Alberti, Catelana Degli, 217N10 Alberti, Jacopo Carroccio Degli, 222N74

Alberti, Catelana Degli, 217N10 Alberti, Jacopo Carroccio Degli, 222N74

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62438-1 - The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade: Structures of Authority, Surfaces of Sense Charles Burroughs Index More information INDEX Alberti, Catelana degli, 217n10 as flesh, 99 Alberti, Jacopo Carroccio degli, 222n74 as mask, 22 Alberti, Leon Battista, 4, 67, 13, 18, 22, 28, Gothic, 1, 2, 75, 80, 90, 148, 223n80 78–79, 95–107, 110, 150, 159, 200n9 grammatical, 9, 92, 94 Anuli (“Rings”), 27 inscriptions in, 28, 96, 205n65 De iure (“On Law”), 98 meaning in, 20, 223n80 De re aedificatoria, 16, 17, 19, 35, 95–100, orders, 116, 137–139, 142 144, 221n53, 227n43, 230n8 skeletal, 80, 202n36 Della Famiglia, 88, 91, 95, 101, 227n43, architectural representation (drawings, 231n17 models, prints), 4,13, 32, 36, 79, 82, De pictura/Della Pittura, 95–97, 99, 110–124, 199n8, 212n138 119–122, 144, 242n41 Aretino, Pietro, 4 De sculptura, 99 Aristotle, 16, 99, 147; De partibus Grammatichetta (handbook to Tuscan animalium, 99; Physics, 250n46; grammar), 98 Poetics, 207n89; Politics, 150; Alberti family and houses, 56, 71–73, 90, 91, Rhetoric, 208n93, 252n67 95, 106, 218n22, 228n47 Arnolfo di Cambio, 80–81 Alberti, Giannozzo, 91, 101 Athens, Duke of, see Walter of Brienne Alberti, Nicolaio degli, 218n20 Augustine of Hippo, St., 48, 216n29 Albizzi family, 61 Aldobrandini family, 82 Bagnaia, Villa Lante, 198n39 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 261n112 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 149 Alessi, Giovanni, 197n19 Bandinelli, Baccio, 128 Alexander VI Borgia, Pope, 151, 154 Barbaro, Daniele, 31, 187, 191, 201n22, Angelico, Fra, 196n9 213n139, 266n39, 269n67 anthropomorphism, 31, 108, 126, 207n82 Bardi family, 86 Apelles, 121 Bartoli, Maria Teresa, 91 Apollo, 116 Battiferri, Giovan Antonio, 163 architecture Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 105, 126 and language, 94 Biondo, Flavio, 202n32 and nature, 29, 184–190 Bisticci, Vespasiano di, 114 and subjectivity, 10, 130–131 Black Death, 43–47 as dress/clothing, 4, 7, 99 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 9, 43–49, 51, 57, 95 283 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62438-1 - The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade: Structures of Authority, Surfaces of Sense Charles Burroughs Index More information 284 INDEX Bologna, Palazzo Bocchi, 188; loggias in, Cronaca, Il (Simone del Pollaiuolo), 212n131, 223n76; University of, 92, 98, 206n72 251n60 Bomarzo, Villa Orsini, 40–42 Borgia, Lucrezia, 155 Da Uzzano, Niccolò, 69–71, 106 Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI Borgia, Damisch, Hubert, 122 Pope Dante Alighieri, 31, 46–47, 51, 58, 79, 81, Botticelli, Sandro, 131, 216n33 207n90, 215n18, 217n4 Bracciolini, Poggio, 33, 209n100 Davizzi, Francesco, 54, 217n10 Bramante, Donato, 10, 104, 136–151, 167, Decembrio, Pier Candido, 209n101 182, 211n129 De Grazia, Margreta, 33 Branconio, Giovanni Battista, 163 Del Bufalo, Angelo, 180, 265n22 bricolage, 19, 202n35 Della Casa, Giovanni, 33, 213n2 Brienne, Walter of, 84, 124 Della Porta, Giacomo, 177–178 Bruschi, Arnaldo, 79 Della Rovere, Domenico, 156 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 