]. A number of studies indicate the ing in a nursery. For establishment of The effect of plant growth regulators and sucrose... 5 a culture, young vegetative shoots of Effect of type and concentration of 30 cm length were collected and washed cytokinins on shoot regeneration under running tap water for 5 min to re- To promote axillary and adventitious move any surface dirt. Then the stems were inserted into beakers with dis- shoot regeneration, nodal explants tilled water and placed in a phytotron. 0.5 cm long were cultured on a medium After four weeks the shoots (2–3 cm supplemented with the following growth –3 long) grown from buds were collected regulators: 0.02 mg·dm NAA in com- as a source of primary explants. Next, bination with 6-benzylaminopurine the leaves were removed and the stems (BA), kinetin (KIN) 6-(γ,γ-dimethylall were cut into nodal segments approx. ylamino)purine (2iP) (Sigma-Aldrich) 0.5 cm long. They were surface-disin- in concentrations of 1.25, 2.50 and fected with 70% ethanol for 1 min, and 5.0 mg·dm–3, or [6-(3-hydroxybenzylam further disinfected with 1.5% solution ino)purine] (meta-topolin, mT) (Duch- of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl).
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