® Effective October 12, 2020 COAST STARLIGHT serving SEATTLE - TACOMA - PORTLAND - EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD - SACRAMENTO - SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA - SANTA BARBARA - LOS ANGELES and intermediate stations Amtrak.com BOOK TRAVEL, CHECK TRAIN STATUS, ACCESS YOUR ETICKET AND MORE THROUGH THE Amtrak app. 1-800-USA-RAIL Service on the Coast Starlight® 11 3Train Number4 14 R Coaches: Reservations required. As indicated in column 3Normal Days of Operation4 TuThSa B Business class service available. Reservations required. For R B s r R B s r more information visit Amtrak.com/business-class. 3On Board Service4 s Private rooms. For more information, visit Amtrak.com/rooms. y l O y l O r Dining service: For more information, visit Amtrak.com/dining. Read Down Mile Symbol Read Up y Café service: For more information, visit Amtrak.com/cafe. 6 5 l b Amtrak Thruway Connection—Vancouver, BC/Seattle, WA Checked baggage at select stations. O On Board Bicycle Racks: We offer a number of different ∑w- l9 45A MoWeSa 0 Dp Seattle, WA (Victoria, BC i)(PT) Ar l7 56P TuThSa services to transport your bike onboard on most routes. Each l10 37A MoWeSa 39 Tacoma, WA ∑w- p l6 50P TuThSa train has different equipment and loading procedures that dictate 11 27A MoWeSa 75 Olympia-Lacey, WA >w- 6 01P TuThSa what service will be offered. Reservations are required and l11 51A MoWeSa 94 Centralia, WA ∑w- 5 36P TuThSa additional charges apply. Visit Amtrak.com/bikes for all the 12 35P MoWeSa 137 Kelso-Longview, WA >w- 4 51P TuThSa details before you book your trip. l1 18P MoWeSa 177 q Vancouver, WA ∑w- l4 16P TuThSa 1 Caltrain rail commuter service available between San Jose and l2 00P MoWeSa 187 Ar Portland, OR ∑w-u Dp l3 56P TuThSa San Francisco, San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, Gilroy and l2 25P MoWeSa Dp b Pendleton, Boise—see pg. 2 Ar l3 32P TuThSa other Peninsula points. Separate ticket required. l3 37P MoWeSa 239 Salem, OR ∑w- p l1 55P TuThSa l4 10P MoWeSa 267 Albany, OR ∑w- l1 22P TuThSa All Amtrak services and stations are non-smoking. l ∑w- l 5 10P MoWeSa 310 Eugene-Springfield, OR 12 36P TuThSa See page 2 for Thruway Connections; page 3 for Airport b Ontario, Coos Bay— see page 2 Connections and other amenities. 8 08P MoWeSa 432 Chemult, OR >v 9 32A TuThSa b Redmond, Bend—see pg. 2 l10 00P MoWeSa 505 Klamath Falls, OR ∑w l8 17A TuThSa SHADING KEY b Crater Lake—see page 2 Overnight train Connecting train Thruway and connecting services b Brookings—see page 2 12 35A TuThSu 610 Dunsmuir, CA (Mt. Shasta) >w 4 56A TuThSa 2 21A TuThSu 665 Redding, CA >w 3 06A TuThSa 3 50A TuThSu 739 Chico, CA >v 1 47A TuThSa COAST STARLIGHT ROUTE MAP and SYMBOLS l6 35A TuThSu 824 Sacramento, CA ∑w- l11 59P MoWeFr l6 50A TuThSu 837 q Davis, CA ∑w- l11 25P MoWeFr SSeattle,eattle, W WAA SESEATTLEATTLE l7 34A TuThSu 881 Dp Martinez, CA ∑w- l10 46P MoWeFr TTaaccoma,oma, W WAA 4 Olympia-Lacey, WA l ∑w- l Olympia-Lacey, WA 8 10A TuThSu 908 Ar Emeryville, CA Dp 10 04P MoWeFr CentCentralia,ralia, W WAA b8 