SAO "LONG PAULO LEGS" LEADS SENSA­ BRAZIL TIO N RACE OF YEAR Published every week in the interests of Maurice Ahern, Editor Fox Box-Office activities around the globe. VOL. 3 JUNE 20, 1931 No. 25 //y an kee II Breaks Japanese Record Harley L. Clarke SENSATION AT T AISHOKAN THEATRE IN TOKIO Re-elected President TOKIO-Will Rogers in "Yankee at King Arthur's Court" has com­ STOCKHOLDERS APPROVE pletely won the hearts and applause REGIME UNANIMOUSLY­ NEW FOX FILM of the Japanese public and is rated NEW BOARD CHOSEN as the biggest hit which has been pre­ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEW YORK-The stockholders sented in Japan in recent years. Following is the personnel of the Board of Directors of Fox Film Cor­ of Fox Film Corporation at their an­ poration elected at the annual meet­ Opening June 14th at the Taishokan nual meeting last week in this city theatre in this city which has lately been ing in New York last week : acquired by the powerful Shochiku circuit Harley L. Clarke, President Fox Film gave their unanimous approval to Corporation, "Yankee" from the opening performance President Harley L. Clarke and his has been packing them in and has already Albert H . Wiggin, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Chase regime and the officers of the corpora­ set up a new mark for this beautiful play­ National Bank of the City of house which is the newest, largest and most New York, tion who have so successfully guided up to date in the country. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Capitalist, New the destinies of the corporation dur­ York, A long run is predicted on all sides and ing the past year were again chosen Philip R . Clarke, President of the the rest of the theatres throughout the Central Trust Company of Il­ to carry on during 1931-32. Several country are already clamoring loudly for linois, Chicago, new members were also added to the playdates. Frank 0. Watts, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the First board of directors at the annual meet­ The Japanese press was especially en­ National Bank of St. Louis, ing which makes it one of the strong­ thusiastic over the work of Rogers who is George M. Moffett, President of the est and most representative line-ups immensely popular in this country and Corn Products Refining Com­ agreed with the critics in other parts of the pany, possessed by any corporation. world that "Yankee" represents his great­ Matthew C. Brush, President Ameri­ President Clarke in his address to est work so far. They rated it the ace in a can International Corporation, the stockholders said in part the fol­ string of aces which included "They Had C. W . Higley, President Hanover Fire Insurance Company, lowing: To See Paris," "So This Is London" and Winfield Sheehan, Vice President and "The motion picture industry has "Lightnin'." General Manager Fox Film not been immune from the effects of Corp. a business depression lasting nea1·ly David K . E. Bruce, two years. Fortunately, it suffered less than almost any other business. Lionel Barrymore To Appear Edward R. Tinker, President Inter­ The prospect of the business has not state Equities Corporation, found it necessary to take drastic Opposite Elissa Landi Samuel W . Fordyce, Fordyce, Holli­ steps of r etrenchment that would day and White, Attorneys. handicap production and impair the HOLLYWOOD-Lionel Barrymore has value of its product, but every prac­ been signed for the role of a villainous tical economy within these limits has Russian Baron in "The Yellow Ticket," been effected. Under our system of Fox Film starring Elissa Landi. "JUST IMAGINE" PREMIERES budgeting production it is expected t hat more than $3,000,000 a year can David Manners will enact the romantic IN HOLLAND be saved. This plan has been in ef­ lead opposite Miss Landi, that of an Amer­ fect for more than five months, and AMSTERDAM-Premiere performances ican newspaper correspondent. 