Index A Anticlastic membrane surfaces, 83, 87 Acoustical performance, xv Antireflective glass coatings, 49 and glazing system, 36 AOT (Airports of Thailand), 132 of laminated glass, 106 Apple Store (Fifth Avenue, New York City), ACT Engineering Consultant, 132 101 AEG Worldwide, 120 Arbour, Peter, 245 AESS specifications, 51, 54 Architectural glass, xv, 2 Aesthetic demands, xv Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) Affiliated Engineers Inc., 196, 205 specifications, 51, 54 AGC Glass Europe, 24 Architectural material, glass as, 23 AIA (American Institute of Architects), 18 Architectural Wall Systems, 88 Airports of Thailand (AOT), 132 Architecture: Alfasi Steel Constructions, 132, 141 glass as, 2, 3 Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center (New York solar, 7–8 City), 231–241 Arcus Australia, 132 building structural system, 233, 234 AREP (Amenagement Recherche Poles cable system for, 92 d’Echanges), 185, 190 facade concept development, 238 Art of structure, 8–9 facade program, 235–241 Arup, Ove, 9, 168, 232 facade structure, 235, 236 Asahi Glass, 132 glass system, 235, 237–238 ASI Advanced Structures Inc., 87, 88, 120, 154, installation strategy, 240–241 161, 208, 224, 226, 228 project delivery, 238, 240 ASI Asiatic, 132, 139 SentryGlas in, 107 Aspension dome system, 79–80 testing, 238, 239 Assembly: All-Russia Exhibition (NizhnyCOPYRIGHTED Novgorod), 73 cableMATERIAL nets, 96 Alto, Alvar, 26 cable trusses, 64 Amenagement Recherche Poles d’Echanges gridshells, 76–77 (AREP), 185, 190 mast trusses, 57–58 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 18 ATEC, 29 Ammann and Whitney, 58 Atriums: Anchors: as building form, 8 cable nets, 97 300 New Jersey Avenue (51 Louisiana cable trusses, 58, 64 Avenue) atrium enclosure space frames, 70, 71 (Washington, D.C.), 153–166 Annealing, 24, 102 Austin, Dennis, 154 273 502433bindex.indd 273 2/7/11 2:35:18 AM 274 Index B economy of, 100 Bader, Ian, 168 form-finding with, 92 Bailey, D., 4 installation of, 96–99 Bailey, E., 4 Kempinski Hotel (Munich), 14, 15 Bank of America, 74 multilayer, 78 Barrier walls, 33, 36 Newseum (Washington, D.C.), 223–230 Base connections, 109–111 project method statements for, 99–100 Base-loaded trusses, 54 structural behavior of, 92–94 Bauhaus Building (Dessau), 5 tensioning, 98–99 BDP Lighting, 168 two-way flat, 86–87 Beam assembly: Cable-strut dome systems, 78–80 end brackets, 115, 117–118 Cable-strut systems, 77–81 pins, 112–116 design considerations, 81 Behnisch, Gunter, 9 dome systems, 78–80 Behnisch and Partners, 84 tensegrity structures, 78–79, 81 Bell, Alexander (Graham), 8, 66 tension-grid structures, 78, 80–81 Benedictus, Edouard, 106 Cable trusses, 58–64 Benedictus Awards, 106 assembly considerations, 64 Bent glass, 28–30 design objectives, 64 Berlin Central Station train shed, xv evolution of, 58–60 Best, Clause, 196 facade surface geometry, 61 Biosphere 2 Research Center (Oracle, Arizona), 67 materials, 64 Biosphere dome (Montreal Expo), 9, 66 prestress forces, 61 Blomberg, Charles, 17 as tensile-resistant systems, 61, 64 Body tints, 24, 25 types of, 60 Body-tinted glass, 25 CANAM Steel Corp., 224 Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, 101 Carpenter, James, 17, 107 Bolted point-fixed systems, 40–42, 94 Case studies: Bonded glazing, xiv Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center, 231–241 Bovis Lend Lease, 168 Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for