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Kindly visit university website for any up-to-date. ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ MANGALORE UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION Mangalore University was established on September 10, 1980 to cater to the higher educational needs of Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Kodagu Districts. The University Campus is situated in a picturesque location and is a major centre for advanced academic studies and research. Although Mangalore University is one of the youngest Universities in the country, it has within its ambit some of the oldest and prestigious institutions of higher learning. There are 25 post graduate departments in the University Campus offering 40 Post Graduate programmes. Along with this, P.G. Diploma in Yogic Science and Cyber Security, Embedded System, three months certificate programmes in Yogic Science and 1 month Introductory programmes (Yogic Science I and II) are being taught. There are 2 Post Graduate departments with 12 P.G. programmes and a P.G. Diploma programme in Yogic Science are being offered at Jnana Kaveri P.G. Centre, Chikka Aluvara, Kushalnagar, Kodagu District. University College, Mangaluru offers 6 Post Graduate programmes along with one year P.G. Diploma in Yogic Science and 3 months certificate programmes in Yogic Science. In the University Evening College at Mangaluru, 5 P.G. programmes, Certificate and Diploma programmes in French and German languages are being offered. Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa College, Madikeri offers 5 P.G. programmes and one year P.G. Diploma programme in Yogic Science. The University Campus at Mangalagangothri is located at a distance of about 20 Km south- east of the city of Mangalore. The campus is spread over an area of about 350 acres and is on a high elevation overlooking the Arabian Sea on the one side and the Western Ghats on the other. Since its establishment, the University has made considerable progress in the field of higher education and research. The campus has hostel facilities for both men and women. The central facilities on the campus include a well equipped Library; Computer Centre; world class scientific laboratories such as CARRT, CARER, PURSE and Microtron Centre; University Science Instrumentation Centre, Health Centre, Directorate of Student Welfare,Yakshagana Kala Kendra, Mangala Auditorium and Multi Gym. A Day Care Centre, an English Medium Pre-primary, Primary and High School, Pre-University College and Mangalore University First Grade College have been in operation successfully. University First Grade College at Nelyadi was established during the academic year 2018-19. Shopping complex and the University Employees Credit Co-operative 6 Any information given in this prospectus is correct at the time of printing. Kindly visit university website for any up-to-date. ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ MANGALORE UNIVERSITY Society are located on the campus. There are two well-furnished guest houses on the campus. A Canteen, Bank, Post Office, Transportation and other modern communication facilities are also available on the campus for the benefit of students. The campus also has good facilities for Sports and Games. Besides sports, short-term programmes for staff and students in Yoga are frequently conducted by the University. Lectures, workshops and training programmes are organized under different endowment chairs. The co-curricular and cultural activities reflecting the multicultural ambience of the region are conducted on the campus. The Prasaranga unit is engaged in the dissemination of knowledge and separate cells to cater to the needs of OBC and SC/ST students are housed on the campus. The campus has a large footprint for international students from over 40 countries. The campus has a Counselor for the benefit of both staff and students.
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