CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK ALBANIA <?*o \u26665337 LIBRARY *\u25a0 »-N \u2666 iyj r< // ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUAL n m K UNCLASSIFIED CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK ALBANIA UNCLASSIFIED - \u25a0[H|H||||||^^H[HB Dissemination of restricted matter. The information con­ taineair^eT t r icted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted * material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating X in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 18b, AR 380-5, 28 Sep 1942. ) JAN3UB HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES,22 DECEMBER 1943 ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUAL M-362 Civil Affairs UNCLASSIFIED CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK ALBANIA HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES,22 DECEMBER 1943 \u25a0? UNCLASSIFIED- Dissemination of restricted matter. The information con- tamed in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who cooperating >5 are in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 18b, \u2666 n 380-5, Sep CO AR 28 1942.) I UINwL/\owlrIlScLAring system of ARMY SERVICE FORGES MANUALS The main subject matter of each Army Service Forces Manual is indicated by consecutive numbering within the following categories: - Ml - M99 Basic and Advanced Training MIOO M199 Army Specialized Training Program and Pre-lnductlon - Training M2OO - M299 Personnel and Morale M3OO - M399 Civil Affairs M4OO - M499 Supply and Transportation M5OO - M599 Fiscal M6OO - M699 Procurement and Production M7OO - M799 Administration MBOO - M899 Miscellaneous M9OO up Equipment, Materiel, Housing and Construction * * * HEADQUARTERB, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, Washington 25, D. C, 22 December 1943. Army Service Forces Manual M 362 Civil Affairs Handbook:- Albania, has been prepared under the supervision of the Provost Marshal General, and Is published for the Information and guidance of all concerned. SPX 461 (21 Sep 43)T] command of Lieutenant General 80MERVELL: W. D. STYER, Major General, General Staff Corps, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, Adjutant General. &fr 0) <o UNCLASSIFIED i C9 SLllli±11*1*1lA*J>l£££l TOPICAL OUTLINE oiHOt 5^7 V b"W UNCLASSIFIED v\ \ 1. Geographical and Social Background 2. Qovexnnent and Administration 3. Legal Affairs 4. Governaient Finance 5. Honey and Banking 6* Natural Resources 7. Agriculture 8. Industry and Commerce 9* Labor 10* Public Works *&&Utilities 11. Transportation 12. Communications 13. Public Health and Sanitation 14. Public Safety 15* Education 16, Public Welfare 17, Cultural Institutions This study on Albania was prepared by the Liaison and Studies Branch of the MilitaryGovernment Division of the Provost Marshal General's Office from British and American sources. The limited scope of the subject matter to itadvisable to incorporate the various sections into v be covered has made A one handbook. n « UNCLASSIFIED INTOOTCTIOH 08e» of the OlTllAffalrgHandbook* The basic purposes of civil affairs officers are (l) to assist the Conmanding General ty quickly establishing those orderly conditions which will contribute nost effectively to the conduct of military operations, (2) to reduce to a minimus the human suffering and the material damage resulting from disorder and (3) to create the conditions which, willmake it possible for civilian agencies to function effectively* The preparation of Civil Affairs Handbooks Is a part of the effort to carry out these responsibilities as efficiently and humanely as possible* The Handbooks do not deal with plans or policies (which willdepend upon changing and unpredictable developments)* It should be clearly understood that they do not imply any given officialprogram of action* They are rather ready reference source books containing the basic factual information needed for planning and policy making* This study on Albania was prepared ty the LIAISON AND STUDIES BRANCH of the MILITARY GOVERitoiENT DIVISION of the PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL1S OFFICE from British and American sources. The limited scope of the subject matter to be covered has made it advisable to incorporate the various sections into one handbook. OFFICERS USING- THIS MATERIAL ABE REQUESTED TO MAO SUOGESTIOKS INDICATING THE REVISIONS OE ADDITIONS WHICH WOULD MAO THIS MATERIAL MORE USEFUL FOB THEIR PURPOSES. THESE CRITICISMS SHOULD BE SBTT TO THE CHIEF 07 THE LIAI9OH AND STUDIES BRANCH, MILITAHT GOVERNMENT DIVISION, FMGO 2807 MUNITIONS BUILDING, WASHINGTON (25) D. C. o 4 RESTRICTED 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ALBANIA Page a. Geography 1 (1) Area and Position 1 (2) Topography 1 (3) Climate 4 b. Historical and Social Background 5 (1) Population 5 (2) Race, Language, Religion 6 (3) Recent History 10 c. Government and Administration 16 (l) The Lushnje Constitution 