British Pavilion (Expo ‘92), 9 Regenerative Medicine and Stem Brown, Sandy, 168 Cell Research, 195–206 Brugg, 132, 224 Eli and Edythe Broad Stage, 145–152 Building skin, xiii, xvi, 4–5. See also Structural LA Live Tower, 119–130 glass facades (SGFs) Newseum, 223–230 Burton, Decimus, 4 Richard J. Klarcheck Information Commons, Butacite®, 138 Loyola University, 207–221 Butt glazing, 32–34, 36 Strasbourg Railway Station Multimodal Hub, 183–194 Suvarnabhumi Bangkok International Airport, C 131–143 Cable bracing system (gridshells), 75 300 New Jersey Avenue (51 Louisiana Cable clamps, 93 Avenue) atrium enclosure, 153–166 Cable mullions, 12, 86 TKTS Booth and Revitalization of Father Cable nets, 83–100 Duffy Square, 243–261 constructability of, 94–96 Vivian and Seymour Milstein Family Heart design considerations for, 89–92 Center, New York Presbyterian double-curved, 87–89, 91–92, 95–96 Hospital, 167–182 502433bindex.indd 274 2/7/11 2:35:18 AM Index 275 Cassette systems, 39 Connell Wagner (nka Aurecon), 132, 139–141, 143 Casting processes, 2 Conservatories, 4, 8 CDC, 196, 202, 208 Constructability: Center Pompidou (Paris), 47 of cable nets, 94–96 Chemical tempering, of glass, 105 of space frames, 71–72 Chicago World’s Fair Ferris wheel, 8 Construction Consulting Laboratory West, 202 Childs, David, 87 Corona Aluminum Co., 146 Choi Ropiha, 245, 255, 256 Crespo, Yazmin, 245 Chords (space frames), 70 Cricursa, 29 Cladding: Cristacurva, 29, 120, 126, 129, 224 curtain walls, xiii–xiv Crown glass, 2 for German Pavilion (Montreal Expo), 83 Crystal Cathedral (Garden Grove, California), opaque panel materials as, xiv–xv 11–12, 67 plastic materials as, xiv, xv The Crystal Palace (Universal Exposition), 4, 8 Clamped point-fixed systems, 42–43 Crystal Pavilion (Century of Progress Exhibition), Clark Construction, 154 47 Climate wall, 171 CSTB, 185, 192 Clinton Library (Little Rock, Arkansas), 104 Curtain walls, xiii–xiv Closed structural systems, 20, 21 advent of, 5, 6 cable-strut, 77, 78 on exposed truss systems, 51 gridshells, 75 SGFs vs., 5, 7, 36 Coalition for Father Duffy, 245 unitized, 38 Coatings, 31 Curved glass, see Bent glass antireflective, 49 low-e (emissivity), 24, 25 D performance, 10, 25 Dannettel, Mark, 227, 228 reflective, 49 Da Silva Architects, 168 Codes, 31–32 Davis Langdon, 196 Cold forming, 29–30, 95 Davis, Neil, 245 Comcast Center (Philadelphia), 3 Deacon, 154 Compatibility of materials, 35 Dead-load cable, 57 Componentized systems: Deferred approval process, 150 gridshells, 76–77 Dematerialization of structure, xiii, xvi, 7, 48 space frames, 66, 68, 70, 71 Desert Bloom, Casino Morongo (Cabazon, Condé Nast (New York City), 28 California), 77 Connections: Design-assist strategy, 18 base, 109–111 Design-bid-build projects, 18 beam assembly end brackets, 115, 117–118 Design-build projects, 18, 70, 76 beam assembly pins, 112–116 Design drivers, xiii bolted point-fixed systems, 40–42, 94 Dewhurst, Laurence, 245 in cable-strut systems, 81 Dewhurst Macfarlane and Partners, 86, 110, 245, end wall, 110, 113, 114 256, 258 for glass, 109–118 D Haller, Inc., 168, 245 glass fin systems, 109 Diamont®, 25 midwall, 110–112 Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DSR), 232, 233 point-fixed clamped systems, 42–43 Dorf, Jessica, 245 in space frames, 68 Double-curved cable nets, 87–89, 91–92, 95–97 truss systems, 51 Double-glazed facades/windows, 26 502433bindex.indd 275 2/7/11 2:35:18 AM 276 Index Dry