A NOTE ON THE INDEX The rule. for indexing the contentl of this volume are as £ollow( With a few exceptions they are baaical1y the aame as those used for the second volume in this aeries, Documents Relating 10 Indian Affairs, M., H, 1750-Augusl 7, '75-1' ModificatioDJ have been made wherever it has been necessary becaute of the nature of the subject matter. 1. Proper nama are entered in the index according to their most frequent spelling in the . text. 2. If the most frequent apelling of a. surname is different from the modern spelling, a cross reference it made from the accepted venioD to the variant (e.g., Stuart, John; see Stewart, John). 3. Abbreviated first names of persons are given in full unless the meaning is doubtfu1. 4. Firat names of persons which are omitted are supplied if they can be determined. 5~ Names in comQination with other names are entered with a cross reference to the com­ bination• . 6. Military and courtesy titles are omitted unless they identify the person named. Other titles are retained. 1. Titles of civil officials are entered separately with cross references to the names of the officials. Entries concerning the office are included with the title; references to the acta and policies of the individual are eDtered under the name of the official. If the title only is given in the text, allsub-entriCi concerning the official are included in the entry (e.g., Governor of New Orleans). 8. Names of Indians are followed by the name of the tribe to which they belong, or the phruc, "an Indian". Other Dames and titles used in referring to individual Indians are given with crDlS references to the one most frequently used. 9. Confederated tribea (e.g., Creek Indians) ha.ve cross references to the tribes in the con­ federation. 10. Indian tow... are identified .. to the tribal division of which they are a part by a cross reference to the appropriate group. II. Names of places outside the colony are identified as to their locality if it is known. 12. Names of ahips are enclosed in quotation marks and followed by the definite article. O. Common names are entered according to the modern lpelling. 14. Collective names (e.g., Indian traders) have cross references to related groupt (e.g., Cherokee !raden). 15. General references to South Carolina and other colonies are entered under the name of the colooy. Cross references are entered from the general entry to the names of the legislative bodies, executive officials, and entries relating to Indian aflain where the subject matter justifies • separate entry. 16. Each document in the text is listed in chronological order in the Calendar (pp. xliii­ Iv), and is indexed according to the author and the recipient, as well at the subject. "Talks from" Indians, a lub-entry, refers to letters and speeches written down by traders or other whites who are sometimes identified in the "talk". "Talks of" the Indiaos is used to refer to speeches made during conferences with the Governor or other officials. References to "talks from" and "talks oP' the Governor are used for these entries whenever they are referred to at "talks" in the text, the former denoting written ''talks'' which were sent to be given as speeches when translated by the interpreter, and the latter, speechea of the Governor io conference. 601 INDEX Abeeca India.tll, 37, 62, I" also Abbecoot­ Alabama town.. 7?- .423, su ills. Creel: chees, the, Creek Indians, Upper , towns, Upper .. Abeecootchees, the: town of, 24; see lIlso Alatamaha River, 194 Abeeca Indiamf Creek towns, Upper Albama, the; SII Alabama Fort AbeecootJJ s" Abceca India.na Albany (N. Y.), 27, 436 Ab~e yY'arriour King, Creek: "talk" from, Alexander, Ephraim, 1921 SII also Creek 239'40 traden Abicncha.wa, the: town of, .! I2J 1" also Creek Alexander, Nathan : letter from, 485 towOl Aligena traden; se, Price, Aaron Abraham, War King, Creek : "talk" from, Allabamer Indians, 62, 69, 237, 243, 423; 154-55 alliance with French, 2351 SII also Ala­ Abrabood, Thom... 207 bama towns; Creek Indians, Upper Abram', Brother, Creek, 256 Allagainny River, 30 Abscoochas Indians, 423; Ie' also Creek In­ Allcorn, John: deposition of, 469 diam Allegennie Mountains, 4 Act to regulate the trad~ with the Cherokee Allele Town: number of gun men in, 15 I. Indians, by taking tbe same into the hands SII also Cherokee tOWIll, Middle of the publick of this province (1762), Allen, Mr.1 Sel Allen, John 509, 510, 511: 512, 518, 521, 563, 564, Allen, John, 277, 278, 283 565, 11566, 510, 574, 515, 580, 581, 581, Alshinart, Mr., 446 591,593,594, 599J fines to be sued for in Amahetai, Cherokee, 25, 26, 211 sel also any court of record, 561-621 penalties for Mankiller of Highwassey: IOn of; Moytoy' violations of, 559, 5601 prosecution of of. of Highwuaey fenders, 561-62 ; provisions of, 551-63; re­ Amascosita of Telliquo, Cherokee, 251 rei peal of, 543, 593-941 termination of, 562, also Emperor of Tellico time