February 4, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1697 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TERRORISM STRIKES AGAIN IN ticipation of possible terrorist activi­ cal-military front in Western Europe with EUROPE ties in Washington and in other cities. NATO as its main target. I commend the administration for its This disturbing sign of stepped-up coop­ continuing support of antiterrorism eration among terrorist groups in different HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD countries was followed by news this week OF MICHIGAN legislation, and its strong interest in this critical issue. During the last ses­ that the explosives used by Direct Action in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion, the Congress passed H.R. 6311 a failed attack in Paris last summer were of Monday, February 4, 1985 the same type as those employed by the giving over $350 million to the Depart­ Red Army Faction in the attempted bomb­ e Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, ment of State for antiterrorism pro­ ing of a NATO officers' school in West Ger­ now more than ever, our Government grams and physical security projects many on Dec. 18. must continue to do all that it can to at our missions around the world. This same type of explosive had also been counter the growing threat of terror­ Much more must be done, both in the used in six bomb attacks against NATO fuel ism in the world. Again, the specter of area of enhancing Embassy security pipelines in Belgium nine days earlier by mindless terrorism is raising its ugly and in improving our intelligence col­ the newest self-proclaimed leftist group to head in Europe. lecting capabilities. appear on the terrorist scene, the Fighting Terrorism is a form of political war. Communist Cells. All the explosives were re­ Leftist terrorists groups have portedly stolen in southern Belgium last launched a series of attacks on NATO It is low level warfare directed against June. and American targets in Italy, Germa­ the United States and other democra­ "It's the first piece of concrete evidence ny, Belgium, and France. NATO tar­ cies in the West. As long as the United we've had in a long time that the different gets, defense firms, and government States represents certain values in the groups are working together," says one in­ facilities have been hit and some have world, there will be groups which will vestigator. He notes that previous reports of been damaged. seek to intimidate us and force us to links between various guerrilla groups in For the first time, the French terror­ change our policies by directing vio­ Western Europe were based more on suspi­ ist group "Direct Action" and the lence at us and at our interests. Our cion than fact. battle against terrorism has just begun New evidence of closer links also came this German group "Red Army Faction" month when the Fighting Communist Cells, recently announced their fusion into with the first step in a journey of many, many miles. Finding the cour­ which launched a series of bomb attacks one group. The newly formed group against NATO-related targets in Belgium has declared war against NATO and age to speak out about terrorism is last October, said in a communique: U.S. influence in Europe. surely the first step toward the defeat "We dedicate our attack [against the ad­ The level of terrorist violence has of those who would destroy our free­ ministrative headquarters of the US mili­ also escalated. French Gen. Rene dom and our world. tary in Belgium on Jan. 15] to the fighters Audran was shot and killed last week I strongly commend the following of the Red Army Faction who struggle as he returned home from work. The article on terrorism in Europe from today in a collective hunger strike against general was a high-ranking French De­ the Christian Science Monitor to my their conditions of detention/extermination colleagues in the Congress. in special prisons." fense Ministry official. Direct Action Nearly 40 suspected and convicted Red claimed responsibility for the crime. [From the Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 25, 1985] Army Faction <RAF> terrorists have been on Never before has the terrorist group hunger strike in West German jails since resorted to murder. In past years, EUROTERRORISM IN THE 1980's-UNITED last month. STATES AND W. EuROPEAN MILITARY, POLIT­ their attacks have been mostly sym­ ICAL INSTITUTIONS BECOME TARGETS FOR Since mid-December more than 40 bomb bolic. Just this week, a leftist terrorist NEW WAVE OF TERRORIST ATTACKS and arson incidents have been investigated by West German police-at least 20 of them group fired mortar rounds at NATO <By Gary Yerkey) warships anchored in Lisbon harbor. strongly believed to have been the work of The Popular Forces of April 25, an ex­ BRussELs.