Notes INTRODUCTION 1. Graham Greene (ed.), The Old School (London: Jonathan Cape, 1934) 7-8. (Hereafter OS.) 2. Ibid., 105, 17. 3. Graham Greene, A Sort of Life (London: Bodley Head, 1971) 72. (Hereafter SL.) 4. OS, 256. 5. George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier (London: Gollancz, 1937) 171. 6. OS, 8. 7. Barbara Greene, Too Late to Turn Back (London: Settle and Bendall, 1981) ix. 8. Graham Greene, Collected Essays (London: Bodley Head, 1969) 14. (Hereafter CE.) 9. Graham Greene, The Lawless Roads (London: Longmans, Green, 1939) 10. (Hereafter LR.) 10. Marie-Franc;oise Allain, The Other Man (London: Bodley Head, 1983) 25. (Hereafter OM). 11. SL, 46. 12. Ibid., 19, 18. 13. Michael Tracey, A Variety of Lives (London: Bodley Head, 1983) 4-7. 14. Peter Quennell, The Marble Foot (London: Collins, 1976) 15. 15. Claud Cockburn, Claud Cockburn Sums Up (London: Quartet, 1981) 19-21. 16. Ibid. 17. LR, 12. 18. Graham Greene, Ways of Escape (Toronto: Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1980) 62. (Hereafter WE.) 19. Graham Greene, Journey Without Maps (London: Heinemann, 1962) 11. (Hereafter JWM). 20. Christopher Isherwood, Foreword, in Edward Upward, The Railway Accident and Other Stories (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972) 34. 21. Virginia Woolf, 'The Leaning Tower', in The Moment and Other Essays (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974) 128-54. 22. JWM, 4-10. 23. Cockburn, 21. 24. Ibid. 25. WE, 32. 26. Graham Greene, 'Analysis of a Journey', Spectator (September 27, 1935) 460. 27. Samuel Hynes, The Auden Generation (New York: Viking, 1977) 228. 28. ]WM, 87, 92. 29. Ibid., 272, 288, 278. 199 200 Notes to Chapter 1 30. Ibid., 33. 31. Ibid., 178-81. 32. Ibid., 278, 18, 174, 121. 33. Ibid., 65, 121 312. 34. Ibid., 64. Greene was a member of the Communist Party for four weeks while he was a student at Oxford, and of the ILP for a short period in 1933. 35. WE, 53. 36. OM, 81. 37. Author's interview with Greene (29 July 1988). CHAPTER 1: BETWEEN WARS 1. OM, 39. 2. SL, 126-30. Greene's chronology conflicts with Norman Sherry's in The Life of Graham Greene (London: Jonathan Cape, 1989), which appeared as Graham Greene: The Dangerous Edge went to press. 3. Ibid., 139, 140. 4. Graham Greene, 'The French Peace', The Oxford Outlook VI Gune 1924) 212-14. 5. SL, 41. 6. Ibid., 172. 7. Christopher Isherwood, Lions and Shadows (London: Hogarth, 1938) 177. 8. Louis MacNeice, The Strings Are False (London: Faber, 1965) 101. 9. SL, 175. 10. WE, 5. 11. Ibid., 6. 12. Ibid., 8. 13. Graham Greene, The Name of Action (New York: Doubleday, 1931) 58. 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid., 264. 16. Graham Greene, Rumour at Nightfall (London: Heinemann, 1931) 4. 17. Ibid., 11, 44, 45, 145, 298, 10. 18. T.S. Eliot, 'Last Words', Criterion 18 Ganuary 1939) 271. 19. Graham Greene, A Gun for Sale (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963) 109. (Hereafter GS.) 20. Graham Greene, The Confidential Agent (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963) 88. (Hereafter CA.) 21. Graham Greene, It's A Battlefield (London: Heinemann, 1959) 119, 223. (Hereafter lB.) 22. GS, 14. 