SUBJK6 _ F~@1>~~c92:=RmohL5PE92M~~~ wtw /or<92<R92s_5 -I I!!E>I!I?l92L. I3 C!! I1}i92!E5E31FIICi IKE] IICJli FREEDOM OP IHPORHATXOHIPIIVHCY ICTS RELEASE uln- ausamcr = r._ |"p~Q|92!C.92§{ QQQQ! |92!QLl5pC92_92_mQQ_ 7 T" 7&#39;, &#39;7 I, I _ Il92C3I3E3 I2IS92?]fl5iiIB[D 2 __l__ IlC3E§E3 I2!S[¢!5l92¬5I5E>: no-1-=s=_l92J§I FLU. ,|5 .RF.¢¬RLoci$ J-IIIII-IIII-n-I-I--ill--I-I-5 I fII_J_- I -I -___-__p_-__J II II Ihi L_; l S"4_*&#39; -_| £3LJI5JTIB&#39;I&#39;: I&#39;lBCDIBI!l92l; I5lJIiI5l92923 . ¬5iF iIiiiFiiiiiFii¬iii1FiInJ FREEDOM OP IIPORIITIONIPIIVICY ICTS IBLIASI l:Q[5g,}g|,§ J. ,5 M5 Q -_ - - Y 111:1 I5!- &#39;]___ _ __7&#39;_ a3__&#39; _ _ ~_ _7____-1- 92!CJL.: &#39;" Il92C3I$¬3 I?I5927]EIB§IIECJ: IlC3IBE3 I!IB[¢I5l92E3I5E>: :5 I IQCDYPIBEI: q|inu- "i1__7_j-i &#39;7 &#39;iIIj_ _ I -7 &#39; i |_, i 1 J I 92 1*! I 7 7 ii W i ii , Q&#39;1 4| §u % I Bomb iB&#39;lasf _ W F . &#39;- I currrm mum I | If-I3 M/2,-id-I46--I-5,,-Q 1 mmorr&#39;j°"%&#39;,,,. , ¢7,M_/ _ mrzo 142- H___ _ a- A PAGE. I_ _W F037-&#39;§.R£ED 3&#39;2 H1 DIVISION W I I&#39;D? FT 3-T! DIVISION .Q &#39;.&#39;.. 0 ALL a:+ru;*=~*_ :T"T;;&#39;: 5- w.e.».::r _ -.;?--*"f - &#39;3_ "I _ A__9292 __Q1__92 5- S aw s3 la _5&#39;!c. i 1 1&#39;- IQ; n _ .Lé_é __¬7 . 4 " -&#39; I Y &#39;" . VQPl&#39;h1l|&#39;l|b0I|n!§¢z¢ f *__ ___ _ -mM£ED..-..iI|.£D._. -|»&#39;.n§.D .__...lNDDu&#39;.u ..... .. I Ma FBI NEW » -.-.-__,-_,_____ __ . /5&#39;7-r .3"! H am; g .- _ ._, C -Q &#39;-jinn lerraah tter- -BI damaged area, or-merly a is-itaiquartera. has been 1I92e._.., $u.~i_l: I ocziab-&#39;nid._ .&#39; " buried at the home oi Francis] hnred hsement -I&#39;|Il- Spmaniadjeunt to; by-the bomb Stf;-ick&#39;a &#39;Caf.bed:aI today. street level and The bomb landed in the the lidewalk araiway at the basement win- aruway, about blut. which could and three ieet ..0 blocks, ahattered ¢ n 7 re no-injuries. v loaion awakened the "&#39; ind <.n.i-lei-**&#39; priests h&?5&Y 1 who ruide in thebuilding at Sikh Sf. and Madison Ave. " &#39;"5 in euwame Wb.H:-Ill Gray Stubs i demo. till UlIporiId.ly -v; ._ Near one ol the ahatteredj tbelirlttimeebombllaaem | on 11 50th St. poii to nd two or three wl-ii bogb was thrown. " E-A-i--1..-..a. gr y atuba" about 1% inch s .C_a_rdiua_i Spellman, who I VI-l$Il$i1I&#39; -drsaed and caine downstairs The bonibirq camea in die gidiameter. characteristics which they oi! d d- -oi to-Va-tend bare-headed i:n the mite wrapper. They were sent rain Irhiledetectivea searched :n.o:&#39;m_¢ nding at two in- to the police laboratory tor diafy bombs to 3. Peter: Ioroclnea. could give no {Baaiii in Rome. lea: month. exinination. _ Eon for the bombing. Kce also reported nding II.