Brezplačno za Avtobusni izleti imetnike kartice v okolici Bleda gosta Julijske Alpe. Free of charge for Bus trips in the holders of Julian Alps surroundings of Bled guest cards. julij, avgust | July, August 2021 Poletni poldnevni izleti Summer half-day trips Julija in avgusta vas sedem dni Every day during July and August, we v tednu vabimo na raziskovanje invite you to join a guided tour to discover zanimivosti v okolici Bleda v družbi the attractions in the surroundings of lokalnega vodnika. Izleti z avtobusom so Bled. The bus tour is free for holders of brezplačni za imetnike kartice Julijske Julian Alps guest cards: Bled and Julian Alpe: Bled in Julijske Alpe: Radovljica. Alps guest cards: Radovljica. Z Bleda vas popeljemo na odkrivanje From Bled, we take you on a discovery kulturnih, naravnih in zgodovinskih of the cultural, natural and historical zanimivosti v okoliških krajih. attractions of the surrounding towns and villages. Večina izletov se prične na Bledu, turistični avtobus pa goste pobere tudi The majority of the tours begin in Bled, v vseh večjih kampih ter na izbranih however, the tourist bus also picks up avtobusnih postajah v Lescah in guests in all the large campsites and Radovljici. Od ponedeljka do nedelje, at selected bus stations in Lesce and vsak dan dopoldan, lahko na ta način Radovljica. Therefore, every morning, spoznate enega od zanimivih krajev 7 days per week, you can discover one ali naravnih znamenitosti v bližini of the interesting places or natural Bleda: Radovljico, Begunje, Kropo, Tržič, attractions of Radovljica, Begunje, Kropa, Jesenice, en dan v tednu pa lahko z Tržič and Jesenice in the Gorenjska lokalnim vodnikom odkrivate Bled. region, while a tour of Bled with a local Popeljemo vas tudi po tematskih poteh guide takes place once a week. We also in na ogled zanimivosti, ki jih sami guide you along theme paths and to see le stežka odkrivate, prav za vas pa other attractions that would be hard to so v krajih omogočena tudi posebna otherwise find alone, and in some places doživetja. there are even some special experiences arranged just for you! 3 Cena poldnevnega izleta: 25 € na osebo, brezplačno za otroke do 10 let. Price of half-day trip: €25 per person, free of charge for children up to the age of 10. Cena vključuje prevoz z avtobusom, vodenje na avtobusu ter po Price includes bus transport, local guide service on the bus, local guiding znamenitostih v programu, organizacijo izleta, DDV. according to itinerary, organisation costs, VAT. V ceno niso vključene vstopnine v muzeje, razen tam, kjer je to posebej Museum entry fee's are not included, unless this is clearly stated in the navedeno. programme. Nakup vozovnice je možen: Tickets may be purchased: - na avtobusu z gotovino - on the bus in cash - v Infocentru Triglavska roža Bled, TIC Bled, TIC Radovljica, TIC Tržič, - at the Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled, Tourist Information Centre Bled, TIC Begunje the Radovljica Tourist Information Centre, the Tržič Tourist Information - na spletni strani www.radolca.si Centre, the Begunje Tourist Information Centre - on the website www.radolca.si Izleti so brezplačni za imetnike kartic ugodnosti Julijske Alpe: Radovljica in Julijske Alpe: Bled. Kartico gosta Bleda prejmejo brezplačno vsi, ki dve Excursions are free for holders of Julian Alps: Radovljica and Julian Alps: noči bivajo v partnerskih nastavitvah občine Bled. Kartico gosta Radovljice Bled benefit cards.Guests staying for at least two nights in the municipality of prejmejo brezplačno vsi, ki minimalno dve noči bivajo v partnerskih Bled are entitled to a free Bled guest card. Guests staying at least two nights in nastanitvah v občinah Radovljica, Jesenice in Tržič. Kartico prejmete pri partner accommodation in the municipalities of Radovljica, Jesenice and Tržič vašem ponudniku nastanitve. are entitled to a free Radovljica guest card. Cards can be obtained from your accommodation provider. Brezplačno za imetnike kartice gosta Julijske Alpe. Free of charge for holders of Julian Alps guest cards. KARTICA JULIJSKE ALPE: RADOVLJICA JULIAN ALPS CARD: RADOVLJICA KARTICA JULIJSKE ALPE: RADOVLJICA JULIAN ALPS CARD: RADOVLJICA KARTICA JULIJSKE ALPE: BLED POLETJE JULIAN ALPS CARD: BLED SUMMER KARTICA JULIJSKE ALPE: BLED POLETJE JULIAN ALPS CARD: BLED SUMMER Pri vseh izletih, razen sredinega izleta na Bled, avtobus potnike prične pobirati For all excursions, except for Wednesday's trip to Bled, the bus starts picking v Campingu Bled. Nadaljuje na avtobusnih postajah ter v večjih kampih do up passengers in Camping Bled. It then continues, stopping at bus stations and Radovljice (River Camping Bled, Kamp Šobec). Podrobnosti izletov in ure larger campsites, to Radovljica (River Camping Bled, Camp Šobec). Details of odhodov so navedene pri vsakem izletu posebej. the excursion and departure times are listed separately for each excursion. Večina izletov je pripravljenih tako, da si boste na poti lahko vzeli čas za The majority of the excursions have been arranged so that you can take time uživanje v lokalni kulinariki ali za samostojne oglede dodatnih zanimivosti. along the the way to enjoy local cuisine or to pay an independent visit to additional attractions. Izleti vodijo tako na odkrivanje kulture kot narave. Bodite pozorni na ikono Excursions include visits to both cultural and natural attractions. Note: športne obutve pri opisu izleta. Tako označeni izleti vključujejo hojo po excursions marked with a 'sports shoes' icon include walking on trails, naravnih poteh in je zato priporočena športna obutev. therefore sports footwear is recommended. 