1931 should fully reflect its benefits. of "Just Imagine" in the principal cities "There are signs of business im­ " The Yellow Ticket," which will be di­ of Holland have been set. It will open dur­ provement. The motion picture in­ rected by Alfred Santell, is adapted from ing the third week in June in the Roxy the­ dustry should continue in a more favored position than that of the av­ Michael Morton's sensational play which atre in this city, the City theatre in the erage business and should respond created a sensation when it was produced Hague and the Thalia theatre in Rotter­ quickly to any fundamental improve­ on the stage. dam. ment in basic conditions." world wide news SAO PAULO TAKES LEAD IN BRAZILIAN RACE + RIO JANEIRO-The Brazilian Movietone News Sales Contest is becoming more and more interesting as the branches shuffle around. E'ntering t he first week of June Sao Paulo has grabbed the lead from Rio de Janeiro whi ch has held f irst position si nce the beginning. Rio however did not give up the lead without a struggle and has served notice that it won't be long before it is back again on t op of the perch. The other branches have not changed positions much but the entire race is tightening up and has become a solid pack hustling down the stretch to t he finish. PREVIOUS WEEK PRESENT WEEK RESULTS UP TO 5-29-31 Elissa Landi doesn' t look so "Wicked" Branches Branches Branches here, does she? Champions 1. S. PAULO SAO PAULO SAO PAULO Leading Broadway Ju nnile 2. RIO DE JANEIRO RIO DE JANEIRO RIO DE JANEIRO Signed By Fox Films 3. RECIFE RECIFE RECIFE NEW YORK-Edward Crandall, who re­ ceived critical plaudits for his work as t he Placers juvenile in "Give Me Yesterday," has been 4. PORTO ALEGRE PORTO ALEGRE PORTO ALEGRE signed to a Fox co ntract. Still in his eal'ly 5. BELLO HORIZONTE BELLO HOR!ZONTE BELLO HORIZONTE twenties, Mr. Crandall has had eight years 6. JUIZ DE FORA RIBEIRAO PRETO JUIZ DE FORA of acting experience and has become one of the leading dramatic juveniles of the New York stage. Trailers He is the son of E. H. Crandall , owner of the Mayfair and other exclusive hotels, 7. BAHIA SOLADADE RIBEIRAO PRETO and is the first member of his family to 8. SOLEDADE BAHIA BAHIA become an actor. His father never OPI!Osed 9. RIBEIRAO PRETO JUIZ DE FORA SOLED ADE his stage ambitions. I Mr. Crandall was educated at Hackley School at Tarrytown, N. Y . ., and at Uni­ versity Co ll ege, Oxford. While attending Oxford he joined the '0.U.D.S., leading Broadway Heat June Month dramatic society of the university, and be­ came inter ested enough in acting to decide upon it as his career. Student members of Means Nothing Rushing Along the society had an unusual advantage over most amateur actors; the feminine roles of II their productions were enacted by London To "L ong Legs To High Mark stage stars. His first part in New York was in David NEW YORK-The last two weeks have NEW YORK-Reports coming in to the Belasco's production of " The Merchant Of been the hottest Broadway has known this Head Office from overseas branches for Venice," staning David Warfield. In the year but that didn't mean a thing to " Dad­ same year he played in "Thank You," dy Long Legs" at the Roxy although other the first two weeks of the month of June "New Brooms," "Ostriches" and "The theatres suffered greatly. indicate that new marks will be set in many Loves of Lulu." This Janet Gaynor smash hung up the localities for this great clean up month of Critics took special notice of his work in best box office records for a year in the the season. "Young Woodley," in which he played sec­ two weeks of its run and co uld undoubted­ ond lead to Gl enn Hunter. ly have played an extended engagement if Especially from the Spanish speaking Mr. Crandall and Kay Francis, screen it were not fo1· the new r ule at the Roxy co untries where the Fox Dialogue pictures star, bear a marked resemblance to each which limits engagements to two weeks. are cleaning up are the reports most favor­ other and might pass for brother and sist er. The phenomenal success of "Long Legs" They were cast in "Venus" by Rachael able. Argentine is looking forward to set­ all over the country has resulted in holding ting a mark for June that will take years Crothers because they looked alike. up release of "Annabelle's Affairs" which The n ew Fox player has played juvenile was due to foll ow it at all the deluxe the­ to approach. The same is true of Spain, leads with Ina Claire in "Our Betters"; atres. Cuba, Mexico, Porto Rico and Panama. with Mary Boland - in "Heavy Traffic"; with Peggy Hopkins Joyce in "Lady of the Orchids," and with Miriam Hopkins in " His M ajesty's Car." • • • BIG CONTRACT Old Court House R eproduced NEW YORK-One of the longest term film contracts ever negotiated, has been signed by Fox Film Corporation for the showing of all its pictures for a ten year HOLLYWOOD-A repli ca of New York's period bei;rinning August 1931 in the one hundred and thirty six theatres of the well known J efferson Market Court-the old building- was built at the Fox Film Famous Players Canadian Corporation, Ltd. Studios for "The Brat," which John Ford The contract provides for the annual showing of 48 feature pictures and 104 is directing.
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