23. Graham Greene, England Made Me (London: Heinemann, 1960) 50. (Hereafter EMM.) 24. Graham Greene, Stamboul Train (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1951) 48. (Hereafter ST.) 25. WE, 56. 26. IB, 219. Notes to Chapter 1 201 27. Ibid., 234. 28. ST, 61. 29. Ibid., 114. 30. IB, 42, 194, 185. 31. Graham Greene, 'Comments On Auden', New Verse (November 1937) 29. 32. WE, 22. 33. CA, 60. 34. IB, 190, 217. 35. GS, 172. 36. EMM, 238. 37. Graham Greene, 'The Landowner in Revolt', London Mercury (February 1937) 424-5. 38. Graham Greene, Brighton Rock (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965) 3, 169, 201. (Hereafter BR.) 39. CE, 49-50. 40. Graham Greene, 'Cinema', Spectator (24 April 1936) 766. 41. JWM, 304. 42. ST, 112, 114. 43. Claud Cockburn, 'A Conversation with Claud Cockburn', The Review (No. 11-12, 1952). 44. Graham Greene, 'Alfred Tennyson Intervenes', Spectator (24 December 1937) 1058. 45. WE, 59. 46. Graham Greene, 'A Dane In Africa', Observer (15 November 1936). 47. Graham Greene, 'Homage to the Bombardier', London Mercury (December 1937) 219. 48. Ibid. 49. Graham Greene, 'Death in the Cotswolds', Spectator (24 February 1933) 247. 50. Graham Greene, 'Vive le Roi', Spectator (22 July 1938) 139-40. 51. Graham Greene, 'Strike in Paris', Spectator (16 February 1934) 229-30. 52. Ibid. 53. Ibid. 54. WE, 108. 55. Graham Greene, The Ministry of Fear (New York: Bantam, 1970) 177. (Hereafter MF.) 56. SL, 166. Greene was received into the Church in February 1926. 57. WE, 59. 58. Graham Greene, 'Oberammergau', The Graphic (17 May 1930) 345. 59. Graham Greene, 'Three Travellers', Spectator (8 December 1939) 838. 60. Greene, 'Oberammergau'. 61. WE, 58. 62. JWM, 104, 309. 63. Graham Greene, 'From the Mantelpiece', Spectator (17 June 1938) 1110. 64. CA, 8, 56. 65. Greene, 'The Landowner In Revolt'. 66. Graham Greene, 'West Coast', Spectator (12 April 1935) 620, 202 Notes to Chapter 2 and 'Journey Without Maps', Time and Tide (23 May 1936) 460. 67. BR, 123. 68. WE, 62. 69. Graham Greene, 'Dark Backward', London Mercury (October, 1935) 562-5. 70. Graham Greene, 'Cinema', Spectator (6 December 1935) 940. 71. WE, 74. 72. GS, 48, 113, 172, 187. 73. WE, 57. 74. GS, 13. 75. WE, 61-2. 76. BR, 207. 77. WE, 58-9. 78. CE, 50. 79. BR, 93, 167. 80. Ibid., 37, 245. 81. WE, 58. 82. OM, 159. 83. BR, 249. CHAPTER 2: GREENE'S MEXICO 1. WE, 5. 2. LR, 14, 11. 3. Ibid., 13, 14, 15, 17. 4. Ibid., 11, 12-13, 14. 5. Greene says Father Pro was twenty-five when he arrived back in Mexico. His photographs certainly show him looking younger than he was. 6. LR, 18. 7. Ibid., 17, 19. 8. Ibid., 36. 9. Ibid., 57. 10. Ibid., 194, 270. 11. Ibid., 162, 46, 57. 12. Ibid., 58, 59. 13. Ibid., 28, 29. 14. Ibid., 29. 15. Ibid., 91-2. 16. Ibid., 46. 17. Ibid., 108. 18. V.S. Pritchett, London Mercury (April 1939) 648. 19. LR, 272. 20. Ibid., 257. 21. Richard Johnstone, The Will to Believe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984). Notes to Chapter 2 203 22. WE, 60. 23. OM, 166. 24. LR, 53 25. Ibid., 167-8. 26. Ibid., 212. 27. Graham Greene, 'Don in Mexico', Spectator (22 November 1940) 538. 