4 5 EDINSTVENA DOVŽANOVA SOTESKA IN MESTO TRŽIČ Vsak PONEDELJEK: THE UNIQUE DOVŽAN GORGE Bled – Dovžanova AND THE TOWN OF TRŽIČ soteska – Tržič – Bled V družbi lokalnega vodnika odkrijte skrivnosti edinstvene Dovžanove soteske ter spoznajte bogato kulturno dediščino in zgodbe iz obrtniškega mesta v objemu Karavank. Na sprehodu po slikoviti Dovžanovi soteski vam bo lokalni vodnik razkril njeno izjemno geološko bogastvo. Nadaljevali boste z ogledom starega mestnega jedra Tržiča nižje v dolini, ki ga je zaznamovala bogata obrtniška preteklost. Every MONDAY: Bled – Dovžan gorge – Tržič – Bled Discover the secrets of the unique Dovžan gorge in the company of a local guide and learn about the wealth of cultural heritage and stories of this craft town in the embrace of the Karavanke mountains. On a walk through the picturesque Dovžan gorge a local guide will explain the exceptional geological wealth of the gorge. The trip continues with a tour of the old town centre of Tržič, which is lower in the valley and which was shaped by its rich former craft tradition. 6 PONEDELJEK MONDAY 7 Izlet pričenjate v Dovžanovi lahko ogledate še sodobno The trip begins in the Dovžan After a guided tour of the town, Vsak ponedeljek soteski – slikoviti dolini z izjemnim prenovljeni Tržiški muzej, ki je s gorge – a picturesque valley with you can visit the contemporary Every Monday geološkim bogastvom, kjer vam svojimi interaktivnimi razstavami an exceptional geological wealth, renovated Tržič Museum, which bo lokalni vodnik razkril čudovito obrti in Slovenskim smučarskim where a local guide will reveal a is housed in the interesting Camping Bled 9.00 zgodbo o nenavadnih živih bitjih muzejem zelo zanimiv za odrasle fascinating story about unusual ambience of a former tannery. Mlino 9.05 in spreminjanju okolij v daljni in otroke ali pa se v ambientu living creatures and changes to The museum‘s interactive exhibits Union 9.08 geološki preteklosti. Kurnikove hiše, najstarejše hiše the environment in the distant of local trades along with the Infocenter Bled 9.12 v mestu preizkusite v peki tržiške geological past. Slovenian Skiing Museum are River Camping 9.20 Polni novih spoznanj se boste flike (kruhova pogača s smetano interesting for both adults and Camping Šobec 9.25 odpeljali v tržiško mesto in kumino) in poskusite dobrote iz Full of new knowledge, you will children, while in Kurnik house – jedro. Tam vas pričaka zmaj iz »svinjskih nebes«. next head for the old town of the oldest building in the town – Lesce ŽP 9.32 petelinjega jajca, ki je po legendi Tržič, where you will be greeted you can try your hand at baking Lesce Tulipan 9.34 kriv za nastanek današnjega Z lokalnim vodnikom si boste by a dragon from a rooster‘s egg, Tržiška flika (flatbread with cream AP Radovljica 9.37 Tržiča. Poleg te legende boste ogledali: which, according to local legend, and cumin) and try some goodies predviden povratek / 14.45 v družbi lokalnega vodnika — Dovžanovo sotesko is responsible for the emergence from ‚pig heaven‘! estimated time of return spoznali še zgodbe o čevljarjih, — mestno jedro Tržiča of today‘s Tržič. In addition to the nogavičarjih, usnjarjih, barvarjih legend, your guide will reveal more The guided tour includes visits in kovačih, ki so v cvetočem Ob poti lahko obiščete še: tales about shoemakers, hosiers, to: Along the way you can also visit: obrtniškem mestu za svoje delo — Tržiški muzej tanners, dyers and blacksmiths, — Dovžan gorge — Tržič Museum izkoriščali vodno silo Mošenika in — Kurnikovo hišo who in their work utilised the — Old town centre of Tržič — Kurnik house Tržiške Bistrice ter bližino živahne — Spominsko sobo dr. Toneta force of the waters of the Mošenik — Dr. Tone Pretnar memorial room trgovske poti preko Ljubelja. Pretnarja stream and the Tržiška Bistrica — Mebron foundry — Livarno Mebron river and the proximity of the lively — Tekec nativity scene Po vodenem ogledu mesta si v — Tekčeve jaslice trade route across the Ljubelj pass zanimivem ambientu nekdanje in the thriving trade town. usnjarne ob plačilu vstopnice 8 PONEDELJEK MONDAY 9 KOVAŠKI KRAJI Vsak TOREK: POD JELOVICO Bled – Kropa – IRONWORKING VILLAGES Kamna Gorica – Bled BENEATH JELOVICA Kovana lepota narave, zibelka kovaštva, Male Benetke, so poimenovanja za kraje, ki jih boste obiskali. Spoznajte bogato tradicijo kovanja in obiščite slikovita stara jedra Krope in Kamne Gorice. Kraje pod Jelovico je zaznamovala voda, ki priteče izpod planote in bogata kovaška preteklost.
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