ApPENDIX TABLE OF CONSEQUENTIALIST PRINCIPLES In Chapters 6, 7, and 9, a number of normative principles were discussed and criticized. I have claimed that a principle purporting to give a criterion of obligatoriness, in the 'fundamental' moral sense, should satisfy NI and SNI (in 'normal' cases), as well as CSIP. It should also make S-optimality necessary for obligatoriness. (This requirement is abbreviated as 'SNO' in Table 2.) If such a principle is supplemented with a principle giving a criterion of wrongness, the two principles should together also satisfy NH. In Table 2 I have listed the principles we have encountered, and for each (set of) princi­ ple(s) indicated which of these five requirements that are satisfied. C'J&Pl' refers to Jackson's and Pargetter's first principle, concerning whether or not a given action ought to be done. 'J&P2' refers to their second principle, concerning what an agent ought to do during a certain time-interval.) 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