glazing, 32 Ennead Architects (Polshek Partnership D’Silva, Carl, 132 Architects), 104, 224, 225 DSR (Diller Scofidio + Renfro), 232, 233 Eric Owen Moss Architects, 28 Dulles Airport Main Terminal (Washington, D.C.), Expedition Engineering, 154, 161 58 DuPont, 106–108, 247 F Dutch Pavilion (Montreal Expo), 66 Fainsilber, Adrien, 12, 13, 50 Duthilleul, Jean-Marie, 185 Fairbrass, Mike, 154 Dutton, H., 50 Fang, Zhanxi, 245 Dworsky Associates, 80 FEA (finite element analysis), 41, 66 Fentress Bradburn Architects, 88, 91 E Ferris wheel (Chicago World’s Fair), 8 Eames, Charles, 47 Finishing (space frame components), 71 Eames, Ray, 47 Finite element analysis (FEA), 41, 66 Eames House (Los Angeles), 47 Fink trusses, 189 Eckelt Glas GmbH, 44, 208, 245, 248, 257 Fish trusses, 60 Eckersley O’Callaghan, 101 FJ Sciame Construction, 168 Eiffel Tower, 8 Flack + Kurtz Consulting Engineers, 132 Elara Engineering, 208 Flat cable nets: Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for assembly, 96–97 Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell deflection criteria for, 92 Research (Los Angeles), 195–206 glass fabrication for, 95 building structural system, 197 two-way, 86–87, 93 facade concept development, 202 Flat truss, 53 facade program, 197–205 Fleetguard Factory, 47 facade structure, 197–199 Float glass, 5, 23–25 glass system, 198–203 heat-treating, 102–105 installation strategy, 204–205 sizes of, 30 project delivery, 202, 204 Form-finding, 92 SentryGlas in, 107 Foster Associates, 9, 11, 108 sustainability strategies, 205 Framed glass systems, 7, 36–39 testing, 202 Frameless glass systems, xiv, 7, 36, 39–43 Eli and Edythe Broad Stage (Santa Monica, Framing (curtain walls), xiv, 5 California), 145–152 Francis, Martin, 10, 16, 50 building structural system, 147–148 The Freedom Forum, 224 facade concept development, 150 French National Railways, 185 facade program, 148–151 Frits, 31 facade structure, 148–150 FT (fully tempered) glass, 102, 103 glass system, 150 FTR International, Inc., 146 installation strategy, 151 Fuksas, Massimiliano, 74 project delivery, 150–151 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 9, 66, 68, 78, 79 sustainability strategies, 151 Fully tempered (FT) glass, 102, 103 Eliassen, Tim, 16–17 FXFowle Architects, 232, 233 Emmerich, David Georges, 78, 81 Enclos Corp, 120, 127, 128, 154, 208, 216, 224 End wall connections, 110, 113, 114 G Energy efficiency, 7–8 GANA (Glass Association of North America), 31 502433bindex.indd 276 2/7/11 2:35:18 AM Index 277 Garden Grove Church (Garden Grove, California), Glass mullion systems, 45, 108. See also Glass fin 11–12, 67 systems Gehry, Frank, 29 Glass systems, xv–xvi. See also Glazing Gehry Partners, 28 systems Geiger, David, 79 in curtain walls vs. SGFs, xiv Gensler, 120 framed, 7, 36–39 Geodesic biosphere dome (Expo ’67), 9 frameless, xiv, 7, 36, 39–43 Georgia Dome, 79 point-fixed, 7 Gerkan Marg and Partners (GMP), xv, 14, 15 point-supported frameless, 7 German Pavilion (Montreal Expo), 83 spanning requirements of, xiv GlasPro, 30, 120 Glass Umbrella (Culver City, California), 28 Glass, 23–32 Glass Walls (Les Serres), see The Serres (Parc architectural, xv de La Villette, Paris) as architectural material, 23 GlasWal Systems Limited, 146 as architecture, 2, 3 Glazing: bent, 28–30 bonded, xiv as building skin, 4–5 structural, xiv for cable nets, 95–96 Glazing systems, xiii, 32–44.
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