-id that he had receiv P Wu cloned for ae Mme nylon mono1an:ent&#39; no b thrmts. uniii the open- !k&#39;u!i,&#39;|eniml dean. dl such as is used tor shing line e Cardinal, the Rt. Re . &#39;l&#39;lura=day.e . -which might have bound Terrence Cooke and__t_he Rt. the stubs together. Rev, Edwin Broderick were in he Cardinal remained out- A wftnea-I told police that he the building when the blast oc- side tor nearly an hour while saw a man enter a 1952 car uertei Y |detectivea searched the ghas- and drive east on 50th St. -1t_ got ua up, the Cardinal latrewn areaway lor duel to abortiy alter the explosion at laid, Ilniiing. Lu» bomber. 1:10 am. Some police oicials. § eCardinal Jone Finally. a reporter asked however, speculated that a him what he was going to do pming motorist may have Despite the unexpected next. _ &#39; - _ Itopped alter the blast to check awakening. the" Cardinal seemed in good spirits. When 1we to bed. be id. &-q thinking in 0 He wen upetain..____ lion was a blowout. Ieporterl pressed him for a i reaaoo tor the bombing, he joked, Somebody must have tl:ought_La Piete was coming !|e:e.".. & -rife:-reu_" in the contro- vewy over the rernoval oi the Iaotoua Michelangelo stazue horn the Vatican tor display lt&#39;the 1%! New York World: .-.@l} _,-reaeneuahtmm 9"? have-eeeh&#39; 1 l 92 .~- - 1: z T -,¢ . ,&#39;92- 12-,~. 1&#39;" r-Y &#39;." Pom&#39;uamin¢nmadbhu5IHdpI!lde$q_d&#39;!&#39;nau:3|;:-£5; Pm: htlnnl-bu] 513$.-Prom _ < -- 3 V _..-._.-Z -_-_._ ,_ _ __ J 1&#39; -J I ..4 . " -=5-_&#39; "#2: ~&#39; -"J! I _...;..-- --.---~-----=» -P: -- j =2.» - ---&#39;~"&#39;-?-=.---ab ,._ -&#39;- -.--.-. --&#39;:-_=_ =-1 :1 - -A _, _ - &#39; _ &#39;11-1*"-"&#39;5 &#39;-&#39;_;£»&#39;K__i-&#39;-&#39;.&#39; &#39;.!--.-"*1; "" &#39;j,""};""5"g 5 5 -.1 7"- - _- WT-*T"&#39;."&#39;. 5- 1.:~1rg_¢~=-.-»;;::=;::>:*+-¢F5§:,==:=_§*_.$;;5.=r - 1" .-_.,_-_-;:_ 92 __~k__-_-_;::__.&#39; _ &#39;--- -_ ""--. 7-. i ¥BomB I l>- &#39;~--&#39;-U Rocks,1 -&#39; ==- -<1.-.=_&#39;;¢ K 1 5 &#39; . - I -- .-Q __ 92-._.._.. -.__.-41-.- q.---. _._, 7 - _ _,. .~:-. - -, _ -. .. ._ I _ -~f &#39;-__-,5 _- -__-1->_1___._,_,-1-__;_._> .-- _ .-&#39;_-- _ -I _.n _ _ 3 Edamaged by a homornacl-0 dyn|n§i+6 56ml: hlid inio Baumonf &#39;-faraway ii 50111 Sf. ind M-odiwp&#39;An.&#39; His&#39;-E&#39;riin_0n¢&#39;0 p|926+0!. .- -_ _T.m_-rohnod"b1 l&#39;|&#39;|0 u-plus-ion but shown f &#39;to .010- &#39;via~vin n nlamqo. alia flu roa- iv|y,_invos+iga+ing an Hamil fflwvilll ""___,92. _ H _ . - -..._. ._ _ .7 _ . 1&#39;1- e O - P.n F &#39;2 1 .1; I Q I a. 92 Q». J_- J -I ?-_I&#39; ~ 4:- i | i &#39; 92- "--&#39;92""&#39; ~""&#39; -&#39; "-~!"