16 (2) Monarchical Constitution of 1928 18 (3) The Executive Power 19 (4) The Council of Ministers 20 (5) The Legislative Power 21 (6) Council of State 22 (7) Council of Control 25 (8) Amendments 24 (9) Actual Governmental Practice 24 (i) Government interference with justice 25 (ii) The King's use of personal discrimi­ nation as a method of rule 27 * --ii Page (iii) Corruption 29 (iv) The complaisancy of Parliament to the King 33 (v) The artificial nature nf Elections 34 (vi) The slow execution of projects rerolved upon by Parliament 55 (10) Central Administration 35 (i) CivilHouse of the Royal Court 36 (ii) The Military House 36 (iii) Ministries 57 (iv) Non-Ministerial Departments 57 (v) Centre and Provinces 58 (11) Local Administration 58 (i) Prefectures 58 (ii) Sub-prefectures 59 (iii) Communes 4D (iv) Communal President and Secretary 40 (v) Municipalities 41 (vi) Villages 41 d. Judicial System 42 c. Public Safety 47 f• General Economic Conditions 48 a o « (l) Albania and the League of Nations, 1920-25. 49 (2) The Growth of Italian Influence, 1925-39. 50 i 111 Page (3) The Italian Occupation, 1939. ss (4) Currency 54 (5) Foreign Trade 67 (i) General course of foreign trade 57 (ii) Geographical distribution of Albania's trade 58 (iii) Principal imports and exports 60 g. Natural Resources 62 (1) Mining 62 (i) Metallic Minerals 62 (ii) Non-metallic minerals 63 (2) Forestry 66 h. Agriculture 67 (1) Land utilisation and farm ownership 67 (2) Cereals, vegetables and fruit 69 (3) Industrial crops 69 (4) Agricultural imports and exports and degree of self-sufficiency 70 (5) Livestock 70 (6) Recent Developments 71 i. Industry 76 (1) Manufacturing Industries 76 (2) Supply of Electricity 77 4 •B (5)* ' \u0084., 80 1 Fisheries . sat.,--.****** •\u25a0'\u25a0'"*\u25a0•*\u2666 w --iv Page (4) Labor Conditions 80 (i) Wages and Hours 80 (ii) Compulsory Road Labor 82 (iii) Labor Organisations 82 (iv) Social Insurance 83 (v) Foreign Workers 84 3- Transportation and Communication 84 (l) Shipping 84 (2) Railroads 85 (3) Air Transportation 85 (4) Roads 86 (5) Ports 89 (6) Radio 89 (7) Telegraph and Telephone 92 (8) Press 95 k. Public Health and Sanitation 99 (1) Organisation of Public Health Department 99 (2) Medical Facilities 104 (i) Hospitals 104 (ii) Albanian Red Cross 107 (iii) Specialised Institutions 109 (iv) c Medical Practitioners 110 v •o o (v) Expenditures 112 M Public Health \u2666 09 o I \u25a0* <N *»'*• '* V Page (3) Prevalent Diseases 115 (i) Malaria 113 (ii) Anthrax 117 (iii) Cholera 117 (iv) Dengue 118 (v) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 118 (vi) Fievre boutonneuse 118 (vii) Helminthiases 118 (viii) Intestinal Infections 119 (ix) Plague 119 (x) Rabies 119 (xi) Relapsing Fever 119 (xii) Sandfly Fever 120 (xiii) Scabies 120 (xiv) Trachoma 120 (xv) Trench Fever 120 (xvi) Tuberculosis 120 (xvii) Typhus 120 (xviii) Undulant Fever 121 (xix) Venereal Diseases 121 (xx) Yellow Fever 121 (4) Insects and Animals of Importance to Man 121 (i) Mosquitoes 121 (ii) Lice 125 m \u25a0*#w •+\u25a0\u25a0 jsF7fr --vi Page (iii) Flies 124 (iv) Ticks and Mites 124 (v) Fleas 125 (vi) Rodents 125 (vii) Snakes 125 (viii) Scorpions 125 (ix) Pests 125 (5) Water and Sewage 126 (6) Food and Dairy Products inRelation to Health 126 (7) Miscellaneous Problems of Sanitation 127 (8) Precautions for Military Personnel 128 (i) Water Supply 128 (ii) Sewage 128 (iii) Malaria Control 129 (iv) Typhus 129 (v) Food and Food Handlers 130 (vi) Venereal Diseases 131 1. Education 157 (1) Before Independence 137 (2) 1920 - 1934 138 (3) Organic Decree Law of Education, 1934 159 (4) The Near East Foundation 140 (5) Girls' School 142 (6) The Ministry of Education 144 (7) Elementary Education * 145 VII Page (8) Teaching Personnel 146 (9) School Buildings 147 (10) Secondary Education 148 (11) National Education (Enti Kombetar) 150 (12) The Scholarship System 152 (13) National Libraries and the National Museum 154 (14) Changes made in 1958-9 155 156 (15) Feminine Education - (16) Summary of Progress, 1920 1958 157 Supplement on the Protection of the Historic and Religious Monuments of Albania 158 Schedule of Towns and Principal Inhabitated Places 167 TABLES Foreign Trade, 1927-59 57 Table I. t Table 11. Geographical Distribution of Import Trade, 1957-58 59 Table 111. Geographical Distribution of Export Trade, 1957-58 60 a v a 4 o N m VIII TABLES Page Table IV. Imports of Principal Commodities ,1938-39 61 Table V. Exports of Principal Commodities, 1938-39 61 Table VI. Production and Export of Crude Oil, 1936-39 65 Table VII. Production of Principal Agricultural Crops, 1937-39 74 Table VIII. Land Utilization, 1938 75 Table IX. Livestock Population, 1938 75 Table X. Power Stations 77 Table XI. Mortality and Infant Mortality Rates 132 Table XII, Spleen Rates where no Antilarval Notk 133 Table XIII. Spleen and Parasite Rates, November 1939 134 Table XIV.
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