9, 35, 77–80, 86, Della Volpaia, Bernardo, 257n52 91–93, 94, 95, 97, 99–100, 122–127 D’Este family, 173 monument to, 77 Dina (character in Bible), 44, 214n8 Bruni, Leonardo, 47, 232n29 Dinocrates, 30, 196n11 Bugiardini, Giuliano, 214n8 dissection, 31 Burchiello, 79, 84, 88, 98 Dominici, Giovanni, 62 Burke, Peter, 32 Donatello, 98, 99, 128 Busini family, 91, 106 Egypt, pyramids, 1, 195n3 Cacus, 149, 172, 261n105 Elias, Norbert, 219n30, 238n10 Caffarelli, Bernardino, 261n97 emblems and imprese, 20, 24, 26, 34, 95, 103, Capodiferro family, 174 108, 144–146, 166, 205n68, 249n37; as Capponi family, 69 moral portrait, 30 Caprini, Aurelio, 146 encyclopedism, 206n80 Carafa, Oliviero, 137 Epicureanism, 213n145 Castellesi, Adriano, 158, 251n58 Erasmus of Rotterdam, 30 Castello, Villa di, 265n20 Etruscan architecture, critique of, 195n3 Castiglione, Baldesar, 110, 165–166, 207n91 Ezzelino da Romano, 36 Cavalcanti, Guido, 215n18 Cavalieri, Tommaso de’, 176, 263n7 Fano, 201n28 Cellini, Benvenuto, 210n118 Fanzolo, Villa Emo, 267n45, 270n74 Cesarini, Giuliano, 263n8 Farnese family, 173 Charles V, Emperor, Federico da Montefeltro, 108 Chatelet-Lange, Liliane, 189 Ferrara, 100 chivalry, 14, 27, 47, 49 Florence Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 97, 98, 121 Alberti mausoleum at Ponte alle Grazie, Ciceronianism, 158, 242n42 106, 222n74; tower and loggia, 71–73; Ciompi, revolt of, 56, 6, 84, 125 90, 106 Circe (character in Homer’s Odyssey), 33 Baptistery, 60, 79, 80, 122, 210n121 Clement VII de’Medici, Pope, 131–132 Bargello (Palazzo del Capitano), 65 Colacio, Matteo, 121 Black Lion district (lion nero), 85 Colonna family, 190 Bonsignori view, 220n45 Colossal order, see giant order Borgo degli Albizzi (formerly San Pier Conduct, formalization of, 18, 28, 31, 33, Maggiore), 153 145, 149 building boom, 85, 133 Corbusier, Le (Eduard Jeanneret), 6, 7, 35 Casa Davanzati, 68 Cortesi, Paolo, 145, 147, 158–160 Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore, 77, 80, court culture, 18, 33, 35, 76, 82, 110, 165, 121 238n10 Council of, 95 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62438-1 - The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade: Structures of Authority, Surfaces of Sense Charles Burroughs Index More information INDEX 285 Feast of St. John, 51 Spedale degli Innocenti (Foundling Loggia della Signoria, 125, 128 Hospital), 81 Marzocco, 128–130 Tetto dei Pisani, 124–125 Muro dei Pisani, 61–62 Torre degli Alberti, 106–107 Ordinances of Justice, 54, 67 Torre della Vacca (dei Foraboschi), 55–56, Palazzo Alessandri, 59, 61, 69, 88, 221n60 126 Palazzo Antella, 222n62 Tower officials, 54, 218n14 Palazzo Antinori, 228n44 Via de’ Benci, 71, 86, 106, 222n74 Palazzo Barbadori, 226n33 Via de’ Calzaiuoli, 82, 124, 221n50 Palazzo Bartolini, 134 Via Maggio, 153, 254n7 Palazzo Busini (now Bardi), 84–91, 105, walls of city, 71, 86 226n31, 226n36 Fontainebleau, 22; grotte des Pins, 189 Palazzo Canigiani, 220n47, 221n51 Foraboschi family, 55 Palazzo Cocchi, 221n62 Fradenburg, Louise, 149 Palazzo Da Uzzano (now Capponi), 69, 84, Freedman, Luba, 31 88, 106, 220n47, 235n69 Friedman, David, 9, 64, 65, 67, 88 Palazzo Davanzati (formely Davizzi), 82, Frommel, Christoph L., 167 221n60, 221n62 front porch, 3 Palazzo Dei-Guadagni, 212n131 frontispiece (of printed book), 34 Palazzo Gerini-Neroni, 