- &#39;92- in-&#39; A -" -Lu -:&#39;=:¢-qt- - 9 -- -n J I a "&#39;3&#39;-&#39; - .1:-_r 9&#39;. bn ...Ga"r1<i|i1_3 % - -J.- &#39; l Is.- F L &#39;w=r1Mb§"1=ii&#39;1zht@m-vi-=1 _ I; §=--D -=.n:.ay =19:-;~;~?§§1$§-20;: 1.1»; ast :&#39;§:. Patrick: Caihedral ma set up 1 q:eda.I"tuk1orce of T:pgtI1>Im¬nt0gua1&#39;d3¬Ofth¬ eitysmureprominentchumhes &#39;mdssmasosues- - _- . - . _ 1&#39;?" In&#39;addit:lan&a I I0-man force in [nu-dgi-eminent Churches, Mu:-pt» eye ODYUIE issuedlpecinlord 2,-IN houses at $?r=n?§ 1 tln~ou;hout_92hc"=1t7. nllmmmuuhtnkeep .3 close 1&#39;"?PBOBlIl1§i&#39;IN"l i.-IGIOUI edlctl Hi ll-Qt nu-uh I11! 7_&#39;.Z&#39;¬Ihat.l1cegm.l U1 Cl .::dSt. IYDIIOIUEI John the Templt IiV192 Emltm-El X111 légtgerplignY CE -.~ -commandsinurdertoheadounyo - r_- mm an nllht. lngthet Ge _ 2° I&#39;ll hum -. -- 1 :- "5. f" -.I. lndeterniined explulive, _ _ center of I I-dlon cab _. ad mm-u va.. Bronx. Th tbaAncen|50nlnptlItC_ 1"" ¢z&#39;6:&#39; ».j_ ma Yawn; <-=1»-.4-m mam _ , 11; hum . will &#39;w1r1.he &l&#39;E&#39;EIl&#39;l&#39;92&#39;cmmun tn -TB ugcgavu F H rTAZ&#39;92$h=&#39;=, 2 _ £11: Eaves for gm E.énu.men1a1 Council In B2:-inc. I&#39; P O lice labontdry r mennwhlle down determined _ Cardinal that thg bombrui 1.1.4-uq "hm _§_§_°§§$.&#39;L..-Q.-._-,1 __ _ Qntfeggtwliflnadnn ___ _ and sum s&#39;:. was in ipxne-macie mgsso tuhioned from sticks: Q __ _ _ . !IOUGlAllAIDwu:1eep1n¢ln_a&#39;munwbu&#39;nIaI1n60W l:nasl92edIh:nthedynl:nltewentn!!lt1=_Tl_l-I_Iu-Qthlll uncibumnnwuilh &#39;"-5* *" _ ~&#39; ;_ *2 -P:¢ummuyuummuan-naweattnttho-dynunite-I10 4.-H or Freulcluotthoty-peuledlncons1:&#39;ucuonb1utin¢¢-Illwrlppedcudmwqnpen mdletuly-tdstnmtpr. - I__wulmnwmmm_m_wEhmmmm_%_____mm?uhgmE__%__ HWM mmMmWmmwmmmmg WA_L___Mmmmmmdmmu_L_mmm&#39;hiWmmmmmmMmmmmmxmmgmwm______!i____&#39;1____________é_a____,___E1__I___.__________M ___V H_ _ _ J; va 1 Bomblaid .. I To. Fanahc B! ALFRED ROBBINS .q&#39;Special pollen guard; H _ . were thrown around the =1 city: prominent churchol , . jut by Q -pg, Hn Ind 8Yl8Ol&#39;921e| 1»: mun. whnn l_:.ia order went halo all net. potion wore ii- 1 Urutonned you-o!::§en_ were 1§n:.:1e.:&#39;a Cathedral. an an. ;lrdered on rozmd-0;»-clock and 50th it.. 8t. &#39;Ih0m-lrl D1:-» {fixed-non" duty outaida tho -oopal Chm-ch. lth a1o.md osd felltioua edmoea In Oommx. at... 8t. Ia:-tho1o:new&#39;a. Park Ilichnel J. H1-I-rnhl. av. and sou: at..&#39;I&#39;emv1e lnanu Hla action stemmed from tho ll. 6th an. Ind I50: IL, and dynamite bombing--early ha- the Cazednl of Gt. Job: tho terda!--of Cardinal Brahman: 92D"1m| 113:1: ot. lad Mum&#39;- seamen: :5 4:2 Hadiaoa ivi.
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