limit for recovery of fines, 562 Amelia Townshipi SII Emelia Township Adams, George : deposition of, 469 Amherst, Gen. [Je6ery]: reinforcements for Adamson, Lieut.1 see Adamson, James Fort Prince George, expected from, 497 Adamson, James, 112, taO, 207, 266, 273, Ammuniti~n : Catawbaws supplied, 28, 32, 274, 30S, 319, 32S, 401, 404; leads am· 34, 34-35, 85 1 Cherokees supplied, 8, 13, bush of Savannah Indians, 3U, 383, 386- ta, 19, 22, 24, 52, 109, 200-201, 204, 216, 871 letters from, 284-85, 386-87, 486-87; 375, 385, 418, 419, 450, 455, 462, 473, orders to, 383; survey of Fort Loudoun, 476, 574; Chickesaws supplied, 31, 111, 285-86 114, 116, 292, 294, 352, ' 371, 414, 44.5, A44i.son, James; SI# Adamson, James 446, 476} Creeks promised, 131 SII also Addison, John, 292 Ball; Bullets; Flints; Fort Loudoun : am­ Adkin River, 486; see also Yadkin River munition supply; Fort Moore: ammunition Agan, Dennis 1 Sll Hagen, Dennis supply! Fort Prince George: ammunition Aiken, Mr., 506 .upplYI French, the) Glen, Gov. , James} Alabama Fort, 11,23,40,57,58,66,67,68, Indian trade goods; Lewis, Andrew: am­ 71,72, 152, 167, 201, 202, 203, 204, 214, munition .upplied to ; Powder 1 Shot) Swan 223, 226, 231, 233, 244, 245, 253, 254, shot; Virginia: ammunition from 256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 276, 284, Ancrum, Lance and Lockwood: account of, 298, 299, 305, 309, 351, 353, ' 35S, 356, 520; se, also Merchants 357, 365, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, Ancrum, Lance and Loocock: account of, 5141 374, 376, 377, 380, 382, 388, 389, 390, se, also Merchants 393, 396, ,408, 409, 410, 4J I, 423, 424, Anderson, Dr., 485} see also Anderson, Mau... 474; Captain of, 11, 38, 67, 12, 73, 90, rice 265, 276, 305-306, 369, 379; English de­ Anderson, Ensign J see Anderson, Maurice sertion to, 7, 30; garrison at, 299, 352; Anderson, Lt.; see Anderson, Maurice great guns at, 68, 2991 see also French, Anderson, Mr. ; see Andenon, Maurice the: forts ; Monberaut, ____ Anderson, Enoch : letter from, 32-33 Alabama Indians 1 see Allabarner Indians Anderson, Man.; see Anderson, Maurice 603 INDEX Andenon, Maurice, 167, 172, 110, 207, 258, Bacon, Corporal, Sle Bacon, Henry 266, 274, 287, 305, 319, 331, 402, letter Bacon, Dorothy, 432 from, 284-85, .urvey of Fort Loudoun, Bacon, Henry, 4271 deposition of, 431-32 285·86, se. also Aoderaon, Dr. Baead, the 1 see Chick.eaaw Indiana Antoaaity Ustoneeka, Cherokee: "talk" from, Bagget, , 176 97-98, see also Ou.tenaike Baldridge, James, 301, II' also Cherokee Appalatche Indians, 58 traden Appalatchi Old Fie1da, see Appalatchi Old Ball, a6, 116, 161, 233, 245, 339, 384, 474, TowDi 4761 trading, 343, 4581 lee allo Ammu~ Appalatchi Old Tow"" 1, 39-40 nition Appalatcb. Town, 59 Ball, Mr., SI. Wall, Robert Appleby I se. Austin, Laurence and Appleby Bamp6eld, S6e Nicholson and Bamp6eld Arcanl"" see Arkausu, the Band. and Gartering, Sle Gartering Arkausu, the, 31 Barksdale, 105, 3541 see also Arm banda, 4+5, se. also Arm plat.. Creek trader. Arm plates, 457, 458, 5681 Sel also · Indian Barry, , 176 trade goods Harwell, , 117 Arma, s,. GUDI Baakeu, Indian, 484 Aron, Jot., 3. Baury, , 37 Articlet of War: read to troops of Overbill BeadIer, , 176 fort expedition, 169, 275, relating to offi. Beads, 174,337,478,492,520, barley corn, cen who have brevets or former comm. 456, 567, 576, black, 4441 common, 67, .iona, 181 4461 seed, 546, 5891 small, 456, sao, Aaamabea, Creek: "talk" from, 191 white, 444, 494, 495, 511, 535, lee also Asbepoo River, 109 Indian trade goods Assembly, the, see Commona House of As. Beamer, Mr., see Beamer, JUDea lemhly Beamer, James, a, 22, 2a, 38, 52, 53, 122, Atkin, Edmond, 411, 478, 482, 4841 confinea 125, 126, 134, 145, 146, 150, 151, 195, Indian. claiming to be Cherokees, 405, 197, 226, 24J, 242, 304, 451-521 cenlUl 406.408, letter fro"m, 406-408, aends guna of Cherokee Indian., lSI, and Cherokee to Cherokees, 463 aid to Virginia, 366, complaints of, against Atkins, Mr. J see Atkin, Edmond rival traden, 9, 104-106, fean retaliation Atkins and Wetton: account of, 515; see also for Indian murden, 441-42, furnishea Cot. Merchants Byrd Indian preaenb, 4571 letter to, 150, Atore Eak, Cherokee, 202 letten from, 8-9, 49, 151,94-95, 104-106, Atwood, Isaac, 330 151, 227~28, 441 ...2, memorandum of, Augen, 576; Sle also Indian trade goods 4S I-52, opposed to Esterto. Indian. going Augu.ta. (Ga.), 29, 31, 35, 56, 60, 65, 72, to war, 4431 son of, 38,42,49, 121,214, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 11 1, 119, 152, 153, .upplies horses for Overbill fort expedition, 155, 156, 159, 186, 187, 1I~0, 256, 295, 209, trade of, 95, Sle also Cherokee trad· 297, 300, 301, 354, 356, 371, 373, 40a, ers, Interpreten .\ 416, 421, 423, 424, 441, 475, 489, rum Beamer, Thomaal see Bernar, Thomaa tra4e from, 1~0.61, 354, trade with, 113, Beamer'.
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