30A TuThSu 0 Dp Emeryville, CA ∑w- Ar b9 35P MoWeFr KKelso-elso-LongvieLongvieww, W, WAA San Francisco, CA b VVananccououvveer,r ,W WAA >w PPortland,ortland, OR OR bD9 00A TuThSu 9 Ar –Salesforce Plaza Dp b9 00P MoWeFr Salem, OR b >w b Salem, OR D9 10A TuThSu 10 Ar –Financial District, Hyatt Reg. Dp 8 40P MoWeFr AlbanAlbany,y OR, OR LOS ANGELES b9 25A TuThSu 12 Ar –Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 >w Dp b8 25P MoWeFr EuEuggeneene-Springfield,-Springfield, OR OR LOS ANGELES l ∑w- l Chemult,Chemult, OR OR 4 8 20A TuThSu Dp Emeryville, CA Ar 4 9 54P MoWeFr KlamathKlamath F Falls,alls, OR OR l8 35A TuThSu 913 Ar Oakland, CA–Jack London Sq. ∑w- Dp l9 39P MoWeFr Dunsmuir, CA Dunsmuir, CA Coast Starlight® b Redding, CA Coast Starlight® San Francisco, CA Redding, CA Other Amtrak Train Routes b7 00A TuThSu 0 Dp –Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 >w Ar bD10 45P MoWeFr ChiChicoc,o CA, CA Other Amtrak Train Routes Sacramento, CA b >w b Sacramento, CA 7 20A TuThSu 2 Dp –Financial District, Hyatt Reg. Ar 10 30P MoWeFr Davis, CA Davis, CA b7 35A TuThSu 3 Dp –Salesforce Plaza >w Ar bD10 15P MoWeFr Martinez, CA SYMBOLS KEY Martinez, CA b8 15A TuThSu 12 Ar Oakland, CA–Jack London Sq. ∑w- Dp b9 45P MoWeFr Emeryville, CA D Stops only to discharge passengers; train Oakland, CA Emeryville, CA 4 l8 50A TuThSu 913 Dp Oakland, CA ∑w- Ar l9 24P MoWeFr Oakland, CA –Jack London Sq. San Jose, CA may leave before time shown. l9 55A TuThSu 954 Ar San Jose, CA (Caltrain) ∑w- Dp l8 23P MoWeFr Salinas, CA San Jose, CA Salinas, CA R Stops only to receive passengers. l10 07A TuThSu Dp 1 Ar l8 11P MoWeFr Paso Robles, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Paso Robles, CA MT Mountain time l11 48A TuThSu 1021 Salinas, CA ∑w l6 28P MoWeFr San Luis Obispo, CA p Santa Barbara, CA PT Pacific time 1 38P TuThSu 1119 Paso Robles, CA >w 4 37P MoWeFr Oxnard, CA Santa Barbara, CA b Oxnard, CA Bus stop l3 20P TuThSu 1157 San Luis Obispo, CA (Morro Bay) ∑w- l3 35P MoWeFr Simi Valley, CA p Van Nuys, CA Simi Valley, CA Airport connection l6 02P TuThSu 1274 Santa Barbara, CA ∑w- l12 40P MoWeFr Van Nuys, CA Burbank-Bob Hope i Ferry connection ∑w- Los Angeles, CA Airport,Burbank-Bob CA Hope lD7 05P TuThSu 1310 q Oxnard, CA l11 44A MoWeFr Los Angeles, CA Airport, CA - Quik-Trak self-serve ticketing kiosk D7 48P TuThSu 1341 Ar Simi Valley, CA >v R11 11A MoWeFr u Amtrak Lounge available. Visit lD8 22P TuThSu 1358 Ar Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station ∑w- lR10 40A MoWeFr Amtrak.com/station-lounges D8 31P TuThSu 1363 Ar Burbank Airport, CA–South p >w- R10 29A MoWeFr > Unstaffed station l9 00P TuThSu 1377 Ar Los Angeles, CA p (PT) ∑w-u Dp l10 10A MoWeFr ∑ Staffed ticket office; may or may not be 796 Connecting Train Number 763 open for all train departures w Station wheelchair accessible; no barriers Daily Days of Operation Daily between station and train l10 22P TuThSu 1377 Dp Los Angeles, CA p (PT) ∑w-u Ar l8 51A MoWeFr v Station wheelchair accessible; not all l10 53P TuThSu 1403 Ar Fullerton, CA ∑w- p l8 16A