28. Professor J. B. Trend, Spectator (29 November 1940) 582. 29. Graham Greene, Spectator (29 November 1940) 582. 30. WE, 59. 31. Anne Chisholm, Nancy Cunard (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985) 318. 32. Hynes, 260--70. 33. OM, 155. 34. LR, 204--5. 35. Ibid., 68, 121. 36. Robert E. Quirk, The Mexican Revolution and The Catholic Church 1910-1920 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973) 27-8. 37. OM, 155. 38. LR, 59-60, 50. 39. Graham Greene, 'Bed- Exhausted', Spectator (23 May 1941) 558. 40. Graham Greene, 'A Pride of Bombs', Spectator (14 February 1941) 178. 41. LR, 249, 296, 294, 296. 42. LR, 305. 43. Graham Greene, 'While Waiting For War', in Granta, No. 17 (1985) 25. 44. WE, 66. 45. Ibid., 67. 46. Ibid., 68. 47. LR, 130. 48. Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962) 8. (Hereafter PG.) 49. LR, 139. 50. Ibid., 141. 51. PG, 7 and LR, 137. 52. PG, 7. 53. LR, 137-8. Camibal is misspelled Cannibal throughout The Lawless Roads. He named one of his sons Lenin as Greene says but the other was not named Satan. He had a daughter called Soy la libertad (I am liberty). 54. PG, 7. 55. PG, (Collected Edition, 1958) viii. 56. PG, 24. 57. Ibid., 24-5. 58. Ibid., 82, 74, 77. 59. Ibid., 162, 121, 195. 60. Ibid., 49. 61. Graham Greene, 'Notes on the Way', Time and Tide (19 October 1940) 1021-2. 62. Ibid. 63. Graham Greene, 'Mr Hemingway's New Novel', Spectator (7 March 1941) 258. 204 Notes to Chapter 3 64. PG, 141-2. 65. Ibid, 210 66. Greene, 'Notes on the Way'. 67. Graham Greene, 'Escape', Spectator (4 October 1940) 344. 68. Ibid. 69. Greene, 'Notes on the Way'. 70. Ibid. 71. Graham Greene, Elizabeth Bowen and V.S. Pritchett, Why Do I Write? (London: Percival Marshall, 1948) 31, 48. 72. Greene, 'Notes on the Way'. 73. WE, 60. 74. Graham Greene, 'Domestic War', Spectator (28 March 1941) 348. 75. Graham Greene, 'They Wanted to Use Another Name', Evening Standard (10 August 1945) 6. 76. Greene, 'While Waiting for War'. 77. LR, 17. CHAPTER 3: SCOBIE'S WAR 1. Kim Philby, My Silent War (London: Panther, 1976) 50. 2. Bruce Page, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley, Phi/by, The Spy Who Betrayed a Generation (London: Sphere Books, 1977) 83-112. 3. Graham Greene, 'Convoy to West Africa', The Mint (1946) 55. 4. WE, 75-82. 5. MF, 1. 6. Ibid., 57. 7. Ibid., 60, 82, 67. 8. Ibid., 139. 9. Ibid., 212-14. 10. WE, 81. 11. Ibid., 89. 12. Ibid., 91. 13. Judith Adamson, Graham Greene and Cinema (Norman, Oklahoma: Pilgrim Books, 1984) 31-2. 14. Just before Stamboul Train was published in 1932 Priestley insisted that he saw himself in the character of Mr Savory. Greene had to make changes to the book after it had been bound, and to help defray the costs. 15. Graham Greene, 'A Lost Leader', Spectator (13 December 1940) 646. 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. 18. Greene, Why Do I Write?, 47. 19. Graham Greene, 'The Turn of the Screw', Spectator (20 June 1941) 657. 20. Greene, Why Do I Write?, 31. 21. Graham Greene, 'Lightning Tour', Spectator (13 June, 1941) 637.
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