-Urban terrorism has returned the RAF, including seven against US instal­ to Western Europe, with its perpetrators lations. The rest were directed at French tremist Communist group, took credit this time taking aim at new targets and diplomatic buildings, British barracks, and for the unsuccessful attack. The same pledging to strengthen cross-border coop­ large West German industrial plants. group mortared the U.S. Embassy in eration. Security authorities reportedly have tight­ Lisbon in November, and attacked National government and NATO officials ened security around likely human targets NATO's Iberian headquarters in Por­ are not panicking. "We'll cope," says one in­ such as senior NATO officers, judges, law­ vestigator here. yers, and leading businessmen. tugal a month later. Italian antiterror­ But concern clearly runs deep in govern­ ist forces foiled an Islamic Jihad plan ment and military circles, as well as among Unlike the terrorist groups of the 1970s, to attack the American Embassy in the public at large. however, the born-again violence-wreakers Rome in recent months. Today's terrorists, mostly claiming to of the mid-1980s so far have been content Terrorist groups in Europe are also fight for leftist causes, have struck where for the most part to wreck property and to increasing their level of cooperation. their forerunners caused havoc a decade leave human beings alone. The RAF's pred­ ago, mainly in West Germany and Italy. But ecessor, the Baader-Mainhof Gang, claimed According to available intelligence, responsibility for killing a number of vic­ there are links between Direct Action they have also hit out in countries previously spared organized terror, such as France and tims, including West German business and Basque terrorists, as well as con­ Belgium. leader Hanns-Martin Schleyer and Dresdner tact between Direct Action and the The newest target: the Western world's Bank chief Jurgen Ponto. Fighting Communist cells, a new left­ defense community, specifically installa­ The exception to the current tendency to ist terrorist group from Belgium. tions, personnel, and suppliers connected avoid k1lling people is Italy, where attacks Terrorism is not confined to West­ with the Brussels-based North Atlantic against human life by both the extreme left ern Europe. Last year brought a Treaty Organization. and extreme right have continued almost number of devastating terrorist at­ The number of attacks against NATO tar­ unabated since the days of the now-infa­ gets has increased dramatically over the mous Red Brigades in the late 1960s and tacks in the Middle East, and terrorist past four months. Earlier this month, two 1970s. operations continue in Central and well-known guerrilla groups-Direct Action France's Direct Action group came to South America. Already, our Govern­ in France and the Red Army Faction prominence in 1980 with a series of bomb at­ ment is making plans to increase secu­ <Baader-Meinhof Gang> in West Germany­ tacks against government buildings. It has rity here in the United States in an- announced that they were forming a politi- also struck out against rightists and Israelis. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 1698 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 4, 1985 Last year, Direct Action indicated that it British <IRA>, anti-Semitic, anti-Palestinian, Jan. 5: West Germany-bound train halted could be making a change in tactics when it anti-Spanish <Basques), anti-Turk <Armeni­ near Amsterdam by 25 terrorists and spray­ tried <unsuccessfully) to bomb the Paris of­ ans>-came earlier this month when Bel­ painted with slogans. fices of the Western European Union gium's intelligence services learned that a Jan. 7: Bomb explodes near NATO fuel <WEU>-a long-moribund organization of possible suicide bomb attack was being pipeline in Karlsruhe, West Germany. several European countries now being planned by the Islamic fundamentalist Jan. 9: Italian policeman killed in Tor Va­ brought to life as a forum for discussing the group, Islamic Jihad, against undisclosed lancia, Italy. strengthening of West European defense. targets in Belgium. Jan. 15: Car-bombing of U.S. Army com­ Announcing the formation of a joint "po­ Some 1,500 police were put on full alert munity center in Brussels. litical-military front" earlier this month, for nearly a week, and security was tight­ Jan. 20: Stuttgart computer center the RAF and Direct Action said specifically ened at Western and some Middle Eastern bombed.e that they had joined forces in order to more embassies, NATO headquarters, and most effectively fight "NATO's new politics" and government installations. other Western defense-related activities, in­ The plot, which was apparently foiled, HOMEMAKER EQUITY ACT cluding the deployment of new US cruise was also a reminder that isolated acts of ter­ and Pershing II nuclear missiles in Western rorism can be prevented. Europe. Perhaps the best example of that came HON. MARCY KAPTUR From the start, the Fighting Communist only last month when Swiss and Italian an­ OF OHIO Cells, which has carried out bomb attacks in titerrorist squads joined forces to squash a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Belgium on nine separate occasions since it plan to destroy the US Embassy in Rome-a first became known last October, has left no plot also reportedly being hatched by the Is­ Monday, February 4, 1985 doubt that its main goal would be to terror­ lamic Jihad.
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