228n49, 230n4 Palazzo Giandonato, 221n50, 222n64 Gaza, Theodore, 100, 233n46 Palazzo Gianfigliazzi, 222n67 Genoa, 6; Strada Nuova, 5, 6, 18, 153 Palazzo Gondi, 88, 133 Ghibellinism, 173 Palazzo Medici, 15, 35, 69, 78, 82, 85, 88, Ghiberti Lorenzo, 79, 98, 99 91, 94, 104–107, 109, 128, 133, 159, giant/colossal order, 24–25, 150 235n68 giants, 188–189 Palazzo Morelli, 227n37 Giotto di Bondone, 223n80 Palazzo Pandolfini, 36 Giovanni da Prato, 79 Palazzo di Parte Guelfa, 82, 124, 229n56 Giovio, Paolo, 27, 250n53 Palazzo Pazzi, 89, 200n14, 212n136, Giulio Romano, 189, 209n106, 211n129, 221n58, 225n22, 228n44 212n137, 213n138, 263n124, 268n57 Palazzo Pitti, 88, 89, 246n5 Goethe, J.S. von, 197n20 Palazzo Portinari-Salviati, 88, 221n50 Goldthwaite, Richard, 84–85 Palazzo Rucellai, 15, 16, 36, 88, 94, grafting, 146 101–104, 137, 159 grammar, 92 Palazzo della Signoria (now Palazzo Grendler, Paul, 92 Vecchio), 77, 80, 81, 83, 104, 122–127 grotesque body, 149 Palazzo Strozzi, 36, 88, 133, 211n127 grotto casino, 189 Palazzo Tornabuoni, 88–90, 228n44 Gubbio, 119 Peruzzi family compound, 220n45, Guicciardini, Francesco, 244n74 227n41, 228n47 Piazza Santa Croce, 65 heraldry, 13, 14, 18, 20, 27–29, 57, 69, 73, Piazza della Signoria, 60, 62, 122 94–95, 103 Ponte alle Grazie, 86, 106 Hercules, 30, 128, 149, 171–173, 181; statues reggimento, 82, 83, 91 of, 173, 180, 264n17, 265n23 Rucellai loggia, 102 hieroglyphs, 145 San Lorenzo, 105–106, 130–132; campanile Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 22, 207n84 project, 130 San Marco, 105 individualism, 33 Santa Croce, 106 Inquisition, Roman, 33 Santa Maria Novella, 107 Santo Spirito, 77, 210n120, 229n56; Pazzi jetties (sporti), 65–67, 88, 96, 221n62, 222n65 Chapel, 223n2 Jacobacci, Cristoforo, 153 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62438-1 - The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade: Structures of Authority, Surfaces of Sense Charles Burroughs Index More information 286 INDEX John the Baptist, St., 46, 47 Michelangelo Buonarroti, 127–132, 176–177, Julius II Della Rovere, Pope, 137, 142, 146, 182, 263n7 150, 158, 174 bust of Brutus, 177, 263n8 Julius III Del Monte, Pope, 269n64 David, 10, 128–132, 179 Michelozzo di Bartolomeo, 78, 91, 105, Lapi, Apollonio, 82 229n54 Latini, Brunetto, 58, 220n37 Miglio, Massimo, 131 Laurana, Luciano, 116 Milan, 78, 136; Sala degli Assi, Castello Leo X de’ Medici, Pope, 151, 155, 160–165, Sforzesco, 148; Sant’ Ambrogio, 148 246n6 military technology, 110 Leonardo da Vinci, 148, 208n96 Minerva/Pallas Athena, 116, 216n33, 240n24, libertinism, 7 268n52 Ligorio, Pirro, 172, 182, 189, 191, 209n109 Missini, Giordano, 174 Lingohr, Michael, 90 Modena, 121 loggias, 3, 16, 90, 102, 106, 136 modernism, 8, 38 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 223n81 monsters, 23, 149, 188, 268n52 Lupton, Julia, 44 Montaigne, Michel de, 253n81 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 126, 204n53, 254n85 Naples, 44 Madonna of the Oak (della Quercia), cult of, Narcissus, 97 173–174 Nature, conceptions of, 147; statue of, 182 Maganza, Giovanni Battista, 185, 266n39 Neoplatonism, 6, 145 Mancini, Giulio, 259n84 Niccoli, Niccolò, 78, 224n5 Manetti, Antonio; biography of Brunelleschi, Nicholas V Parentucelli, Pope, 153–154, 159, 62, 80–81, 86, 91,

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