MoWeFr station facilities accessible l11 01P TuThSu 1409 Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®) ∑w- l8 08A MoWeFr l11 10P TuThSu 1413 Santa Ana, CA ∑w- l7 59A MoWeFr 11 21P TuThSu 1423 Irvine, CA ∑w- 7 48A MoWeFr 11 36P TuThSu 1435 San Juan Capistrano, CA ∑w- 7 30A MoWeFr CORONAVIRUS TRAVEL INFORMATION l12 10A MoWeFr 1464 Oceanside, CA ∑w- l6 57A MoWeFr 12 26A MoWeFr 1480 q Solana Beach, CA ∑w- 6 33A MoWeFr Amtrak is setting a new standard of travel. To stay updated L12 54A MoWeFr 1505 Dp San Diego, CA–Old Town >w- Dp 6 02A MoWeFr on the latest news and important information on Amtrak l1 15A MoWeFr 1508 Ar –Santa Fe Depot p (PT) ∑w- Dp l5 55A MoWeFr services during the coronavirus pandemic, visit SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/12/20 Amtrak.com/coronavirus. Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 1 One Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20001. NRPC Form P11–Internet only–10/12/20. Schedules subject to change without notice. ® Effective October 12, 2020 COAST STARLIGHT serving SEATTLE - TACOMA - PORTLAND - EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD - SACRAMENTO - SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA - SANTA BARBARA - LOS ANGELES and intermediate stations Amtrak.com BOOK TRAVEL, CHECK TRAIN STATUS, ACCESS YOUR ETICKET AND MORE THROUGH THE Amtrak app. 1-800-USA-RAIL Thruway Connections Chemult • Bend • Redmond/Burns • Ontario Brookings • Medford • Klamath Falls (SouthWest POINT) (Pacific Crest Bus Lines Chemult-Bend-Redmond and Eastern POINT Bend-Ontario) 8611 Thruway Number 8644 14 11 Connecting Train Number 14 11 Mo-Fr Mile 6 Days of Operation Symbol 5 Mo-Fr 10 45A 0 Dp Brookings, OR (PT) >w Ar 5 25P 6214/ 6211 Thruway Number 6114 8410/ 8309* 6111* 11 00A 13 Smith River, CA >w p 5 10P Daily Daily Mile Days of Operation Symbol Daily Daily 11 25A 27 Crescent City, CA >w 4 45P 6 5 >w >v 11 40A 37 Hiouchi, CA 4 30P 9 40A 8 10P 0 Dp Chemult, OR (PT) Ar 9 10A 7 40P >w –Amtrak Station 11 55A 46 Gasquet, CA 4 15P >w 10 20A 8 50P 35 La Pine, OR >w 8 10A 6 40P 12 40P 73 O’Brien, CA 3 30P p 12 55P 81 Cave Junction, OR >w 3 15P 10 40A 9 15P 51 Sunriver, OR >w 7 45A 6 15P Medford, OR 11 10A 9 45P 65 Bend, OR >w 7 10A 5 40P q 11 40A 146 Ar –Rogue Valley Airport p >w Dp 4 20P 11 45A 82 Ar p >w Dp 6 30A 10 30P Redmond, OR-Air. 5 00P 212 10P 150 Ar –Greyhound Station >w Dp 24 00P 1 40P 0 Dp Bend, OR >w Ar 12 55P >w NOTE—Connecting transportation between Cave Junction, OR and Medford, OR 2 35P 42 Brothers, OR p 12 10P provided by Josephine County Transit. Amtrak tickets honored for free transfers. 2 45P 63 Hampton, OR >w 11 50A 3 25P 109 Riley, OR >w 11 10A 8711 Thruway Number 8714 4 10P 136 Burns, OR >w 10 40A 4 40P 159 Buchanan, OR >w 9 55A Daily Mile 6 Days of Operation 5 Daily 4 55P 177 Drewsey, OR (PT) >w 9 35A Ashland, OR >w Ar 12 35P 6 10P 193 Juntura, OR (MT) >w 10 25A 23 30P 0 Dp Medford, OR–Greyhound Station >w Ar 212 10P 6 40P 227 Harper, OR >w 9 50A 3 55P 29 Medford, OR–Rogue Valley Air.
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